53 | Remember To Forget
"When did you move to Egypt?" Aunty Asma'u asked.
Hamza and I agreed to move after the birth of Junaid so we'd be closer to our families. I found out I was two weeks pregnant after three months of our marriage so we decided to stay in Japan for a year.
Before his death, we requested for a transfer to another country and the closest we could get was Egypt so he accepted it. Who knew Egypt would never meet the face of my handsome soldier Junaid?
"Some days ago. How is Uncle Hakeem?"
"Aaah that's good. How was your flight?"
"It was stressful. I slept throughout. Uncle Hakeem told me about his clothing line. I like the idea. But..." I trailed, "Aunty Asmau don't you think you should set up something for yourself? Even if it's a small shop you'll rent to sell things in it."
"I've been thinking about it but I don't know if your uncle will like the idea. I want to sell electronics. I already have the money to buy the shop, the phones and laptops but I'm scared to hear his reaction."
"Aunty Asma'u don't think. Just tell him and if he doesn't agree I'll beg on your behalf. He has a good heart. I know he'll listen to you. Also he's so in love with you."
"Shut up. Ke yarinyan nan ba ki da kunya." She laughed.
"I'm just saying the truth."
"Toh I'm going to have to end the call now. I have to go and make dinner before your ogre of an uncle comes back. I'll call you some other time."
"Goodbye. My regards to uncle Hakeem."
I dropped the phone on the nightstand and layed down properly on the bed, imagining how I would've been if I ended up with Haidar.
Would I have been the widow in Nadiya's place? Or the wife of a movie producer that was nothing like I thought he'd be?
I said widow because it was written in the stars for him to die, for me to never marry him and for all our lives to remain this whirlwind of a blinding blizzard.
I may sound insensitive but that was just how I felt. Feeling sympathy would've come easy but I'm one to hold grudges despite how easily I forgive.
I mean, I didn't love him but the fact that he lured me with soothing words to actually agree to marry him, only for him to choose Nadiya in the end destroyed me at that moment. I'd like to say Nadiya also has a hand in it but as usual, I have no evidence.
As for Haidar, his case is a closed chapter but I pray Jannah is his final abode and so shall it be ours Insha Allah.
And Nadiya, I hope she never sees anything good in her life. Jail should just be her final resting home beside her mother in the same cell. Wouldn't that be funny?
Maybe for once I'll have peace with all my enemies locked up in a cage far away from me and my eternal half.
My phone rang but I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone longer than five minutes so I didn't answer. After two rings the caller got tired and left a message. I checked and saw it was from Hamza.
Fari🥀 [14:40 18/04/26]: Baby what's wrong? You're not picking up my calls. I wish you were out here with me.
Since we relocated to Egypt I have refused to go anywhere. The air smelt fresh and the people were amiable just that I didn't feel like being social anymore. I just wanted to focus on my writing and developing Lilly puts.
Zinariya😻 [14:45 18/04/26]: I'm alright. I was just too lazy to pick the call. I thought it was just a random caller. I would've answered if I knew it was you. I'm sorry boo.
As expected, he replied instantly.
Fari🥀 [14:46 18/04/26]: That's fine babe. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner later so that I could make reservations.
Zinariya😻 [14:48 18/04/26]: I was thinking about it but I'd like to go tomorrow. Please can you take me to Azeema's house as well? In the afternoon of course.
Fari🥀 [14:50 18/04/26]: Alright then but who's Azeema?
Zinariya😻 [14:52 18/04/26]: Azeema is a close friend I met in Dubai. She moved here after we graduated. Please will you drive me there😙
Fari🥀 [14:53 18/04/26]: I will. It's not a problem.
I switched off my phone and slept for the remainder of the time since Hamza was at work.
Hours later I woke up.
"Yes madam." She answered through the landline.
"What did you cook today for lunch?" I inquired.
"It's dinner time madam."
For how long did I sleep?
"Oh wow. What did you make?"
On days I was busy, I usually asked the chef to cook for us but I regularly cooked as it was to be done in accordance to my wifely duties.
"I cooked basmati rice and curried chicken."
"That's good. Please bring me some upstairs with a glass of mango juice."
I decided to scroll through my Twitter feeds to while away time before she brought my food.
Immediately I turned on my phone I saw a missed call from Azeema but decided to call her after eating my dinner.
I notice an account followed me but I didn't follow back as it was one of Hamza's exes; Zainab. I went ahead to view her account to see what she was like.
Sanura interrupted my semi-stalking moment with a knock and I called her in.
"Just drop it on the center table. Also make sure you eat before you sleep." She did as she was told before she exited the room.
