43 | Ukhty
"Hamza is this you I'm seeing?!" Umma beeseched.
"Yes mummy." I dropped on my knees and hugged her.
"How are you?" She cried, "Three years! Where did you go to?"
"I got transferred to Japan last year. After I left the house, a company gave me a job and after working hard they promoted me. That promotion is the reason I left the country."
"I called and messaged but you never replied."
"I changed my number. Stop worrying Umma. I am fine. How is Yusra, Zahra and Fadila?"
"They're all fine. Come in and I'll tell you all that has been happening. I can't believe you're back!" She hugged me and rubbed my head.
"Where is Baba?" I asked after we both sat in the living room.
"He's sleeping upstairs. Ina kayan ka? You're here with just these small bags."
"I now stay with Imam. That was where I was staying after Baba sent me away. This is a gift for you, Zahra and Fadila." I handed her three of the tiny bags I brought.
"Oh wow! Thank you my son. Imam is a really nice boy. Please invite him for lunch tomorrow. All your sisters will be here."
"Ok mummy. So where is Zahra and Fadila."
"Eat first. They're all fine."
"I'll only eat if you'll eat too."
"I've eaten already."
"Eat to motivate me. Lead by example." I joked.
"You naughty boy. You haven't changed." She wagged her finger at me.
"I'll eat. Don't worry. Adama!" She called, "Bring the fried rice and chicken with a large chi exotic juice box."
"Mummy you still remember my favourite." I smiled contently.
I was finally home.
Three damn years and nothing has really changed except that there was a new addition to Baba's fleet of cars.
"You're my son. How won't I remember?"
We finished eating in less than twenty minutes then Fadila came down, rubbing her sleepy eyes, yawning.
"Mama I need to go and buy som..." She screamed, "Yaya Hamza!"
She hugged me, "I missed you. How have you been? You look well."
"Thank you. I missed you too. I messaged you today, didn't you see it?"
"Both of you still communicate?" Umma asked, furious.
"Yes." Farida answered remorsefully.
"Mummy I gave only her, Imam and Bilal my new number."
Baba came downstairs. His reaction was epic. He had to squint to be sure I was the one.
"Get out." He said calmly.
I didn't feel the need to put up a fight so I stood up and made a beeline to the door.
"What do you mean by get out?" Umma implored.
"I'm not a child so don't expect an explanation from me." He climbed back up the stairs.
"Hamza wait!" Umma and Fadila said in unison.
"Baba doesn't want me here. I have to go."
"I'll speak to him. Just wait here with your sister."
"Ok." Before I could complete my sentence, Fadila had already started dragging me to the living room.
We sat down and the gossip began.
"I heard your girlfriend has blown oooo. Both of you made it at the same time. How do you feel about that?" She asked with her phone hanging underneath my chin as if it was an interview.
"I feel great. How is Jabir?"
"He's fine. Don't try to change the subject. I'm not done with Aaliyah. How is she? When am I allowed to meet her?"
"She's not feeling too well. You'll meet her after she gets better."
"I can't wait.." Sh screamed, "What happened to your arm?!" She asked, incredulously.
"I had a little accident. It's nothing to worry about."
"I'm sorry. Can I sign it too?" She smiled.
"Ok. That'll be nice coming from my fave sister."
"After dinner I'll get a marker from my room."
"I doubt I'll be staying till then but I miss Umma's cooking. So where is Zara? And how is Yusra?"
"Zahra is fine. She finally graduated from uni, she did her NYSC last year and now we're planning her wedding with one guy named Kabir Jamare. I don't like him. I feel like he just wants to marry from this family for money." She hissed.
"Noted. I'll try to do my own little research. So how about Yusra?"
"You won't believe it! He found out that three of his wives tried to join hands and poison Yusra but he caught them and divorced all of them. Now she's the only wife but she's suffering with his mother. She's old o but her trouble is mighty. She always has something to complain about but Umma adviced Ya Yusra to just be patient."
"So what are you doing now?"
"I'm in my final year! Can you believe it? And I managed to set up a pastry business with my savings. Obviously I perched from mummy and daddy." She laughed, "I managed to gather the shops rent for the entire year and still have enough to pay my workers who are few by the way but with time I'll expand. I call it 'Deela Treats'. Cool right?"
"Really nice." I commented, "When will you take me there?"
"Whenever you're ready."
"Do I get free samples?"
"No! It'll be 85% off for you." She joked.
"Stingy girl! Shegen son kudi a cikin ki."
"If I don't work for the money how will I afford all the things I want?" She dusted off an imaginary pile of dirt from her shoulder.
"That's true. I'm proud of you baby sis."
"Thank you. Baba is just angry about you staying away for three years. That's a lot but you're his son and at least you came back so that's a good thing. Let's hope he changes his mind."
Minutes after our conversation ends, Umma convinces Baba to come downstairs to meet me.
