12. Helping You

The Past

No One's POV

Jin brought a crying Namjoon out of the school to the parking lot. He brought him near to his black BMW. "Jin....y-you didn't have to." Namjoon cried with his head lower and not looking at Jin. But Jin was intensely staring at him with his heart hurting inside. He hated seeing the person he loved the most crying.

"Hyung..." "I am s-sorry you had to see that. J-just please don't leave...me." Namjoon finally looked up at Jin. Jin's heart clenched even more. There is no way he can leave his angel with these sinister people. He pulled Namjoon into a tight hug. "How can I leave someone so precious like you. Hyung... you are the most precious person for me. There is no way I can let you go. And don't say again. You really did nothing wrong."

"I am p-precious to y-you?" "Of course you are! You were the only that was there for me in my hard times. I want to do the same, Hyung. I told you about all my struggles and you still helped me. I want to do the same, Hyung. I want to help you. Now come with me. You are going to stay at my house today. Tomorrow we don't have school have so it's fine-" "But Jin-" "Nope you are coming with." He opened the door for Namjoon. Namjoon walked defeatedly inside the car. Jin got into the driver's seat. Then they were off to Jin's mansion.

At Jin's place.

Jin brought Namjoon to his house. "Are your parent's ok with me being here?" Namjoon asked. "Nobody is home for a while so don't worry." "I see." They entered the house. Namjoon tried his hardest to not be amazed at house beautiful the house was with the afternoon lights shining in. Jin obviously noticed it and chuckled. "I see you really like the house." He smiled. "O-oh I am sorry." "No no don't be sorry. Also, do you want anything to drink?" " Oh no, it's fine." " Ok then."

Btw this is Jin's house

They finally went to Jin's room. It had a black and grey theme. Those were Jin's most favourite colours after blue. There was a study table. There was also a wall-sized glass window that showed the view of the outside. They sat down on the king-sized bed. 

"So are you comfortable telling what happened?" "Are you sure you won't be disappointed?" Jin held his hand as a sign reassurance. "I promise I won't. Now be comfortable and tell me. I won't tell me, anyone." Namjoon sighed and then started telling.

"I-I am starting to be....bullied." Jin expression went really low. He can't believe the same thing that happens to him was happening to his beloved. "The reason is that I am so fat ugly and just not worth being with you. Which I think is true. I couldn't tell you because then they will also hurt you." "Hyung, you actually think you are ugly and that you are not worth being my friend." He said with pain visible in his eyes. Namjoon just looked down. "Since how long has it been going on?"

"T-three months." Jin's eyes widened. How can he be so stupid to not know this? He never felt this guilty in his life. He felt so bad right now. That he couldn't even explain how much. "I am sorry for being such a bad friend and not noticing how much you were hurt. And it was all because of me anyways. " Jin said and looked down with guilt visible in his eyes. Namjoon saw it and immediately held his shoulder's and made him look at him. "Hey, don't please don't feel bad. It hurts me even more." He said with a reassuring voice.

"What else did they do to you?" He said while hiding his building anger. "I don't think you want to know," Namjoon said with tired eyes. "I said tell me what they did to you!" Jin accidentally raised his voice. "Sorry I didn't' mean to be like that...I was just mad you know." "No, I can understand. They assaulted me many times. They threw my things and hurt me multiple times. Today they were going to basically do worst but...luckily you came."

"What about your parents, didn't they do anything?" Right after he asked Namjoon started to chuckle while he looked at his covered arms. "My parents? Hahaha. They will never do anything!" Jin frowned. "Why is that?" "Namjoon got closer. "Jin I trust very much so that's why I will only tell you why." "Jin was happy that Namjoon only trusted him. This was actually one of Jin's plan. Making Namjoon overly trust him.

"You know that my mother is a single mom right?" "Yup, but you never told me why though." "You see she was pregnant at a very young age. Her boyfriend aka my suppose-to-be-father left us when he heard the news. His parents said a lot to my mother's parents. My mother was just a single since then. But as I grew up, she thought off giving her self a husband and me a father. She got on many relationships but never stayed with them due to her being picky. But now she has been dating this guy for a while which I didn't even know she was. Maybe I was really stuck into studying a lot.

Since she is has met him, I feel like he has been changing her a lot. Like she is becoming more mean to me. Then he finally came to meet me at the dinner that I told you about. After a few days, he moved in with us. He soon is going to marry my mother. But here comes the main thing. You see...I am not interested in cardiology anymore." Just when he said that Jin gasped. "Hyung but you loved it. It was your passion wasn't it?" "I don't like helping people like that way anymore since I found my music and due to my parents."

"and what about it?" "My soon to be step-father is physically abusing me. My mother is forcing me to become a surgeon. Everyone is starting to hate me, Jin! And soon are you going to after this!" Jin was extremely mad after this. Namjoon's fate was basically against him. "Hyung, I am not like the others. I know what you are feeling. You are not alone, Hyung. I have also been through." "You have? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked worriedly. Jin knew Namjoon well. He always cared about others before himself, but he especially cared for Jin.

Jin remembered the night that he was thinking too much about Namjoon. To be honest, every night was like that but that night was different. Jin just texted Namjoon that he was not able to sleep because he was missing him. Jin expected that Namjoon won't read cause it was late at night. But instead, Namjoon woke up and replied and the next thing he knew was Namjoon ringing the bell at midnight. Jin was basically taken aback from his actions. They spend the night together cuddling each other. Jin loves him too much and is going to make Namjoon love him the same way.

"Hyung we are talking about you right now. Now I want you to trust me and take a bit of rest and enjoy this weekend with me." "But what about my parent's? They will kill me." "Don't worry I will manage everything." Jin knew that he would have to get his hands dirty tonight for some of his school mates. And also knew that he reveals some people.

Hey guys, I am back! Yeah I know I am uploading after a while. But I decided to give myself a mental break so yeah. I also just had the past cause I think this chapter is a very important part of the story on its own so yeah... Thanks for reading!

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