2 - Not Recognizable
Sam stood in that hallway for maybe ten minutes before finally turning around to walk back to his dorm room.
It's not possible, how could it be possible? The amount of coincidences that would have to happen...
"Woah dude, what's up with you?" Kevin asked as Sam walked in, that look of shock still on his face, and sat down on his bed.
"I..." Sam said. "I don't...I..." He pulled out his phone, dialling Dean. Dean picked up after four rings.
"What is it, I'm at work," Dean said and Sam could hear the background noise of cars.
"Dean," Sam said but his voice was shaky and he couldn't get the words out. "I just...saw..."
"Shit Sammy are you okay?"
Sam tried to say something but no words came out. It couldn't have been Gabriel, I couldn't have just seen Gabriel, it's been five years, it was so long ago.
Kevin walked over and took the phone from Sam. "Hey Dean it's Kevin. I think you should come over, Sam's in some kind of shock." He was silent as Dean said something and then hung up the phone. "Okay Sam, Dean's coming, is there anything you need?"
"How..." was all Sam managed to choke out. Gabriel, it was Gabriel, that was Gabriel, he ran into me, he didn't recognize me...
Sam couldn't tell how much time passed before Dean was running into the room. He ran over to Sam and crouched in front of him, trying to get Sam's attention.
"Sammy what's wrong, what happened?" Dean said, trying to get Sam to focus on him. "Come on, you're okay, we got you."
"Dean," Sam said quietly. "I saw Gabriel."
Dean went quiet. Kevin looked at them with confusion.
"No," Dean said, standing up. "Nope, not possible. It was a lookalike."
"Dean I think I would know the guy I spent every moment of a month with. That was him."
"Five years ago Sam, people change. It can't be him."
"Any want to tell me what's going on?" Kevin asked.
"No," the Winchester's said at the same time.
"God I'm glad Becky wasn't here for that," Kevin muttered, rolling his eyes.
"Sam what makes you think it was him?" Dean asked.
"It looked like him, he said jerk, he took the lollipop I offered and said he liked sugar..."
"And you didn't bother asking his name?"
"He was in a rush. He literally ran into me. It kinda hurt."
Dean sighed. "Look, just don't do anything stupid okay? Five years. Even if it is him, who knows if he's the same person?"
"You wouldn't say that about Castiel," Sam muttered and Dean glared.
"I'm going to head back to work now," Dean said. "Don't freak out again. Be cautious."
"Yeah yeah I know Dean," Sam said. "Jerk."
"Bitch," Dean said, walking out of the dorm room.
"So," Kevin said. "Who's Gabriel?"
Sam sighed and began explaining the long story of the summer of five years ago. It was times like this he wished someone had typed it all up into a story.
Gabriel was thinking about the guy in the hallway. It was weird, that guy had known his favourite lollipop flavour. Or it had just been a coincidence. But why the hell would he randomly give it to Gabe?
Weirdo, Gabe thought, leaning back in his chair. He was in some sort of music theory class and wasn't paying much attention. Kinda hot though.
The guy had been tall, long hair, hazel green eyes, somewhat awkward with his height as if he wasn't used to it...and a bit familiar. Gabe liked him.
After class he went back to his dorm room, to where Cas was now sitting in almost the exact same spot.
"There was this hot guy today," Gabe said, throwing his bag down and not caring if Cas was actually listening.
"On a scale of one to ten?" Cas asked, glancing up from his book.
"Your scale doesn't have an accurate number," Gabe replied.
"Did you talk to him?"
"I ran into him, knocked him over and called him a jerk."
"You're hopeless."
"Like you can talk Cassie."
Cas shrugged.
"Speaking of, did you end up getting the car fixed?"
"I'm getting there," Cas replied.
"Really Cas, we kinda need that to go places. Just take it into Bobby's garage would you?"
"Fine," Cas said, and then looked over at Gabriel with that squinty gaze of his. "What's wrong?"
"Cas the hell with your mind reading abilities, don't do that."
"This guy...what did he look like?"
"Moose, hazel green eyes, long hair, why?"
Cas narrowed his eyes. "What does he remind you of?"
"I never said he reminded me of anyone," Gabe said.
"But he does."
"Cas I swear to Chuck, be normal."
Gabe gave an exasperated sigh. "He reminds me of...I dunno. Warmth. Fresh air, soft breeze, a lake—"
"You're describing summer," Cas said quietly. Gabe fell quiet.
"No," Gabe said. "No." He didn't say another word.
vvvvv (Sorry guys there was something on my V key, had to get it off)
Cas stared at Gabe blankly for a few moments, before grabbing the car keys and leaving the dorm room.
