Recovery of Stone Talus
I just wanted to make you listen to the song, cus I think its awsome.
(YN) PoV
-Beep- -beep- -beep-
That was the first thing I heard when I began to wake up, I then tried to stand but my body felt heavy and stiff, like I was encased in cement, but good thing I wasn't, I guess I was just extremely tired after my fight, I then began to move my head and saw that I was inside a hospital room.
"Oh yeah... I passed out... how long have I been here?" I asked myself.
I then tried to push the 'call' button for a nurse to help me sit upright, but it was harder than expected, my hand felt like it was being gragged down by a giant ball and chain, after a few attempts of pressing tge bamn button I finally did it.
After a few minutes a nurse finally arrived and... he was a bit shocked to see me.
"Ummm... can you help me sit upright?" I asked.
"Y-Your awake, wow we estimated that you would be asleep for another week or 2, wow you got some resilience kid." The male nurse said.
"How long was I out for sir?" I asked.
"Miraculously only 3 days." The male nurse said as he helped me readjust my bed to a sitting position.
"So does anything hurt?" He asked.
"Just a bit sore but other than that nothing really." I replied.
"That's good, and don't worry since your awake now the soreness and fatigue will begin to fade soon, but I'm gonna bring you some medicine to restore your appetite." He said as he wrote something in his chart.
"Thank you sir." I said.
He then smiled and walked away.
I then looked at the table and saw the TV remote, slowly but surely I grabbed the remote to turn the TV on to watch a bit of BOFURI or The God of High school, but the first thing to show was the news and it was about what happed a few days ago.
Anchor: We are here today with Mayor Kazami Katsuragi, his wife Maka Katsuragi and their 5 year old son Shotaro to talk about what happened a few days ago, Thank you for accepting this interview mayor.
Mayor: It's not a problem at all.
Anchor: So can you tell us what happened that day, you were there during the attack if I am not mistaken.
Mayor: Indeed I was there together with my family for a nice lunch since I was stuck in my office all week, but what turned out to be a lovely day soon became tragic, buildings erupted in flames, debris falling from everywhere, we tried to flee but a giant piece of concrete fell on top of us, it missed us thank the gods but we were trapped underneath with no ways to get out, it was terrifying.
Wife: It was... my husband began to call for help but... no one came to our rescue... but then-
Anchor: Oh there was a hero there?
Mayor: Not exactly... the one that saved us was a teenage boy about 16 years old with a transformation quirk, he was very professional about the rescue, he told me and my family to stay as calm as we can, assessed the situation and acted accordingly, it was as if he already had experience.
Anchor: Oh my do you know this young hero?
Mayor: Sadly I do not, after he saved us he ran towards the villain, we urged him not to, but his eyes were so determined, we couldn't help but let him go.
Anchor: Thand you Ma- Wait... we have an announcement from the Heroes Avatara and Diviner, Your live now.
Diviner: Thank you... before I say what I am gonna say, I just want to tell you all that I am very much proud of him.
Avatara: Yes... he did his best and saved alot of people.
Anchor: What do you mean Avatara and Diviner?
Avatara: That boy... the one who faught Endevour, Kamui, and the villain was... our son.
Anchor: Excuse me?!
Mayor: Is this true Avatara, Diviner?
Diviner: Yes it is true, we didn't want to tell everyone but we cant take credit for something out son worked hard to do, he's the one who prevented a disaster, not us.
Avatara: Indeed, so Mayor please, can you not punish my son, he was just doing what we taught him!
Diviner: And if you cant then I'll gladly take the punishment!
Avatara: So will I!
Mayor: That will not be necessary... your son saved alot of people that day, I know he disobeyed the Quirk Law but he saved alot of people, it would be unwise to repremand a courageous boy who not only saved us, but alot of people as well.
Avatara: T-Then-
Diviner: You'll pardon it?
Mayor: I will... but can you tell me his name... I would like to thank the boy.
Avatara: I'm sorry Mayor but we cant do that.
Mayor: Ah yes the identity thing... then can you at least tell me his hero name if he thought of it?
Diviner: Ever since he was a kid he always go by the name Stone something... what was it again... Talus! right I think Stone Talus was what he called himself.
Mayor: Then Stone Talus if your watching this I would like to thank you, not only for saving me and my family but everyone as well.
Wife: You have a very bright future ahead of you young man.
Anchor: Next we have Endevour on the li-
"Yeah I dont think I need to hear what Endevour has to say." I said while smiling.
