8. I want Ryan Gosling. (edited)

Song: Perfect Strangers (I love it, you?)

A major cliffhanger at the end, comment your thoughts! I really want to know!!!!!

Chapter 8.

I want Ryan Gosling.


Lima walked straight towards the dresses section. An employee ardently followed her, she could see that this was a filthy rich woman who would definitely buy a lot of clothes and wasn't concerned about how much it'd cost. Perfect target.

"Ma'am, what are you looking for?" she smiled courteously, waving her lean hand around the store, pointing at the vast arena of clothes.

Lima glanced at the zealous employee. She read the name tag. "Kim, I am looking for happiness."

Kim's smile staggered a little, the smile falling off her face. "Happiness?"

Lima grinned in response. "Yes, happiness, lots of it. Where are your black dresses? Show me all of them."

Kim blinked as the words slowly settled and then she nodded enthusiastically. She scurried to collect all the black dresses she could find in Lima's size. Making sure that none were from their sale section.

"Why do you like black so much?" Rishit questioned. She was always dressed in either black or a dark color. He had never seen her in pinks or yellows.

"The light colors stab my eyes." Lima answered with a shrug.

"I think yellow would suit you."

Lima looked at Rishit's face with an aghast expression, as if he'd told her to wear a bear. "Yellow? You want me to wear yellow?"

"I think you'd look good in yellow."

"Honey, I'd look good in all colors. It's like they are invented for me. But I choose to not wear them."

Rishit smirked, folding his muscular arms over his chest. Lima had force herself to not stare at the veins around his arms. "Ah, but how can I believe you when I have only seen you in dark colors?"

Lima scoffed, rolling her eyes. She wasn't falling for his lame bait. She wouldn't. She was smarter than that. "Are you saying you think I won't look good in yellow?"

Rishit shrugged a shoulder. "Yellow, Pink." His hand brushed past the colorful collection hung in the store. His fingers stopped on a mint-colored dress. "Light green."

Lima gritted her teeth, jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite knowing that it was just a clever ruse to get her to wear colored outfits, she couldn't stop herself. She grabbed the dress from his hand. "This shade is called mint green not light green." She corrected, turning and storming into the trial room.

The employee came rushing towards her, tens of dresses draped across her arms – all of them black. Her arms were overflowing as she carried over twenty different types of dresses, each worth more than it should have.

Lima looked at Kim and glared, like she was the reason for her sudden change in color preference. "I don't want black anymore."

Kim blinked at her in a speechless expression, standing with ample dresses hanging off her arms, mouth parted like a goldfish.

Rishit looked down at his white shoes and tried to control his smile, he failed miserably. He was grinning like a fool who had somehow managed to change the weather.

He smiled apologetically at Kim. "Please show us some bright colors." He requested politely.

Kim bowed and turned, her wedges making a loud noise as she stomped away to keep the black dresses back in their place. These rich women and their sudden mind shifts.

Rishit continued to look for light colors, all the while smiling in victory. He couldn't believe he had actually persuaded her to try an outfit – that too one which wasn't black in color. He was just pushing his luck when he insinuated that she wouldn't look good in lighter shades, he never expected the plan to follow through and work in his favor. He was feeling ecstatic as if he had accomplished something pivotal. And maybe he had...

After a few minutes, he heard the nervous sound of a throat being cleared and he turned. His lips parted as he took in a quick sharp breath.

He finally knew what breathtaking view actually felt like. The magnificent view of the hills and castle was put to a shame.

Lima stood there, biting her lower lips nervously. She hadn't worn a single light-colored outfit in over 15 years, she didn't like them. They pierced her eyes every time she looked at her reflection, they symbolized peace and cheerfulness, both of which she loathed.

Dark colors made her feel alive, made her feel powerful. Made her look aloof and cold. And that is exactly the kind of impression she wanted to give to everyone around her.

The mint dress she now wore was elegantly cut around the neckline, revealing just a hint of her collar, while the thin spaghetti straps framed her slender shoulders. The fabric clung to her curves in all the right places, highlighting her narrow waist and hips.

Rishit couldn't look away and he didn't try to. The dress he had picked had a subtle sheen to it, almost as if it were made of silk, and the soft and pastel color, reminded him of a beautiful flower ready to bloom.

His heartrate increased as did the bulge between his legs. He couldn't believe how absolutely stunning she looked.

Lima tucked a lock of hair behind her ears, feeling shy under his scrutinizing and heated gaze. "So?" she twirled, the dress flowing.

Rishit cleared his throat, blinking away from the startling sight in front of him. He flexed his hands and scratched his neck, feeling at a loss for words. "It's uh-" he paused trying to think of an appropriate comment to voice out his thoughts.

