4 - I Promised

Tuesday Night

"We need to call Michael and Lucifer," Cas said when in the dorm room with Gabriel.


"They'll want to talk to Sam and Dean."

"Dude. Is Sam even here?"

"I assume he would be if Dean is. Or at least in the area."

"I dunno, you sounded pretty sure just then," Gabe said, narrowing his eyes at Cas. Cas just shrugged.

"I'm the one who reads people, not you."

"Oh shut up," Gabe said. "Fine, I'll text them." He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text over to the two. "They said they'll be here in a few minutes."

"Are they in the area?" Cas asked.

"I swear they stalk us sometimes," Gabe said. "Unless they're still trying to find Sam and Dean and actually got close this time."

True to their word, a few minutes later Michael and Lucifer barged into the room. Without knocking.

"We've been summoned," Luci said. "For what purpose have you called us?"

"What's with the fancy talk Luce?" Gabe asked.

"I'm Satan, I can talk how I want."

Gabe sighed. "That's your excuse for everything. Like literally everything. Is there anything you don't use that for?"

"No," Michael said. "I can confirm that."

"We found the Winchesters," Cas said suddenly.

Michael and Lucifer both looked over at him in silence for a moment.

"Holy shit," Luci said. "We've been trying to find them for years, how'd you do it?"

"Dean fixed my car," Cas replied.

"We need to go talk to them," Luci said. "Dude we need to get the ships back together. Where are they?"

"I'm not going to say," Cas said.

"Bobby's garage is where you'll find Dean," Gabe said, narrowing his eyes at Cas again.

"And Sam?" Michael asked.

"I won't say," Cas said.

"So you do know where Sam is," Gabe said. "Oh my god have you talked to him too? Why won't you let me talk to him?"

"I'm not stopping you," Cas said. "Just go find him yourself."

"Easier said than done," Gabe said. "I have no idea what he looks like now. Dean and I were probably the only recognizable ones after all these years. You only because of the eyes. Sam was too young at the time, he'll be so different now..."

"Dude, I'll find him," Luci said. "I'm Satan, it'll be easier."

"Again with the satan excuse," Michael muttered.

"Don't," Cas said. "Don't find Sam. Let Sam find Gabriel."

"Why?" Luci asked.

"I immediately trust Cas's judgment," Michael said.

"I don't," Gabe snapped. "I just...you've seen him Cas dammit, you've seen Sam. Why didn't you tell me?"

Cas sighed. "Trust me. It's for your own good."

"The hell it is," Gabe snapped, standing up. "I'll see you guys later. Go find Dean and talk some damn sense into Cassie."

Gabe walked out of the dorm room, slamming the door behind him. Michael and Lucifer turned back to Cas, who was sitting down with his hands pressed together, thinking.

"It's what's best for them," Cas said to them. "Sam knows. He agreed. Trust me."

"I do," Michael said. "Luce?"

"Fine," Luci said. "But you need to tell us what the hell has actually happened so far. You've seen Dean obviously. What happened, are my ships sailing?"

Cas sighed. "It's complicated."

"The hell it is, just go up to him and kiss him dammit," Luci said.

"It's not...I don't...Luci it's been five years. Five years is a long time. We're different people now."

"He has a point," Michael said. Luci gave an exasperated sigh.

"Fine, we'll go talk to Dean," Luci said.

"Wait no," Cas said. "He'll know it was me for sure then...let me go back first."

"Then why did you call us?" Michael said.

"Coz the author said she'd get us back in the book," Luci said, and Michael death stared him.

"Five years Lucifer. Five years of your damn wall breaking. How long do I have to keep stopping you from doing that?"

"Forever Mikey," Luci said with a smirk. "You know you love me."

"Yeah...yeah I do," Michael said with a sigh and a slight smile. Luci just continued smirking and stepping over to kiss Michael lightly.

"Guys, please don't do that in my dorm room," Cas said.

"Be glad we're not doing a whole lot more," Luci said, before kissing Michael again.

"Luce come on, we'll go somewhere else," Michael said, smiling.

"Before you do, can you do me a favour?" Cas asked.

"Sure little bro, what is it?" Luci asked.

"Can you smash my car?"