I continued my CID work after she left and ate simultaneously. Hamza called to inform me that he was coming home now so I called Sanura to bring his food upstairs before he arrived.
She brought it some minutes before he returned home. I managed to migrate to Instagram since she left her social media handles in her bio. She wasn't on private so I was able to view her account.
"Babe! What are you engrossed in that you didn't hear me?" Hamza asked.
I was so scared when I heard his voice. His entrance wasn't even heard. I had no idea that he was back but I got up nonetheless and gave home a hug before taking his Zanna Bukar off his head together with his wristwatch to drop them in their respective places.
"Go and freshen up before you come back and eat."
"Ok." He smiled before disappearing into the bathroom.
He comes back long after I finished ended my investigation. I started with Twitter then moved to Instagram before settling in Facebook where I saw she was friends with Nadiya.
If she's friends with that woman then she has to be bad news. I left it at that and waited for Hamza to come out so that we could eat together.
He came back out in black sweatpants and a hoodie since it was a bit cold today.
"Let me feed you." I offered as I moved closer to him on the couch.
He smiled and the dimple on his right cheek was visible. It was one of his features that I noticed late but I fell in love with it at first sight.
I fed him like the baby-my baby that he was but in return he offered to feed me too so we devoured our food in no time.
After that, Sanura came and cleared the table.
Hamza stood up from the couch, stretching his hands out to me, "Come to bed with me."
"Ok." I held his hands and he pulled me to go and lie with him.
He played with loose curls that had fallen out of my ribbon. Suddenly I remembered Azeema! I picked up my phone and called her.
She answered on the first ring.
"Aaliyah! You finally called. How are you? I've missed you."
"I've missed you too. How are you?"
She coughed, "I'm...ok."
"Ok is not good. Is something wrong?"
I heard her sniff and the line went dead.
I called her but her number wasn't available.
"Is she the one you're visiting tomorrow?"
"Yes. I think something is wrong. We just spoke but her line is..."
She called back but she was whispering now.
"What's up? Are you ok?"
"Sorry, I had to move to the bathroom so he wouldn't hear me. There's so much that I want to tell you but not tonight. Let's meet somewhere tomorrow since then we'll talk. It'll be safer for me."
"Ok. No problem. Just pick a place."
"How about The Lunch House?"
I quickly checked Google maps since the call was on speaker.
"That place is ok. Is two ok for you?"
"No. Let's meet in the morning. That's when he goes to work."
"Ok. Ten?"
"Yes please. Goodnight."
The line went dead before I could reply.
"I told you something was wrong. Her husband must be tormenting her!" I concluded.
"Don't make assumptions. Wait for her to explain tomorrow."
"I'm just saying. I feel it in my guts. You know a woman's intuition is never wrong."
"You and your women philosophy quotes. Anyways I want you to be resting. You work too much. I see you writing and sending out orders. From my point of view you look mad. Live a little. Let's go somewhere this weekend and not tell anyone." He laughed.
"Sleep joor! We just came back from a trip and you're telling me to go on another one with you. You're not serious."
"I am. Wallahi if I could kidnap you for another getaway I'd do it."
"Goodnight. This is not negotiable." I smiled, sticking my tongue out, knowing that I'd already won the argument before rolling to my side of the bed.
Yes, women are the law!
Argue with facts and you'll leave a man defeated, a great feminist once said.
Today I woke up earlier than I was supposed to. Maybe because I was anxious about meeting with Azeema.
Hamza and I prayed together as usual and said the Azkar before going back to sleep only for us to be waking up to Azeema's calls.
I urged him to take a bath first so I'd sleep longer before I'd do the same.
We took turns in getting ready before I sent an apology to Azeema and promised to be there in nothing short of thirty minutes.
Hamza drove me there with the guidance of his GPS. We got there after a few stops to ask a few people whenever we got confused.
I tried to call Azeema once we arrived but she declined and she emerged from a sit that was a bit far from the entrance.
It was an outdoor eatry so it was easy to take notice of your surroundings and those around.
She ran towards me and pulled me in a tight hug before pulling away and greeting Hamza.
He went back home from there to wait for me to finish whatever engagement I had here so we'd go to shop for groceries later.
We found a sit and sat down. She didn't speak at first. Tears spilled in slow motion from both eyes and she had to keep wiping it with a napkin before she found the moment to speak finally.
"He has become a monster." Was her first remark.
"What happened?"
"He changed after we moved here. Now he drinks and comes back late at night. He even brings back women on some nights to sleep in his room. On those nights, he would send me to the guest room where I'd stay awake because I'd suddenly become an insomniac."
