Ch. 40 Never make a deal with a snake (edit)

Warning : This Chapter is very intense,emtiomal, violent and contains a form of torutor. If you are anyway uncomfortable with this please don't read, We say that because we care and we care if this makes you uncomfortable or frightened. Also if you guys don't like Iku your going to hate her even more. But this is a very important chapter because a lot of important stuff that moves the plot along will happen and dramatic stuff happens to the captured Bushi gang. Also I forgot to mention we are on act 3 of the story. So please enjoy this chapter.

Edit : I had to edit the ending because I felt like I was breaking Termone's character by giving her animal features when she already had animal features. So the mutagen can't effect her however since she was in a while vat of mutagen and it didn't just splash all over her, it can cause her pain. I hope TremorDusk likes the changes.

The scariest thing in life is not knowing what happens next. What fate or thire captors have in store for them. Screams of protests, chains clanging and desperation fill the air.

Shinigami desperately struggles against the chains that tied her wrist to a metal part of a cell bar behind her back. They had to get out of here or Iku will kill them or even worse then that.

Right now Shinigami and the remaining members where in a huge white laboratory. in front of them is a huge containor of mutangen above it was a large glass box. Shinigami turns her head to see Termone being held by two foot soilders, her wrist tied behind her back. She see Akane and Ariri in a holding cell, their hands chained togeather behind thire backs while Tigerclaw guard the cell. Maddie was being held by Maya by her shoudler. Karasu wasn't here he was taken some where else. In conor of Shini's eye she can see Karai and Mark far away below them. Karai looks at Shinigami sadly before walking away with Mark not wanting to see what happens to her childhood friend.

Iku and Tatasu stands in front of them. Iku smirks at them.

"So which one of you is going to tell me where the time key ?" Iku asks evilly.

"We've told you we don't where it is" Termone said.

"Oh so you expect me to believe an "Heasbain" girl's word ?" Iku snares.

"You say Heasbain like it's insults it's not, it's what I wanted to be" Termone said.

"I'm gussing that's why your parents abandon you then" Iku hisses, hoping to hurt Termone.

"Trust me I've always wished to have a caring mother like you did" Termone counters causing Iku to growls.

"If you planned to use my parents abandonment as a tool to break me, it won't break me" Termone said.

Iku growls.

"It's ashamed that you and your friends allied yourselves with my darling sister and the turtles" Iku snares looking away from Termone.

"What can we say we love to ally ourselves with people who hate the foot much as we do" Akane growls with a smirk.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy ripping down your pride Bushi girl" Iku hisses.

The glass cage lowers above the matgten onto the plate form. Protests of anger are heard as Shinigami turns her head to see Karasu being dragged by foot ninjas towards the glass cage. His trench coat was taken off of him and thrown to the ground.

Karasu let himself be dragged until he saw Maddie, that's when he started to fight and struggle. He elbows one foot soilder in the face and kneeling the other one. He runs to Maddie but Maya hands glows and points her hand at Maddie.

"Don't take another step or the girl gets it" Maya threatens.

"We both know your not gonna hurt her, that's against your honor" Karasu snares.

"No but they will if you don't corporate" Maya snares.

Karasu puts his hands up as Tigerclaw grabs him and puts a cloth around his mouth, gaging him. Then Tigerclaw drags him towards the glass box. He throws Karasu inside and locks him in. Karasu pounds on the glass with his chained hands.

Tatasu nods towards a foot ninja near a panel. The ninja pushes a lever. This causes the plate form to retracte and reveal a huge tank full of mutagen.

"What are you going to do ?!" Termone shouts.

"Oh your going to find out" Iku smirks turning to the foot soilder. "perceed with mutation" Iku said.

The foot soilder pushes the botton and the glass box begins to slowly decends towards the mutangen.

Karasu pounds on the glass box, until he looks at a terrfied Maddie. He suddenly stops fighting and slides to his knees in deafeat. Shinigami didn't understand why is he giving up so easily. Then she relives the conversation she had with him, how he didn't care if he died or not as long as his family was safe...

