Part 9

It's been a few months since katie and jack had been a thing. Katie met some of my high school friends Elizabeth and Matthew while the we were out shopping and saw them. Elizabeth and Matthew were getting married and having a joint bachelor bachelorette party and invited us and Katie had yet to mention it to Jack.
"No I don't want you going, you know I don't like you hanging out with them" Zach says to me while katie and jack overheard from the living room as me and Zach were in the kitchen.
"Come on baby they're my friends, it's not like anything is gonna happen" I say to Zach.
"Weren't they the ones who smoked and drank in your old school? Aren't they the ones who got you smoking in the first place" zach questioned.
"That's not the point zach, they're my friends. I was with them when their relationship started and now they're getting married and I want to be there for that" I say
"Well then go to the actual wedding, I don't want you going to that party" he says firmly
"Just because you don't want me to doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you" I say before running upstairs.
"I'll be right back" Katie's said to jack before following me upstairs.
"I don't think going to this party is the best idea Jules I mean if Zach is that angry" katie says to me as I'm going through the closet.
"Should I wear this?" I ask Katie

"If you thought I didn't want you to go before there is no way I'm letting you go now especially in that dress" Zach says from the door way.
"And what's wrong with this dress?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.
"Are you fucking kidding me? It's so short it shows your entire ass!" Zach shouts. Katie stands there quietly contemplating getting into this argument or not. I turn to katie while having my back to Zach.
"Or what about..." I trail off extending the 'ou' and pulling out another dress.

"This one" I ask as I hold the dress up. "I think I'm gonna go with the second one" I say turning back and putting the dresses in mine and Zach's closet.
Katie turns to Zach to look at his expression and let's say it's not a nice one. Katie sighs.
"Do you need to help Julia? Or can I go talk to jack about it?" She says.
"What?" I ask.
"I haven't told jack about the party" katie says looking down.
"You haven't?" I asked
"No" She says dragging out the 'o' still looking at the ground.

"Well do you want to go?" I ask "If not I can just go by myself I know a lot of people going"

"Im going to go talk to jack and ask if he's okay with it so i'll let you know" Katie says walking out the door but then pops her head back in " by the way babe, you look good in either dress"

"go talk to your hoe" I say laughing. Katie puts her hands up in defense and while walking down the hallway

"Im going im going"

"Babe I dont-" Zach starts

"want me going to the party yeah I get it but baby why not?" I ask

"Because the last time you started smoking you were in a bad place" Zach says walking towards me "I want to help you so you wont have to resort to that" he says while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek. "And I'm worried" he says

"About?" I ask leaning my head into his hand

"About losing you, you know I love you in those dresses but I love them when you wear them with me. If you go to the party in either dresses, guys are going to be all over you and I don't want to lose you"

" Zach I fell in love with you the minute I saw you, I fell in love with your laugh, your voice, your personality. I wouldnt imagine letting anyone else hold me the way you do or kissing anyone else's lips but yours" I say

*Meanwhile with Katie and Jack*

Katie walks out of my room putting her hands up.

"Im going im going"

Katie gets back to her and Jack's room to see him laying on his back on the bed looking at his phone. Katie smiles and jump on the bed next to him and then moves her head to face him. he puts his phone down and smiles at her.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" Katie giggles. They stare at each other for a while and then she decide to ask him about the party. She looks down at her hands as she fiddles with her fingers.

"so, babe, remember when I talked to you how me and Julia bumped into some of her old friends who are getting married soon?" Katie asks. Jack looks at her confused since they just heard Zach talking about how they were in high school.

"ummmm yeah? why?" He asks. Katie looks back at him.

"They invited Julia and I to their combined bachelor and bachelorette party, would it bother you if I went? I just want to make sure it's okay with you seeing as Zach is unsure about Julia going" She looks at him with a small smile. Jack bites his lip in concern seeing as they werent such good influences on me

"Ummmm.." Jack thinks about it. "Like do you have to?" he asked. Katie stared into his brown eyes.

"I mean, I could ask Julia but I don't know, why?" She asks him. He looks at her with a worried expression

"well since we heard through zach who was speaking VERY loudly" he stops to laugh but soon returns to a serious look "they just don't seem...good? I guess but i mean if you REALLY want to go then I trust you I'll just be worried all night" he said with a loving smile. Katie giggle and pecks his lips.

