∆ Chapter Twenty-Eight ∆

His sanity drew thin, his mind a mere line.
He could feel his insanity beginning to climb.

"Ugh, my head..."
'Hello? Is-is anyone there?!' As his senses slowly began to return, Vik imagined he heard a familiar voice. With a slight groan he slowly began to move, looking around to see complete and utter darkness.
"It's just like that dream - Lovely" The Brit sighed, attempting to stand before he realized something - He was surrounded by used knives. He let out a small scream, feeling around for anything to hold onto and coming up a dark brick wall "What the Hell is this place?!"
'Who-Who's there?' There was that voice again. After realizing the Brit wasn't in any immediate danger, he looked around for the source of the question 'Hello?' He called, hearing a slight breeze followed by a sigh of relief 'Thank the Lords I'm not the - Vik?!'
'Lachlan! Where are you?'
'I'm stuck in a maze. Vik, what's going on?'
'I-I don't know... Wait, how do I know this is you?' There was a loud groan, followed by a yelp and a thud 'Lachlan? Lachy?!'

A moment of silence fell upon the two, causing Vik's mind to go into overdrive. He began to think of the worst-case scenarios, and built up the courage to quickly shuffle around the blood-covered weapons before sprinting down one of the many pathways leading away from his... What could he call it, spawnpoint?
'Lachlan? Lachlan buddy, are you okay? Talk to me, mate!' He shouted, hoping for even the faintest reply as he came to a dead end "Are you serious right now?!"
'Lachy, where are you?' Another few minutes of silence, followed by a cry of pain and the sound of metal against metal "What the-"
'You're not the real Landon!' An Australian voice screamed, full of anger... Yet he also sounded scared. Taking a deep breath, the ebony-haired Prince restarted his sprint down a different path, this time reaching a large cavern-like room with two figures in the middle. They were both holding swords, one of them half the height of the other - Yet the taller one looked terrified. Shaking profoundly, the blond took a few steps back and had to catch himself from falling 'Who are you, an-and why are you imperson-impersonating my Brother?'
'Oh, it's simple really,' The brunette's voice seemed to echo around then room, but for some reason Vik couldn't move. It was as if he was rooted to the ground, unable to do anything bit watch as the events unfolded.

'I'm here to make your life a living Hell' In a bright grey flash, the boy's form changed to one that made Vikram's heart stop. It was... Well, him. The mocha-skinned impostor grinned darkly, and Lachlan let the sword fall out of his hand 'V-Vik? What are you-'
With an insane cackle, the fake-Vik ran forwards and raised his weapon to attack 'Lachlan, watch out!' The real Void Prince screamed, fighting against whatever was holding him in place and running towards the two.
'Stay away,' A dark blade materialized in his right hand 'From my,' He pushed himself to go even faster, everything around him seeming to go in slow motion as he raised his own sword '-My Lachlan!'
Letting out an enraged yell, the chocolate-eyed boy brought his weapon down on the head of his copycat. Instead of blood, a thick grey smoke began to spew out of the would as the fake fell to it's side 'Hey Lachlan, are you alright?'

Eyes full of shock and fear, the blue-eyed Prince simply nodded and took a few steps away 'What? What's-'
'N-Never do that again' He stammered, hugging himself tightly as his British companion tilted his head 'Do what? All I did was...' The Void Prince's vision flickered to a nightmarish scene, and he stiffened up before falling... Falling...


Torn-apart bodies were scattered across the ground, with multiple different knives or arrows embedded in vital points. Vik gasped - Yet there was no sound. He was merely a ghost, surveying his surroundings as more and more corpses appeared until... One final body materialized, and the dark-haired boy choked back a sob as he saw their facial features 'No... No, no, this can't be - Josh!' The Brit began to run towards his old friend, but was stopped by an invisible force 'Let me get to him, dangit!'
'You can't save your friends, Vikram - You are simply too weak'
'Why do you think Lachlan was so afraid of you?'
'You killed someone right in front of him, you monster'
'Worthless' He collapsed to the ground, covering his ears to try and block out the voices - Yet they only grew louder 'Useless'
'Waste of space'
Tears started to spill over, staining the ground as the young boy shook 'Please... Th-That's not t-true!'
'Are you sure about that?'
'Of course he is. Back off, Eren - Leave him alone' A familiar voice spoke quietly, an undertone of anger lacing their words as a comforting warmth began to flow through Vik's heart.

'Well you can hardly talk, you're dead!'
'Eh, maybe he is - But that won't stop him from killing you if you hurt Vik' There was a different voice this time, one that Prince Vikram definitely knew 'J-Josh? Simon?'
'You got that right. Sorry we've been away for so long... Now, who the Hell is this guy, and why is he hurting you like this?' A translucent version of his old friend crouched by his side, glaring at the darker figure who merely shrugged 'What can I say? He's a mistake, I'm just doing what's right'
'Say that about my friend one more time, and I'll tear you apart' The masculine figure of Vik's friend Olajide stepped forwards, followed by the smaller bodies of Tobias and Harold.
A few seconds later, a splash of water hit Eren in the head. This action was followed by an almost contagious laugh 'Is your best mate Ethan late for the party, boys?'
'Guys... What are you all doing here? After the War, I thought-'
'Unfortunately, some of our wounds were too great to heal. But Vik, somehow you kept believing in us - You believed that we were still alive, and that kept us going. We've been watching over you, and we're all proud of you'
'W-Who are you, and what did you do with the real Simon?' Vikram joked, gaining a few laughs from his friends as he stood up and faced the darker spirit 'So... What were you saying about me?'
'I - You know exactly what I was saying'

'And that's all we needed to know' A soft glow began to emit from the six spirits' chests, each one a different colour as Aaron took a few steps back. He seemed almost threatened by the seven, and - Like Vikram - He found himself rooted to the ground. The different coloured lights all separated from their owners, floating around the Void Prince as he smirked, a feeling of hope in his soul as he stared at the demon 'I'm guessing you know what's about to happen'
'Well of course, I'm going to rip you apart!' Just before the boy could lunge, a dull gold barrier placed itself around Vikram causing Eren's attack to harmlessly bounce back in the demon's face 'Thanks, Tobi!'
'No problem Vik. Now, show this guy what you can do!'

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