15 - Icy Lake
Day 4, Thursday
Sam woke to find Gabe snuggled against his side sleeping peacefully, still on the couch from last night. He smiled softly at Gabe, before moving slightly to put an arm around him and pull him closer.
"Well aren't you two just adorable," Dean said, looking over at them from where he was already awake, standing across the room. He rolled his eyes at them as Sam glared, walking off into his own room to get Cas.
A weary Cas walked out of the room, and went to look out the window. "The storm's stopped," he said.
"The lake might be frozen over," Dean said, walking up behind Cas and wrapping his arms around his waist while resting his chin on Cas's shoulder. "I know it's a summer camp but ice skating would be fun."
"Yeah if Gabe ever wakes up," Sam muttered. But Gabe was sleeping so peacefully...
"All you have to do is shout at him," Dean said, walking over to them. "Gabriel! Get your sorry ass up!"
Gabe stirred as Sam glared at Dean. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times and looking at Sam. Their faces were inches away from each others.
"Well hello there," Gabe said quietly, his voice husky from sleep. Sam immediately blushed and Gabe just smirked.
"You two are in a public area," Dean called as he walked away. "Keep that in mind before you do it on the couch."
"You're no fun Deano," Gabe said, before very gracefully rolling over and falling off the couch and standing up. That was sarcastic by the way.
Sam chuckled and got up normally, before going to look out the window. Cas was right, the storm had completely stopped and there was a thick layer of snow covering the ground.
"We should go down to the lake," Sam said to Gabe as he joined him at the window.
"Luci and Michael probably have ice skates somewhere," Gabe said, smiling. Sam smiled at him, and there was a moment of silence as they looked into each others eyes.
"Just kiss already!" Dean yelled.
"You ruined the moment," Gabe said, glaring at him. Dean just shrugged before grabbed Cas and walking to the door. Sam just chuckled at the way Gabe kept glaring at the door after they were gone.
"We should go out there too," Sam said.
"Fine," Gabe said. "Just let me get dressed first." Because they were still wearing the clothes from yesterday. Gabe walked off into his room and Sam waited for a bit before realizing he should probably get changed too. So he just walked into the room.
"Uh Sam? People getting changed in here."
"I'm aware," Sam said, not actually looking at Gabe as he went over to get his own stuff. "I need to get changed too you idiot." There was just silence from behind him. Sam glanced over to see that Gabe was in fact shirtless at that point in time, and tried not to let his gaze linger too much. But Gabe still noticed.
"Like what you see Sammy?" Gabe asked, and Sam could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Oh I'm just in here for clothes," Sam said, not turning around again. He heard a little huffing noise from Gabe and smiled. Before abruptly turning around, stepping over to Gabe and kissing him.
He pulled away too quickly for Gabe to react, smiling before leaving the room, leaving Gabe standing there with wide eyes.
Sam got changed in the bathroom and waited for Gabe to come out, smiling innocently when he did. Gabe didn't say anything, just walked up to him and pulled him down into another kiss, just as quick as the one before.
"We should go down to the lake now," Gabe said, before walking over to the door. Sam smiled before following him.
The snow covering the ground was thick, and as Gabe went to try and run through it he just kinda fell over. Sam laughed as he carefully walked over to where Gabe was. Gabe was laughing, almost giggling.
"You're an idiot," Sam said, holding out a hand to help Gabe up. Gabe took it but then just pulled Sam down with him, so they were both lying in the snow. "You're really an idiot."
"Shut up, you love me," Gabe said, smiling. Sam just laughed, before grabbing a handful of snow and dropping it on Gabe's face. Gabe spluttered and pushed it off, glaring at Sam, before grabbing a handful of snow and trying to shove it downs Sam shirt. Sam yelped and tried to push Gabe off of him.
Eventually they did make it down to the lake, which was frozen over as they had guessed. Cas and Dean were sitting on the end of the pier, holding hands.
"Well this should be interesting," Gabe said, looking down at the ice as he stood on the pier. He seemed to think about something for a second before shrugging and jumping down onto the ice. The ice didn't break as he landed, and he stood completely still for a second before looking up at Sam.
"What if the ice had broken?" Sam asked.
"You woulda saved me," Gabe said with a smile. Sam just smiled, shaking his head as he sat on the edge of the pier and carefully lowered himself onto the frozen lake. Sam went to move, and immediately slipped over. Gabe just started laughing.
"Oh like you could do better," Sam muttered.
"Oh but I could," Gabe said, before somehow gracefully sliding over to where Sam was. Sam just gaped at him and Gabe laughed.