"Good afternoon Baba." I greeted in Hausa.
"How are you." He asked without looking at me.
"I'm fine Baba."
"So what brings my estranged son back to this house?" He asked with a small smile creeping it's way to his face but he manages to remain stoic.
"I'm back to see my wonderful family."
"That's not the answer I want to hear." He shook his head fervently.
I was tensed the more with this answer.
"I came to show you how I've progressed in life."
"So you've come to brag?" He teased.
That was when I got my old father back.
"Maybe I have." I smiled.
"Congratulations my son. Life has taught you lessons I couldn't and now you're a better man." He sat on the couch opposite me and Fadila and Umma Followed suite.
"Thank you Baba."
"You're welcome my son." He paused in deep thought, "You have your mother to thank. I would've disowned you if not for your mother. You left us for three years without any message or anything. Never do that! I assumed you'd left us for good you knowing how your anger issues worked. Thank your stars for this woman has helped you greatly. You can come back to the house whenever you're ready."
"Thank you Baba. I'm grateful."
"Oh Fadila I forgot to give you this." Umma said, stretching her arms to give Fadila the bag.
"My goodness!" She did a double take as she saw the gift and danced around the living room, "This isn't even out yet. How did you get it?!"
It was a novel by Colleen Hoover and a pair of Jimmy Choo pumps. I knew she was obsessed with the woman so I searched online for her and decided to join the giveaways she was doing and won her the book since it wasn't available for order yet.
It was sheer luck. I didn't expect to win.
"So tell us your story. It must be a great tale since you achieved a lot."
"I must say it was a long ride but I made it. I first applied to three companies, two rejected. It was one of the several companies Bilal's father helped me apply to but only one accepted me. Last year I was transferred to Japan to oversee the affairs of the company as the group managing director for Asia. I came back for the summer break. After the break I have to go back so that I'll be able to continue with my work."
The undesirable characteristics of my hustle and bustle don't need to be relayed.
"You're going back?" Baba asked apprehensively.
"Yes Baba."
"What about us? You want to run away from us again?" That was my mother.
"I'll be back from time to time. Don't worry."
"Which one is don't worry? We'll worry ai. You're leaving again. That's how you'll marry one Japanese woman and she'll be feeding you so much *ganye that you'll be as lean as Aunty Bilkisu's goat in Yola." Fadila complained.
I laughed, "I promised to be back every opportunity I get."
"Ah so you don't even know when next you're coming back?!" Mama screamed.
"I know mummy."
"Toh you're saying 'every opportunity you get'. How will that work out?" Baba inquires.
"I'll make it work. There's nothing to worry about."
"Ask for a transfer back to Nigeria! Come back and work for your father." Mama suggested.
"I'll see what I can do."
I really wasn't really interested in coming back to being controlled by my father. Also, I enjoyed being at the top. Yes, it was fancy working in a company your father co-owns but what happens when your life is spiralling out of control and all your father wants to do is mold you into the same man he is?
He isn't a bad person but I've grown to become independent and I'm not interested in carrying folders about every day and occasionally giving out orders just because the bosses are unavailable. I'm glad Bilal enjoys his work together with his promotion. At least he has his own office now.
I looked at my wrist watch and suddenly remembered the second Target of the day.
"Baba, mama, Fadila I'll have to take my leave now."
"Why?" Fadila whined.
I suddenly became shy.
"I have to see Aaliyah's uncle."
Fadila smirked.
"Why? What have you done now?!" Mama questioned.
I'm hurt. She still thinks ill of me.
"I haven't done anything. I just need to ask for her uncle's permission to be visiting her."
Mama smiled, Fadila cheered and clapped while Baba sat there quietly, looking uncomfortable.
"What are your intentions with her? If you know you want to marry her then go ahead. You have my blessings but I'm hurt you didn't even attempt to tell us." She sighed gravely.
"I want to marry her."
"Toh Allah ya muku albarka. Let's hear if your father has any objections." She turned to Baba.
He shifted uncomfortably under our gazes, cleared his voice before speaking.
"You have my blessings. Just don't do anything stupid."
Another strike! He also doesn't trust that I've changed.
With that, he got up and left.
I understood his plight.
"Yes, explain why you didn't tell us earlier." Mama slapped the back of my head.
"I was going to tell you tomorrow during lunch. I was going to ask you and Baba to go and see her guardians."
"Why not today and why did you use guardians?"
"I wanted to get his approval first. Also, she lost her parents some years back."
All the colour drained from her face.
"Oh Allah ya sa sun huta (May Allah make them to rest in peace)."
"Go well my son."
Fadila and I shared a knowing look before I exited the living room with her hot on my trail.
"Is that all?! You're leaving without saying bye to your sister?" She rolled her eyes, pouting.
I know she wants something.
"What do you want?"
