12 - Summer Camp in Winter

Day 1, Monday

"So what exactly is the point in this?" Gabe asked, not even bothering to look over at Cas. Cas glanced at Gabe, noting the way he was staring miserably out the window.

"We're going back to the camp," Cas said. They were in the backseat of Michael's car. Sam and Dean were driving in the Impala because they couldn't be bothered fitting six of them in one car when some of them were potentially mad at each other.

"Okay but why?" Gabe said. "It's not going to work, don't you get that?"

"But we all want it to," Cas said. "You love Sam, don't you?" Gabe didn't answer, but that was all the answer Cas needed. "It's the memories from this place that is disrupting our current relationships. So...we replace them. Make new memories here, and from the new memories decide wether the relationship will work."

"Stupid psychology," Gabe muttered under his breath.

"It works, doesn't it?" Cas replied. Michael and Luci were being suspiciously quiet in the front seat. Luci looked like he was plotting.

"He's right," Michael said. "Gabe come on, give it a chance."

"I gave it a chance and look where that got me," Gabe muttered.

"You had one fight, so what?" Luci said. "Suck it up." Gabe just glared at Luci and went back to ignoring the world and looking out the window.

They pulled up to that same car park they had arrived at all those years ago, parking the car as the Impala drove in behind them. All six of them got out, looking at the path that would lead back to the summer camp.

"Great," Gabe muttered. "How disastrous could this possibly be?"

"Have faith," Cas said.

"Shut up," Gabe said.

"Remember five years ago when Cas was the one who didn't want to hang out with Gabe?" Luci said to Michael.

"And Sam was the one who didn't want to be here," Michael said. He glanced over at Sam and Dean. "He just looks kind of sad this time." He was right, Sam was looking down sadly and avoiding eye contact with the Novak's. Dean looked a lot more optimistic than Sam, and walked over to the Novak's with Sam trailing behind him.

"So," Dean said, standing close to Cas. "Are we doing this or what?"

"No let's just stand here forever," Gabe said. "Much more enjoyable."

Cas rolled his eyes and grabbed Dean's hand, dragging him off down the path that led to the camp. Michael and Luci followed shortly, leaving Sam and Gabe standing there.

Sam looked at Gabe who was staring at the ground. "Look Gabe I—" Sam was cut off as Gabe just started walking away. He stood there frozen for a second, watching Gabe with a hurt look before following after him.

They made their way up to the campsite which was just how it had been five years ago, if not a bit more worn down. There were still rows of cabins with the main hall at the top of the hill, and the lake at the bottom. However now a light layer of snow covered the ground, and ice had started forming over the surface of the lake.

"I think there's a reason this is a summer camp," Dean said.

"There's still ways to have fun," Luci said. "Now, you guys all get that same cabin."

"Can I share with Cas," Gabe muttered quietly.

"Nope I'm sharing with Dean," Cas said. Gabe glared at him. Sam tried to ignore how much that hurt him.

And so they went off to the cabin. Michael and Luci retreated off to their own cabin. And well...no one saw them for a while, I wonder what they were doing...

Dean, Cas, Sam and Gabe all walked into the cabin. It looked smaller than it once had, but the again they had all grown. Except for Gabe of course.

"It's freezing in here," Dean said, walking over to the fireplace. "Fire anyone?"

"We could burn down the cabin," Gabe muttered. "Then we wouldn't have to be here."

"Shut up Gabriel," Cas said. "At least try and have fun would you?"

"No," Gabe said before walking off to the room him and Sam used to share, closing the door behind him. Sam just watched sadly, as Dean and Cas waited to see how Sam would react.

"Really dude?" Dean said. "You're not even going to try?"

"I don't know how to," Sam said. "It's...it's been too long, I don't know him anymore."

Cas shared a glance with Dean. "Look Sam," Cas said. "Try to think of this as you are learning who he is again. He tried to get to know you five years ago...now you need to try to get to know him." With that Cas walked back out of the cabin door, and Dean followed him. This left Sam alone in the main room of the cabin.