By this point Cas and Dean had noticed them on the lake. Dean smiled and got down onto the ice, while Cas looked at him hesitantly.
"Come on Cas," Dean said, smiling. "It's not that bad..."
"Maybe if we had actual skates," Cas said.
"Never fear, Satan is here," Luci said, appearing from nowhere and holding up some ice skates. "You have no excuse now Cassie." Cas glared at him but took the skates. Luci threw another pair at Dean who managed to catch them before going over to Gabe and Sam.
"You guys want skates or are you fine just failing like that," he said, smirking at Sam who was still not able to stand.
"Yes give me the damn skates," Sam muttered while Gabe just laughed.
And so they all put on ice skates and were still failing just as bad. Except Gabe who was somewhat good at it.
(Oh my god I'm just thinking of Yuri on Ice now)
"Alright," Dean said, standing wobbly on the ice. "How hard could this be?"
"Very," Cas said. He was holding on to Dean's arm as Dean tried to move. They managed to move around a bit, Dean pretty much dragging Cas around. And then Dean lost balance and since Cas was holding on to him they both just fell.
Gabe skated gracefully past them, laughing before just circling around them. "You guys having fun there?"
"How the hell are you doing that?" Dean asked.
"I don't even know," Gabe said, chuckling. He went back over to Sam and took both of his hands. "How are you doing?"
"I've moved about two metres in the last ten minutes," Sam said. "I'm doing great."
"Oh come on," Gabe said, and started moving backwards while holding Sam's hands, pulling him along with him. "See it's not that hard."
"Says you," Sam muttered, holding Gabe's hands like they were a lifeline. Gabe smiled softly and let go of one hand so he could skate alongside Sam.
"All you have to do is keep balance," Gabe said. "I'll do the rest."
"I'm too tall to have good balance," Sam muttered and Gabe laughed.
Michael and Lucifer eventually joined them. But they were like, ridiculously good at this. Like they were doing the whole couples ice skating thing, fancy spinny jumps and everything.
"What the hell," Dean said. "What the actual hell."
"That is unfair," Cas said, glaring. Cas however was starting to get the hang of this, and was helping Dean along.
Gabe was still pulling Sam along, although Sam was getting better at keeping balance. Eventually Gabe let go and Sam just gave him a wide eyed look.
"Try it," Gabe said, smiling and skating a fair distance away so Sam couldn't grab him for balance.
"Gabe," Sam said worriedly. "Please come back."
"It's easy," Gabe said. "Come on, you just have to move your feet a bit." Sam gave him a wide eyed look but then tried to.
And then they heard a sound.
A sound you would never want to hear on a frozen lake.
A crack.
Sam froze. Gabe froze. Sam looked down to see a crack below him.
"Gabriel," he said, fear lacing his voice.
"Okay okay Sam don't move," Gabe said. He looked frantically over at the others but they'd moved too far away from the group. "Um okay I'll come and get you—"
"Don't you dare," Sam said. "It'll break with both of us, you'll fall in."
"And you won't?!" Gabe yelled. The others heard Gabe yell and Michael and Lucifer made their way over, stopping next to Gabe.
"Oh," Luci said.
"This is bad," Michael said.
Dean and Cas came over too, and Luci grabbed them both before they could go onto the dangerous ice.
"What's wrong?" Dean asked. Another cracking sound echoed through the ice. He looked with wide eyes towards Sam.
"Sam just move very slowly this way," Gabe said. Sam tried, but more cracks just echoed around them. Dean started taking off his skates. "Dean what..."
"Well if I have to jump in after him then the skates will weigh me down," Dean muttered.
Sam tried to move a little bit more...but that was too much for the ice. The ice beneath him broke and Sam fell into the freezing water below. Dean swore and went to the edge of the broken ice, while Gabe just stood there frozen. When Sam didn't come back up, Dean didn't hesitate to jump into the freezing water.
Time seemed to slow down after Dean jumped in, but eventually he came back up, holding Sam. Everyone except Gabe immediately went to help pull them out. Gabe was frozen, staring at Sam. It was his fault...
No one noticed Gabe skate off and get off the lake as they tried to get Dean and Sam warm. Sam who was barely responsive from the cold. Only later when they were all in the cabin trying to get warm did they realize Gabe was gone...
Right so this was supposed to be up last night and there was supposed to be another one today, which means I'm gonna write another one later today xD As well as an update for another book, wow I have alota writing to do
Oh and I'm sorry? I meeaaan no one died soooo
Christmas in a few days :D And it is soooo warm here, Aussie weather huh
*gives everyone chocolate*
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