A/N: Here's Chapter 4.
*insert the opening of Hậu Duệ Mặt Trời Việt Nam
Third Person POV:
Enterprise was with her sister, Yorktown, in a room at the Azur Lane Base.
Yorktown: Look, the ocean is so pretty today.
Enterprise: I've never felt that the ocean is beautiful. From the moment we were born, the ocean was a place for war. There's nothing beautiful about that. Besides, Sister, the ocean is where you...
Yorktown: That's not true. You're only forgetting. We are ships, taking on the form of humans. The beauty of the seas is engraved deep inside our souls. One day, you'll remember what wishes the people placed in your name. Enterprise, my dear little sister.
HN: -Heh. Now. My turn again.
Hà Nội then kicked her back in a Vovinam style kick. Shoukaku then flew down while her planes were getting destroyed by the F/A-18s. As Zuikaku flew back, Hà Nội proceeded to dash forwards to scissor kick her before dashing back to where he was.
Zuikaku (struggling): Just who are you?
Shoukaku was still shocked as Zuikaku was fighting against someone who had not fired his weapon on her once. Only with those kicks, was he able to bring her down enough. Enterprise could only watch as she was shocked as well, as her skills in CQB couldn't compare to Hà Nội. Prinz Eugen then appeared above all them.
Prinz Eugen: He is something to not be underestimated with. He is the VPNS HQ-300 Thủ Đô Hà Nội, formerly known as the RFS Admiral Kuznestov, the flagship of the Admiral Kuznetsov-class aircraft carriers. A veteran of the War on Terror and the War against the Sirens in his world. His most notable achievement was bringing down the Observer in Hải Phong port.
This then triggered Hà Nội's PTSD. And the return of his cold and angry side.
HN: Prinz Eugen. Shut your f*cking mouth!
Prussiaisgut Neptune is triggered his shipfu is getting chewed out.
He then fired a full auto burst at her.
HN: First of all, how did you know about me and Hải Phong? Second, DON'T YOU EVER MENTION IT AGAIN! YOU DON'T KNOW THE FULL TRUTH, AND YOU WILL NEVER!
Everyone was shocked by his rage of fury.
He shot another burst at Prinz Eugen, Zuikaku, and Shoukaku.
He then took out the napalm launcher.
He then locked on to Zuikaku and Shoukaku, who were silent.
He then fired two rounds from the M202A1 FLASH, engulfing the area around the two sisters in flames, and making the oxygen around be absorbed in the flames. Basically, thermobaric rounds, but deadlier.
Zuikaku (having trouble breathing): What is that?
HN: Napalm. Have fun.
A/N: Prussiaisgut Here's your reverse uno.
Enterprise, seeing the effects of napalm firsthand that Hà Nội just launched, had enough and decided to stop Hà Nội from going on a rampage.
Enterprise (putting her hand on his launcher): Hà Nội, stop.
Hà Nội then looked back at her.
HN: For your sake, fine.
He then put the launcher away as the flames begin to die down. It was then that the Royal Navy arrived.
Shoukaku: That's...
The Warship Warspite answered first.
Warship Warspite: I must remind you that we would be responding with all of our might.
The ships included Hood, Respite, Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and a few more.
Enterprise: The main Royal Navy fleet...
Prinz Eugen: Perhaps, I guess it's time to quit while we're ahead.
Hà Nội then gritted his teeth.
HN: Then leave. But consider this a final warning. If you hurt Enterprise again, I will not hesitate to burn all of you in hell. You've already seen the effects of napalm. Don't. Make. Me. Use. It. Again.
He then pointed to them.
HN: Now. Get your worthless pieces of sh*t out of my sight.
Shoukaku and Zuikaku, in fear of his napalm launcher just now, nodded and then left.
Prinz Eugen: I guess I'll take my leave. Farewell, Azur Lane.
Back with Laffey and the others
Z23: Listen now! The next time I see you, you'd better apologize for not taking this seriously!
Laffey: Hrm...
Z23 then huffs and goes back to her ship. Ayanami then does the same.
Laffey: Ayanami.
Ayanami then turns to see Laffey and the others again.
Laffey: Bye-bye. See you.
The Siren, Ironblood, and Sakura ships withdraw from this part. The state of the Eagle Union shipgirls was bad. Some of them were too damaged.