Their shared car had been acting up recently, not starting properly and making weird noises, things like that. Cas was going to take it to get fixed.
It took him three tries to start the car, and he finally got it started to drive to the car repair place in town. Apparently it was an amazing place with great service. And hot mechanics. Not that Cas asked about that kind of thing.
He parked out the front and walked into the office, where an old guy with a baseball cap and a beard was sitting behind the desk.
"Hey," the guy said. "What do you need?"
"I think there's something wrong with my car," Cas said.
"No shit, otherwise you wouldn't be here," the guy said. "What's it been doing?"
"Not starting, making weird noises," Cas said. The guy nodded.
"Sounds pretty basic. One of the workers is finishing up now, they could fix it before they leave if you don't mind waiting a bit."
"Yeah, thanks," Cas said. The guy called out back and a younger guy around Cas's age walked in.
"What is it Bobby?"
"Fix the guys car," the older guy called Bobby said before walking out.
"Well that's helpful," the younger guy muttered. He looked over at Cas. And Cas...well Cas froze.
Green eyes, blondish brown hair, freckles. And on the same day that Gabe had seen someone similar to Sam, this couldn't be a coincidence.
"Hello?" the guy said. "You okay there?"
"Yeah," Cas said, breaking out of his momentary trance. "Um, my cars out the front, it's just not starting and making weird noises..." The guy nodded and walked out to Cas's car. Cas watched him go before following slowly.
"I'll need the keys to move it inside," the guy said, holding his hand out, and Cas passed him the keys. "Wow you actually just trusted me with the keys of your car. I could totally steal it right now."
"Why would you do that?" Cas asked. "You have Baby."
The guy froze. Cas realized what he'd said and froze.
"Okay dude, do I know you?" the guy who was almost definitely Dean asked.
"No," Cas said. "But you're Dean Winchester aren't you? I did a bit of research on the place before I brought the car over...the website has a quote from you and you call your car Baby."
Dean relaxed. "Right, I got a bit worried for a second there. But yeah, I'm Dean. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for Cas to shake and Cas shook it. Dean narrowed his eyes slightly when Cas didn't say anything and started walking over to the car.
"I'm Cas," Cas said quietly and Dean literally almost tripped over.
We're going to take a sudden change to Dean's thoughts here, because it's pretty obvious Cas doesn't care.
Dean regained his balance quickly and looked over at Cas. He did kinda look like Castiel, blue eyes black hair. I literally just asked if I knew him, Dean thought. And he knows who I am, he would've said something. Cas would've said something...
"Are you okay?" Cas asked.
"Yeah sorry," Dean said. "You just...remind me of someone." Cas nodded but didn't say anything else.
Cas would say something, Dean thought. He promised he would find us so he wouldn't just do nothing in this situation. It's a coincidence nothing more.
Dean took the car into the garage, found the problem pretty quickly and went about fixing it. Cas waited awkwardly to the side, looking around at things.
It took about twenty minutes to fix the car and Cas was on his phone by the end of it. He was glaring at it.
"What'd the phone ever do to you?" Dean teased.
"It's my brother," Cas muttered. "He's trying to get me to do something."
Okay we need another perspective change here. It's hard to get both their thoughts in here. So over to Cas.
All he'd done was text Gabe saying Dean was here. Now Gabe was spamming him with messages about talking to him.
Cas put his phone face down and tried to ignore it but it went off every few seconds. Dean was just watching with amusement.
"Older or younger brother?" he asked.
"Older," Cas said. "A complete pain."
"I've got a younger one," Dean said. "He's great, a genius and it's not fair coz he's taller than me."
"But you're tall," Cas said.
"Yeah. He's taller."
"My older brother is shorter than me...it's great."
Dean glared over at him and Cas smirked.
"Okay well I finished the car, it should be good now," Dean said. "Go into the office and Bobby will take care of payment." He walked over to pass the keys to Cas, and looked directly into Cas's eyes for just a split second before turning and walking away. "Was nice to meet you Cas."
Cas watched him go for another second. Now, he could tell Dean he was really the same Cas from five years ago. But honestly, Cas didn't really care much. Five years was a long time. What happened had happened but it was gone now. So Cas said nothing and walked away.
What he didn't see however was the moment Dean walked into the next room he kicked a table violently. Because no one had bluer than blue eyes like Cas did.
Early update coz I'm excited for this xD So I went to comic con yesterday and met Tim Omundson...and John Barrowman...yep.
My two weekends of cons and excitement are now over and I have nothing to look forward to now xD Except a con in December. And holidays in two weeks.
It's 1pm and I haven't eaten anything, what am I doing, I need food. I'm getting food after this.
Here everyone else can have food *gives everyone some form of lunch*
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