"It was disgusting. I'd hear pleasure noises from his room as he touched another woman on our bed. The next morning he'd forget due to the hangover and would hit me for not stopping him from doing it. He acts as if I'm his Messiah who's supposed to save him from whatever wrong he wanted to commit."
"I didn't understand him. My mother believes we're the perfect couple. She thought I'd right her wrong by marrying the right man and staying with him for the rest of my life unlike her but this isn't the case. On some nights, he'd come back sober but he'd complain about the food I cooked then he'd use a whip to beat me for hours before forcing himself on me."
"I called a cook to handle the food but it still wasn't appealing to him. I thought of suicide but that hasn't helped anyone. I'll meet Allah and I'd have to explain why I made such a decision. Remember I had to kids?" She asked.
"Yes I do. Aneesah and Adam right?"
"Yes." A lone tear slid down and she used the palm to wipe it, "I sent them to Dubai to stay with my mother so they wouldn't grow up in such an environment. From afar you'd think we were the perfect couple but it was only if you looked closely enough you'd notice it was all cracks on the glass of the frame."
"I told her they weren't happy at home because we were both working so they had no parent figure at home which was a lie because Nasir didn't even allow me to work. This would be fun for most because he gave me all the money he made to buy make up and cover the patches on my face and clothes that'd make me stand out in whatever crowd I found myself in."
"If I tell Vivian or Jameelah this they'd be psyched. I was planning on running away but I know they'd tell me to stay for the money. I called you because despite everything I'd been through with them I knew they were all fair weather friends."
"Do you know what he said to me when I asked him why he was treating me like this? He said he knew I didn't love him the way he loved me. He claims I didn't show him enough love. For crying out loud I can't hate him. He's the father of my children. I knew I was in love when I stayed to save my marriage. Now that it got too much, I just had to sacrifice everything just to find peace."
Now she was in a full blown crying session. I noticed the waiter from afar. He wanted to approach our table but remained behind the counter on seeing Azeema.
"That's crazy. I'm sorry all this happened to you. I want to propose something to you but I'm not sure you'd like it."
"What is it?" She asked. Her voice was clear now and her face was devoid of tears.
"I set up an organization that helps women with special cases like yours two years ago. I'll call up the director and we'd have a meeting to discuss everything you want told me here then we'd find a way around your case legally. So you see, you can get a divorce and move back to Dubai or stay here if you like but you'll be free! No nasty Nasir. He'll be behind bars, where he deserves to be."
"I'm not sure..." She trailed off, "He may come after me."
"He wouldn't. How will he do that when he's in jail? Wife battery is a serious case. This case won't be taken lightly. Just go back home today with freedom in a few days imprinted in your mind."
She smiled and rose to hug me from across the table.
"Thank you Aaliyah. I just knew I could count on you."
"It's nothing. What are friends for?"
"Are you hungry?"
"Not really but I'll take a glass of whatever juice that have."
She called for the waiter and he came immediately.
"Good morning. I'll be your waiter for today. What would you like to order?"
"A glass of your finest pomegranate juice will be fine." I said.
Azeema ordered for roasted chicken, macaroni, mashed potatoes, gravy and apple juice.
How was she going to eat all these?
She was definitely pregnant.
"You're pregnant." I stated, slowly sipping from my glass as I sent Hamza message to come and pick me up.
"Sorry for what?" She looked up, puzzled.
"I said you're pregnant. Look at the amount of food you plan on stuffing into your stomach."
All she did was laugh at my diagnosis.
"Now that I think about it, I haven't see my period this month. Could it be?" She asked, smiling.
One thing about Azeema was that she loved children no matter where they came from and now that this one was coming out of her, she had to be ecstatic.
I pressed the power button on my phone to check the time and I saw it was approaching twelve so I decided to cut the conversation short there.
Hamza arrived shortly and I left.
We went to watch a movie since it a Saturday then left for the grocery store close to our house immediately after.
We got in and I dragged a trolley from the side to store our items inside.
Hamza lifted me and dropped me inside the trolley then pushed to the alley with cereal. Later, I got out and I was walking beside him as we conversed comically like teenagers that'd eloped to another city against their parents wishes just for love.
We approached the row with chocolates then I saw a woman in front of us. She looked familiar. I felt like I'd met her at Hajara's 'We Are The World' party for her NGO.
She looked at me then at Hamza before looking away. For a second time, she looked at Hamza and a frown covered her entire face.
I looked at Hamza who was distracted by a call he was on with a business associate.