Back with Hà Nội and Enterprise
As Zuikaku and Shoukaku left, Enterprise then slightly fainted, but Hà Nội caught her in his arms.
A/N: Foreshadowing.
HN: You okay?
Enterprise then closed her eyes, due to the damage and exhaustion of the battle.
HN (thinking): I should probably get her on my ship.
Hà Nội then proceeded to deactivate his rigs and went in one of the many rooms on the ship. He then laid Enterprise down on a bed before grabbing a chair and then falling to sleep sitting, his gear still on. A while later, Belfast came to check the both of them on Hà Nội's ship.
Belfest: Enterprise, Hà Nội, are you okay-
She then found them sleeping.
Belfast (giggles): Very well, I guess I will come later.
Few hours later
Enterprise was the first to wake up. She then looked around her surroundings to find Hà Nội still sleeping on a chair. She then went to gently shake Hà Nội.
Enterprise (tapping on his shoulder): Hà Nội. Hà Nội!
Hà Nội then slowly awake from his slumber.
HN (groggy): H-Hả? (H-Huh?) (sees Enterprise) Oh, hello Enterprise.
Enterprise: You...saved me.
HN: No big deal. You saved me too. (he chuckles)
Belfast then came in after.
Belfast: Oh, so you two are awake?
HN: Yeah. I guess you can say so.
Belfast: I am glad no serious harm was done.
HN: Though Enterprise's riggings will still have to get fixed.
Enterprise: Where did you put it?
HN: Here.
Enterprise: Where are we?
HN: My ship.
Enterprise then slowly nods.
HN: The helicopters should do the work easily.
Enterprise then grabs some Vietnamese MREs and rations from the room, and starts to walk out of the room down the halls.
Belfast: Maam?
Hà Nội and Enterprise then follow her.
Belfast: Perhaps you should rest.
Enterprise: These slight injuries are commonplace in wartime.
Belfast: You were in grave danger. If Hà Nội didn't intervene, who knows what could have gone down.
Enterprise: Yes, and I thank him for his assistance.
Enterprise then opens the door to the aircraft carrier deck.
Belfast: Breakfast is ready.
Enterprise then shows Belfast the rations.
Enterprise: I have what I need.
Enterprise then closes the door, leaving Hà Nội and Belfast alone.
Belfast: Aren't you going to go after her?
HN: I will. I just don't want her to have to deal the same experiences as me. Though...she saved me...from going on a rampage after Prinz Eugen surfaced my past.
Belfast: Could it be that she cares for you....or that...she likes you?
Hà Nội then blushed red at that possibility. Then he put his hands on his hips.
HN: Well I have to admit, that may be the case.
Belfast then giggled in agreement.
HN: Well, I already have MREs here, so breakfast might turn to lunch instead.
Belfast: That's fine. (whispers in his ear) Now, go after her.
Hà Nội nodded and then went to find Enterprise.
Azur Lane Base, Cafeteria
In the cafeteria, the shipgirls were enjoying their meals given to them after a long repairing process.
Eagle Union Ship: Fish and chips (Bruh, it's French Fries, but okay.) Fish and...
San Diego: I'll make it much more delicious for you!
Eagle Union Ship: --You put ketchup on my fish and chips?! (You're supposed to do that with French Fries bud.)
San Diego: --Try it, it's yummy!
Eagle Union Ship: Really? My fish and chips!
Eagle Union Ship: Vinegar is the only way to eat fish and chips!
Laffey and Javelin were eating at a separate table.
Laffey: --You're not gonna eat?
Javelin: --Oh, sorry...I was thinking.
Javelin was thinking about the battle with Ayanami just then.
Javelin: Hey, Laffey, why did you...
Laffey: Huh?
Javelin: Nevermind, it's nothing.
CVN 6 Enterprise
On Enterprise's ship, which was being repaired at the moment, Enterprise was sitting on a Hellcat, eating the Vietnamese MRE, and overlooking the sea. As Enterprise was looking at the ocean, she remembered what her sister, Yorktown, said.
Enterprise: Do the people really care for us? Or is this all a lie?
Hà Nội then entered and patted her shoulder.
HN: You okay Enterprise?
Enterprise nodded.
HN: You're lying. Something's been bothering you.
He then stood next to her.
HN: Are you thinking about your sister, Yorktown?
