13 - Lakeside
Day 2, Tuesday
Sam woke to the sound of Gabriel's alarm going off, since he'd forgotten to turn it off. It was a song that sounded vaguely familiar to him. Then Sam remembered when the two of them had sung this out from the roof of the hall at the bonfire...
Gabe groaned as he woke and fumbled around to turn off Heat of the Moment.
"Morning Gabe," Sam said, sitting up on his own bed and running a hand through his messy hair.
"Why didn't someone remind me to turn it off," Gabe muttered.
"You should've remembered," Sam said, smiling. Gabe just squinted his eyes open and glared at him, before rolling over and pulling the covers over his head. "Well okay, I'll let you sleep." Gabe made some muttered out sound under the covers and Sam just smiled.
Sam walked out of the room, closing it quietly behind him and saw that Dean was awake too. They never seemed to sleep as much as they should.
"How are you and Gabriel?" Dean asked.
"Better," Sam said. "I think...he at least talked to me last night."
Dean nodded. "That's good."
"How about you and Cas?" Sam asked.
"I really don't know," Dean said. "I'll have to get back to you on that one." Sam just nodded and then went to look out one of the windows at the cold winter sky.
Cas walked out of his bedroom at that moment, walking over to Dean. "Good morning Dean."
"Cas," Dean said in greeting. "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept well," Cas said. "What are we going to do today?"
"We could just walk around," Dean said, shrugging. "Not much to do at a summer camp in winter." Cas nodded absentmindedly. Dean glanced over at Sam, but Sam seemed lost in thought now. He looked over them suddenly.
"I'm going to go up to the hall," Sam said. "I'll see you guys later." With that he left them alone in the room. Cas tilted his head.
"He's distracted," Cas noted.
"Of course he is," Dean said, putting an arm around Cas's shoulders. "Now where shall we go?"
They ended up just walking around the lake, for lack of anywhere else to go. They ended up pausing at the other side of the lake where they had once lied in the soft green grass.
"You remember this right Cas?" Dean said, toeing at the snow.
"Yes," Cas said, but his voice was void of emotion. Dean looked carefully at him.
"Don't sound so happy about it," Dean muttered.
"I don't really feel anything for the memories of this place," Cas said, shrugging. "My psychologist ruined that for me."
"Then we'll just have to fix that," Dean said quietly, taking Cas's hands in his. "We would lie here in the grass, remember?" Cas nodded. "It was warm, and we were happy. We felt so happy and peaceful Cas, remember that?" Cas nodded again, smiling slightly this time. "You'd lie against my chest with your eyes closed and just enjoy the sun. Remember that feeling?"
Cas was fully smiling now, shyly looking down. Dean put a hand under Cas's chin and gently tilted his head upwards, looking into his blue eyes for a moment before leaning down to kiss him softly. Cas leaned into the kiss, stepping closer to Dean.
Dean pulled away after a minute of so. "If I have to go through every memory we had here to make you remember what you really felt, I'll do it."
"But why?" Cas asked quietly.
"Because I love you Cas," Dean said. "I still love you. And I want you to remember that you loved me."
Cas smiled slightly. "You know...didn't you used to hate chick flick moments?"
"Shut up, I'm trying to be cute," Dean said, pouting. Cas chuckled.
"You're succeeding," Cas said, pressing another kiss to Dean's lips.
Gabe was standing on the pier, looking out over the almost frozen lake. It definitely looked different with the trees white in the background, the cloudy sky and the icy water.
"Gabe?" He looked to see Sam walking up beside him, hands shoved in his pockets. "You'll catch a cold if you stay out here."
"Come on Sammy, look at the view," Gabe said. "Everything's so...white."
"Well duh," Sam said, rolling his eyes.
"Don't you eye roll at me," Gabe said, pouting.
"You can't stop me," Sam replied, and Gabe glared before lunging at Sam. A slight misjudgement sent Sam falling off the pier into the icy water.
"Shit," Gabe said, kneeling on the edge of the pier. Below them the water wasn't frozen but it sure as hell would've been cold. "Shitshitshit Sammy are you—"
Sam surfaced from the water. "It's shallow here," he said, his voice shaking. "It's...cold..."
