14. W A Q I Y A H - I N C I D E N T

Haniyah sat in the couch in her husband office with a book in her hands as her husband paced around.

A week had gone by, and there was no sign of Veronica. It was as if she had despaired into thin air. Aaban knew that she was planning something and it was beginning to make him worried He was up all night stuck in his office, meetings after meetings with some other men. He has a feeling the she was planning something.

"Aaban?" Zulqurnain, Aaban's second hand man, spoke as he entered the room, Haniyah hurriedly wrapped a shawl around her head as he walked further into the room.

"There is something I need to talk to you alone." Aaban motioned for Haniyah to leave the room as he walked around and sat down at his desk. Without a word Haniyah left the room walking into their attached bedroom. She knew better then to interfere with Aaban's work.

"What is it, Nain?" Aaban's jaws lightly clenched as he looked at one of his best men.

"We were sent a letter this morning and I think-" Zulqurnain paused as he pulled a letter out of the binder he was holding. "Well it's better if you read it yourself.

Aaban grabbed the letter from him. His eyes scanned the words written in neat cursive. His jaws clenched and his eyes darkened, his hands clenched the paper in anger and fury.

"We need to leave, we need to go now" He spoke in a calm voice, a hidden storm behind his words.

"I need you to call in everyone, I mean everyone, if someone refuses, I believe you know how to take care of it" Aaban started at Zulqurnain who nodded in acknowledgment.

Back in there room Haniyah she sat in the attached balcony that their room had as she sat on the chair things. For some reason Veronica looked so familiar. Her eyes. For someone reason her eyes looked like she had seen them somewhere before. But where?

She was so deep into her thoughts she didn't notice it had began to turn dark until she felt raindrop on my shoulder. Quickly getting up, she headed inside.

She made her way to their bed as she payed down. The house was quite Asiya was visiting her family for the weekend, Aayan and Barakah were in their rooms as it was already 10 at night. As she layer in bed her mind began to wonder off.

Do they miss her?

Her parents. 

Did they miss her?

Did they find out the truth?

They had to. It had been about a good 6 months, they must have figured something out. They had to! Had they really forgotten that they had a daughter, a daughter that they once loved? Her brothers? Her twin? Why haven't they contact her, in anyway?

She was so deep in my thoughts, she didn't notice she was crying till she felt a warm hand wiping her eyes. Her brown eyes met the grey eyes of her husband. As she started at him more tears steamed down her face. She took in his state and her heart clenched. His hair was messy as if he were pulling on it very harshly in frustration, dark circles were visible under his eyes, his stubble had began to grow into a beard. He looked tired.

"What wrong, my love?" His hand caressed her cheek.

"Was just thinking about stupid things." She mumbled and gave him a a small smile when he kissed her forehead, knowing that he won't ask me any further questions. It was one of the many things she loved about him was that he know when to give her space.

Getting up, he made his way to his side of the bed.

"I'm flying out tomorrow." He mumbled as he pulled the blanket over hisself

"Tomorrow?" She moved closer to him and placed her head of his shoulder. " maybe be postpone it? You look very tired." She began to trace random shapes on his arm.

" I wish, darling, but something very important came up and I have no choice but to fly out to this meeting." He sighed as he placed his head on top of his wife's.

"Is baba also coming with you" She cuddled closer to him. as she felt him nod his head against hers.

" I might not be here when you wake up." He kissed her forehead as he laid them both down on the bed.

"Why?" Haniyah's voice was heavy with sleep.

"I have an early flight, I don't want to wake you up, I'll be back in three days though." He kissed her forehead and soon enough she heard light snores escaping his lips.

She closed her eyes and slowly let slumber embrace her.

What they didn't notice as they fell asleep what the dark shadow that had some how escaped through all their security and stood watching them. A small smirk crept onto his face as he watched them sleep. Truly this was the calm before the storm that was to rage on.

Haniyah blinked her eyes open as the rays of sun hit her face, a pout made its way on her lips as she notice that the warm body always next to her wasn't there, just as Aaban had said last night, he had left. She had kind of hoped that her husband would stay. Her heart ached as she woke up without her husband by her side, this was something that she wasn't used to, and knowing that he was going to be away for days it just made her feel worse. Rubbing her eyes, she stood up and headed to the bathroom.

A smile crept on to her face as she read the note that was stuck on to the mirror.

Hey baby,
Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, you just looked so peaceful. I'm keeping my promise and taking an army of men with me. STAY SAFE! I will  call you when I land.
Love you.
- A.W

It was sweet and simple. She really loved this man.

As she got ready she began to feel very uneasy. For some reason her heart began to pound but she discarded the feeling and left the bathroom with the note. Placing it on the dresser she began to make her way downstairs.

The house seemed very quite and very empty.

Normally she would spend her time with Aaban or with Barakah, but she went to university, Aayan was at school, Asiya was visiting her family. She felt so lonely. She made her way to the kitchen unaware of the shadow following her, she made herself a sandwich. She grabbed to slices of bread and put them in a toaster. When the two bread were perfectly golden brown, she grabbed the jar of Nutella and smeared it onto both slices. She grabbed a plate at sat down on a chair in the breakfast bar. She quietly ate her sandwich as she scrolled through her phone.

Having nothing to do she decided to make her way up to her room so she can catch up to some of her university work. She had come to an agreement with Aaban, after hours of argument and convening, they decided that she'll be doing university online and try to cover up as much as she can for this semester, then next semester she can register at the same university that Barakah goes to.

Her body froze as she felt a presence behind her, her heart began to beat faster because she knew that no one was in the house. Just as she was about to turn around, she felt something heavy hit her head.

Her vision blurred and the walls started spinning around. She saw a blurry figure but their eyes stood out to her, they were something that she had been looking for years. Those eyes belonged to Adeel Haroon Jay. A man who she once called her best friend. Beside him another blurry figure stood and before she could acknowledge who it was, her eyes shut welcoming darkness.

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