Part 11

*The next morning*

I wake up in Zach and my bed.

"what the fuck?" I mumble looking around. I'm alone in the room. I put on one of my hoodies and my spandex and walk downstairs to find everyone awake.

"ok I need something's explained- 1: why is my phone broken? 2: why did I end up in bed when I fell asleep on the couch? 3: where the hell is Zach? 4: Who is making breakfast?" I ask 

"I'll take care od breakfast but I can't answer your other questions" Katie says before looking at the boys.

"Katie make something good i'm not in the mood for healthy" I say before turning to the boys "Boys? explain please" I ask.

"Well your phone is broken cause Zach dropped it" Jonag pipes up.

"What a hoe" I mumble to myself  "okay go on"

"Zach came downstairs this morning and found you on the couch so he brought you upstairs" Daniel explains.

"Ok so where is he now?" I ask.

"honestly Jul, we don't know. We've been texting him all morning and he hasn't responded or anything" Katie says looking at me with a look of pity.

"of course" I say looking down.

"Jul, go back to bed. i'll bring you your food once it's done" Katie smiles sadly at me. I look around to see Christina and the boys with the same face. I nod.

"Thank you" I say heading back upstairs.

"You and Christina stay with Julia today, don't let her look at the internet. me and the guys will look for Zach" Jack says looking at Katie.

"well she can't look at the internet since Zach smashed her phone" Katie says.

"Her laptop" Jonah says. Katie looked at Christina knowing that my laptop was in my room with me.

"Zach's an idiot" Corbyn says shaking his head. 

"He had good intentions but yeah he is" Daniel says.

"Okay, can you guys try and find Zach please?" Katie says grabbing two plate, one for me and one for her as Christina grabs her own plat of food. Katie goes over to Jack and kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you for helping babe" Katie says to Jack before she heads upstairs with Christina following.

"He come home yet?" I ask as they enter my room. Katie offers a small smile.

"No but the guys are about to head out and try and find him" She says as she hands me my plate of pancakes. Katie and Christina sit on the bed with me and start eating.

"How are you feeling Jul?" Katie asks.

"Like shit" I answer with a sigh.

"I'm sorry babe, Zach is just so in love with you he wanted to tell everyone" Christina says.

"and trust me I love him for that but I wasn't ready for the hate" I respond. Katie looks down and doesnt say anything. Half because she's pissed at Zach and half because she was thinking about Jack.

"Why is he avoiding me? I haven't spoken to him since before the interview" I say.

"He probably doesn't want you to be mad at him so he's giving you space" Katie says.

"I just want him here" I sigh. My mind automatically goes to the worst. "Do you think he's cheating on me?" I ask.

Katie snaps her head up and looks a Christina who has wide eyes. She looks back at me.

"Of course not Jul! why would he announce to the world that he was dating you id he was cheating on you?" Katie says somewhat mad at for thinking that.

"I don't know but maybe he realized he wanted someone better and less damaged than me" I say shrugging with tears in my eyes.

"no no no, Jul he could never find someone better than you. of course you have your ups and downs, Corbyn and Jack have to deal with mine and Christina's too. He told me that he wants to help you and fix the mess he created" Katie says.

"Seems he's just avoiding it all together" I say.

"Jul you don't know that, just pick something on netflix i'll go clean up breakfast" Katie says grabbing all the plates and heading downstairs.

"Christina you pick something" I say

"Pretty little liars?" Christina asks 

"Yeah sure" I say.

Downstairs, Katie starts cleaning up when the 4 boys come in with a ragged Zach behind them. She dries her hands off before going over to them.

"Where have you been?" She whisper yells at Zach crossing her arms.

"Do you want to tell me where you were? you know all she wanted was to see you this morning but you went MIA on us. What were you thinking?" Katie asks.

Christina comes down the stairs and walks up to the group. 

"You showed up" She says with crossed arms. Zach stayed silent. I came downstairs to get a water. Kaie snaps her head towards my direction and so does Christina. They look at eachother as if asking what they should do. I walked quietly towards everyone.

"Hi" I say quietly. 

"Jul what do you need?" Katie asks.