He looked at me and bent to kiss my cheek before he hung up and held my hand with his left hand.
"You!" The woman pointed at Hamza."
"Excuse me! Who are you?" I asked, already getting angry."
"Your worst nightmare! Now move or get crushed with this fool here."
"Who is a fool? You aren't talking about him. How stupid can you be to start harassing people in a public place?"
"It's as if you don't know who I am. Today you'll know who Firdausi golden Mai Nasara is!"
I've seen that name somewhere. In a magazine I think. Yes! Firdausi golden is a fashion designer. She has worked both in Nigeria and abroad, Asia being her biggest patronizer.
She earned the name golden two years ago when she made a kimono that was made out of satin with a golden belt. The fact that she was able to get authentic gold made it one of the most expensive outfits of that time.
I would've bought it but I was still trying to solidify 'Lilly Puts' before spending outrageously. It was an iconic piece. There were slits on the edges of both sides with gold bracelets attached to the wrists.
"Sai na yaga maka rigar mutunci. Coward! You couldn't face the mother of your child and own up to your mistakes." She screamed.
I was already embarrassed because a crowd was starting form.
"What is wrong with you?!"
"You must be the wife. Hamza you can do better."
"What is that supposed to mean?" He growled.
"Who do you think you are to come and talk to me and my husband in such a manner?"
"This is not your fight. Excuse me."
"Hell no! I'll fight for him to my last breath."
"She's crazy. Let's leave."
"Who's crazy. You're the only crazy one!"
"Madam I know your husband is sick. I'll send the promised amount tomorrow. I hope he gets well." Hamza said.
He seemed a bit nervous. I couldn't be mistaken. Something is wrong somewhere if she has refused to leave him alone.
"Who are you trying to confuse? Me or your clueless wife? Listen carefully. He is the reason I don't have a sister and parents. He impregnated my sister. See the devil you're married to?"
"You're lying! I know he can't do that. Leave or we call the security."
She grabbed a fistful of his shirt, "I told myself I'd avenge my family the day I meet you. It's only prison that'll separate us today."
"Get your hands off him!" I growled, slapping her face in the process.
The security guards heard the commotion from afar and crowded us, trying to get her off Hamza.
"Let's go home." I said, already tired.
We walked slowly out of the supermarket in a stinging silence.
The car was a bit far so we had to walk a bit briskly so the rain wouldn't bathe us in it's showers.
Hamza was quiet throughout the ride while I had so many questions running through my mind. I wanted to ask but I wasn't sure it'd end well so I decided to seal my lips until we got home.
"Who is she?" I questioned once we were in our room.
He sat on the edge of the bed with his hands holding his head.
"Don't force me to make assumptions. Who is she?!" I screamed.
"Speak Hamza or so help me lord tonight won't end well for you!"
"Fauziya's older sister."
"Now who is Fauziya? First it was Nabeela then an innumerable number of Yusra's friends. You're unbelievable."
I stood in front of Hamza trying to with my hands to my hips.
"I'm a changed man." He tries to hold my hands but I moved back.
"That doesn't change your past."
"Do you trust me?"
"You don't have the right to ask me that as of now. Now tell me who she is and what she was talking about."
I just remembered that I knew a Fauziya years back in secondary School. I just hope she isn't the one. She wasn't really a friend but we shared some secrets. Yusra was closer to her though.
"Fauziya is Yusra's friend."
I knew I was playing with fire when I married a man with such a past but I thought pretending it all never happened will serve us all well.
This man has to be kidding me. The Fauziya Garba I know! How do I react to such news? What would Yusra say? That's if she doesn't already know.
"Fauziya Garba right?"
"How do you know her?"
"That's none of your business. Just continue talking."
I sat on the floor, cross-legged and listened carefully like a child listening to his parents fables under the moonlight as narrated everything from how she used to come for sleepovers regularly to how they slept together.
I would've known just that my parents never let me go for sleepovers at my friend's house or birthday parties despite asking for a chaperone.
Oh well...
"So you're telling me she died of complications that were caused due to your lack of control. Clap for yourself. Let's hope you don't do it to me."
"But I'm not like that anymore."
"You know, I always used to tell myself that you'd be the death of me. Now I know the reason."
"That's insane. I can't ever do that to you."
I got up from the floor and left our room. He followed me to the second room but I locked him out.
I sat against the door, crying till he stopped knocking and begging me to open the door.
He gave up too easily.
I hope he doesn't capitulate on our relationship too.
This chapter is dedicated to fyrdausee and Ferdeausee_
We're close to the end. This is the second to the last chapter.
~Aisha Safiyanu🥀
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