50 | Junaid
Ogasawara National Park, Tokyo, Japan.
"Kon'nichiwa (Hello)." I greeted a bald man I met at the entry of the park.
"Ogenkidesuka? (How are you?)"
"Watashitachiha daijōbu (We're fine)."
"Yokatta ne (That's good)."
We smiled in response.
"Ogasawara kokuritsu kōen e yōkoso (Welcome to Ogasawara National Park)."
"Thank you."
"Kochira ga chizudesu (Here's the map)." We smiled and collected it.
"What is this language you guys are speaking?"
"It's Japanese. Would you like to learn?"
"No. It's even giving me a headache listening to you and him converse."
I laughed and rubbed her belly before I exited the car.
Today happened to be the fifth time she was stepping her feet outside since we realized she was pregnant nine months ago.
I managed to bring her out to take in some fresh air. She suddenly resented coming outside while she was six months pregnant saying the baby needed pampering in our home not outside.
I brought her here for a tour around the beautiful park and to enjoy some quality time with her. For about two weeks I'd been so busy that I barely had enough time to spend with her so I was making it up to her.
Ogasawara National Park is a national park in the Ogasawara Islands.
Archipelago, also known as Bonin Islands is a corruption of munin (uninhabited). Chichijima, Hahajima and Mukojima being clusters within the park.
I've seen numerous pictures and heard from different sources that it was a beautiful place to visit. It looked so much better in reality.
I ran to the other side to open her door for her.
"Such a gentleman." She complimented.
I helped her get out before shutting the door and pressing the lock button on the cars remote control.
We walked slowly, enjoying the view of our beautiful surrounding
"So who told you about this place?" She asked.
"James told me."
"It's very beautiful." She smiles, "Thank you for bringing me here. It makes me feel like an archeologist. If I wasn't pregnant I would've been going into every tunnel just to feed my eyes of it's contents."
I laughed at my wife's crazy ideas.
"And I'll follow you wherever you go. As long as we'll be together I'll be fine."
"Stop being cheesy!" She laughed before planting a chaste kiss onto my cheeks.
"You're the cheesy one kissing people." I stated and she punched my left arm, laughing.
We continued walking, bantering along the way with the maps as our guides.
I would look at the map eventually, looking for landmarks to be sure of where we were at the moment.
The waters at Chichijima was so blue you'd think it was artificially created.
"Inalillahi!" Aaliyah squeezed my arm.
"What is it?"
"Cramps. Hospital!" She cried.
"Ok." I held her by the waist and took her to the car.
She cried louder just as the pain got worse. I just wanted to take away her pain but I was useless at this point.
I said some dua's as I drove as fast as I could. If you saw me you'd think I was a racer in the movie The fast and furious.
The nearest hospital was Tokyo Tama hospital which happened to be one of the best clinics in this province.
Immediately I reached the hospital, I ran in to see two women arguing with the receptionist but I couldn't care less.
"Kon'nichiwa. There's an emergency. My wife is in pain. Where are the nurses?!"
The nurses rushed out behind me as we ran to the car. I helped them carry her and put her on the stretcher. Just before they left with her, I prayed for her and kissed her hand.
I followed behind so I'd meet the doctor.
"Good afternoon sir. I'm doctor Naruhito Watanabe." He stretched his hand out to meet mine in a firm handshake.
"Good afternoon doctor. What's happening to her?"
"I see you're quite new at this. She's going into labour." He smiled.
"Allah please make this easy for her." I said under my breath, "Am I allowed to be with her in the theatre?"
Somewhere in my head, my subconscious had me imagining following her into the theatre and holding her hand for support just like in the movies.
"I'm sorry that is not allowed here." He said as he adjusted his gloves and face mask.
"That's fine. I'll wait out here."
After he left I called Umma then later Uncle Hakeem.
"Salamu Alaykum Umma."
"Wa Alaykumusalam. How are you my child?"
"I'm fine mummy. Is Baba with you?"
"Yes. Is anything wrong?"
"No. I just wanted to tell you that Aaliyah has gone into labour."
"Oh Allah. I hope she delivers safely. We'll pray for her. Make sure you remain by her side!"
"Thank you Umma."
"Your father sends his greetings too."
"I appreciate it. Goodbye."
I had to dial four times before Uncle Hakeem answered.
"Hello. Salamu Alaykum." His voice sounded groggy as if he had been sleeping.
"Wa Alaykumusalam. Hamza how are you?"
"I'm fine uncle. How is Aunty Asmau?"
"She's alright. Is anything wrong?"
"Everything is ok. I just wanted to tell you that Aaliyah is in the theatre now."
I heard shuffling in the background and Aunt Asmau's voice came out of the speaker next.