Karasu and Maddie make eye contact with each other for a few seconds. He mouthes something through his gage.

"No Karasu !!!!!" Maddie sobs trying to run after him, but Ariri reaches out for her through her cell and brings her into a hug. Maddie tries to break free, sobbing but Ariri holds her tight, Maddie let's herself cry into Ariri shoulder.

Karasu was giving up it was like he didn't care he was going to be mutated into god knows what.

"No fight it !" Shinigami shouts.

But Karasu looks at her sadly, mentally asking her to protect Maddie.

The glass cage drops into the mutagen and shrill screams of agony are heard with in the mutagen.

Maddie tries to turn around but Ariri holds her.

"Maddie listen to me it's going to be okay, just look at me !" Termone said trying to comfort her.

Maddie looks at her tears streaming down her face hearing the screams of her Sargent brother. After a while the screams die down. Maya looks at Maddie sadly before heading into another area to watch, bot wanting to look at Shinigami anymore.

After 3 minutes the mutagen drains and the glass cage comes back up. Shinigami gasps. Inside the cage was now a uncouise mutant panther wearing torn jeans and a torn white shirt. Karasu's clothes. The panther was Karasu.

"Oh god Karasu" Termone whispers.

Everyone had shock looks on thire faces witnessing what happened to thire friend.

Tigerclaw opens the glass cage and grabs the now mutant Karasu and throws him to the ground. The mutagen refills to the brim with a new sample of animal dna.

"Now that you see what the mutagen does, does anyone want to speak up" Iku smirks.

"Your a sick person !" Termone snares.

"Then you can go next" Iku snares as foot soilders drag her towards the glass box.

"No !" Shinigami shouts, as she struggles desperately. "Leave her alone !" She shouts but they ignore her.

As they where about to throw her in the glass box theses words stop them.

"Stop ! Renet has the time key !" A small voice crys out.

Shinigami turns her head to see that it was Maddie who had said this. Everyone turns thire head towards her, Iku grins.

"Now where getting somewhere !" Iku laughs.

"Maddie what are you doing ?" Akane shouts as she grabs Maddie by her jacket through her cell.

"You where right it's not worth risking our lives for people we barely know" Maddie shouts tears streaming down her face.

Akane looked at her in shock. Maddie was never like this, then Akane sees a Bruise on Maddie's arm that Iku must of given her.

"Oh god she tortured you" Akane whispers.

Iku had tortured Maddie not for information but to break her. It was like this her plan all along so Maddie would confess, hoping she won't go through Iku's torture.

"Maddie I was wrong but I should protected you more, listen to me you can't tell them okay no matter what they do to us" Akane said.

Maddie nods turning to Iku.

"I'm not telling you anything else !" Maddie shouts.

"Oh I have another trick, Tigerclaw ?" Iku said.

Tigerclaw grabs Akane from the holding cell and puts her in headlock, holding a srygine of mutagen to the side of her neck.

"How about a two in one mutation at the same time ?" Iku asks evilly.

"(You sick son of bitch, leave my sister and friends alone ! )" Ariri shouts angery in Japanese as she struggles against her chains.

"So the silent girls talks in Japanese How wonderful, put her in" Iku laughs.

"Wait if I tell where Renet has taken the time key will you let us go free ?!" Maddie asks desperately.

"Maddie do... ahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!.." Akane tries but Tigerclaw knocks the air out of her,having punching her in the gut.

Iku smirks.

"If you tell me where she is I will let you and your friends go" Iku grins.

"Maddie don't tru... Mphhhrrr !!!!" Termone shouts before a hand covers her mouth.

"Do you promise" Maddie snares.

"I promise on my honor !" Iku said trying not smirk.

"(What honor ! You have none !)" Ariri shouts in Japanese. Iku uses her snake arms to reach into Iku's cell and throw her to the ground.

Ariri tries to use her hand to comcait in sign language but Iku sees this and twists her hand. Ariri crys out in pain holding her hand.

"Ariri !" Akane wheezes out.

