Part 1

"Katie come on just come out of the car" I say to you while you are sitting in the car pouting
"No I've already met Zach why do I need to? This is very unnecessary. You pulled me away from a Netflix day for this. I'm mad at you"you  says still pouting
"But you haven't met his four band mates, three of whom are single" I say trying to get you  out of the car.
"Did you just say whom?" You asks
"Yes it's proper English something you have struggled with for as long as I've known you" I say "now if you don't get your ass out of the car I won't buy you McDonald's like I promised" I say threatening you.
"UGH FINE" you says and stomp your way to the front door.
"We can just walk in. Zach knows we're  coming and they always leave the door unlocked. These idiots will get robbed some day I swear. The robber will just walk in and take a bunch of shit while their sitting in the living room playing video games, oblivious to everything" I say as I walk towards you.
We walk in and head towards the stairs. We walk down to the far end of the hall to Zach's room which he shares with his band mates and best friends Corbyn and Jonah. We enter without knocking to see all three boys on their beds. Jonah and Zach playing on their phones and Corbyn talking to his girlfriend Christina on FaceTime.
Leaving you standing at the door I throw myself onto Zach's bed. Laughing, he puts his phone down.
"Corbyn take out the earbuds for a minute I need to introduce someone to you and Cristina" I say. He does as I say and turn the camera around so Christina can see everything that is happening.
"Jonah, Corbyn, Christina, meet my best friend Katie, katie this is Jonah and Corbyn and Corbyn's girlfriend Christina" I say pointing to each of them as I say their names " and you already know this one" I say motioning my head towards Zach.
Staring at you, Jonah says "Hey Katie" with a smirk pulling at his lips.
"Watch yourself Marais" I say glaring at him. He puts his hands up in a surrendering motion as I turn my attention back to you who is standing there awkwardly making me laugh a little.
"Oh I have to introduce you to the other two goons" I say pulling out my phone.
"Ok offensive" Zach asks.
"sorry baby but it's true all five of you are goons" I say causing Zach to roll his eyes.
"True" I hear Christina say through Corbyn's phone.
"Thanks for agreeing with me Christina!" I say a little too loudly making Zach flinch.
I press on Jack's contact which is labeled noodle hair on my phone. After two rings Jack picks up.
"Hey noodle you and CV need to get your asses in here I have someone for you to meet" I say. He looks at me for a second before hanging up on me.
"Rude hoe" I mumble into Zach's chest which I am using as a pillow to sleep on. A couple seconds later Jack and Daniel walk into the room.
"Noodle you're a Rude ass dork and I do not appreciate you hanging up on me" I pick my head off of Zach's chest for a second to say before looking at you who is sitting uncomfortable in the corner causing me to sit up right.
"CV, noodle this is my best friend katie, katie this is jack aka noodle and Daniel aka Dani or CV, he answers to all of them" I say.
"Hey beautiful" jack says taking a step towards you. From his bed, Jonah is glaring at jack.
You blush "hey" you say.
I look between jack and Jonah and scream "OH SHIT JACK VERSUS JONAH WHO WILL WIN!"
"You're an ass" you say looking at me and giggling at me cause it's nothing out of the ordinary for me to say something like that.
Laughing, Zach puts his hand over my mouth and pushes me down onto the bed to shut me up.
"Ok you all are annoying me, it was nice meeting you katie" Corbyn says getting up from his bed, taking Christina who is still on FaceTime with him.
"You too but a warning I'm a lot like Julia" you say to him causing everyone to laugh a little.
"Why do you all bully me?" I ask
"I don't bully you, it's just how I express my love" you say smiling and added wink at the end.
"No you bully me, legit everyone here bully's me" I say looking around the room.
"I don't bully you" Zach say looking at me.
" you just put your hand over my mouth and pushed me down on the bed" I argue
"I thought you liked that tho" Zach says smirking.
"EW" daniel says
"GROSS" you say
"UGH EW ZACH" Jonah says
All your statements occurring at the same time before running out of the room in disgust leaving me and Zach alone in his room.
Since Zach and I haven't seen each other for about a week, we end up having a small minute long makeout session.
Zach and I walk downstairs after a minute looking out the window and seeing Corbyn sitting by the pool still talking to Christina.
We walk into the kitchen to see jack and Jonah staring at you and Daniel in the living room laughing and talking.
Without taking his eyes off you and Daniel, jack says to me "there is left over Chinese food in the fridge"
"YES!" I scream grabbing the takeout box from the fridge and getting a fork from the drawer, eating almost immediately.
"Hey Julia, how old is Katie?" Jonah asks his head looking back and forth between me and you.
"She's illegal" I say with a mouth full of Chinese food.
"Sexy babe" Zach laughs and kisses me on the cheek.
"No like for real julia" Jonah says turning to look at me.
"15 but she has the mind of a 5 year old" I say looking Jonah.
"HEY I HEARD THAT" you scream from the other room
"Well it's true" I mumble and shrug.
"But you are so right" you say walking into the kitchen. As I eat, zach tries to take away my food. The kitchen is silent until I scream to Zach
"Zach how dumb are you to try to take away Julia's food?" You ask
"I've scratched her before for trying to take food away from me" I say laughing.
"It was my food first what the hell?!" Zach exclaims.
"Yeah well it's the same thing as your clothes, they're mine now" I say putting the Panda Express container in the garbage.
"Speaking if I want my hoodies back by the way" Zach says pointing at me.
"" I say before turning on my heels and walking to the living room with you all behind me. I open Netflix on their tv and choose Carrie. With protest from you due to your hatred of horror movies.