He couldn't quite say that he wanted to help her out of that dress. See if his dreams had done any justice to the reality of her curves and the softness of her skin.

Lima's heart sank at the long-extended pause. She knew it was a bad idea to try on such light colors. She took a step back, inelegantly stumbling on her own feet. "I'll um, I'll change back to red."

"No!" Rishit disagreed vociferously. "Spectacular." He paused, gulped and continued. "It's spectacular. You look stunning, sensational." He smiled slightly. "Easily, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Lima controlled the smile from erupting on her face like fireworks on the 4th of July. She looked down at herself still holding onto a little doubt even though her lips curved upwards. "Really? Are you sure?"

Rishit nodded and took a step towards her. He reached out to gently trace the line of her jaw with a finger, her skin felt soft and smooth. His voice was hoarse and breathless as he whispered. "Yes, you were right. It's like that color was invented for you."

Lima felt heat creep up her cheeks. His touch sent warmth down her spine, a new tingling sensation caressed the back of her neck. He looked into her eyes as they flickered under the store light. Lima forced herself to meet his piercing gaze and ignored the sudden quickening of her pulse. She felt winded, intoxicated by his proximity. She plucked at the dress she wore. Her voice was low and shy. "So um, I'll buy this?"

Rishit released her, the imprint of his fingers remained etched on her skin. Her pulse jumped, not quite in control. With much difficulty, his eyes moved away from her. "Wear it."

She couldn't believe that a man was able to rile her up with nothing more than a simple touch. She licked her dry lips, moistening them. What the hell was wrong with me? This is so inappropriate! "What?"

Rishit gave a firm nod towards the dress. "Wear it for the remaining day."

Lima's lips parted in surprise. She wasn't used to being told what to do and what to wear, yet her heart skipped a beat at Rishit's directive tone. She played with the slender straps of the dress, her breathing too rapid for it to be considered normal. "You are just saying that because this reaches till my knees."

She did make a good point. He liked that this dress was longer than the really short playsuit she was wearing, this hid her long-toned legs and didn't enhance her hips and the delectable shape of her ass. But he wasn't going to agree with her. "It's because you look better in this. You shine."

Lima rubbed her warm nose, staring down at her feet. She was not used to feeling so flustered and speechless. She always had a snarky sassy comeback but not today, today her tongue was tied up in knots just like her stomach. She meekly nodded. "Thanks."

Rishit passed her a few more dresses, one salmon pink, one ash gray, one baby blue floral dress and one pineapple yellow sheath dress.

Lima raised her eyebrows. She glared at the dresses like they were the most horrendous sight she'd ever seen. So many colors and none of them dark. She tentatively took the dresses from Rishit and wondered if he was trying to punish her for all the things she'd done to them since they came to live at her castle. "You want me to wear all these? Are you serious? These are too... light."

Rishit hummed in loud thought, even going as far as to tap his chin with index finger in contemplation. "You are right. Just because that mint green shade looks good on you doesn't mean all other colors will. Maybe you'll look bad in these. Yeah, we can't risk that." He took back the dresses from her hold, starting to keep them back in the rack.

Lima scoffed, folding her arms and shaking her head, a little amused and a little annoyed. He really knew how to push the right buttons to provoke her.

With a glowering face, she seized the outfits back and stormed inside the changing room. "I'll prove you wrong, stupid lemon cheesecake."

Kim who was standing by the side, witnessing their bizarre interaction, slowly clapped her hands, astonished by Rishit's unique talent. "Wow, you really know how to handle her well." She perceived.

Rishit smiled smugly, chest broadening as he took immense pride in that compliment. "Thank you."

"How do you manage it?" she asked curiously.

He shrugged. "I had a pet cat."

Kim frowned at the vague reply. "How long have two been dating?"

"Oh, we aren't-" Rishit paused, looking at Kim's questioning gaze. Judging by the exchange she had just surveyed, if he declared to not be Lima's boyfriend, it'd simply seem absurd and ridiculous. Who would even believe it? "Two years. We have been dating for two years."

After over an hour of debating on what outfits to buy and what should be cut into pieces and burnt for the whole world to see, Lima walked out with over seven different dresses, and not one was in a dark shade. She was still flabbergasted at Rishit's penchant for maneuvering through her heavily built shackles and even more so at her lack of restraint around him.

How is he doing this and why am I letting him?

"Now what?" Rishit questioned; his eyes wandered around the countless booths of food. "I am hungry."

"Really?" Lima mused. "Even after eating my head for over an hour?"