"Are you serious? Masha Allah! I hope she delivers safely."
"Send our greetings. Call us when she's awake." Uncle Hakeem added.
"I will insha Allah. Goodbye."
They hung up.
I sat down, sweating despite the freezing temperature. My heart beat erratically in anticipation of the birth of our child. I became restless after what felt like two hours had gone and they didn't come back out.
I almost ran to the door of the theatre to see my zinariya but I refrained so I wouldn't interrupt anything going on.
I called Bilal to explain all that was happening so I'd be able to get a grip of myself before I did anything drastic.
"Bilal I'm running mad. What are they doing in there to my wife?"
"Chill! The operation can't end within a short period of time. For an operation to be successful it needs the doctors to do their job meticulously. Sabr my friend. Don't be in a haste. She'll be alright."
"Have faith Hamza. Insha Allah she'll come out of there strong." Ruqayyah added.
I muttered a thank you and hung up. Like Bonnie and Clyde, these two were inseparable. They reminded me of myself and Aaliyah but there was just something about Ruqayyah that didn't sit well within me. Maybe it was because she reminded me of Firdausi that I met at thier wedding.
Bilal spoke of their 'living separation'. I knew she was crazy the moment I met her but because Bilal seemed to be blinded by love, I just had to go with the flow and be nice. He must've flown to Somalia to see her.
She bewitched him!
"Mr Mamman."
I felt a hand tap my shoulder and my eyes rose up to see doctor Watanabe.
"How is she doctor?"
He smiled, revealing his too white teeth, "It was a success sir. Your wife gave birth to a healthy boy and she's still strong. You can go in and see her?"
I checked my wristwatch and realized that I was just being paranoid and all these had happened in exactly fourty minutes.
"Aaliyah." I whispered, kissing her forehead.
She was sleep. Her body looked frail and tired.
The baby is a replica of his mother. I can tell he's going to be a heartbreaker like his father. I love that he looks like Aaliyah. At least whenever she's not with me I'll still see her and be happy.
His curly hair is just like mine.
Like father, like son.
"Don't ever grow up to be like me." I whispered into his tiny ears.
Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned, "Aah fari you're here. He looks like you."
"Ya fi kama da ke. It's your big eyes and sexy lips."
"Kai language! My child is listening."
"He doesn't understand babe." I nodded, laughing.
"So?! Give me my baby before you corrupt him."
"He's also my child."
"Did you bring him out of you?"
"But I gave you the..."
"La la la! He's just a day old and you want him to hear dirty words."
"You're crazy babe. Your voice is annoying so I'll keep quiet before you destroy my ear drums."
"You just insulted my voice." "Doctor! He's..." I kissed her before she could complete her sentence.
"Wasn't that fun?" She never gets used to it. Whenever our lips are adjoined she reacts as if this is the first time.
"I want to sleep!" "I'm hungry! Bring me food. Please." She smiled sweetly. Her smile was all those smiles that happened to be dangerously compelling so you'd have no choice but to be at her mercy the moment her eyes land on you.
"What would you like?"
"I want to eat everything! Chicken, waffles, pizza even tuwo. Just bring me the entire KFC building."
I laughed, "What's happening to you? You're no longer pregnant so you're supposed to be eating for one."
"Is it your stomach?"
"I'm just curious. I'll bring you something healthy. Just rest and don't bother you pretty mind."
"I love you baby number 1."
"Don't you love me again?!"
"Sorry." I smiled, trying to hold the laughter that was threatening to break loose, "I love you too."
This her mood swing sha...
Sometimes I think she's high.
On my way out, Umma calls.
"Umma It's a boy!"
"How is she?"
"She's fine. Bacci ta ke yi." She's sleeping.
"Toh shikenan. Greet her."
"I'll call you in the morning."
"Which morning? It's morning now."
"Umma it's night time for us."
"That's how the world works Umma."
"I don't understand."
She wasn't an illiterate, she just wasn't familiar with geography and it's world's cycle.
"I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. I need to go back and stay with Aaliyah."
"Toh shikenan. Send my blessings. A shafa kan baby."
"Ok Umma. Thank you."
I drove to the nearest McDonald's to get her chicken, fries and a milkshake.
Twenty minutes later, I'm back, feeding her then I remember Uncle Hakeem's request.
"Salamu Alaykum. Good evening Uncle Hakeem."
"Is she awake?!" He asked excitedly, forgetting to answer my Salam.
I put him on speaker so that she'd be able to speak to him.
"Ina wuni kawu Hakeem." She greeted, "How is aunty Asmau?"
"She's fine. She's sleeping."
"That's great. You sound tired. Were you up all night?"
"Yes. I was praying for you."
"Thank you."
