Part 10
*a month later*
Me, Katie and Christina were hanging at the house watching the boys while they were doing an interview. the dreaded dating topic came up.
"so which ones out of the 5 of you are single?" the interviewer asked. Daniel, Jonah, and Jack raised their hands. My eyes went wide.
"I didn't know you made your relationship public" Christina says
"we didn't" I answer.
"damn" katie says biting her lip.
"oh zach this is new tell us about it" the interviewer says on the screen catching all of our attentions.
"BOI I swear to god..." I mumble to myself.
"did she give you permission to do this zach?" corbyn asks.
"No but her name is Julia and we have our 1 year anniversary coming up in a couple weeks" Zach says.
"and cue the hate... now" I say as I walk to get food.
"One year?!?! Why haven't you made it public?" the interviewer asks. katie sighs.
"different reasons" zach answers.
"Really? now is the time you wanna keep things to yourself?" Jack says turning to Zach.
"Can someone explain what's going on here?" the interviewer asks.
"His girlfriend wasn't quite ready for the relationship to go public" Jonah answers.
"Zach are you really that stupid" katie says to the boy on the tv screen. The interviewer quickly changes topics.
Once the interview was over I went upstairs leaving my phone on the counter because as predicted I was already getting hate. Katie and Christina follow me upstairs to try to comfort me.
When the boys get home they come into the kitchen because that's where we said we would be watching the interview.
"uh zach" corbyn says looking down at my phone and seeing the hate.
"not now corbyn" zach says heading for the stairs.
"no bro you need to see this" corbyn says.
"your actions have consequences zach, you knew this was gonna happen so why did you do it?" Daniel asks.
"What are you talking about?" zach asks. Corbyn hands zach my phone.
"I would go check the bathroom if I were you" corbyn says. Zach looks down at the phone seeing all the hate. he drops my phone and runs up the stairs, the other four running after him.
He burst the door open to see the three of us in zach and my bed together while i'm crying on Christina's shoulder. Katie stands up and pushes them back out of the door, closing it behind her.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" she whisper yells after smacking Zach.
"Did she...?" He trails off. Katie sighs and rolls her eyes.
"thankfully no because me and christina were here keeping her on that damn bed and cleaning up after your mess!" She says poking him in the chest.
"How do I fix this katie?" zach asks.
"I don't really know zach, but I let you, and I don't know if I regret it but I let you date her, I let her fall in love with you and I let you take her heart. now she's sitting on a bed crying to her two best friends while her dumbs of a boyfriend is in an interview creating a mess" she finished her rant. She turns back towards the door and reaches for the handle before turning her head back towards zach.
"but fix this shit zach" She says.
"I just wanted everyone to know I love her" zach says looking defeated.
"She already knows that, and that's the most important thing. you should know that, but right now you should be telling your fans to leave her alone. and jack, thank you for not saying anything about our relationship" katie says before opening the door and closing it behind her, walking back to christina and I.
Zach, Corbyn and Jack knew about my history since one is my boyfriend and the other two are dating my best friends. Daniel and Jonah on the other hand were very confused.
"What did you mean by check the bathroom?" Jonah asks Corbyn. Corbyn moves his hand to his wrist mimicking cutting. Jonah and Daniel stand there with their mouths wide open.
"Guys how do I fix this?" Zach asks the boys who are stanfing there in silence. Jack is the first to speak up.
"first you need to tell the fans to stop hating on her dude don't just stand there"
"Right ok" Zach says pulling out his phone.
*In the room*
"What did you say?" Christina asks still hugging me. Katie sighs and explains everything she said.
"Idiot" I say getting up out of the bed and going to the mirror, fixing my makeup and turning back to the two on the bed. "Wanna go get food?" I ask.
"Will it make you happy?" Katie asks. I nod. "Okay, we can keep Zach out of the way, i'll tell Jack to keep him out of the way when we go downstairs"
"Bless ok I want a milkshake" I say putting on my nikes and grabbing my bag. "TO MCDONALDS!" I yell before opening the door. Katie and Christina go down first and tell Jack to dirstract zach.
