Chapter 4

Misty followed Jumper through some thick brush as they patrolled the perimeter. The day was cold and wet. Rain sprinkled down and dampened Misty's coat. Her fur stuck to her uncomfortably. Heavy winds slowed them down and they flattened their ears in determination.

The two were asked to examine the area where the Mortal had first been spotted by Fire those four evenings ago. Fear held Misty in an icy grip. Her Packmates could be in great danger. More of the two-legged creatures will come looking for the one that was killed. And what if they find the main camp of Flame Woods Pack? Doom, that's what.

Jumper put his nose to the ground and began to sniff around the turf. Misty looked for strange prints in the mud. Her eyes scanned the land beneath her paws for anything that seemed odd. They were searching close to the spot where the Mortal was killed. So far they haven't found anything. 

Jumper raised his head.

"Stale," He said. "They haven't been here since."

"Good. Hopefully, that will keep everyone else calm," Misty flicked her tail. "Should we report back yet?"

Jumper looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. "How about we check just one more time? We never know what we may find."

Misty nodded and split off from the brown wolf to look for any more evidence. She decided to go back to where they had fought the Mortal. They haven't been there since. She padded along briskly, feeling very important and alert. Rounding the oak tree where Fire had tripped, she felt very nervous, not knowing why.

Bounding down, a sudden realization washed over her as she stared at the small clearing where they had battled. Wide-eyed, gulping, she noticed the bodies of the Human and dog, were gone.

"Jumper!" She howled out and felt her eyes widening. "Jumper!"

The brown wolf came skidding down the slope panting. He darted to Misty's side. He pressed his flank to hers in comfort. "What is it?"

"Look." She gestured with her muzzle, pointing to the empty clearing.

Jumper's jaw dropped open as his eyes widened. He slowly walked up to the center and began sniffing around. Misty sat in complete and utter silence. Her fears came washing over her. She felt as if she was being pounded by wave after wave of terror. Her breath caught inside her, and she almost couldn't breathe. Like she was drowning, trapped beneath the waves of fear.

She swallowed hard as Jumper raised his head with a worried expression on his face. He stared at her. "The Mortals retrieved the bodies."

~ ~ ~

After they had returned and explained to Tyrant what they had discovered, he began to ask loads of questions.

"How could they sneak through like that?" He looked puzzled and worried. "I mean, we always have a scout posted there."

Misty shook her head. "I don't know. And we didn't find fresh scent anywhere but where the bodies had been laying." She began to panic. "What will we do?" She looked to her leader for hope. "We can't sit by and let them run our forest. We-"

"I don't know, Misty!" Tyrant snapped. "I need time to think about it. Hopefully tomorrow we'll think of something."

Misty's green eyes flashed with pleading anger. "Don't you understand? There may never be a tomorrow!" She fought back her anxiety. "Tomorrow may never come." She finished in a whisper.

Jumper gently placed a paw over one of hers. "It's okay, Misty. Calm down. I'm just as worried as you, but we must remain calm about this, or everyone else will begin to get uneasy."

Misty took a deep breath and sighed. "You're right," She looked at Tyrant. "I'm sorry."

Tyrant's amber eyes glowed with sympathy. "I accept your apology, Misty," He sat down with a grim look on his face. "Don't tell anyone else about what you discovered. I don't want them getting worried."

"You can trust us, Tyrant." Jumper bowed his head and gestured for Misty to follow him out. The two shared a quick meal before staggering off to their dens for sleep. Misty collapsed on the pelted floor. Every muscle in her body was exhausted from doing nothing but work for the last few days. She made herself comfortable, and closed her eyes; Only to open them to a nightmare; Her past.

~ ~ ~

A dreary snowy day was upon the forest. The air was freezing and unwelcome. The chill of it bit into young Misty's fur. She fell to her knees and cried out, begging as her parents turned tail and began to pad away. She scrambled up to them as quick as her short pup-legs would carry her.

"Please!" She begged with hot tears pouring down her face. "I'll be all alone! Don't leave!"

Her mother turned around and snarled in her face. "Remember your orders, Misty! You're going back with Isaac to the pack."

"But why? Why are you leaving?!" Misty's muzzle trembled as she stared at her parents glossy-eyed.

Her father whipped around and swatted her with his paw. She flew face first into a mound of snow. Instantly, Isaac was at her side and gently lifted her from the pile. Something inside Misty snapped, and she glared at her parents with such disappointment and anger, she thought she would explode.

"You know why!" Her mother hissed. "It's because of River! He's dead! There's no point in taking care of one pup when the other should be with it." The two adult wolves turned away, their heads raised high with pride and ignorance.

"It's not my fault!" Misty snarled. "I didn't kill him! He died saving me! River died protecting me!" Her voice cracked. Her father, the large fearsome wolf he was, turned around and slashed her across the face. His claws left a mark that was planted right above her left eye. She whimpered as blood dripped down her face, mixing with the tears running down her cheeks.

Her mother scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Then his death wasn't even worth it."

The two so-called parents of Misty said no more and bolted off into the snowy night. Misty screamed and yelled and cursed after them.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She howled through teary eyes. "Real parents don't leave their pups! No matter what!" With all the air in her lungs, she screamed. "I hope you die!"

The dark outlines in the distance faded away. Isaac picked her up and carried her back to camp. The she-wolves of the pack rushed out to fuss over the young pup. One, in particular, grabbed Misty and brought her to her den. Aurora, Isaac's mother, and Misty's father's sister cuddled close to the small she-pup. Misty buried her face in the gorgeous gray fur of Aurora.

As she drifted off, she began to mutter. "River...River...."

~ ~ ~

"River...River...." Misty opened her eyes to the dim light splashing on her den floor. She pushed up to a sitting position, tears rolling down her cheeks. The horror of that night wouldn't ever escape her memory. She missed her brother dearly, and wanted him now, more than ever. She shivered at the bitter memory.

And she cursed the day her parents left her. Everything about that night was so full of sorrow and begging and hate. It was a memory branded in her mind. The fear, dread, anxiety. All of it was just heart-crushing.

She reached a paw up to the scar above her eye. The mark of that moment was branded on her forever, and there was no escaping it. Misty remembered the blood that had spilled from her and the feeling of dread that her parents were leaving her on purpose. She tried to push those memories away, but they always came tumbling back.

She stood and poked her head out to blink in the bright sunlight. The sun warmed her fur and helped her feel more at ease. Misty looked back on the good things of that time. She felt so grateful that Aurora had taken her in without hesitation, never asking for anything in return.

But Aurora's death was very tragic. She had died in battle with Stone Hollow Pack. She had thrust herself in front of Misty to protect her and had suffered a fatal wound to the head.

Misty's haunting thoughts drained away when she saw Isaac. He greeted her with a friendly bark.

"Hey Misty, want to hunt with Jumper and I?" Misty's heart warmed. Isaac always made sure to include her in anything that would make her more important. He was the best brother she could ever ask for...The closest thing to a brother she would ever have.

She wagged her tail and bounced their way. Hunting would definitely take her mind off of her troubles. Misty padded with her best friends, letting out a sigh.

Who needs parents like mine, when I have Jumper and Isaac?

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