Enterprise (shocked): Wait, how did you know?
HN: History books. Don't worry, I know how it feels to be out of action. My brothers...
Enterprise: Who were they?
HN: The Kiev-class aircraft carriers. RFS Kiev, Minsk, and Novorossiysk. They proceeded my class.
Enterprise: What happened to them?
HN: The Kiev and Minsk were sold to Chinese companies, while Novorossiysk was scrapped in Pohang, South Korea. I...never really got the chance to meet them. This happened to my class as well.
Enterprise: Your class had who?
HN: Me, the former RFS Admiral Kuznetsov, the former RFS Varyag, now the Liaoning, a Chinese ship, and the Chinese Shandong. I avoided the scrapping fate by being transferred to the Vietnamese Navy.
Enterprise: Then...what happened to me?
HN (sighing): Are you sure you can handle this?
Enterprise nervously nodded.
HN: Well, your CVN-6 hull was scrapped.
Enterprise then slowly had tears building up. Even for the usually cold and calm Enterprise, it was too much.
HN: But you got rebuilt into the CVN-65 USS Enterprise as an Enterprise-class aircraft carrier, but that would eventually be in inactive service right now. Though, the newest aircraft carrier from the Gerald R. Ford-class is going to be named after you, CVN-80 USS Enterprise.
But even after that Enterprise was crying now.
Enterprise: Why is that you have to suffer, while I still have life within me.
Hà Nội then took off his helmet and set in on the ground, looking at her violet eyes, with Enterprise looking at his brown ones.
HN: Because they saw your potential. Because they believe in you, that's why.
Hà Nội then hugged her and let her lean on his chest, while her sobs continued.
Enterprise: But, you have fought more than me.
HN: Only for my time period, the modern era. In the WW2 era, which is yours, you were one of the deadliest carriers to rein the sea. You scared the Japanese my god.
Enterprise was silent for a few minutes until she spoke up again.
Enterprise: ...Ever since you've arrived in this world, you've protected me from many threats, when I was damaged and when I was not. Why?
HN: Because like the US Navy, you have potential. I on the other hand, only have the burden of two worlds on my shoulders.
By this time, Enterprise stopped crying and hugged him. Hà Nội, then unconsciously stroked her silver hair to comfort her. After a while of standing, they then sat down and looked into the distance, with Enterprise leaning on Hà Nội's shoulder. Hà Nội then began to sing a Vietnamese song, "Hoa Nờ Không Màu".
Chỉ là nỗi nhớ mãi đứng sau cuộc tình đã lỡ.
Chỉ là cơn mơ cuốn theo cả một trời thương nhớ.
Chỉ là nỗi đau thổn thức, chỉ là nhói thêm một chút.
Chỉ là nước mắt cứ rưng rưng.
Tìm về kí ức cố xoá đi đoạn tình ban sơ.
Rồi lại chơ vơ đứng giữa nơi đại lộ tan vỡ.
Mãi chìm đắm trong lầm lỡ.
Trái tim vẫn không ngừng nhớ.
Đợi chờ em đến hoá ngu ngơ.
Tình уêu đã phai mờ như hoa nở không màu.
Ϲàng níu kéo nhưng lại càng xa cách nhau.
Đành ôm nỗi đau nàу chết lặng giữa trời mâу.
Hằn lại sâu trong trái tim hao gầу.
Giờ đâу chúng ta là hai người dưng khác lạ.
Buồn biết mấу nhưng lại chẳng thể nói ra.
Cuộc đời lắm vô thường, sao cứ mãi vấn vương.
Tự mình ôm lấу tổn thương riêng mình!
*Nhừng, nhạc chơi*
Tìm về kí ức cố xoá đi đoạn tình ban sơ.
Rồi lại chơ vơ đứng giữa nơi đại lộ tan vỡ.
Mãi chìm đắm trong lầm lỡ.
Trái tim vẫn không ngừng nhớ.
Đợi chờ em đến hoá ngu ngơ.
Tình уêu đã phai mờ như hoa nở không màu.
Càng níu kéo nhưng lại càng xa cách nhau.
Đành ôm nỗi đau nàу chết lặng giữa trời mâу.
Hằn lại sâu trong trái tim hao gầу.
Giờ đâу chúng ta là hai người dưng khác lạ.
