Chapter Three ~ Confusion

The bright green light overwhelmed Sky's vision, however, it didn't last long. It soon faded to black, leaving her completely confused.

Was this the afterlife? When you die, is this were you go...?

She stayed like this for a long time, staring off into black nothingness. Perhaps, somehow, she and her family were still alive...

Yes, that stick didn't kill people. It made them go unconscious. She was just dreaming.

And at this point, when she became aware, Sky seemed to lose focus. It was like she didn't want to worry over anything, had no desire to think about your dead family or the strange, hooded person with the stick.

After what seemed like forever and a day, light overcame her vision.

Yes, I'm waking up now! She thought.

Sky couldn't open her eyes, they were glued shut, but she could tell there was a light source above her- most of her vision was red since it was so bright.

Now depending on her other senses to help her find out where she was, she strained to hear a sound that was attempting to access her ears; the more time she spent there, the easier it was to understand. Sky could make out some words from a conversation between an old man and a woman.

"Yes, it seems... Even I... Foggiest idea.... He must've-"

It was difficult to understand everything. But deciding to open her eyes instead, she concentrated, and managed to lift her eyelids.

The blinding light did not make things easier, however, the talking stopped. As her eyes adjusted, she seemed to be in a placed with cream-coloured walls, tiled floors, many white curtains and some windows. Perhaps some sort of hospital.

But the people who sat in chairs at the foot of Sky's bed did not seem normal at all. One wore an emerald green cloak, had a long, white beard that could tuck into his belt, and half-moon spectacles that laid upon a very bent and crooked nose.

The woman, however, was dressed in white robes. Perhaps some sort of nurse...

But then her eyes laid upon a small brown object protruding from the woman's pocket: another stick.

Panic rushing through her head, some adrenaline took over and Sky had the freedom to finally move, she quickly moved right back against the wall, gasping and staring at the stick.

The woman noticed this and her eyes widened. She slowly took the stick out of her pocket and placed it on a table on the other side of the room; as if to prove that she wouldn't use it.

Calming down, Sky lid back down on the bed and attempted to say "What am I doing here?" But found that she couldn't; her throat felt like she swallowed sandpaper.

Instead, the old man stood up and approached her, she didn't back away. Despite appearing more intimidating than the nurse, Sky couldn't see one of the wooden sticks anywhere on him and for some reason, knew she could trust him.

"Do you know who you are?" He asked, softly. Sky felt comforted, somehow, and nodded.

"I'm going to take out my wand," he explained. "I promise I won't hurt you. I am merely going to soothe your throat."

Even though she was still afraid of the wands, since they could possibly kill people, this man seemed trustworthy. So she just nodded, and let him do as he pleased.

The old man took out a stick, pointed it at your throat and said "Anapneo." And instantly, her throat felt much better.

Eyes widening, Sky stared at the man in disbelief. How did he do that...? Some sort of machinery in the stick?

"What's your name?" He asked, and knowing you could speak now, responded with a feeble "Skylar... Connors."

He nodded. "Yes, I was able to look through the Muggle files correctly then. Do you have any idea how you got here?"

It seemed like he knew the answer, but Sky had no idea. The last thing she could remember was hugging her mother, and hearing a loud noise, maniacal laughing and a bright green light... Sky shuddered and told the man.

He merely nodded again. "Healer Abuska? Please fetch some pain remover for Skylar... I'm afraid she'll need some soon."

The nurse got up quickly and left, after taking a quick glance at Sky.

"What happened to me?"

She asked the man, who had now taken residence at the bottom of the bed.

"You, your grandmother, mother and brother were all attacked. I'm sorry... They're gone."

The news struck her like a sword in the chest. If she had understood him correctly, her family was dead. Gone. How could that have happened?

But she didn't even have time to think or to remorse as a sudden pain came.

It felt strange. First she started just having difficulty breathing. But the strangest part when was it felt like a large snake was wriggling up her body and strangling her around the neck- it was impossible to breath.

She started to suffocate. Vision became blurry and she couldn't tell what the man was doing, but she heard some small noises, yet they sounded far away...

And Sky blacked out.


I know it took forever, but, enjoy!

Love you all!


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