Gabe was walking around campus, trying to work out the anger. It was different when he thought Cas didn't know where Sam was. But the fact that he'd talked to Sam and not told Gabe...

Gabe kicked a stone in anger, looking down at the ground as he walked.

Then he walked into someone.

He looked up as he stumbled and then other person put their arms out to balance him. And woah would you look at that, it was the hot awkward guy.

"We really have to stop meeting like this," the guy said.

"Yeah, sorry," Gabe said. "I'm a bit distracted. Idiot brother won't tell me something." Something flashed over the guys expression so fast Gabe wasn't even sure it was there in the first place.

"Everyone has their reasons," the guy said. "So uh..."

"You ever going to tell me your name kiddo?" Gabe asked. The guy just shrugged. "Seriously? Come on."

"No...I uh, I really should go now. I have...places to be?"

"Jeez, what's with you?" Gabe asked. "You keep randomly running into me, not telling me your name and then just try and leave?"

"Strange coincidences I guess," the guy said. "Until next time Gabriel."

The guy walked off. As Gabriel was frozen. Because one, coincidences, like the coincidences needed for him and Sam to meet again. And then he said until next time...Gabe's last words to the Winchesters.

Another strange coincidence? It would have to be, because this guy looked absolutely nothing like Sam. Still hot though.

Gabe just sighed and went and sat down on the grass, lying down and looking up at the sky. It was currently night, with a few stars shining in the sky. Sam had always liked the stars...

Gabriel missed Sam. He missed him like hell. Screw wanting something better for Sam, he needed to see him...


Sam walked away far enough that Gabe couldn't see him anymore before letting himself freak out. He put his head in his hands, annoyed at himself. There was no way Gabe would like him if he never said his name, how could he do what Cas said?

He looked back at where he could see Gabe in the distance. Gabe was lying on the grass now, looking up at the night sky. Sam smiled softly, wondering if he remembered.

He walked back to his own dorm room and considered calling Dean for a moment before trusting Cas's judgement and deciding against it.

If Cas was wrong in all this...then everything really would go downhill.



Cas looked at the car. Smashed windows, dents in the sides. Nothing too major, but enough that he'd have to take it in.

He cleaned out some of the broken glass so he could sit inside, and drove it over to Bobby's garage.

He saw Bobby in the office take one look at the car and just raise an eyebrow. He walked out and looked at the car.

"How'd you manage this?" he asked Cas.

"My brothers were a bit annoyed," Cas said. "So they took it out on the car. I think it's just the dents and windows?"

Bobby nodded. "Looks like it. We'll need the new windows ordered in, but I can get Dean to fix the dents and get the old glass out now if you don't mind waiting."

Cas nodded. "Yeah, that'd be great." Bobby nodded and went into the garage to call Dean over. Coz Dean didn't seem to be doing anything for some reason.

"Oh hey," Dean said when he saw Cas, after a moment of freezing up. "You again. Cas right?"

Cas nodded. "Yeah, hey Dean."

Dean nodded towards the car. "What the hell happened to her?"

"Brothers," Cas said. "Oldest brother and his boyfriend this time. They uh...were annoyed?"

"Always the bad liar Cas," Dean muttered, quiet enough that he probably thought Cas couldn't hear him. "Wow, you must've done something bad to annoy them."

"Not really," Cas said, shrugging. "My brother has a bit of a destructive reputation. Comes from the name."

"Let me guess, it's something like Satan," Dean said.

"Lucifer," Cas said, with a polite smile like a normal person would do. "And his boyfriend Michael." Cas carefully watched Dean's reactions. He was clearly pissed. He was clearly hurt. He was trying to hide it and act normal. Because he figured Cas knew from the start, and if Cas cared he would say something...

But did Cas care? Cas couldn't tell...the damn therapist had messed with his mind too much.

"Okay, give me the keys," Dean said, dropping the conversation. "I'll fix her up. Do you want to come in or come back later?"

"I'll stay," Cas said, shrugging. "Got nothing better to do. College classes aren't until later."

Dean nodded, his jaw doing that jaw thing it does when he's annoyed. And...that hurt Cas. Cas simply added that to his list of observations.

Dean drove the car into his part of the garage, parking it carefully in the middle. Then he set to work clearing out the rest of the broken glass and windows.