As the movie progresses, both Jonah and jack inch closer and closer to you on the couch. I'm not watching the movie because I'm too busy watching the boys try to get closer to you. Something scary happens and you jump into jacks arms. He wraps his arms protectively around you as you bury your head in his chest while Jonah just glares at jack. An upset Jonah gets up from the couch and walks upstairs to his room.
"Baby why don't you and jack go check on him" I tell Zach. They both get up and walk out of the room. When they're far enough away from the living room I burst out laughing.
"GIRL" I say in between laughs
"You gud bro?" You ask me confused as fuck
"Katie, both jack and Jonah have a thing for you, you realize that right?" I ask as I calm down.
"No they don't, can we get McDonald's, I'm hungry" You ask
"Ok" I say before going to the stairs and shouting at the boys asking if they want to come with us.
Daniel and Corbyn immediately come out from wherever they were hiding
"Hell Yea" Corbyn says  
"JULIA, KATIE COME IN HERE FOR A SECOND" Zach screams from his room.
"Wait downstairs, we'll be right down" I say to Corbyn and Daniel.
You still feeling awkward follow me upstairs like a loss puppy.
"What?" I say as I open the door
"Katie, if you had to choose between these two idiots" Zach says mentioning to jack and Jonah " who would you pick?" He asks shortly followed by me slapping his head.
"What? Why?" You say flustered
"Cause they both have a thing for you" I say in a duh tone
I don't know them that well sooo" you say
"Ok let's go to McDonald's, you can get to know them and I get food, we all win" I say grabbing Zachs hand and pulling him out of the room. You look at both jack and Jonah quickly before looking at the ground and following me and Zach out if the room.
Jack turns to Jonah and says "bro come on don't you have that thing going on with Nic? Come on please let me have a shot with her"
"Bro either way it's illegal she's under 16 and we're 18 and 19" Jonah says
"Jonah come on bro please" jack begs
"Fine but if she doesn't like you after talking to you I'm going for it" Jonah sighs
"COME ON GUYS I WANT FOOD!" I whine from downstairs.
Because no one really, Corbyn drives to McDonald's. Both of us being so food motivated, we hop out of the car like little kids going to the circus while the boys roll their eyes at us. After a while of us talking and eating Zach leans over
"So who does katie have a thing for?" He asks
"I don't know she thinks their both hot" I whisper. "I think she's gonna end up with jack, they seem right for each other, plus it's not as weird as it would be for her and Jonah because of the 5 year age difference"
"So since you and Katie are basically the same person does that mean you're right for jack?" Zach asks me, still in a low voice.
"Boy really?" I say in my normal voice. I roll my eyes and in a hushed tone I say to him "as hot as jealous Zach is, if you ever say that again I'm going to slap you"
"But-" zach starts but I cut him off by slapping him lightly across the cheek.
Seeing how flirty you and jack are, I turn to Jonah
"Zach and I need to talk outside for a second, we need your opinion on something" I say getting up.
We leave you as we go outside, Corbyn on his phone and Daniel at the counter ordering more fries and jack and you laughing and talking.
"How do you feel about them jo?" I ask Jonah
"I'm okay with it I guess, I mean I have that thing with Nic anyway and plus the age difference would be kinda weird" he says as we all look inside to see you and jack leaning in for a kiss. Jonah turns to us with a sad smile. We walk back inside and my fat ass immediately goes to the counter to order a milkshake. After I order, zach calls over to me that we have to go because their manager called and set up a meeting in an hour.
"Ohhh you guys are in trouble" I tease Zach before he kisses me to make me shut up. I turn around to get my milkshake as we head out the door. Corbyn goes over to the drivers side of my car
"Hey bean do you think I could drive my own car?" I ask walking towards the car
"No, you'll kill us" Corbyn says "but I don't wanna drive so someone else do it"
"I'LL DO IT!!" I scream
"Nope, zach you drive" Corbyn says. I glared at zach from the passengers seat causing him to laugh. I then proceed to stare out the window pouting like a 5 year old.
"I DOnT buLlY yOU, Yeah right zachary" I say.
He rolls his eyes at me as we pull into the driveway. As we enter the house I stomp straight upstairs and plop on to Zachs bed yet again.
"Dude go check on her, we have 10 minutes until they get here" jack says laughing. Zach came upstairs to find me on his bed (per usual). He decided to have a little fun and play with my weak spots until their managers arrived.
"You're mean!" I yell before burying my head into his pillow.
When their managers arrived, you came upstairs and threw yourself onto Zach's bed beside me where we both passed out. About an hour later the boys come upstairs. Zach take out his phone and takes a picture of us sleeping and sends it to jack with the caption "your girlfriend took mine"
A couple seconds later, jack comes in and picks your sleeping body up with ease and brings you to his room.
While Corbyn was downstairs doing work in the kitchen  (because he's an actual dad), Jonah and Daniel walk into their rooms to find Zach and I and you and jack being all coupley and sleeping in bed. Jonah looks at Me and Zach while Daniel looks at you and jack. With sighs both of them express their need for a girlfriend. I wake up when Jonah accidentally shuts the door what's too loudly on his way out.
"Hey baby" Zach says
"Hey asshole" I say to him still pissed off about him teasing me but cuddle into him anyway cause I can't resist cuddles.
To my best friend Katie. For you to escape to when you want to re read our story but don't wanna scroll up. I had to scroll up for hours and hours to take screenshots. Surprise ily I hope you like it ❤️❤️

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