Buồn biết mấу nhưng lại chẳng thể nói ra.
Cuộc đời lắm vô thường, sao cứ mãi vấn vương.
Tự mình ôm lấу tổn thương riêng mình!
*Nhửng, nhạc chơi*
Chỉ là anh cố chấp luôn âm thầm.
Bước về phía nắng ấm tìm em.
Thế mà cơn mưa đêm xoá hết kỷ niệm.
Chỉ còn lại xác xơ nỗi nhớ!
Giờ đâу chúng ta là hai người dưng khác lạ.
Buồn biết mấу nhưng lại chẳng thể nói ra.
Cuộc đời lắm vô thường, sao cứ mãi vấn vương.
Tự mình ôm lấу tổn thương riêng mình!
Tự mình ôm lấу tổn thương riêng mình!
By the time Hà Nội was done singing, Enterprise looked up and smiled.
Enterprise: That was a beautiful song.
HN: Well, I'm glad you liked it.
They then looked at each other again.
Enterprise: Hà Nội.
HN: Hm?
Enterprise: There's...something I want to tell you.
HN: Go ahead.
Enterprise: Ever since you protected me on my arrival from that Siren attack on the base, I feel like I have a sort of connection to you.
HN: Meaning?
Enterprise: Well...to put it simply...
HN: You like me.
Enterprise had her mouth agape.
Enterprise: How did you know?
HN: Belfast told me.
Enterprise continues to be shocked.
HN: But...it's more than that now, isn't it?
Enterprise: Yes. Now...I actually love you.
HN: Well then. To put it simply for me too, anh cũng yếu em. (I love you too.) (he chuckles)
Enterprise and Hà Nội then slowly leaned their faces towards each other and kissed for a few brief seconds.
HN: Like that, Enty?
Enterprise (giggling): Very much so.
HN: Well I'm happy. (he smiles)
HN (thinking): I've never thought I'll get the Grey Ghost, let alone this beautiful girl, as my girlfriend. Well, it's reality now.
HN: So Enterprise, you want to go out, since we're a couple now?
Enterprise: Yes.
They then stood up and held their hands for the first time, faces visible with blushes, before Hà Nội chuckled and Enterprise giggled.
Royal Navy Car (Ford Model T) on base
Wales: Hà Nội and Enterprise saved not just the base, but Hornet's fleet as well. There's no doubt that the Grey Ghost is powerful, but Hà Nội, is way stronger.
Illustrious: He is an Admiral Kuznetsov carrier after all. But our bad expectations were met, too...if Hà Nội hadn't intervened...who knows what would have happened...
Wales: Are you concerned about her?
Illustrious nodded.
Illustrious: She saved Unicorn, too. I do not wish to see her get ground down over the course of the war.
Wales: But with Hà Nội being the one to comfort her most of the time, she should be fine. Though, perhaps we should have a word with Her Majesty.
*Timeskip brought to you by Optimus Prime*
Gardens, Azur Lane Base
Some of the Royal Navy Shipgirls were sitting under a porch.
Queen Elizabeth: I understand what you have come to tell me.
A/N: Queen Elizabeth's Japanese voice sounds so screechy and loli at the same time. Also, FBI, you can't arrest me, cause me no do....you know....yeah anyways back to the story.
Queen Elizabeth: But isn't that an issue to be dealt with by the Eagle Union? I don't fell it's appropriate for us to chime in.
Wales: That's...
Unicorn: But Enterprise saved me.
Illustrious smiles.
Illustrious: Her strength will surely be needed in the upcoming battles. We cannot let her perish here.
Hood: You sound quite determined. May I ask why?
Illustrious: The holy light guides me. But we can't forget Hà Nội as well, and stronger than Enterprise. He's a veteran of many years of wars and being pushed the burden of having to save two worlds onto him is overwhelming enough.
Hood giggles, Warspite sighs, and Queen Elizabeth looks on.
Respite: That again?
Hood: We can't underestimate her intuition. Don't you agree?
Wales: Even if viewed purely as a fighting force, Enterprise and Hà Nội are both key factors for this base. We cannot ignore the issues both of them have.
Queen Elizabeth: Warspite, what do you think?
Warspite: I trust in your judgement, Your Majesty.
Queen Elizabeth sighs lightly.