Sam sighed and sat down on the couch, pulling his legs up to his chest as he watched the small fire in the fireplace. Cas was right...he needed to do what Gabe did for him.


"Do you think they'll be okay?" Dean asked.

"Eventually," Cas said. "They just need to put in the effort."

"And us?" Dean asked.

"I'm not using psychology on us," Cas said. "I don't need to analyse my own relationship."

"Then don't analyse it," Dean said. "Just tell me what you think. With feelings not logic."

(Is Cas a Vulcan? Only just realizing this now...)

"Okay..." Cas said slowly. "I don't know much about you, or what you've done in the last five years, and vice versa. We should probably talk about that..."

"Yeah we should," Dean said. "Okay so. I went to college and got a degree in mechanics." Cas smiled slightly.

"I'm currently at college studying psychology," Cas said.

"Wow never would've guessed," Dean said. "It's not obvious in everything you say at all." Cas laughed.

"You got sarcastic," he said.

"Yeah and you used to be sassier than this," Dean said.

"Oh I can be sassy," Cas said. "I just...don't."

"Great reasoning," Dean said, smiling.

"Shut up," Cas said, shoving Dean lightly.

"Great comeback too," Dean teased, and Cas just glared.

At this point they'd walked down to the semi frozen lake and were standing on the pier. They used to sit on this pier...

"Are you still overprotective of Sam?" Cas asked suddenly.

"He's my little brother, of course I am," Dean said.

"He's taller than you."

"Shut up."

"Oh now who has to good comebacks?"

"Me, duh," Dean said, smirking.

"You keep telling yourself that," Cas said.

"Oh I will," Dean said, still smirking. Cas couldn't help chuckling lightly, shaking his head. "So it's cold out here."

"Huddle for warmth?" Cas asked.

"Okay that sounded adorable," Dean said, moving beside Cas and wrapping an arm around his shoulder, bringing them closer together. Cas just snuggled into Dean's side, smiling softly as they looked out over the icy lake.


Sam was still sitting on the couch, he hadn't moved. Dean and Cas eventually came back in and just walked past Sam to their shared room. Michael and Lucifer had not made another appearance, but hopefully they'd be able to procure food from somewhere for everyone because no one else had food.

It was almost eerily silent as compared to five years ago, where there had been hyperactive screaming teenagers running around outside in the sun. It was different. Colder. But then again, so were their lives.

Sam sighed. He finally had Gabe back yet didn't have him back. He barely knew a thing about what Gabe had done the last few years. They barely knew each other, they may as well have been strangers...

Sam stood up suddenly and walked over to the room he shared with Gabe. He paused at the door, taking a deep breath before he opened it.

Gabe was sitting on the bed, his back against a wall. He had his phone out and had been looking down at it intently, but he looked up as Sam came in.

Neither of them said anything for a moment, as gold eyes met hazel green. Gabe looked almost scared, worried, and overall just miserable.

"Hey," Sam said suddenly, closing the door behind him. "I believe we don't actually know each other that well, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sam Winchester, it's a pleasure to meet you." Gabe's eyes widened a bit as he looked at Sam. Sam returned the gaze with a shy and worried look, scared of Gabe's response.

Gabe appeared to think for a second before answering. "Well hey there Sammy. I'm Gabe Novak." He stood up to shake Sam's hand as if they really were meeting, and as Sam brightened at his response he couldn't help but smile.


Ayy a wild update!!

From now on I swear I won't leave this for over a month. I'm trying to get back into weekly or at last fortnightly updates. Besides, school finishes in three weeks so I should have time xD

I have six exams next week chuck help me...

Also my friend got me into shipping an almost canon gay ship in a show that I don't even watch yet...but guys, one of them legit said he's in love with the other. It's Ed and Oswald from Gotham if you're curious. I'm going to watch this soon

*Gives everyone cake of your chosen flavour*

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