"i'll go check with Julia, be right back" She says before getting up. Katie walks back into my room to see me putting on my makeu.

"Damn my best friend is hot" Katie says with a laugh.

"Thank you I try. did you tell jack about the party?" I say.

Katie walks over to the bed and sits down.

"Yeah about that, Jack said if he had a choice he wouldn't like for me to go but if I have to or if I really want to i can go becuase he trust me. do you really need me there?" Katie says.

"How about this" I say. I whisper a plan in Katie's ear. Katie looks at me with a smile on your face. "Now go get ready" I say.

The plan was to have a tumblr movie nigh with the boys instead of going to the party.
As I go downstairs, I see the boys getting ready to leave.

"Baby please I'm begging you don't go" Zach says when her sees me. Jonah pushes Zach out the door. I quickly go upstairs to take off my makeup, putting Zach's sweatshirt and athletic shorts on and put my hair up in a ponytail.
I meet katie in the hallway and go downstairs to set up the pillows and Netflix for a cute tumblr movie picture moment.

"CHRISTINA!!" I scream up the stairs as she was editing a video in her an corbyn's room.

"WHAT?!" She screams back.

"COME IN HERE" I say. She comes in and sees the tumblr movie things.
"Go get comfy, we're having a triple date" I say. She smiles and runs upstairs.
She comes back down and helps us set up. After setting up the blankets and pillows and snacks, I text Jonah to get the boys home.
Katie and Christina wait by the door to greet the boys and lead them into the living room. When they come in, Jonah and Daniel head upstairs while Zach goes to the kitchen to stress eat and span my phone with texts.
I go up behind him and wrap my arms around him, kissing his cheek from behind.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask

"No why would I be?" He asks turning to face me.

"Because I was being a brat" I say pouting.

"No I'm not mad, the important thing is you're here safe with me, you made the right choice baby I'm happy you did" he says smiling down at me.

"And what if I didn't make the right choice?" I ask

"Then I would have gone to the party, and drag your sexy drunk ass home" he says smirking and pulling me closer.

"You're hot when you're protective do you know that?" I as with a wink and headed to the living room where katie, jack, Corbyn, and Christina have already started watching Moana.
Zach and I sit down. A little while later, Corbyn and Christina go upstairs because they're tired.

"So who's idea was this?" Jack asks.

"Mine. I can't have him mad at me. I can't stand it when her pouts and ignores me" I say before squishing Zachs face.

"Oh? What happened to the sexy dress and the makeup and the hair?" Zach asks turning to me.

"When katie came in the room and asked me if I really wanted her to go with me I just looked at her and I looked around the room and saw how lucky I was to have you all and I don't want to go back in time, I want to move forward with you" I say looking at him like I'm in love with him (cause like I am).

"And...?" He asked

"And I love you too much to resort to drinking and smoking" I say.

"HEY WHAT ABOUT ME?!?!?" Katie asks

"I love you in a different way" I say.

"Also Matthew's best friend has had a huge thing for me since the beginning of sophomore year and I don't want to see him he creeps me out and I didn't want to go if you weren't there to protect me" I say giving him a peck.

"Why can't we be that cute?" Katie turns to jack  and playfully glares at him.

"Yeah jack step up your game boi" I say laughing. 

Jack looks at Katie confused and flustered 

."Wait, wha-" He says before katie puts her hand up stopping him mid sentence continuing the joke.

"no i get it, im not worth it" katie says looking down while i'm dying laughing.

Jack grabs her hand.

"What no k-" he starts. Katie pulls her hand away and stands up,

"Nope, im not worth it. I get the message" katie says causing Jack to look up at her for an explaination with a confused and worried look. Katie makes her way upstairs quietly giggling. I'm still laughing my ass off not saying anything while both Zach and Jack are confused as fuck. Jack realizes that she left in a "bad mood" and quickly stands up, running to chase her to their shared room. Katie was sitting on her phone on the bed, smiling slightly about what just happened. Jack burst into the room with a VERY worried expression. Katie looks up at him and bursts out laughing. He looks at her with a confused look and sits net to her while she is still laughing. 