"I just wanted water" I say not taking my eyes off Zach.

"Okay there's some in the fridge" Katie says

"No I was gonna get some from under the couch" I say with a chuckle and head towards the kitchen. Katie laughs slightly and smile since I still had my sense of humor. Zach is still silent. 

"Why are you so quiet Zach?" I ask. 

"Jul, we'll talk to him. go back upstairs" Katie says sadly.

"Okay fine. By the way I hate it when you walk on eggshells around me" I say before going upstairs. 

"Talk. now." Katie says glaring at Zach. Zach just looks down, Jack wraps his arm around her waist to stop her from slapping him.

"Zach god damnit your girlfriend is upstairs getting hate because you didn't wait for her. now answer the damn question. Where the hell were you?" Katie says mad as hell.

"I just wanted to give her space" Zach says keeping his head down.

"Yeah that's what you wanted but she wanted you here Zach. she's not mad at you ok, she thinks it's sweet but with the hate and her history you should have been thinking" Katie says in a disappointed tone before sighing. "look Zach, she thought you left because you were cheating on her you dumbass."

"She thought you wanted someone less 'damaged'" Christina says. Zach snaps his head up.

"What? why would she think that?" Zach says quickly. 

"hmm I don't know maybe because you left her this morning" Katie says. I was hearing everything since I was at the top of the stairs listening.  Katie sighs. 

"Zach you were supposed to be here this morning. talking to her and telling her why you did it and that you were going to tell the fans to stop. but no, you just left. you just left my best friend here, letting her deal with it all alone. like I said Zach, I let you take her heart, I let her fall for you and honestly I don't know if that was the right decision with this mess you made." Katie says before grabbing her keys and phone and walking out the door so she don't blow up at Zach. 

 Zach stands there, looking at where katie was standing before she walked out. Realizing that Katie walked out, Jack snapped towards Zach.

"Fix this shit bro" he says before running after katie. Corbyn, Christina, Daniel and Jonah see me walk down the stairs.

"What the fuck just happened?" I ask them. They give me a sad smile before walking upstairs leaving me alone to talk to Zach.

"Zach?" I ask getting his attention. "Baby" I breathe out and walk towards him. He looks away from me but I put my hand under his chin and force him to look at me. I see a sad look in his eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him. Little did I know Christina and Corbyn were still listening so they can tell Katie and Jack what happened when they get back. 

"I'm sorry" he whispers.

"Sorry for what?" I ask with tears running down my cheeks. He whipes my tears away. 

"I'm sorry for telling everyone without your permission, I'm sorry for breaking your phone, I'm sorry for not be there for you this morning. I'm just sorry" He says before kissing my lips lightly. 

"Baby I'm not mad" I said looking at him.

"You're not?" He looked up hopeful.

"No and if you stopped avoiding me and talked to me you would have known that" I said laughing a little. "I'm annoyed that you knew I didn't want to and you did it anyway but your heart was coming from a good place" I say before sighing. "Now i'm going to the Apple store to get a new phone since SOMEBODY broke mine, I'm going to find Katie so we can go"

*Meanwhile with Jack and Katie: Set after Katie and Jack run our of the house*

Jack ran out the door to see that Katie didn't get far and was sitting on the ground leaning against the band's car. He sighs in relief knowing she didn't leave without him knowing where she was and slowly walks over to her. She hears his footsteps and snaps her head up, relaxing only the slightest bit when she sees him. He instantly frowns when he sees the tears running down her face. He quickens his walk and sits down beside her, wrapping his arms around her while she lets out a loud sob. She leans her head against his chest. 

"I don't regret letting Zach date her, it's just-" Katie says before interrupting herself with a sob before continuing. "it's just I knew about her cutting Jack. I knew because I would see the bloody razor in the trash and the blood on her towels when her and Zach first started dating. and I once saw her sleeve pushed up and I saw way too many scars. Yet I did nothing. I should have talked to her about it but then I felt like it wasn't necessary for me to bring it up when Zach made her the happiest i've ever seen her."

She sobs even louder, loud enough that she thought we could probably hear it in the house. Jack played with her hair staying silent because he knew Katie wasn't done.