"Shit okay Sammy let's get you out of there," Gabe said, holding a hand out for Sam to take. Sam took it and Gabe tried to pull him onto the pier but you know, Gabe is tiny so that didn't work too well. "Uh..."
"I'll just walk over to shore," Sam said, his voice still wobbly. When he got to the shore, Gabe following alongside him on the pier, he collapsed on the ground.
"No nope don't do that," Gabe said. He rubbed his hands on Sam's shoulders, trying to give him back some warmth. "You need to come back to the cabin." Sam nodded and stood up, noticeably shivering. Gabe couldn't help but feel guilty as he looked at him.
They got back inside the cabin and the fire was already going. Gabe put more wood in it and pushed Sam down in front of it.
"Be warm," he said.
"I'm trying," Sam stuttered out. Gabe frowned and went and grabbed blankets, throwing them over Sam's head. He settled down beside Sam and Sam readjusted the blankets. Actually he just kind threw the blankets off.
"What why?" Gabe asked.
"Did you realize that my clothes are all just a bit wet?" Sam muttered. Gabe blinked and then his eyes went big.
"Shit sorry," he said. Before he actually thought about what he was doing, he leaned over and slid Sam's jacket off his shoulders before moving his hands to the bottom of Sam's shirt. Sam just went along with his movements, allowing him to take the shirt off.
"Not the circumstances I would've guessed you to be doing that," Sam said quietly and then Gabe realized that he was undressing Sam.
"Oh," he said, trying to keep his gaze level with Sam's eyes but ultimately failing as he looked at Sam's shirtless body. "Um." Sam smiled softly. "...Your jeans are wet too."
Sam just laughed and then for a moment seemed to actually consider it. Gabe raised an eyebrow at him. They made eye contact and sat there awkwardly for a second.
"I'm just going to go get dry clothes," Sam said, standing up and walking off into the other room. Gabe pouted and looked into the fire.
Sam came back a minute later and sat back next to Gabe, a blanket around his shoulders.
"Are you feeling any warmer?" Gabe asked, glancing at Sam and stopped when he noticed that Sam was still shirtless.
Sam shook his head. "Still cold," he said. "You know...the fastest way to heat up is with body heat."
"Then generate some," Gabe deadpanned and Sam just laughed. Gabe smiled and then scooted over next to Sam, letting Sam put the blanket around both of their shoulders. Gabe leaned against Sam's bare chest, feeling how cold his skin was.
"So...you introduced yourself yesterday and now we're here," Gabe said. Sam chuckled.
"I guess so," Sam said. "You're not annoyed about that are you?"
"I could think of worse situations," Gabe said, leaning further against Sam. Sam smiled softly and put an arm around Gabe. "I'm sorry Sam."
"What for?"
"Pushing you into the lake, duh."
"Hey it wasn't your fault, I lost balance."
"That's not excuse on my part," Gabe muttered. "I should've been more careful." Sam gave Gabe a curious and confused look and Gabe just shrugged it off. "You're okay though. Right?"
"Of course I am," Sam said. "I'm in front of a fire with blankets and my boyfriend. I'd say I'm doing pretty well."
"You...still think of me as your boyfriend?"
"We had a fight. We didn't break up. So I mean, if you still want to be..."
"What yes, yes I do," Gabe said. "I just...it's hard."
"You're afraid of something," Sam said quietly.
"Nope," Gabe said.
"Gabe come on, it's better to talk about these sorts of things."
"Or we could ignore it for now and enjoy this nice warm moment."
Sam sighed and just pulled Gabe closer against him.
This woulda been longer but I am very tired right now and wanted to publish tonight xD So I have decided that when it's Christmas in the fic, I wanna post that chapter on Christmas...which means there may be several updates happening quite soon :D
Anyone out there in Australia, there's gonna be a pretty big Spn con in Melbourne next year, bigger than anything they've had so far...just saying...
Also I really wanna see snow xD *gives everyone Christmas tree shaped cookies*
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