"Tell me now !" Iku demands.

"Maddie listen to me you can't..." That's all Shinigami could get out before Iku slams her head against the bar, making her vision blurry for a minute.

"Tell me !" Shinigami hears Iku said.

Shinigami tried to say something but relized the more they tried to warn her the more Iku will hurt them, which will scary Maddie further. This is what Iku wants. The poor girl was going to tell her where Renet might be with false hope of being set free.

"Renet told Akane that she's taking the Time key to her aunt Reve's house a couple miles from here" Maddie confess.

"And why is she heading to her aunt's house ?" Iku asks.

"Because that's where the time sypter is" Maddie confesses.

Shinigami puts her head down.

"Reve I've should of known she'd find the time sypter before I did" Tatasu growls. "Looks like I have an old friend to me up with" Tatasu said turning to Iku.

"You can do what ever you like to the prisoners" Tatasu said as he exits the room.

"In that case throw the Hesabasin girl in !" Iku commands.

The foot ninjas throw Termone inside the glass box. Termone pounds on the glass.

"No !" Shinigami shouts struggling to get free.

"Stop you said if I told you where the time key is you would let us go !" Maddie crys.

"Has anyone told you never trust a snake ?" Iku said.

"You lied to me !" Maddie crys.

"Well you should of listen to your friends, girl" Iku smirks.

"Termone I'm sorry !" Maddie sobs.

"It's okay I forgive you" Termone smiles sadly.

The cage decends into the mutagen. Screams of agony and splashing are heard. Shinigami cries along with Akane, Ariri and Maddie. This lasted for about 6 minutes until the screams suddenly die down and the cage lowers back up and the mutagen drains. But one problem... half of the glass cage was broken and Termone was gone. Foot soilders looked down at the drain tube to see nothing.

"What the hell happened to her ?" Shinigami screams, tears streaming down her face.

"She most of drowned after the glass broke and fell into the draining pipe" Iku said.

Shinigami growls trying to lunge at her but stopped by her chained hands.

Suddenly Akane let's out a cry of pain. Shinigami gasps to see Tigerclaw had jab the srygine into Akane's neck.

Airir crys as her sister is dropped to her fours and her hands began to grow claws, she grows a tail and her whole becomes covered in white fur.

"No Akane !" Maddie sobs.

Shinigami looks on in horror to see what Akane has become. Akane had become a mutant artici fox.

Akane looks at her hands before looking at Ariri who had tears in her eyes before falling uncouise because of firey pain in her body.

Shinigami closes her eyes as tears streamed down her. She knew Termone wasn't died, she just felt her in pain.

Iku smirks.

"Take the girls to dungeon and tie them up" Iku commands.

"What about the boy ?" Tigerclaw asks.

"Put him in his own cell for all I care" Iku said.

The next thing Shinigami knew she was put in chains and her hands where attached to a hook. Akane was the same as Shinigami, but she was still uncouises. Ariri was tied up with thick rope around the toursal and the hook was attached to the ropes the same thing was with Maddie. All girls where faced back to back form each other as they dangle a foot off the ground in a dungeon cell.

There was no hope of escaping.


Termone stumbles through the drain pipe duing her best to carry on. She lets out a gasps of pain. She just barelyed escaped. After pounding the glass and breaking she was a able to escape to the drain pipe as the mutantgen was draining. She clenched on to a wall trying to steadily herself. She kept mentally promises herself that she was going to find her way back to her friends and save them.

She let's out another gasp of pain. She slowly reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small potion bottle full of purple liquid. She carefully drinks a little of it. She could feel the pain washing away from her body. She puts the healing potion away, knowing her friends where going to need it. Termone walks through the pipe determined to save her friends.


Note- This was the most emtional chapter I've ever written I really hope you guys enjoy. Akane has turned into Alopex from the idw comics even though she was a red fox in the tmnt12 series I thought she would cool as an artic fox. Plus Raph and Alopex have an relationship in the idw comics. Please tell me what you guys think of the chapter.

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