A tear slid from the edge of her right eye and she wiped it away with the back of her palms.
"I need to sleep. Please take care of her."
Three days later...
"Make sure you don't stress yourself too much. Eat healthy and sleep well." Doctor Watanabe adviced.
"Thank you sir. We'll be on our way now." Aaliyah said, lifting up her baby bag with her left hand and holding our baby with her right.
The walk to the car was a bit far so I asked her if I could carry him for her.
"You're obsessed with this baby!" She stated, laughing softly as she handed me the bag she was holding too.
"What can I say? He's irresistible like his mother." I teased.
"You're such a huge tease! But I still love that about you."
"I love you."
"I love you too." She coo-ed.
We got to the car and I dropped him in the back sit inside his baby seat along with the bag that contained all his essentials beside him.
The drive home was filled with a mix of melodious music and cacophonous voices which were mine and hers that rose higher in pitch whenever we heard a Nigerian song on the radio. I'd connected my phone with an aux cord to play my shuffled songs.
Now, baby by Joeboy was playing and I couldn't be more happier seeing Aaliyah sing at the top of her lungs and smiling so effortlessly.
Soon I joined her and we were taking turns singing a line of the song each.
"What you wanna do girl? Where you wan go?"
"Cos anywhere you go, Hamza
I go follow go." She screamed her remixed version of the line.
"Cos I like the way you back it up.
The way you go down low." I detached my right hand from the steering wheel to blow her a kiss before attaching it back.
"And that's the reason they be hating on you! Who are those?"
"Baby you the baddest! Step on the dance floor and show your madness
I will be your king. You will be my royal highness."
"Out of all the girl them I am the flyest!" She remixed again and we laughed at how fluid it sounded. You'd think it was really the original version of the song.
"Mehn we're two crazy people." She mused.
"I pity his one day old ears." She looked behind at him.
"He'll be fine. He's strong like his father."
"I know right."
"I apologise though. His ear drums must be begging for us to shut up." She blew him a kiss.
"How about me? That's how you'll start forgetting me now that he's here." I frowned, feigning mock hurt.
"Don't be jealous. You were my first baby and you'll remain that."
Times like these, I wish blushing was forbidden so we'd never think of doing it. Aaliyah has the power to control a number of uncountable things within and inside me and she doesn't even know it.
I coughed instead so she wouldn't notice the tint of red on my cheeks. Fortunately, she couldn't see the influx of colour that was on my neck.
"Are you ok?" She asked worriedly.
"I'm fine. Rest your pretty head. We're almost home."
She slept for the rest of the ride while I drove in tune to the upbeat Japanese song that was playing.
Staying in Japan has really rubbed on me. I now know Japanese singers and actors like Ayumi Hamasaki and Masaki Okada. They were both A-listers in there fields.
"Zinariya wake up." I tapped her arm once the gates had been opened by the security men.
"I'm tired." She whined.
"We're at home. You can sleep for as long as you want."
She seemed really tired so I got out and opened her door to carry her bridal style to the room then I sent the new of the maids to get the baby and his belongings from the car.
I layed her on the bed and rushed downstairs to see why she was taking too long to bring him upstairs.
To my surprise, all four of the maids were standing, crowding the one I remember her name as Keiko with the baby in her hand.
They all stood in awe, touching his cheeks and kissing it. It was as if this was the first time they were seeing a black baby.
Immediately they saw me coming, they dispersed to their expected positions in the house, leaving Keiko to face my wrath alone.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not rude to any of them. They're just scared of me as their boss. I could be a bit rash some times but I'm changing because of Aaliyah.
She apologized and I waved her off, telling her to take him to the master bedroom where Aaliyah was sleeping before I went out to lock the doors of the car.
I came back and met Aaliyah breast-feeding the baby while watching TV.
"You're awake."
"He woke me up."
I laughed.
"Sorry babe."
"It's fine. He's just a child and he needs his mother."
"That's right."
She dropped him in his cot before making a beeline to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I joined her and we took a long and hot shower before coming out.
I massaged her swollen feet as we discussed the naming of the baby and munched on samosas.
"What do you think we should name him?"
"I never really thought of it. Whatever you pick is fine with me."
She put a samosa into my mouth and I cut half of it with my teeth and she retained the other half, dropping it into her mouth.
"How about Haneef? No. Umar? Wait, I got it. Junaid?"
Being indecisive was a Libra thing so I was proud to actually come to a conclusion halfway by myself.
"I like it!"
"Ok then."
I looked at our baby and kissed his forehead.
"Welcome to the world Junaid."
Let's welcome Junaid to the world!
As for the Japanese, I got everything from Google. I do not know an ounce of this language. I apologise if some sentences came out wrong.
~Aisha Safiyanu🥀
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