"Stone Talus... man I haven't used that alias in a long time... now I remember why I like that name so much, it sounds awsome." (YN) said with a smile.
After awhile the nurse the returned with a tray of food and medicine.
(Actual food from a hospital.)
He then placed the table infront of me and layed the food there, and I guess they have a 5 star chef running the kitchen because this food looks amazing.
"Ok drink the medicine after you eat ok, can you mover your arms?" He asked.
"I can manage, thank you." (YN) said.
The nurse then nodded his head and went back to his office.
I then grabbed the chopsticks but immediately dropped them but luckily for me he gave me a fork and a spoon, man the nurses here are super nice.
Emiya PoV
A few hours later
It's been 3 days since (Yn) fell into a coma and I am getting worried about him, the doctors say he is just exhausted and will probably wake up in the next week, but I want to see my shining Diamond awake and smiling again.
"Hey Emi-chan you ok?" Mina asked.
"O-Oh yeah... I'm just worried." I said.
"Dont worry (YN) will be ok." Mina said.
Ever since (YN) was in a coma Mina has been going with me to visit him, she doesn't stay as long as I do but I still appreciate it.
"Why didn't Emma and Ella go with you?" Mina asked.
"They wanted to come but their still a bit sad about what happened, also every time they see (YN) still alseep they begin to cry, Mr. And Mrs. (LN) said they'll bring the two after they fully accepted what happened." I replied.
While walking to (YN) room we saw 2 nurses walking towards the counter.
"Man that (YN) kid heals so fast, he just woke up a few hours ago now he can move around freely." The male nurse said.
"Yeah, and considering who he faught I am amazed he isn't banged up to much." The ofher nurse said.
"Did they just say (YN) is awa-" Mina started but was cut off by me running towards (YN) room.
I arrived at room 302 and opened the door and saw a grape haired boy drooling over a po*n mag, he then looked at me his eyes went wide.
"A GIRL IS REALLY HERE TO VISIT ME, I AM SO LU-" He yelled but I cut him off.
"Sorry I was in the wrong room, I thought my boyfriend was here, sorry for disturbing!" I yelled as I slammed the door close.
"WA-" he yelled but was cut off.
Mina then arrived.
"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"This... isn't his room anymore." I replied.
"Guess they changes his room, come on lets go ask the front counter where his room is." Mina said.
"Good Idea." I said.
We then turned around to walk to the front counter, but instead we were met with (YN) walking while holding a crutch while struggled to walk slightly.
"Stupid crutches." He said.
"(YN)...?" I said.
He then turned his head forward and gave me a smile... that smile that I thought I will never get to see.
"(YN)!" I yelled as I ran towards him and gave him a hug.
But due to my excitement I forgot that he was still a bit unable to walk properly so as I ran to hug him we fell on the floor, but I still hugged him like my life depended on it.
"(YN)! -hic- (YN) -hic- YOUR OK!" I said in between sobs.
He then placed his hand on my head and began to stroke in gently.
"Did I worry you that much?" He asked.
"OF COURSE YOU DUMMY!" I yelled as I continued to cry on his chest.
"It's ok just let it all out." He said.
After a good minute of crying I finally calmed down, I stood back up and I helped (YN) to his feet.
"Why are you up, shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked.
"I hot bored." (YN) said with a smile.
"That won't do, you need rest, come on were going back to your room!" I said sternly.
"O-Ok!" (YN) said.
"What room?!" I asked.
"3-309." (YN) replied as we all went to his room.
Room 309
No PoV
After Emiya 'convinced' (YN) to return to his room to rest the 3 of them were now in (YN) room, (YN) was in his bed, Emiya was cutting an apple she and Mina bought for him and Mina was watching a show about a pink ball who sucks up food faster than vacuum.
"Thanks for visiting me here along with Emi, Mina." (YN) said.
"No problem, everyone in class was worried about you, the teacher said you were injured when the villain attacked, but Emiya told me the true story, you were so brave dude!" Mina said.
"Also... when did you two became a thing?" Mina asked with a sly smile.
"About a year ago." Emiya said without looking flustered or looking away from the apple she was cutting.
"Y-Your joking." Mina said
"Nope... Here (YN) say 'ahhh'" Emiya said as she fed (YN) a piece of apple.
"Ahhhh." (YN) said as he took a bite.
