Nothing's fine
Nothing's fine.
Harry was numb for months. His son was constantly fighting with him, it felt hard to wake up. Hard to breathe some days. Kaleb missed his dad. He wasn't doing his best. His grades dropped from B's to C's and D's and F's. But Harry was no better. He stopped caring when his son slept through the days, partied through Friday and Saturday nights. And Harry just sighed when he found the lighter in his son's pocket as he did laundry. He threw it out yes, but the second time he found it, he simply put it back in his 17 year old child's room. Kaleb knew wrong from right. And Harry couldn't control him anymore. He told him specifically not to bring girls home, but did that stop him? No. Most Sunday mornings, Harry would be greeted by a girl down for breakfast in Kaleb's shirts. And he would smile, ask for her name if he didn't already know her, say 'It was nice meeting you.' And head back up to his room to sleep or watch the telly.
Today, Kaleb came home from visiting Louis' grave. He didn't talk to Louis as often anymore, but when he did he would pour everything in his heart out. He would cry. He would tell him about his dad. Tell him about a girl he met at a party and Hooked up with. He told him it was a mistake. He told him about the marijuana he had been smoking and binge drinking weekends. How he lost hope in the fact Harry would ever get better. He accepted it, despite how wrong it was. Anyone could see Harry was depressed. He was supposed to get better after so many years of grieving, not worse, but now that Kaleb had turned his back on him and gave up, he felt as though he lost the only importance he had. He lost the child he made and raised with Louis. He was just lost.
When Kaleb returned home, he found his dad had gone out, probably to the store. And instead of smoking out in the backyard or bathroom like usual, he noticed the box in the corner of the room. He hadn't seen it before bit it was titled 'Louis.' Instinctively, He fell to his knees sifting through the box. Pictures if Louis from an old Kodak camera lay in different places, then there was a photo album with little superhero stickers on it. Kaleb opened the first page holding back tears as he saw a picture of his dad smiling down at at the little bundle that was Kaleb when he was just born. Louis was a a green t shirt and giving him a bottle. And on the next page there was Harry and Kaleb in the hospital. Smiling wide and stupidly and Kaleb chuckled to himself. Only to turn the pages and see himself with Nana Johanna and Gran Anne. Aunty Gem and Aunt Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe. The more pages of him and Harry, still as a baby. And he was sleeping on his Dad's chest. But what made him choke, was what was with the picture.
"Remember when he was this big Lou? Xox K+H miss you."
Kaleb knew his Dad first set off to be a soldier when he was 4, so his dad sent this to him just to remember.
Kaleb flicked through more pages, landing in one with His dad in his uniform beside him, arm around his waist and on his knees as Kaleb stood a proud 7 year old in a football uniform complete with grassy cleats. Kaleb remembered that day. The day he surprised him at his last game.
And through all the pictures he flipped through, he managed to cry for 10 minutes before picking up a disk and putting it in the machine, hooking it up to the telly. Kaleb wiped his wet eyes clicking the remote and watching as his dad was in uniform at the mall.
Oh god he remembered this too well.
"So Louis, what are you doing here today?" A voice behind the camera asked.
"I am here to surprise me 8 year old son when he visits Santa that's what I'm here for." Kaleb felt his lower lip tremble. "Okay I'm gonna hide- go get in line Niall!" He called out. And he watched as his dad ran behind Santa's chair and he watched as his 8 year old self climbed into Santa's lap and his dad stood beside him.
"What's your name?"
"Kaleb!" The white bearded man chuckled.
"Of course, and dad has he been a good boy this year?" Harry nodded with a grin.
"Yeah he has." The man turned towards Kaleb on his knee.
"Now, what would you like for Christmas son?"
"My daddy to come home." He listened as people in the line awed.
"Well, it just so happens I ran into your dad and he told me he misses you. So I brought him with me." Louis came out from behind his chair and Kaleb watched, tears pouring down his face as His dad and himself in the screen both covered their mouthes and clutched Louis in his uniform.
