Ch.7 Witch attack in the forest

Mikey lays on his cot, holding his blanket close to himself. Shinigami and her brother left for an important mission for potral. So he was sleeping alone tonight. Shinigami's cat snuggles against Mikey's plastrum as he falls asleep. However as the young turtle sleeps, trouble begins to take place at strike of midnight.


Raph slumpes on a tree, exgusted looking for Mikey. It had been days since Raph arrived in Japan, with no luck. Raph groans in frustration. Where could of Shinigami taken Mikey in Japan ? He doubted he taken him into the city with Japan, So the best chance she could of taken him was the forest.

"Japan" Raph groans. "Out of the places, she could of taken Mikey, was Japan" Raph said in frustion.

"I mean why couldn't it be Italy, It would be easier then because Mikey would be at pizza paraler" Raph shouts as he hit the tree.

"Ugh at least someone tell I'm not the only person or turtle in this forest !" Raph groans.

Suddenly they is load shouting or hitting heard in the distance.

"What the heck ?!" Raph mutters as heads in that direction in the forest.

It was pitch black in Japan. Midnight. A perfect night to mess with enemies. Shinigami grins like a Cheshire cat as she cruches on top of a tree branch as men clad in red ninja outfits scout the area from the ground below her. Theses men where the foot clan elliet, one of the Foot's high ranking ninjas that where located in Japan. Theses ninja themselves where trained by Shredder theselves before he went to New York to take down Hamtoe Yoish. Now the foot clan eilliet where trained and lead by a mysterious swordsmen. But no matter how skilled theses men are, there no match for the witch clan.

Shinigami turns to Kushi who was in his wolf form. Kushi growls at them. Shinigami pets his head to settle him down. Kushi turns back to his human form and turns to a few ninja witches they brought with them. Holding up his hand, he singals them to take them on left. The ninja witches bow and disappear quickly. Akira was in cat her cat form smirking. Kushi notices this and sighs.

"Don't get any ideas Akira, Your on look out" Kushi whispers. Akira turns back to her human form.

"NO fair you guys always get the fun !" Akira whispers back with a glare.

"That was our deal" Kushi whispers.

"Well the deal sucks" Akira glares back.

"Well it was ethire that or stay back at the dojo, clean up after the cats" Kushi glares at her.

Akira sighs in defeat. "Fine" She huffs leaning back on a tree. Kushi pats Akira on the back, before morphing back into a wolf.

Shinigami narrows her eyes as she pulls out a smoke bomb. Smirking Shinigami throw the smoke bomb at the red clad foot ninjas. Growling noises are heard around them. The men point thire weapons. The foot ninjas try to see though the red mist.

Suddenly laughter is heard above them. Then the ninjas appear out of no where taken out some of their men.

"It's Witch Clan !!!!! "Fall back !" One of the ninjas shout.

"Going so soon boys ?" How about you stay for the fun" Shinigami smirks as she pulls out her ball and chain.

Kushi tackles one of ninjas, stratching his face. Another ninjas snuckes up behind Kushi weilding a syth. The ninjas prepares to hit Kushi. But a red blast comes out of no where at blastes the ninja to the ground. Kushi looks up to see Akira in front of him, her hands glowing with red energy. Kushi turns back to his human form and gives his younger cousin a scolding look

"Yeah yeah, I know you to me to be look out, but I saved your life... your welcome" Akira grins

Kushi sighs in annyounce as be stands up, drawing his no staff.

"What ? no get back up in the tree ?" Akira asks mockly.

"No you can fight with us, just be careful" Kushi said as he hits another ninja with his bo staff.

Akira smirks as she draws her kumes, charging at some ninjas. Remaing ninjas try to run away. The ninja witches chase after them.

Suddenly a huge hissing sound is heard within the smoke. Shinigami stops in her tracks. She looks around trying to locate the sound. A ninja witch screams as a large tail grabs him by the neck and drags him into the smoke.

"Show yourself coward !!!!!" Shinigami shouts.

"You out of people should know, I'm no coward, Ssssisster !" The voice hissses.

"That voice... i-it can't be !" Shinigami thought.

Then there was a loud sicking snap... The ninja witch who was dragged away seconds before, dropped dead on the ground.

"No !" Kushi shouts.

Shinigami takes out her moon sythes.

As the smoke clears a fimliar figure comes into view, smirking evilly at them.

"No ! it can't be, I saw you die !" Akira shouts.

Iku stood in front of them, revling her new mutant form. A mutant snake. The only thing that stayed with her when she was human was the wolf scar slashed acrossed her face.

"Oh you wish that where true, don't you cousin ?" "But no the poison mutatagen only mutated me into a freak !" Iku snares.

"Too be fair, you always where a freak with a wolf scar" Akira smirks.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy killing you" Iku snares.

Shinigami stands in front of her younger cousin.

"Your not gonna lay a hand on her !" Shinigami shouts as she attacks Iku.

Shinigami uses her moon syth to cut at Iku. Akira charges at Iku as she fires red energy from her hands.

"Akira no !" Kushi shouts as he tries to stop his younger cousin from getting hurt but gets blocked by foot ninjas.

Shinigami kicks Iku in the face. Iku laughs evilly as dark energy forms in her hands and blasts at Shinigami. Shinigami flies into a tree and falls to the ground, holding her arm in pain.

"Shinigami.... ACK !" Akira shouts before snakes hands wrap around her neck.

"Akira !!!!!" Kushi screams as he punches another ninja.

Iku smirks evilly as she tighten her snakes hands around her neck.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy this" Iku smirks at Shinigami as she gets up off the ground.

Shinigami gasps as she looks up to see her cousin in danger.

"Let her go !" Shinigami snares as she gets to her feet.

"Surrender Luna or I'll kill the little witch just like I killed one of your men, it's really your choice" Iku smirks.

"No don't" Akira gasps, feeling weaker and weaker by the moment.

"Do it now !" Iku snares.

Kushi puts his hands up in the air, fearing for Akira.

Shinigami sighs as she puts her hands in the air as she locks eyes with Akira. She could see tears briming her eyes.

"It's okay, I'll get us out of this" Shinigami mouthed to her, to tell her everything was going to be okay.

Because unknowest to her insane sister, Shinigami always had a trick up her sleeve.

Note- Shinigami captured ?! Read to find out what happens next.

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