Mina couldn't believe what she was looking at, her 2 friends were now together and they seem so comfortable about it, she was so excited to tease the two about their relationship but thats out the window now since they seem to be so close, but right now the most important thing is that (YN) was awake.
"Hey (YN) have you seen the news?" Mina asked.
"Yup, I can't believe it, Kanye West is ACTUALLY going to run for President of the US, Thats crazy." (YN) said.
"BAKA! That's not what I meant, I mean the one with your parents." Mina said as Emiya just smiled.
"Ohhhhhh yeah I saw it, but I don't really care if my parents gave me the credit, no one knows who Stone Talus is, and that's how I like it" (YN) said.
"Welll... Not exactly." Emiya said.
"What?" (YN) asked.
"Yeah..." Mina added.
"What do you mean!?" (YN) asked.
"You'll see." Mina and Emiya both said.
"Huh?" (YN) said.
A few hours later
After a few hours Mina finally said her goodbye and went on home while Emiya stayed with (YN) until his family arrives.
"(YN)/ONII-CHAN!" The doors soon opened to reveal his entire family, his mother and father have relieved looks in their faces, Emma and Ella on the other hand began to cry as they ran towards (YN).
"ONII-CHAN! -hic- -sob- ONII-CHAN! YOUR -hic- -hic- YOUR OK!" Emma said.
"W-WE -hic- WE WERE -hic- SO -hic- WORRIED!" Ella said.
(YN) smiled and gave botg of them a pat... followed by a flick on the forehead.
"Itai!" Both girls said.
"Emi told me that you two refused to eat, study, play, go out or go to school for the past 2 days, can both of you explain why?" (YN) asked sounding very unhappy.
The two girls became silent, but answered none the less.
"Onii-chan was hurt because of us." Ella said.
"If we didn't bug you to go out and play with us then you wouldn't have gotten hurt." Emma said as they were on the verge of tears.
Suddenly both girls felt a hand on their heads, they looked up and saw (YN) giving them wide smiles.
"Dont say that, if you two didn't convince us to go out then think how many people would have been hurt, so stop crying, both of you did something good in a way, besides it was my decision to help, remember Onii-chan and Onee-chan wants to be heroes, we cant be cool heroes if we run away from the first sight of danger, so stop worrying about me ok." (YN) said with a smile.
"Ok!" Emma and Ella said with smiles on their faces.
"Good, also Mom, dad, thanks for the save." (YN) said.
"OH MY BABY!" Irina said as she was about to tackle (Yn) but was grabbed by his husband.
"Honey dont do that, you may injure our son even more." Tateo said as he placed his wife down.
"R-Right I am sorry." She replied as she calmed down.
Ahe then walked to (YN) and gave him a hug carefully.
"You gave me such a shock (YN)." She said.
"Sorry mom, also thanks for the save." (YN) said.
"It's no problem son, also..." Tateo said as he walked towards (YN) and also giving him a hug.
"You were so cool." He said.
"Thanks dad." (YN) said with a smile.
A few hours later
Irina and Tateo took the rest of the day off to take care of (YN), Emiya then took Emma and Ella home to finish their homework and get some rest, the 2 tried to refuse but (YN) told them to go home and visit him in the morning since today was a Friday.
When the 3 girls went home Tateo then remembered something that was given to him by a close friend, it was a small piece of new metal that he made, Tateo asked why he gave him a piece and told him that the metal had Gemstone properties, after saying that he knew what he had to do.
"Son I have something to show you." Tateo said.
"What is it dad?" (YN) asked as he took an orange slice from his mom.
"This." Tateo said as he handed (YN) a small piece of metal about the same size of a coin.
"A piecce of metal?" (YN) asked as he examined the steel.
"Not just a piece of metal, this is a special type of metal that does not break, decay, bend, and etc. a friend of mine gave it to me to give to you, he called it 'Vibranium' he said it was unbreakable." Tateo said.
"That's great, but dad I cant eat metal, only recks and Gemstone." (YN) said.
"He said the metal has Gemstone like properties like that meteor you ate, if you dont want to ea- and you ate it already, ok." Tateo said as he saw his sone put the piece of ateel in his mouth and began to chew.
"So what do you think?" Irina asked.
(YN) then smiled and turned his hand into 'Vibranium' his arm became a shiny black colour.
"Wow... this is awsome." (YN) said admiring the metal.
"Yeah, I've never seen such shine in a metal before, my friend also told me that it is none conducive, so you dont have to worry about electricity, and also rust and asid resistant." Tateo said with a smile.