"Ha-ha." Rishit did a fake laugh. "You are so hilarious."

"I know. It's one of my many talents."

Rishit remembered her comment about knowing how to cook, he turned to Lima. "I want you to make me Pizza and fries."

"I want Ryan Gosling."

Rishit raised his eyebrows at the prompt response. "What?"

Lima blinked innocently. "I thought we were listing things that would never happen."

Rishit didn't know if he should roll his eyes in exasperation or chuckle in amusement.

Suddenly, Lima froze, she had seen a familiar figure standing just across the banister. Her eyes widened and her shoulders stiffened. "Shit!" she hissed.

She quickly ducked into a passage leading to the staircase, pulling Rishit with her.

Rishit frowned, alarmed by her actions. "What are you doing? What's wrong?"

Lima cautiously peeked at Benny, her old friend. She had been ignoring him for quite a while now, tired of his constant advances and flirty ways. He didn't seem to get the hint and refused to give up. At first it was sweet but now she all she wanted was to smack his head into a wall of bricks. She didn't hate him but she wasn't romantically interested in him and he didn't seem to understand that.

She saw Benny look inside a lingerie shop and scowled at that. "What a perv! Shh." She whispered to Rishit, instinctively pressing a finger against his lips.

Rishit stilled at the sudden contact. Her finger searing over his mouth. He swallowed, not daring to move his lips in case the touch was lost. He followed her gaze, frowning as he saw a man in his late twenties. "Are we hiding from that man?"

Benny's back was facing them so Rishit couldn't see his face but he hoped the man wasn't handsome. And he was more intrigued as to why Lima was reacting in such a way.

Lima nodded. "Yes. I don't want him to see him. I am in mood to talk to him right now."

Rishit smirked, taking a step out of Lima's lax grasp. "Hey you!" he shouted, waving at the guy. "Over he-"

Lima gasped, appalled by Rishit's childish behavior. She pulled him back and smacked a palm over his open mouth, shutting it up. She gritted her teeth in annoyance. "What the hell are you doing?" she whisper-yelled.

Rishit shrugged a shoulder, enjoying the close proximity. He could smell the light perfume she had put on in the morning.

Lima blew a breath of frustrated air, her eyes focused on Benny's reaction. Benny was looking around at the sudden shout, along with a few other people, all wondering who had yelled.

Lima kept her hand firmly over his lips, making sure he couldn't speak. If Benny saw her that would be bad but if he saw her now, in a light mint colored dress with a handsome man next to her, it would be worse. It could create havoc and as much as Lima loved disasters, she didn't want to be a part of this one.

After a few minutes Benny went down the escalators and Lima sighed in relief. "He's gone." She whispered.

Her eyes turned back to Rishit and locked, the lights flickered as if sensing the electricity flowing between them. The air suddenly felt hotter and denser.

Lima could barely breath, afraid that the moment would break. She noticed the light specks of hazel in his eyes, little drops of chocolate waiting for her to drown in them. She leaned closer as if drawn by an invisible and irrefutable string of attraction.

She could feel her heart pounding loudly in the chest and she was sure Rishit could hear it too.

Just a kiss, it wouldn't hurt, right? Just one little peck ...

Rishit's eyes darkened further when Lima licked her lips apprehensively, a little sheen coating her bottom lip. His eyes zeroed in on the action, silently wishing it was his tongue mimicking that action.

Lima swallowed hard, her eyes fluttering close, her body demanding things she didn't dare dream. Her chest felt heavy and heat surged through her veins. There was little to no space between their bodies now and Lima's fingers flexed lightly over his mouth, the skin brushing over his parted lips. His tongue seeped out to lightly lick her hand and Lima gasped.

The action simple sending a jolt of desire through her veins. Lima was the first to get out of the daze. She looked away from his eyes to the hand over his mouth and sanity kicked back with full force.

She snatched back her hand as if electrified. Then impulsively took two steps back, needing the physical distance between them so she could think properly and get her heart rate back to normal and her desire to calm down.

There was a dull silence as both of them tried to get their scattered thoughts and feelings in check. Lima finally spoke, her voice gruff and forced. "So... um Pizza?"

Rishit somehow managed to smirk, forcing himself to look away from her rather tempting lips. "Nah. I want a cheese club sandwich now."

Lima scowled at him. "Really, what changed your mind?"

"Your hand smells like rotten cheese."

Lima scoffed loudly, disbelief in her eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest and clenched her jaw. "Rotten cheese?"

Rishit nodded. "Yes, it was disgusting." And just like that, he started walking towards the food court.