Queen Elizabeth: In that case, I will be the judge! Let's see what kind of ships Enterprise and Hà Nội really are! Bel!
She then turns to Belfast.
Belfast (bowing down): As you wish, Your Majesty.
Near CV-6 Enterprise
Hornet and Hammann were greeting Vestal, who had just arrived.
Hornet: Vestal!
Hornet then hugged her.
Hornet: Finally, a repair ship arrived! I'm so relieved...
Vestal: I'm so sorry to be late.
Hammann: How is our sister, Yorktown?
Vestal: She's...
Vestal looks down.
Hornet: As usual, I guess!
Hammann: I see.
A/N: Skipping some parts.
Vestal: So how is Enterprise doing?
Hornet: Errr....
CV-6 Enterprise
Vestal and the others were on Enterprise's ship, with Enterprise and Hà Nội standing next to each other, with the sound of Hà Nội's helicopters in the background. Vestal meanwhile was looking at Enterprise's damaged bow.
Vestal: You've been quite reckless, Enterprise.
Enterprise: I had no other choice.
Vestal: And you, Hà Nội, why are you always helping her in being like that?!
HN: Hey! Nói gì thế? (What are you talking about?) Why are you getting mad at me all of a sudden? I had to save her on both occasions.
HN (muttering): Nếu như này thì toang rồi. Cứu....
Vestal then takes a look at Hà Nội's AK-74M3.
Vestal: And your weapon hasn't had a single scratch. Why is that?
HN: To put it simply, it's an AK. What do you expect? A more definitive answer, that my friend, is an modernized AK-74M, known as the AK-74M3.
Vestal: What type of weapon is this, a rifle?
HN: It's a Súng Trường Tự Động.
Vestal was then confused.
HN: Translated, it means assault rifle, meaning it can switch from semi-auto to full-auto, like a combination of your rifles and SMGs.
Vestal: I see. (gives back AK-74M3 to Hà Nội) Impressive. (turns to Enterprise) Now, do I have to remind you to take better care of yourself?!
Enterprise: The reason of our existence is to fight.
Even though Hà Nội and Enterprise were a couple now, she still has a cold side.
HN (thinking): She needs to learn that in time, war isn't just everything. (sighs)
Vestal: Enterprise!
Hà Nội followed soon after.
Vestal: Oh, you are such a troublesome girl!
Docks around the Base
Hà Nội eventually caught up with her, with Enterprise holding his hand.
HN: You know Enterprise, even if we're a thing now, you should I least open up. It would pain me to see you killed. In fact, I would probably not live another day.
Enterprise: Even if we are a couple, I'm not ready to have anyone else know my personal issues other than you.
HN (sighs): Fine.
Hà Nội then got a text from his smartphone.
HN: Hả?
He then pulled out his smartphone to see what it was.
Enterprise: What is it?
HN: Apparently...I got some new railguns.
Prussiaisgut COD AW Railgun spam time >:))
Of course, being in a WW2 setting, naturally Enterprise was confused. Hà Nội then explained to her what a railgun was.
Enterprise: I see. So now you're years ahead of your own class now?
HN: It would appear so.
Belfast then came to greet them.
Belfast: Oh. So I say you two confessed your feelings for each other?
Enterprise and Hà Nội immediately separated hands.
HN: Uh...you didn't see anything.
Belfast giggled.
Belfast: Unicorn would like to have a word with the both of you. I will escort you to her.
Unicorn then appeared behind Belfast.
Beach, Azur Lane Base
The Destroyers were having fun on the beach. Some of the girls were playing volleyball, while Javelin and Laffey were doing their own thing.
Laffey: Javelin, you look worried.
Javelin: Laffey-chan.
Laffey: Best solution is to play.
Javelin: Uh...you're kind of the source of my concern...
A/N: Skipping some parts again because the author is very lazy at the moment.
We then see San Diego get chased by a shark, before Saratoga came in to save her. Hornet and Hammann then looked in awe.
Hornet: Uh....
As Hammann kept on looking, Hornet pulled out a drink.
Hornet: We're more than just for fighting, you know?
Near the beach, with Hà Nội, Enterprise, Belfast, and Unicorn
After arriving near the beach in a Ford Model T, all of them stepped off.
Enterprise: What are they doing...?
Belfast: I understand that relaxation is quite important as well.
