Chapter 5

A/N: I just read the most awesome story ever! You should read it too if you like Error! It is called Healing What has Been Broken by harrish6 you should definitely read it! Here is Ink when he is disguised! Anyway have fun reading this story for now! (edited)

Location: Unknown
Mission: ...Unknown?...

I felt my body be thrown down and I opened my eye sockets to see a Monster! This was the first monster I had seen since I arrived here! This monster looked like an teenage, blue Monster Kid, the kid had some patches of fur missing from their body and their fur wasn't stripped like a Monster kid monster usually was, it was plain blue. Some of the kid's spikes were cracked, chipped, or broken off. The Monster Kid looked at me with big purple fascination.

The Monster Kid looked around with fear before nudging me up against the metal wall with her nose. She looked around again and sighed a quiet sigh.

"are you from outside?" The monster kid whispered softly. I tried to nod my head, but that didn't work much.

"Yes..." I answer her quietly, the Monster Kid shivered and then smiled and she hopped into a siting position using her mangled tail to steady herself.

"that's sooo cool... uhhh, what is it like out there?" The Monster Kid asked me. I looked at her with confusion. 'Did she mean the place I came from or out there?' I wondered, I quickly made my mind up and decided she was talking about this place.

"It's gorgeous, but I didn't get much of a good look..." I gave the Monster Kid a smile. The Monster Kid frowned a bit, but quickly recovered and started wiggle with excitement.

"you are so cool to have gone out there! I was told that the humans are millions of humans up there!" The Monster Kid frowned with fear. Then looked at me with a look that made my heart ache.

"what facility are you from? what happened to your Multiverse?" The Monster Kid asked with a look of grief and fear. I gave the Monster Kid a look of surprise. 'Was she from a Different Multiverse? If so what happened to hers? Is she stuck here? Are we stuck here?!' Thousands of thoughts cluttered my head, but I opened my mouth to speak.

"I walked into a portal to get here along with some friends. I don't know what you mean by what facility I am from, but by judging the look on your face I have to asked are you stuck here?" I watched the look on the Monster Kid's face from guilt and fear change to something of utter terror. The Monster shook her head and backed away from me. She then stood up and started screaming at the top of her lungs, I couldn't understand what she was saying, she was slurring badly.

I heard quick footsteps rush this way and watched the Monster Kid whisper something in a Human's ear. The human gasped and then smiled as the Monster Kid whispered, when the Monster Kid finished she was pushed back as the cell door was opened. I watched the Monster Kid be lifted up and dragged out of the cell. The Monster screamed her lungs off as she was lifted up and dragged by her mangled tail. The door of the cell was left open.

I tried to move to get out of this cell, but I couldn't move not even a little bit. I couldn't do anything anyway because all my items were gone and I realized that so were my clothes I had on, only my scarf, necklace, and my pants was left on me.

I watched the humans return to the cell and they entered inside. One grabbed my leg and started dragging me in the opposite direction they dragged the Monster Kid too. I watched all the cells we passed, some were filled to the brim with monsters. I wanted to reach out to them as the some sadly or fearfully watched me be dragged down the metal, guard railed pathway.

I asked the humans questions, but they just ignored me and talked amongst themselves. I growled and started asking the monsters in the cells, but they just backed away from me.

After a somewhat long walk we stopped at a large metal door. Then something popped into my head. 'Why does this place seem so familiar?' I wondered and as soon as we entered the door I got my answer. I saw a tall human with scares like a Gaster. The human Gaster walked to me and lifted me up by my arm. The human Gaster looked at the other humans questionably.

"What is this?" The human Gaster asked, dropping me. My body slammed to the floor with a hollow thump. The humans looked at each other and told one another to explain to the Gaster human why I was in here, one of the humans was shoved forward and he glared at his 'friends' before looking up at the human Gaster.

"Well uhhh... sir... this is a monster that entered through a portal to get here, but we haven't opened any portals yet, well not since last week's... failure." The human said, the Gaster human looked at me and back at the human in front of him.

"They also had more with he when they got here." The human said he was starting to sweat like he was a shower faucet. The human Gaster made a intrigued noise and pushed the human aside.

The human Gaster picked me up by my skull and examined me. The Gaster human dropped me again and I landed with another hollow thud and he looked around. He almost stepped on me, he turned to the humans who froze at Gaster's gaze.

"Where are the ones he arrived with?" human Gaster asked them. The humans looked at each other in fear.

"There was reports of some monsters that were capture last night and yesterday evening, they are headed this way now after a while they will be here in a hour or two." A human said nervously. The human Gaster growled and picked me up by my ribs and I winced in pain as the human Gaster's grip tightened around my ribs making a cracking noise.

"I guess he will do until the others get here." Human Gaster smiled.