"Wow so cool, who made this dad?" (YN) asked.
"It was my friend David Shield." Tateo said.
"Never heard of him." (YN) said nonchalantly.
"Of course you haven't, you dont use support items." Irina said with a smile.
2 days later
Due to his swift recovery (YN) was allowed to be discharged early, it was currently monday and he was walking along his normal path to school while listening to some hype music, the only difference today was that Emiya was not with him, she said something about being there early for class monitoring duty or something.
"No matter the cost, no matter the pain, I'll make my mark till you know my name! SO SMASH!" (YN) sang happily.
As he was walking he noticed that there was a little girl and little boy sitting on a bench while their mothers were looking for someone, the mother of the girl then spotted (YN) and nudged her daughter, the child then looked at her mother and the mom pointed at (YN) direction, the children then followed her gaze and saw (YN) there as they ran towards him.
(YN) was a bit confused, why were they smiling and running towards him.
"Mister! mister!" The boy and girl said.
"Yeah?" (YN) asked with a smile.
"Thank you!" The boy and girl replied.
"For what?" (YN) asked.
"We saw you fight that mean villain, mommy said that if he wasn't there then we could have been hurt and alot more would have, so when mommy remembered that you often walk here we decided to say our thank you." The little girl said.
"Yeah, you were so cool, you were like, HIYA!, and 'WACHA!' and 'KABLAW!' it was so so cool!" The boy said.
"Thank you, hearing that from both of you mean a lot to me." (YN) said as he patted their heads.
"Do you think we'll ever be as cool as you?" The girl asked.
"No... I know you'll both be brighter than me." (YN) said as he smiled.
"Well I gotta go, see ya kids!" (YN) said as he ran towards school.
"BYE BYE MR. STONE TALUS!" The children yelled as their mother's waved.
(YN) finally arrived at school, he didn't want to admit it but he was glad he was finally out of that hospital and back at school.
"Morning (YN)." A male student said.
"Sup dude!" (YN) smiled.
"Hey (YN) there's a party at my place this Friday, bring Emiya ok." Another Male student said.
"Wouldn't miss it bub!" (YN) said with a smile.
"Heya (YN) wanna hang with me and the girls this weekend?" A female student asked.
"Sorry I babysit my sisters during the weekend, maybe some other time." (YN) replied as he finally arrived at his shoe locker.
After putting his shoes in the locher (YN) was finally walking towards his classroom, along the way he said hello to some of his friends from other classes, he then arrived at his classroom, he slid the door open and saw greeted by confetti, streamers, and the loud cheers of his classmates saying thank you.
"W-What's this?" (YN) asked with a smile on his face.
Emiya then walked forward, grabbed both of (YN) hands and proceeded to pull him inside the class where everyone had smiles on their faces.
"There are people here who wanted to say something to you." Emiya said said.
5 other students then walked forward along with their home room teacher.
"(YN) thank you for saving us." A male students said.
"Yeah... if you weren't there... I think something bad would have happened to us." Another Male student said.
"You were the only one to step up and fight when noone else could, you saved me and my mom by doing that, thank you." A female student said.
"True, you were also so cool in that fight, it was like watching a real pro at work." Another female students said.
"Yes very true, so we wanted to thank you, originally we wanted to tell the entire school, maybe give you a plaque of something, but we wanted to respect your privacy and your identity so we just told the class and our teacher." The class rep said.
"We are so proud of you (YN), even then you are such a kind young man, so I wanted to thank you for saving not just your classmates and my husband and daughter but all the people back there, thank you Stone Talus." The female teacher said.
The 5 students and the teacher then gave (YN) a hug, this is why he did this, not because of the fame, not because of the spotlight, but the smiles of the people he saved, he wanted to protect everything that people held dear to them.
"But next time, do be careful, you'll never know what may happen in a fight." Emiya said.
"I know but even if they try to hurt me or my family, they'll never succeed." (YN) said.
"Why?" Everyone asked.
"Because... -Turns his hand into black diamond- Diamond is unbreakable." (YN) said with a smirk as everyone cheered.
Hope you guys like this, I am updating fast cus I had this drafted on story book I had and am just rewriting them here for you all to see, don't expect this speedy update every time, this is the last draft in my notes so after this it will be back go good ol' winging it.
Stay home and stay safe!
MigyTheWorld out PEACE!
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