"I should have talked to her. I should have helped her to make sure she wouldn't go back to cutting again because of something like this" Katie says before letting out a sob. Jack thinks about it. If people found my soical media's then they probably found Katie's. Scared, Jack speaks up.

"Babe, are you getting hate?" He asks. Katie tenses at the question and Jack already know the answer. His eyes fill with tears thinking of Katie being hurt without him knowing. "How long?" He asks. Katie starts to cry harder.

"Not long" is all she can manage to get out. 

"Babes why didn't you tell me?" I ask. Jack and Katie both whip their heads around to look at me. I saw her tear stained cheeks and ran to the other side of her to hug her. "oh my god Katie" I say silently while hugging her.

"You know I care more about other people than myself jul. You should know that" Katie says with a fake laugh.

"But it's me Katie, why didnt you tell me?" I ask, tears starting to form in my eyes. Zach came outside looking for us.

"I SAID A BOOM BOOM BOOM NOW LEMME HEAR YOU SAY WAYHOO" Zach yells when he couldn't find us. 

"I'll go talk to him I'll be right back" I said.

Katie and Jack then hear me disipline Zach. "Zachary dean herron why the hell are you joking right now?!"

"Ok I told Zack to get your favorite food so we're going to get it right now." I say coming back to the two. "Are you going to be okay here while i'm gone?" I ask. Katie nods. "Okay take care of her Avery" I say before heading to my car. Zach is already in the drivers seat (CAUSE THEY WON'T LET ME FUCKING DRIVE)

While we drive away, Jack picks Katie up and walks her into the house and up to their room where they continue to cuddle. After a few minutes of silence, he speaks up.

"Babygirl, how long is 'not long'?" He asks.

Katie sighs. "your fans found me after I was in the background of one of the instagram stories" Katie explains. Jack pushes his fingers under her chin so katie would look up at him. 

"How. Long?" he asks again. Tears start to come to her eyes.

"A little over 3 weeks" she says dropping her head into his chest.  Tears start to well up in Jack's eyes as he hears that the git he loves has been hurting and he didn't know the whole time. He strokes her hair.

"You don't have to answer this but..." He pauses asking himself if he wants to know the answer. "What have they been saying?" He asks. Katie gains enough energy to grab her phone from the bedside table, open 'photos', go to screenshots and hand her phone to Jack. He reads through them. 

"attention seeking slut"

"you don't deserve jack or any of the boys"

"you think you're so pretty when you're really just trash"

"WOW. jack has low standards"

Jack puts her phone on the bed and pulls her into a hug, never wanting to let go.

"They're just jealous baby, the truth is, I don't deserve you, you are so beautiful and perfect to me so it's the other way around. I love you, I know it's early to say that but it's true" He says hoping that the L word wouldn't scare her off. Katie brings herself to smile slightly. 

"I love you too" She says as she touches his forehead with hers. And with that, they fell asleep before we could get home with the food. 

Zach and I walk into their room to see them asleep.

"We were gone for not even 10 minutes what the fuck" I whisper adding a small laugh at the end. I shook my head and closed the door heading downstairs with Zach following.

"I'm gonna be a good friend and not eat her food and I'm gonna leave her some of mine" I whisper to Zach as we enter the kitchen. I look up to see Zach on his phone. 

"Can I use your phone babe?" I ask

"Why?" He asks squinting his eyes.

"Because someone broke my phone and I need to check snap, insta, and twitter" I say in a kind of 'duh' tone. 

"Hell no" He says shutting his phone off. 

"What the fuck?" I mumble confused. 

"Nope you do not need to be checking social media. you and Katie both" He says.

"But my snap streaks" I say whining (BUT THE COOKIES )

"No you and Katie are not allowed on social media until me and Jack go through the tweets and stuff and deal with the haters. You guys don't deserve any of this and we love you both too much to let you be in pain" He says. (Did he forget that all this is because of his stupid ass decision?)

"Oh yeah? and how are you gonna stop me?" I ask stepping closer, challenging him.

"You know what i'm capable of babygirl" he says. 

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