Lima followed him, her feet stamping in exasperation. "I don't smell disgusting. That must be you. You smell like a pig all the time." She yelled at him, not caring who was watching or listening.

How dare that imbecile say that she smelled bad! The audacity!

Rishit continued walking, unaffected by Lima's outburst. "That's funny. When did you smell a pig to know what a pig smells like?"

"When I was kid."

"I thought you never got out of the castle."

They went up the escalator. "Of course, I did, as a kid."

Rishit tilted his head to face her. "Are you sure you weren't just smelling yourself? You smell exactly like a pig."

Lima gritted her teeth, clenching her hands into small fists. "I'll really pluck your tongue out."

Rishit smirked. "If you want my tongue that much just ask me to kiss you."

Her retort wobbled for a second, his lips moving but no words to say. The sudden image of kissing Rishit conjured in her mind and she had to shake her head to get it out.

Lima gritted her teeth and hissed, extremely aggravated by her own train of thoughts. She elbowed Rishit in the stomach, walking past him. "What a jerk!" she shrieked, startling a few people next to her.

Rishit chuckled, jogging to catch up to her. "Aww, come on. I was just kidding. I wouldn't mind kissing you at all. Just ask." He pressed his left hand to the part of stomach where she had hit him. "My stomach hurts now."

"Good. Don't eat then."

"Will you feed me?"

"Over your dead body."

"You have such weird fantasies."

Lima turned her head to glare at the imprudent guy who just kept getting on nerves with every passing second. "You better be scared of me, I am a witch."

Rishit rolled his eyes. "I highly doubt that." His eyes drifted to see a lady coming towards them, a baby stroller in one hand and her complete attention on the phone in her other hand. "Move to the left." He shrilled in warning.

But it was too late. The stroller hit the side of Lima's knees who lost her stance and fell backwards from the sudden impact.

Landing straight on her butt.

"I am sorry!" the lady apologized worriedly, offering a hand to help.

But Lima's eyes were focused on Rishit who was standing to her side, a hand over his mouth as he failed to stifle his infuriating laughter. It was as if he'd seen the most hilarious thing ever.

She could hear Rishit's loud failed attempts and snorts while trying to control his guffaws. And he did absolutely nothing to help her off the ground.

"Can I help you?" The lady repeated, even more concerned and nervous now.

Lima ignored the lady's hand. "Watch where you go." She snapped at her, standing up on her own. "You have a baby, at least walk like you can see."

Her eyes then went back to narrow at Rishit and her jaw clenched. If only she could do magic like a real witch, she would have made him blind by now, or mute, or both. Or cast a thousand curses over his unfortunately hot body.

She poked a finger into his chest, it was so firm. When did he even workout? "You could have stopped me from falling."

Rishit flinched as the long nail touched him. "I did say move to the left." He defended himself, grinning like a fool.

"Do you want to die?"

"In your arms? Sure. Name the time."

Lima closed her eyes and took a deep breath, a hopeless effort to calm herself. When she opened her eyes, they held even more fury. "You can find your own way back to the castle." She barked at him, turning and walking away, her head held high, strutting away from the gathered crowd like a Queen.

Rishit laughed, his shoulders shaking. "She is hilarious." He muttered to himself. Just then his phone rang and he fished it out of the back pocket, still smiling like a lovesick fool. But one glance at the caller ID and his smile fell farther than the Devil's descend.

He quickly glanced at Lima who was now quite a few steps ahead, at a safe distance, far enough to not be able to hear him. He picked up the call.


"Did you do it?" A gruff voice demanded with no preamble.

"I am working on it."

"Have you gotten close with her?"

Rishit looked at the woman who had just poked him in the ribs like a 6-year-old girl, he swallowed hard, guilt churning deep into his belly. She stood in front of the Subway stall, staring at the menu with no interest in her eyes.

He already knew what her order would be and it'd contain extra olives for sure. He hated how well he already knew her, it made everything much more complicated. "Yes, I am close."

"Good. How close?"

Rishit cleared his throat, unsure of how to answer that. He had to choose his answer carefully. "Not close enough yet."

"Get closer. Remember why you are there. Don't get distracted otherwise you know what will happen."

And then the call is cut.

Rishit kept the phone back in the pocket with trembling hands. He made a mistake of getting distracted, captivated by Lima Fox and her enchanting ways and words. He had forgotten what his actual purpose was.

And that wasn't good.

With his mind back on track, he walked towards Lima Fox, ready to find out everything about her and then – destroy her.


Well, well, well. *does an evil laugh*

Are you shocked? Are you curious? Are you interested in knowing more? Who thought the goody-two-shoes Rishit had an evil side?

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