"But... but uhh. Sir... one of them might not make it here alive... he seems to be 'bleeding'. There is also one whose arm has fallen off and he is 'bleeding' too." Another human said. The human Gaster flinched at the mention of the word 'bleeding'. A dark glint entered his eyes.

"Interesting..." The human Gaster smiled. I felt my nonexistent stomach plummeted. I was carried by my ribs to a long, dark, metal corridor.

The corridor was lined up with cells and each cell had glowing eyes inside. I was carried past all them and into another corridor that went two separate ways, the corridors were lined with metal doors. We went down the left side and entered last door an the end of the left side of the corridor.

Inside the room as a lot of machines one in particular made my nonexistent heart stop.

The machine was attached to the ceiling and the floor it also had three, long, metal limbs like a spider, the limbs had sharp metal spikes at the ends. There was a metal pole that was in the center that was supposed to hold the occupant up while they were being examined. The human Gaster saw my look of dread and smiled.

"You recognize one of these don't you?" He smiled and laughed, he followed my gaze and saw what I was looking at. He seemed surprised that I knew what it was.

He started laughing again and brought me up closer to the machine I tried to get away from it, but my body wouldn't move. Gaster giggled with glee and tossed me at the machine where I start floating in midair. Gaster smiled with joy.

"Took me forever to work out the kinks." Gaster complained and smiled at me when I stayed floating in the air. Gaster flicked my forehead and I flinched my head back.

Location: Unknown
Mission: Find Ink

I gagged up more glowing blood, and weakly got on my knees. I gasped for air as I hacked up more glowing blood. I put a hand on my chest and looked at my blood soaked gloved hand.

"Fell?" Sans' voice whispered, I looked around for him and saw him beside me. I painfully moved myself into a sitting position.

"Sans? What... happened?" I wheezed and started hacking again.

"i don't know. . . we were attacked. i know that for sure. they put something in my vertebrae, and ever since then i haven't been able to move." Sans whispered to me. I gasped in more air and started choking on some of my weird blood. I started feeling around searching for Sans' head and felt around for the thing Sans was talking about.

When I finally found it I tried to take it out, but I was too weak to take it out with one hand.

I tried to use both and yanked it out, but fell onto my back and started choking on blood. I couldn't push myself back up. I flipped myself over and threw up the glowing blood.

"Who knew I... had... so much... blood." I said. I gasped for air as I puked again. I heard some shifting beside me and I knew it was Sans. Sans started popping his bones as he stretched.

I started coughing again and Sans pat my back. I waved his hand away as he continued to pat my back. Sans helped me stand up and I leaned on him. I started hacking up more, but this time something was inside the blood as I noticed a thunk, Sans helped me pick it up and my eyes widened in horror.

"Fucking Shit!" I coughed. I was holding a small chunk of my SOUL!

"what's wrong?!" Sans asked panicking at my tone.

"My... SOUL!!" I yelled at him and shoved in his face. I coughed again.

"we need Ink!" Sans was starting to panic again. I nodded and Sans helped me walk. I kept a tight hold of the fallen piece of my SOUL.

Suddenly there was screeching noise and we were sent flying back. My back slammed into a wall and gagged, gasped, and hacked until I could breathe again. The impact of me slamming into the wall almost made me drop the piece of my SOUL in my hand.

Sans jumped up and helped me get back up as two large doors in front of us began to open. I leaned on him and winced at the light seeping through the doors.

I put a glare on my face, though I knew it looked nothing like a glare. I coughed up some blood and it started dripping down my chin.

The doors opened and Sans and I were standing in front of that doors. The humans on the other side seemed surprised to see us standing up and moving around. I laughed at the humans faces as we jumped out of the truck.

When we landed on the floor I almost dragged Sans to the ground with me. I hacked again, getting blood on the floor and anyone in front of me. I pushed myself up and Sans helped me stand again.

"S T A Y B A C K ! Y O U M O T H E R F U C K E R S ! !" I yelled as some of the humans walked towards us. My voice made some back up, but only a few continued onward.

"welp he warned ya..." Sans said calmly and shot bones up in some of the humans' skulls instantly killing them. The left over humans gasped at us.

I gagged again and spit some of my blood at the humans' feet. I smiled at myself and stuck my tongue out them, pissing them off and some actually tried to approach us and got a bone in them for their efforts. I laughed at them and started choking again.

I spit out another chunk of my SOUL! I fell to the floor and started hacking like no tomorrow. Sans looked at me with worry and when I looked up I saw something very large heading towards us.

"SANS!!! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I screamed as I shoved him away and I felt my bones crack as the blur slammed into me.

And everything went pitch black . . .

A/N: I finished this chapter a few hours ago and for got to upload it! Sorry, welp here ya go! I hope ya enjoyed it!

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