"What do you mean?" She feigned ignorance, "Can't I just say I want to escort my brother outside."
"Cut to the chase Deedee."
By now she should know I don't enjoy beating around the bush.
"Ok fine." She sighed, "Can I go with you?"
"To do what?" I laughed.
She's crazy. Does she want to also court the gate man?
"I want to see my aunty." She smirked.
"You can't see her today. You can meet her when next I plan on visiting her."
"No, please today." She begged, "What about your arm? I haven't signed it."
"You can do that tomorrow. Bye baby sis."
I managed to escape with the promise of sending her pizza and a tub of ice cream so she left, defeated.
It's been three weeks since I and Aaliyah rekindled the flame of our relationship and I couldn't be more happier.
She moved in with Uncle Hakeem after being discharged for fear that another devil may strike.
Alhamdulillah, Abba has recieved due punishment for his atrocities. Now he's undergoing a house arrest since has has been discharged from the hospital but hasn't healed properly so he needs to be taken care of at home before being sent to the jail to start his life imprisonment sentence.
I've been wanting to visit Aaliyah, but I didn't want to go without Uncle Hakeem's permission even if it'd be with Bilal. I still send her gifts from time to time through Bilal.
Two weeks ago, her uncle asked what my intentions were with his niece. I told him marriage but he didn't seem convinced so he never brought up the topic again.
Today, I had two things on my agenda. To visit my parents and Uncle Hakeem. I needed to ask him if I could properly court Aaliyah.
One goal had been achieved but the latter was just nerve wracking.
The time that I promised Aaliyah I'd be at the house had passed. An hour extra to be exact.
I wasn't even late. The fear didn't just let me make my presence known at the gates when I arrived. I parked beside the farmer's market to calm my nerves.
The fear was clawing at my insides, feeding itself off my anxiety.
I actually thought it'd be difficult and embarrassing but...
"Salamu Alaykum."
"Wa Alaykumusalam my son."
"How is your health Uncle?"
"I'm quite alright. To what do I owe this visit?" He grinned, revealing empty spaces of teeth that had long fallen out of their holes.
"I-sir-what brought me. I came to ask for your permission to be seeing Aaliyah." I looked at the floor to avoid his scrutinizing gaze.
"I will not stop you but if you as much as make her cry, I'll forbid you from seeing her ever again!" He promised.
"Thank you kawu. I shall take my leave now." I got up to leave then handed him a gift for Aaliyah.
"Give it to her by yourself. It'll have more worth." He smiled. A teary, sad smile.
And so I took it from his unsteady hands then he left the living room.
A few seconds later, Aaliyah appeared in a long, flay gown that happened to be a bit too long. I would've said the colour yellow was created just for her as it complimented her beautiful skin so effortlessly, but, she looked good in every colour.
It was as if every shade was made from the glow of her skin.
She had no make up on. Her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying.
"Salamu Alaykum." She said, sitting on the couch opposite mine.
"Wa Alaykumusalam." I smiled.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm quite alright. How is your arm?"
"That's good to hear! My arm is better than before."
Her gaze met the floor and she became all too silent.
Aaliyah and shy don't mix well. She's the most confident person I know so what's happening?
"Are you ok?" She frowned.
"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"You seem off."
"I've just had a hard time trying to make the video Bilal told me to make narrating what happened." She sniffed, "I cried each time I started recording then I'd cancel it and try to do it again only for me to break down all over again."
"You know you have to do it. I'm not trying to pressurize you but I want you to know that by doing this you've shown him that you're stronger than he thought. You know what? I'll help you the next time I come around. Would you like that?"
"Yes! Thank you."
"Don't mention it. It's all worth it. Here's a gift I bought you."
She smiled solemnly.
"Thank you. I appreciate it."
"Open it." I urged her to tear open the gift.
"Oh my!"
Tears filled her eyes. Was I wrong for getting her these?
Her downcast eyes met mine and suddenly she started to laugh.
Was she going crazy?
"I don't read books like these Hamza fari. But I'm glad you got them for me."
"What genre do you read?"
"I read a wide variety. Romance, law, mystery, thrillers and it goes a long way. It just depends on how interesting the story is."
I nodded.
"Can I see one of them?"
She handed me the first one on top. I couldn't have been more embarrassed.
What was I thinking when I trusted Sakura? She was just as crazy as the word nuts gets but I didn't think she would play such a prank on me.
I asked her to order me romance novels online and she got me erotica's. What the hell did she think I was using it for?
Let's hope this doesn't damage my image in Aaliyah's eyes or else her job would be terminated immediately.
"I'm sorry. This was a mix up. I asked my personal assistant to order me some romance books but she got me these. I apologise."
"It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes. I was starting to wonder what was happening." She laughed.
Her confession video dilemma had been long forgotten.
*Ganye - Leaves/vegetables
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~Aisha Safiyanu🥀
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