Enterprise: We were just attacked.
HN: Yeah that's correct.
Unicorn then tapped for permission to go the beach, to which Belfast nodded. Unicorn then ran off to the others.
Belfast: That's precisely why.
Unicorn then waved for Enterprise to come.
Belfast: She is calling for you.
Enterprise, after some hesitation, then stepped forwards.
Enterprise: Hà Nội?
HN: C'mon, let's go.
The both of them went what Unicorn was up to on the beach.
*Timeskip brought to you by MilitaryPro1 (aka me) chasing Prussiaisgut for the whole T-90M incident.*
Late Afternoon
Unicorn was out at sea still while U-chan, Hà Nội, and Enterprise was setting on shore, with Enterprise leaning onto Hà Nội's shoulder.
Enterprise (to Unicorn): Did you have business with me?
Unicorn then turned around to face Enterprise, and nodded.
Unicorn: Well...I just wanted to thank you properly. Enterprise, thank you for saving me!
Enterprise: Oh, you mean during that attack.
Unicorn nodded again, while Enterprise stood up, with Hà Nội looking at her.
Enterprise: There is no need to thank me. I just fulfilled my duties as is expected of me.
Unicorn: But..
Enterprise: But I need to thank this man down here. (looks at Hà Nội) For caring for me and giving me hope to continue even in the darkest of times.
HN: Không sao cả, Enty. (he smiles)
Enterprise smiles back, before she leaned back down to his face and kissed. This time, the kiss was more hungrier, in a battle of dominance of their tongues. Unicorn saw this and smiled.
Unicorn: Enterprise-chan has a boyfriend now?
Enterprise looked up, red evident in her face and nodded before sitting back down and leaning onto Hà Nội again. Unicorn then turned back into the sunset.
Unicorn: Look Enterprise, Hà Nội, the ocean is very pretty!
HN: It is.
Enterprise (doubting): Everyone says the same thing. I've never felt that the ocean is beautiful. It reminds me of the roar of artillery, the smell of gunpowder. The heat of a nearby flame, the cold of the water.
Hà Nội then had a brief flashback to his days of the War on Terror. Even from afar, he could sense the death and misery. The US Soldiers, Marines, and Russian Soldiers on the ground, fighting against an enemy who used the Arabic population as their playground and cover.
Enterprise: Those kinds of things. The seas are battlefields. There is no beauty in that...
Unicorn then continued to look at Enterprise again.
Unicorn: Are you afraid of the ocean?
Enterprise: Afraid? Me?
She was talking to Unicorn that she hadn't noticed Hà Nội shaking, still haunted by the memories. It was only after a scream of agony did she notice. The other girls then begin to take notice too.
Enterprise: Hà Nội? HÀ NỘI?!
She begin shaking him vigorously to snap him out of him, but she couldn't.
Enterprise: Hà Nội! Listen to me!
Hà Nội then begin to look at her.
Enterprise: There is no Islamic Terrorists here. There are only Sirens, who you have defeated before. The suicide bombers, Mines, and the Middle Eastern Desert don't exist here, do you understand, love?
Hà Nội then silently nodded.
HN: But Unicorn is also right. You have to face your demons, just like me. Even if it would take a long time to get over. If you keep on having that mindset, you will eventually become like me. The point is, I want you to be sane.
Hà Nội then hung his head down.
HN: 25 years of sorrow....even in peace.
Enterprise then hugged him. The other girls, including Laffey and Javelin, then begin to...
Other girls: Awwwww!!
Enterprise then hid her face on Hà Nội's IOTV, using her cover to hide her embarrassment. Hà Nội only chuckled. It was then the skies begin to have thunder.
HN (thinking): Thunderstorms.
A few minutes later
The girls started to rush back to the buildings on base to get out of the rain. For Javelin's group, they arrived outside the buliding leading into the base, wiping themselves off. Inside, Hornet and Hammann were rinsing each other off the rain water.
Hornet: Scrub, scrub, scrub!
Hammann: Ow! That hurts!
Meanwhile, Enterprise and Hà Nội were still on the beach, looking out at the sea, while the rain poured on them. Belfast then came with an umbrella for her and Enterprise.
Belfast: Sorry, Hà Nội, I couldn't find one for you.
HN: It's fine. I am used to standing out in the rain.
