Ch.39 The dark truth
12 years ago,
The Asain women leads Reve and Maya lead into a small house.
"You can stay with us for awhile" The Asian woman said as she enters the house.
"I can't thank you enough, I didn't get your name" Reve said.
"My name is Koubiashi Aya" The Asain woman said before kneeling in front of Maya. "Head to bed sweet heart and remember what I always tell you ?" Aya asks.
"Not to tell father ?" Maya said.
"You know why because this is our little secret" Aya grins kissing Maya's forehead.
Maya grins heading to bed.
"So you take your daughter on your missions with you ?" Reve asks.
"Just my oldest right now, I have 2 others daughters and a newly born son" Aya said.
"Well I can tell your a caring mother" Reve said.
"Come I will set up your bed...." Aya stopped in mid sentences when she sees her six year old daughter Iku. "Hey sweetie, Are you having trouble sleeping ?" Aya asks her.
Iku doesn't reply, her face was blank like she was in some kind of trans.
"Iku ?" Aya asks walking up to her and kneeling in front of her. "Are you okay sweetie ?" She looks into her eyes to see that they where glowing. This was normal for a witch her age to experience her powers but not like this.
"He's here and your too late" Iku whispers creeply.
"Who's here ?" Aya asks.
"Is she okay ?" Reve asks.
"I'm not to sure" Aya said.
Suddenly load screaming is heard it the living room. Aya's eyes widen.
"Mommy help me !!!!!!" Comes a small voice.
"Maya !" Aya shouts as she and Reve head into the living room. Once they got there Tatasu holds a sword to Maya's neck as she squirms in his grasps.
Aya growls taking out her moon systhes.
"Let her go you son of bitch" Aya asks.
"Put down you weapon or the child gets it" Tatasu threatens as he inches the knife closer to the child's neck.
Maya whimpers in fear. Aya looks down in defeat putting her weapons down and holding her hands away from her.
"Okay just let her go, please" Aya begs.
"Give me Reve now" Tatasu snares. Reve was about to step forward to surrender herself for Maya but Aya stops her.
"She's only the time women's sister and time women is lost in time, So Reve is useless to you" Aya said.
"But she has the time women's daughter" Tatasu snares.
"The daughter is gone we've lost her, so your shit out of lucky" Aya snares back.
"To bad for her then" Tatasu snares as two guards try to grab Reve but Aya throws a smoke bomb at the guards as bats attack them.
"Reve run ! Get somewhere safe !" Aya shouts.
Reve heastily ran out of the house.
As the smoke clears Tatasu growls as he sees Reve gone.
"You and Regina have messed with my plans for the last time girl !!!!" Tatasu snares putting the knife even closer to Maya's neck.
"Tatasu stop... kill me instead !" Aya shouts in desperation.
Tatasu looks at her susprised.
"Your willing to give up your owm life to save her's ?" Tatasu asks.
"If it means you'll let her go, yes" Aya said with determation.
Tatasu drops Maya in arms of another guard who held her in a bare hug. Tatasu walks up to her, pointing his sword at Aya, glaring at her murdereslly.
"Well what are you wanting for ?!" Aya snares.
"I got something better in mind for you" Tatasu said as he takes out of a srygine filled with black liquid.
Suddenly he lunges at her, stabbing the srygine into her neck. Aya cries out in pain feeling her whole body swell up. She begins to hyper venallape.
"Mommy !!!!!" Maya sobs.
"You feel that Aya ?! that is he same poison that killed my son within days now it'll kill you within minutes, now Regina will know how it feels to lose a child !" Tatasu snares.
Aya's face pales as she feels every part of her body going numb. Her pales weaking. Aya looks at Maya who sobbing uncontrollably.
"Maya... I love you please tell Luna, Iku and Kushi I love them..."
That was Aya's last words before her eyes rolled into the back of head, fell to the ground and she was..... dead.
The guard let's go of Maya and she runs to her mother's side sobbing, hugging her.
"You won't tell anyone about this girl, you and Iku work for me" Tatasu said.
"I'll never work for you !" Maya shouts tears streaming down her face.
"If you want the rest of your family dead ! You will do as I say !" Tatasu snares.
Maya puts her head down knowing she had to do this or he'll hurt her family.
"Okay..." Maya said sadly.
"It'll be our little secret !" Tatasu said darkly as Iku insane laughter is heard in the background.
End of flashback,
Shinigami looks in the ground in shock. Her mother was never ill... she was injected with a deadly poison. She remebers seeing her mother dead on the ground, she remembers crying and hugging her begging her to wake up...that's when her powers activating. Sensing people dying and seeing her mother's sprite sadly looking at her. But when her mother died her family was never the same again. He was the who destroyed her family...
Shinigami lashes out at Tatasu as she exstandes her claws and strikes at Tatasu face, leaving claw marks on his cheeks.
"You son of bitch you killed my mother, you ruined my family !!!!!!" Shinigami roars in anger.
Foot soilders grab her. She fights in thire grasps. Maya looks at her sadly.
"I'll kill you ! I'll kill you ! I'll kill you !" Shinigami screams.
Suddenly Shinigami breaks down sobbing uncontrollably going limp in the foot soilder's graps. Losing her mother was heartbreaking for her but learning what really happened filled her with a sense of dread, anger and devastion. Why did Maya never tell her ? Wht did Iku laugh ? Did Regina now what happened ? Is that why Regina hates Tatasu ?
Shinigami sobs harder and harder, feeling broken and defeated then she ever felt. Termone gives her sympathetic look along with the others. Iku, however smirks evilly at her sister, having feeling sick joy to see her sister broken.
Tatasu turns to the captured members of the Bushi gang.
"No that you can see what we can do in our intergation, I think it's wise to tell us where the time key is" Tatasu snares.
"You won't get away with this Tatasu !" Termone growls.
"I'll repeat myself again where is the time key ?!" Tatasu growls.
"Go to hell you sick son of bitch !" Akane snares.
"You done it your way Tatasu I say we do it my, I have ways of making them talk" Iku smirks.
"Very well Iku, foot ninjas take them back to the dojo" Tatasu snares.
With that foot ninjas drag a broken Shinigami and the Bushi gang to the dark dojo with no hope of escape.
Note- So now we know how Shini's mother really died. It's very heartbreaking. Okay next chapter is very intense and emotional so huge warning on that.
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