"Are you okay? because if you want to be more affectionate in public we can i just didn-"

"JACK! I'm okay it was a joke babe. I am completely fine with how much affection we show in public and in private" She winks and giggles. Jack smiles at her while she laughs and then pushes her off the bed. She lands on the ground with a thump.

"owwwww you hoe" she says. he playfully glares at her and she sighs "that I sadly love"

he looks at her offended,

"hey!" he yells. Katie rolls her eyes playfully and gets up,

"come on, julia and zach are still downstairs" she says.

They both come down while i'm still laughing my ass off while zach was still confused. 

"Did you not know she was joking? come on it's katie she's just like me. We dont give a fuck about pda" I say still laughing "oh my little goons, youre slow sometimes" I say before kissing zach's cheek.

"Fine if you dont give a fuck about pda imma stop kissing you in public" zach says

"bullshit you love kissing me in public to show people I'm yours" 

"is that a challenge?" he asks narrowing his eyes "i bet that I will last longer than a week"

"you wont so what do I get when I win?" I ask 

"How about loser has to do whatever the other one wants them to do for a day" Katie says 

"explain please" I say looking at her from the couch.

"Like the loser cant say no and has to do everything the winner wants them to do for the entire day" she explains


"im down" zach and I say at the exact same time.

"this isnt gonna end well for you buddy" jack says patting zach on the shoulder.

"i dont know i think zach may win. I mean julia is ugly enough so zach can hold out" katie says.

"Bish" I turn to her.

"im kidding you idiot" katie says.

"no youre not" I say 

"how about we make this out bet too?" katie says to jack "if julia wins i do whatever you want for a day and vice versa"

"Deal" jack says looking at her. katie glares at zach,

"listen shorty, i know shes pretty and all but hands off, lips off, its my life on the line too" she says.

"fine then no sex either" I say to jack.

"woah what? no zach is hormonal he cant fo that, hes a needy little petty boy" katie says pointing to zach.

"TRUUUEEEE"  I yell.

"why do we deal with them?" zach asks jack

"cause you love us" i say getting up close to zach. almost kissing him but i dont cause im gonna win. Zach looks at you pleadingly but katie snaps at him,

"ay zach no, bad,no. I will duct tape your lips if I have to. lips off pretty boy" 

"so rules: no kissing, no sex, if you last more than a week you win, when you dont I win" i say to zach. " you have all the pwer baby, youre the one that has to hiss me, im not gonna kiss you at all."

"OH JULIA IS SO GONNA WIN THIS ONE" jack says laughing

"jack knows whats up" I say high fiving him.

"zach I swear to god, touch her and i will kill you. lips off, hands off or I will tape your mouth and tape your hands together, i am not losing againt jack"

"Katie he knows youve said it like five times" I say laughing as I walk back to Zach and my room. since im in zachs sweatshirt and its hella hot in LA, i take it off wearing only a sports bra and spandex causing zach to stare. Katie throws his sweatshirt back at me,

"nah nah nah, zach look away. she may look like a snack right now but no, i know shes hot but look away. youre innocent and im not losing" katie says covering zachs eyes.

"Im not putting this back on its too hot" I say "can i help you?" I ask when i notice zach still staring at me.

"then leave, dont tempt him hoe" katie says playfully.

"okay im going to get food" I say.

"GOOD" katie yells down the hall after me.

"zachs gonna crack" jack says suddenly before heading back to his and katie's room.

zach follows me into the kitchen, he sits on a stool on his phone.

"are you coming to bed baby?" I ask wrapping my arms around his wairs and laing my head on his back.

"I dont know" he says.

"zach hey whats wrong talk to me" i say to him as i walk to the side and make him face me.

"i dont wanna do this" he says "i want to kiss you, i want to hold you, i want to show people youre mine"

"what do you mean?" I ask

"I want to tell the fans about us. babe come on its been a year" he says looking at me, pulling me closer to him.

"baby you know i cant take the hate, you know it will destroy me" i say looking him un the eyes with a tear going down my cheek. 

"oh no hands off herron" katie says coming down the stiars. "oh fuck it bets over just kiss her already" she says once she sees me crying. jack is at the top of the stairs and says,

"i wont make you do anything i promise" kissing her and bringing her back into their room.

Zach wipes away the tears and brings me into a hug kissing my forehead.

"lets go to bed bay" he says before kissing my forehead one last time.

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