"WE'RE GOING TO MCDONALDS" Christina yells as all three of us run out the door laughing. I toss Christina my keys and we drive to Mcdonalds.
On the way Jack texts Katie: "LMKwhen you're on your way home so I can distract zach if he's still awake, and you're welcome for not being as dumb as Zach. I won't announce it until you're ready <3"
Katie read it out loud to us in the car.
"Zach can learn a thing or 2 from Jack and Corbyn like BOI"I say laughing "Do the goons want anything?" I ask katie.
"I don't know, I'll ask" she says. she texts jack asking if they wanted anything from mcdonalds.
He replied: "no, we're fine, focus on you girls for right now. we're about to go talk some sense into zach"
Katie read it aloud laughing.
"tell one of them to record it" I say laughing.
"Kay" katie says before texting jack saying I want it recorded.
he replied: "we were already planning on doing that, but enjoy your time with the girls babe <3". Katie blushes at the nickname.
"OHHHHH KATIES BLUSHING" Christina laughs.
"Seriously though, your boyfriends are smart what the hell? why did I have to fall for the dumbass?" I ask.
"they're smart sometimes, not always, but sometimes" Katie says laughing
"always smarter than my dork" I mumble. "but like seriously does zach ever think? Does he have a brain? if he doesn't that would explain a lot" I say as we pull up to mcdonalds making katie and cristina laugh.
After about 20 minutes of eating and all that we decide to go home. Katie texts jack saying that we're on our way home.
Jack replies: "zach is asleep in their bed, I can sleep on the couch and Julia can sleep with you in our bed" Katie read aloud.
"Tell him I love him for offering but if I find him asleep on the couch imma slap him" I say laughing.
Katie texts Jack exactly what I said.
He responds in seconds and Katie read it aloud: "okay, well then where is she going to sleep? i'd rather have her comfortable than me because Zach made a stupid mistake"
"WHY IS YOUR BOYFRIEND SO FREAKING CUTE tell him i'll figure it out" I say. Katie laughs and glares at me playfully.
"ay back off. he's mine" she says causing everyone to laugh.
A few minutes later, we're back home. We walk into the house to see Jack asleep on the couch. I go up to him and lightly slap him awake.
"I told you if I found you on the couch i'd slap you" I say before highly laughing. "Katie take your man upstairs please, and thank you both for today I love you guys" I say pulling jack up by his hand.
Katie takes Jacks hand from me since he was still half asleep. Christina has already gone upstairs with Corbyn.
"Are you sure? I can stay with you" Katie offers.
"I'm fine I promise now go to sleep you two, and Avery send me the video of you lecturing Zach" I say before collapsing on the couch.
"Okay love you" Katie says making her way upstairs.
"Love you too" I say back.
I go into the kitchen to see my phonw on the floor. I brace myself knowing it was going to be broken. I turned it around and saw the shattered screen.
"Fuck" I whisper to myself. I walk upstairs to get my laptop. I slowly walk to mine and Zach's room to see him fast asleep with my laptop on my side of the bed. I grab my laptop and Zach stirs a little bit so I book it out of the room and make my way downstairs. I sit at the counter and open my laptop. I go online to check what my balance was to see if I was able to get a new phone or if I was gonna have to live with the cracked one.
Katie comes downstairs to grab waters for her and Jack. As she makes her way over me, she see's what i'm doing and closes my laptop.
"nah girl, Zach will be paying for that and not you" She says.
"I swar I just had money in my bank account and it's now gone. it's like hocus pocus i'm brokus" I say with a slight laugh before bringing my hand to my forehead.
"What do you mean?" Katie asks putting the waters down and leaning against the counter.
"I mean i'm now like broke and have to live with my broken phone. LA is fucking expensive" I say
"Call your bank" Katie suggest.
"Why? It's not like someone broke into my account, it's just all my money is in my makeup bag right now" I say
"Wait, what? why?" Katie says confused
"Because Sephora. I went into there needing foundation and came out with 6 other things" I say laughing.
"Well that explains everything but anyway, go to sleep and Zach will pay for your new phone" Katie says "Alright girl I love you"
"Night love you too" I say as she walks upstairs.
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