Belfast (looking to Enterprise): How long do you intend to stay this way? Shouldn't it be easier now?
Enterprise: Don't you need to be with Unicorn?
Belfast: It would be more desirable for her to stay with her companions.
Enterprise: I see. So, why are you following the both of us around?
Belfast: My queen has ordered me to discretely look into this, but unfortuanately, I lack the necessary skills for such subltlety.
Enterprise: What are you getting at?
Belfast: Allow me to be blunt.
HN: Explain.
Belfast: How long do you intend to continue fighting like you did? And Hà Nội, how long will you hide the burdens and sorrows? It's been 25 years in your world, so why are you still like this?
HN: Because those memories will always come back to haunt me. I have no choice. I had no enjoyment, just the constant cruising, killing, then getting the hell out of there. That was, until Hải Phong.
Belfast then turned back to Enterprise.
Belfast: It appears to me as though you are weary of fighting. Meanwhile, however, you seem to be unconcerned with your own safety. The only reason you are still alive is because of Hà Nội and his rifle. (she points to the AK-74M3) Your way of living is deeply flawed. If you maintain this course, you will surely lose sight of your reason to fight.
It was then that Hà Nội's now wristtablet begin to beep.
HN: What seems to be the problem?
Ka-27 Pilot: It seems we have received a distress call.
HN: Where?
MH-60X Pilot: Grid Hotel Tango 5-5-6 Northeast.
HN: Goddamn. Get ready to be Oscar Mike in 3 mikes.
All Pilots: Rõ!
HN: Rồi.
The transmission then hung up.
HN: Well Enterprise, it looks we have another job to do.
Enterprise: Distress signal.
HN: Yep.
Enterprise: Let's go.
Belfast and Enterprise then activated their riggings, along with Hà Nội as well. Hà Nội also got out his shiny new MK18 Mod 1, which is more accurate and faster than the AK-74M3.
Azur Lane Base
Cleveland was running through the halls to deliver the news of the distress call. Wales was looking through a window in the Royal Navy room.
Wales: It's starting to look rough.
Cleveland then bursts through the door.
Cleveland: Wales!
Wales: What is it?
*Timeskip brought to you by Armada Optimus Prime*
The ocean
The task force, lead by Hà Nội, with the others being: Enterprise (Cleveland doesn't know), Belfast, Hammann, and Cleveland.
HN: Remember, stick together, don't get astrayed.
Hammann: I can't believe I have to get wet again...
Cleveland: Sorry about that.
Hammann continues to moan about her getting wet from the rain.
Cleveland: But we can't ignore a distress call.
HN: Yep. And it may be urgent. Who knows? On a serious note though, according to my radar, we should be getting close to the site. Once we get there (cocks his MK18) load your weapons.
The girls nodded.
Enterprise: Did they lose their way in the storm?
Cleveland: Maybe...
HN: Most likely, Enty. It isn't unusual for ships to get lost in this type of weather.
Cleveland (realizing Enterprise is here): Wait, Enterprise, what are you doing here?! Your rig isn't repaired yet!
HN: She wanted to come with me.
Belfast: Do you always begin a mission in that state?
Hammann then saw something ahead.
Hammann: Wait! I see something up ahead!
HN: Siren ships.
Cleveland (shocked): Wait! How did you know?!
HN: My radars can detect ships at 300 nautical miles.
Cleveland: That far?!
HN: Yep.
They moved to get a closer look.
HN: They look to be destroyed already. Meaning...
Cleveland: They've already gone through battle.
Hammann: Are the ships that sent out the distress signal fighting the Sirens?
HN: Most likely. Otherwise they wouldn't have sent that distress signal here at well...Grid Hotel Tango 5-5-6.
Cleveland and Hammann were then confused.
HN: NATO Phonetic Alphabet. Don't worry, I'll teach it later.
Cleveland: Anyways, we should hurry! But...in this storm, we can't even scout for enemies properly. We have to be careful...
Enterprise then started to make her move.
Enterprise: Cleveland, cover my flank. Hà Nội, with me.
Cleveland: Huh?
HN: Right...Enty.
Hà Nội and Enterprise sped on ahead.
Cleveland: W-Why...? H-How...? (tick mark) Why is she always like this?! And why does she always have Hà Nội go with her?!