"I missed you boys so much." And now Kaleb was sobbing hysterically at the screen.
Harry opened the door to the house seeing his 17 year old balling his eyes out and he dropped the groceries to the ground and rushed over to him.
"What's wrong K?" He asked sitting on the couch and wrapping an arm around him. Kaleb pointed a finger at the screen seeing it paused on the day Louis surprised them for Christmas. And Harry remembered that day because it was perfect the entire day. And at night they made beautiful love and cuddled until their legs fell asleep and woke up in the morning to a bouncy happy Kaleb.
"Dad I'm sorry." He hiccuped. Harry hugged Kaleb tightly. In the first time in months. "Dad I need- I need you to promise me you'll see him with me. Please. It's all I want." Harry's breath caught. "I don't wanna fight anymore I just- he'd be upset if we were still like this I just need." And Harry let a few tears slip shushing his son along the way and peppering his forehead with kisses.
"I'll go. I'll go, I promise." He stroked his son's arm. "It'll be okay. He loves you very much Babe you know he does. You don't need to apologise. It's not your fault. I ignored you to much too." Kaleb wiped his nose on his sleeve, cuddling into his Dad's side.
"I know I'm 17 dad but... But can we just be how we used to? I don't know if I can-" Harry shushed him again. "Promise me one more thing?" Kaleb begged.
"What is it?" Harry asked tucking a hair behind his ear.
"Get help." Harry glanced down at his son. "Please." Harry gulped. "I'll be a good kid again dad, I'll get a job and pay for therapy just please I can't look at you when your like this. You don't care about work or home or the girls I bring home... You don't even care about Daddy anymore." Harry pressed a kiss to Kaleb's head.
"I'll make this right." He promised his son cuddling him closer. "Let's just order some dinner and then we'll go up to my bed and talk okay? We need to talk you know that right?" Kaleb nodded.
The two males ate pizza in Harry's room. And Harry actually could care lass about the crumbs now.
"I need to talk to you about 3 things actually. The lighters, the partying, and" Kaleb nodded. "I kind of already figured out you smoke weed. And you need to stop. It may seem harmless but it's still not right. You're still a kid." Kaleb sent him a small sad smile.
"I know."
"The partying too. No more drinking. You can drink in a few months and... I guess if it's just us you can have a bit. But no more binging. It's bad for you."
"I know. I'll stop." Harry sighed getting to his least favorite subject.
"Do you need me to buy you protection and stuff to keep in your room? Because I don't want any paternity tests coming up positive." Kaleb smiled. "And at least warn a guy! If I make breakfast in boxers I don't wanna see your little girly friends come downstairs to eat and I'm nearly naked. Just text me and tell me to leave the house." Kaleb was laughing now.
"You see most parents would enforce a no sex policy!"
"And I'm not that hypocritical parent am I?" Kaleb grinned.
"So you and dad didn't wait?" Harry scoffed.
"You wish it was your dad." Kaleb tossed his head back in furious laughter and Harry smiled and laughed a bit too.
"So you and dad-?"
"The answer is no, we didn't wait. I never waited. I was worse than you. Except I would do it in the..." Harry cut himself off and felt a blush arise to his cheeks.
"No keep talking I wanna here this." Kaleb urged.
"You want me to talk about this really?" Kaleb nodded.
"Because who else is gonna tell me? Max? No. Dylan? No." Harry grinned.
"Do it right and do it quick and don't do it at home. That makes it seem like your trying to start a relationship. Plus seriously what if I walked in on you doing your deed." Kaleb blushed.
"I never did a deed." Harry cocked a brow at him. "She does my deeds." Harry laughed.
"I swear, I raised you as a monster." And they both laughed over probably one of the most awkward conversations Harry's ever started. But it began an infinite list, of inside jokes.
(One More Chapter SCORE)
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