"So," Dean said. "You're gonna be here for the next hour, want to talk?"

"No, I'll just stand here awkwardly and say nothing," Cas said, rolling his eyes. "Yes Dean, I want to talk."

Dean chuckled. "You mentioned college. What do you do there?"

"Psychology," Cas said, and noted the way Dean accidentally cut his hand on a piece of glass then. He swore lightly and just went and got a rag to wrap around the cut. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's a small cut," Dean said. "I've had worse."

"Oh really?" Cas said. "How?"

"Getting mad at the world makes you more prone to injury," Dean said, laughing without humour.

Cas was silent. That was his fault...that was all his fault.

"But anyway," Dean said. "What made you want to do psychology?"

"I was always good at reading people," Cas said. "It seemed to fit."

"Oh really," Dean said teasingly. "Can you read me?"

"Do you really want me to?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"You're hurting. A memory of yours has come back and it's hurting you so much."

Dean went quiet, looking at Cas before looking back at the car. "Wow you're good. Wasn't expecting that."

"Sorry," Cas said.

"It's fine, I asked for it," Dean said.

It didn't take much longer for Dean to finish taking the rest of the glass out and fix up all the dents quickly. Dean looked over the car quickly before stepping back and turning to Cas.

"Okay, do you want to pay for the new windows now?"

Cas nodded, and they walked into the office. Dean stood behind the computer and started typing in the order for the new windows.

"If you don't mind me asking," Cas said. "You said you were mad at the world...and prone to injury. How did those two fit together?"

Dean chuckled lightly, trying to make the situation seem less serious. "I really did just get mad a lot, I'd avoid taking it out on my family by punching furniture or walls...I actually broke a few bones doing that. Got into a lot of fist fights too."

Cas's breathing got heavier. He caused that pain...

"You can probably guess how it started," Dean said. "The memory that's hurting now, it's what caused it all back then. Came back recently."

"I'm sorry," Cas said, and Dean probably took it as Cas just feeling sympathy.

"It's fine," he said, waving it off. "Need your credit card. Or something."

Cas nodded and pulled out his wallet, before just passing the whole thing over to Dean. Dean gave him a look of confusion before looking down at the wallet.

"Well...I uh...I didn't do too well for the last few years either," Cas said, watching as Dean opened the wallet and froze over. "I got mentally sick. My family thought I had an obsession with something, that it was taking over my life. They sent me to a therapist..."

"Did the therapist help?" Dean asked, his voice shaky and looking at the inside of the wallet.

"Kind of?" Cas said. "I thought they did at the time...but now I've come to realize that while they got rid of the obsession to find you again they messed with any feelings I had for you in the process."

Dean looked up into Cas's eyes, his own wide and openly filled with hurt, but also understanding. And happiness too.

He was still holding Cas's wallet in his hands. The wallet which had a spot for a photo in it. Cas had put his favourite photo in it...the one of him and Dean talking while sitting by the fire in their cabin. He loved this one because of the way Dean was looking at him in the photo...and now Dean knew for sure.

"Hello Dean," Cas said. "I promised I'd find you didn't I?"

"Castiel," Dean said, his voice cracking. He took a step forward and Cas could tell that he was freaking out and was unsure. "You know...I promised you something. And I understand that you probably can't say it back right now without meaning to because of the therapist."

Cas smiled softly, remembering the promises they'd all made at the end of camp. Especially Dean's...

Dean stepped forward again, closer to Cas but giving Cas enough distance to stay comfortable. "Cas..." He smiled brightly, his green eyes having that soft spark in them that Cas had always loved. "Castiel Novak, I loved you then, and hell, I still love you now."


Woo so splashing cold water on your face at midnight actually helps to keep you awake another half hour or so to finish a chapter...I may regret that in the morning.

But hey would you look at that Destiel, about flipping time you two xD Next up Sabriel...or I could actually sort out destiel first.

I've noticed that when I do something I tend to say it on each book. Like the youtube thing. I'm mentioning that in each place. Guys I made a youtube. With this username. So far I'm just awkward xD

It is now roughly 1am. I shall now fall into the realm of sleep. Night guys :P *Gives everyone oreo chocolate*

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