A/N: Cleveland dosen't know that Enterprise and Hà Nội are a couple now.
Hà Nội and Enterprise then passed the destroyed Siren ships. Enterprise then saw an intact ship.
Enterprise: That must be it...
HN: Your call.
They then moved towards the ship and jumped onto it.
HN: It's getting dark out. (pulls down GPNVG-18 NVGs) Switching to night vision.
Hà Nội then switches to night vision and turns on his PEQ-16, which he now currently put on thermal mode, meaning only he can see the laser through the NVGs, not anyone else.
HN (pulls up MK18 Mod 1): I'll cover your 6. Let's get moving, then exfil.
Enterprise nods and the couple moves through the ship. They then eventually found two shipgirls, Light Cruisers Ping Hai, and Ning Hai. Ping Hai was growling when she saw them.
Enterprise: This outfit...she must be from Dragon Empery.
HN: So from my deductions, the Dragon Empery faction is the old Republic of China navy, before it became Communist and changed the name to the People's Liberation Navy.
Enterprise: That...would be correct.
Enterprise then talks to them.
Enterprise: Don't worry, I belong to the Azur Lane. We tracked your distress signal.
Ping Hai: How about him? (points to Hà Nội)
HN (putting his MK18 in a rest position and switiching on the safety mode): I'm a friendly ship to Azur Lane as well.
Ping Hai then begins to sob.
Enterprise: Did you defeat the Sirens around here?
Ping Hai then nods.
Enterprise: Tell me what happened here.
Ping Hai then begins to tell the story.
Ping Hai: We were being chased by the Sirens...we beat them all, but my sister protected me...
Ning Hai grunted.
Ping Hai: Ning Hai?!
Ning Hai: Ping Hai...are you all right...?
Ping Hai: Good.
Ning Hai was still struggling.
Ping Hai: Sister!
Enterprise: Don't worry, we're here to save you. My companions will arrive shortly.
Behind them the Siren ship that was not destroyed glowed red.
HN (through his NVGs): Goddamn, that's bright!
The Siren ship then begin to direct its guns at them. Enterprise then proceed to do her own thing.
HN (stopping here): Don't. You're still too damaged. Plus, this will be practice for my railguns. Railguns hoạt đồng! (Railguns, activate!)
His railguns were then getting ready to fire, which he looked through his HUD.
Railgun HUD: << READY TO FIRE >>
HN: Sắn sàng...bắn! (Ready...fire!)
A/N: Just the parts at firing at the ship.
The railgun fired their shells and tore through the Siren ship easily, destroying it in one blow.
HN (smirking): One shot, one kill.
Enterprise was shocked, even if Hà Nội explained to her. Seeing it first hand was a different story.
Enterprise: L-Love, d-did you just?
HN: Tear through that ship in one shot, yes.
The other shipgirls then begin to arrive.
Belfast: What happened?
Enterprise: Hà Nội fired his railguns on an intact Siren ship, destroying it immediately.
Cleveland and Hammann were shocked.
Cleveland: In one blow?
Enterprise nodded.
Belfast: You are...soft-hearted, Enterprise.
Enterprise: Belfast.
A few hours later
The shipgirls and Hà Nội had already deactivated their riggings and turned them back to ships. Right now they were on the HQ-300. Ning Hai was still unconscious while Cleveland, Hammann, and Ping Hai were around here.
Cleveland (to Hammann): Let's go.
Hammann: Hai.
Near them on the bridge, next to one of Hà Nội's railguns, Hà Nội and Enterprise were standing next to each other with their hands interwined, with Belfast in the back overseeing them.
Belfast (to Enterprise): I apologize for this personal remark, but I have become interested in you. Well, techincally you too, Hà Nội. He chuckles.
Enterprise (turns to Belfast): What?
Belfast: Please allow me to teach you...the proper decorum expected from a gentlewoman.
Enterprise: Huh?
Hà Nội only laughs.
HN: Well. Enty, love?
Enterprise: I will stay on your ship though.
HN: Alright then.
A/N: That was Chapter 4. With school starting up, it's becoming harder to publish these chapters on a daily basis. So now, my focus will be this story and the GuP one. So the next update will the GuP Chapter, "Infilitration and Counterattack", so look forwards to it. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed, remember to review and vote!
Have a nice day!
PS: Here's another crack vid:
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