Ch. 38 On my own

Mikey couldn't believe it. She saved from being captured she had scarficed her own freedom to save him. Tears stream down his face, he had to save her but he remembered what she said.

"Find Renet"

But how could he find Renet deep in a dark forest at night ?

He was truly on his own this time, with No Shinigami, no Raph, and no of his new friends. He was truly alone.

Mikey whipped his tears and swallowed hard, knowing he to find Renet. He began walking into the deep dark forest.


Shinigami struggles desperately against the chains trying her limbs together as she's forced to walk. They finally stopped as Maya shoves her to her knees. Shinigami gasps as she sees half of her friends captured.

Termone, Ariri and Karasu where trapped in rope snare. Maddie was being held by Tigerclaw Akane looked very badly beaten up and tied in chains. She looked to be slowly waking up.

The only people they didn't captured was Rikki, Vexy, Renet and Mikey.

Shinigami sees Tatasu approaching them, his mask off to reviale he was blind. He seemed to be observing them, staring right at Shinigami.

"Search them all for the time key" Tatasu commands.

Foot ninjas come over and search Termone, Ariri and Karasu for the time key, while Tigerclaw searches Maddie. Maya and Karai search Shinigami.

A few foot soilders come over to Akane, who now fully awake and aware of her situation. She screams in anger, struggling endlessly against the chains.

"You son of a bitch get your hands off of me !" Akane screams as a few foot ninjas hold her down as they search for the time key.

After what seems for ever they stop searching them.

"Anything ?" Tatasu asks impaiently.

"No sir, there all clear" A foot ninja replies.

"What have you done with the time key ?!" Tatasu snares.

Everyone ethier looks down or bites thire lip.

"No one is willing to talk ?! How disappointing !" Iku said before grabbing Maddie and shoving her to the ground.

"Stop you said you won't hurt her if I did what you wanted !" Karasu shouts before Iku punches him in the face with handle of swoard, knocking him uncouises.

"Karasu !" Maddie and Termone shout.

"That's enough from the traitor" Iku hisses grabbing Maddie again and hangs her upside down.

"Help !"Maddie screams.

"When i get free I'm gonna to kill you, you sick bitch !" Akane snares struggling desperatly.

"I swear to god Iku if you hurt her I'll..." Shinigami shouts before Iku intrups her.

"Or what ? May I remind you I hold all the cards sister" Iku smirks looking at Maddie. "Little Maddie here remind me of little helpless you" Iku laughs as she holds Maddie upside down.

"We made of came from the same parents doesn't mean we're sisters" Shinigami growls.

"That's what excatly it means" Karasu mutters dryly as he slowly wakes up but no one seems to noticed.

"Harsh sister, harsh" Iku mutters before throwing Maddie to the ground.

"Iku that's enough !" Maya shouts as she grabs Maddie away from Iku, almost looking like she was protecting her from Iku.

"Enough with this foolishness, Last chance girl where is the time key ?!" Tatasu demands.

"Rot in hell !" Shinigami snares. To add insult to injury she spits in his face.

Tatasu growls, whipping the spot from his face. Suddenly he chuckles darkly.

"So fierce, so much fire in your soul, just like your mother"

"My mother" Shinigami stummers.

"Yes she was one of the best fighter I ever faced, you look excatly like her " Tatasu smirks.

"What the hell are you talking about ?!" Shinigami demands.

Iku laughs.

"You still haven't relized all theses years, mom never really died from a natural destarey" Iku smirks. "But instead of telling you let's show you" Iku smirks.

"Agreed Maya show are prisoners what really happened that night" Tatasu said.

Maya hesitated but obyed as her eyes glowed and suddenly Shinigami sees a memory.


12 years ago in Japan,

A 27 year woman with long black hair and Asian features, preached on a tree, hidden in the shadows.

She narrowed her slanted eyes and sees a red clad foot soilders dragging off blond hair women who was begging and screaming. A shorter foot ninja held a 2 year infant who was asleep.

"Please she's a child let her go !" The blond hair women begs.

The asian woman jumps down in front of the foot ninja and unleashed her moon sythes. She takes down the foot ninjas in one blow.

She smirks at the short ninja holding the sleeping infant.

"Aren't you going to take down the foot ninja holding my niece ?!" The blond hair women asks.

"Good work, Maya sweet heart" The Asian woman smiles at the short ninja.

The short ninja takes off her mask to reval a 7 year old girl with dark brown hair with bangs and Asian features.

"Holy time, it's a child" The blond hair woman said.

"Hey I'm not a child ! I'm older in witch years !" little Maya snaps.

"Now now Maya mind your manors, we have a job to do" The Asian women said petting Maya's head.

Maya smiles softly giving the infant child to the blond hair women.

"She's really cute" Maya said.

"Thank you, her name is Renet" The blond hair woman said before turning to the Asian women. "My name Reve Micheals, I'm the..." she was about to finish but The Asian women intrupts her.

"You the time Women's sister and the child is the time woman's daughter, my mother Regina told me who you are" The Asian woman said.

"Regina ? the mistress of magic ? She's answeared my prays !" Reve said in relife.

"Ineed she's sent us to protect you and send the child to a safe place" The asain woman said.

"Thank you thank you" Reve said.

"Don't thank me yet, We're not out of the woods yet we must give the child to Regina to the witch conical they'll bring the child some where safe, follow me" The Aisan women said leading them deep in forest.

After awhile the three of them come across an old wooden temple.

"So the ledgens where true, there is an old mystic temple within theses woods" Reve said.

The asian women holds out her arms.

"I must go inside alone with your niece" The Asain women said.

"You promise i'll get to see her again ?" Reve asks.

"Of course" The asain women replies.

Reve smiles softly at the neice, kissing her forehead before she hands the sleeping girl to Reve.

The Asian Woman enters the cabin with the little girl.

After about 5 minutes the Asian women returns, with no child in her hands. Maya looks at her mother.

"Reve your Niece is safe, she'll be sent somewhere safe" The Asain women explains.

"Thank you" Reve said.

"Come on you will stay safe with us" The Asain woman said as she and Maya lead Reve to thire home.


Present day,

Shinigami gasps whittnesssing her mother in a memory, it wasn't her memory it was her sister's. Maya looks at her sadly it was like she didn't want to show her the rest of the memory.

"That women was my mother" Shinigami whispers.

Iku smirks. "You wanna see the rest of it sister ?" Iku smirks.

Shinigami swallows. She was afraid to know the truth of what really happened but she wanted to know truth about her mother. She looks up at Iku, giving her death glare.

"Show me" Shinigami glares.

"Well you heard her Maya show her " Iku laughs.

Maya's hands glow once more and everything flashes once more, being shown the memory once more.

Meanwhile back at the cabin,

Raph sighs looking at a picture of him and his brothers.

"I've been too over protect of him" Raph said outloud.

"Help ! Help !" Shouts a voice.

Raph, Kushi and the remaining Bushi gang ran outside to see Vexy holding a mutant rabbit.

"( Vexy what happened ?)" Toran asks.

"The foot they have Shinigami and the others, Mikey and Renet got separate from the grop" Vexy said, her eyes teary.

"No no no no !!!!" Raph shouts.

He feared to lose his little brother again.


Note - There was a lot in this chapter but we're getting a lot more info about what happened to Shinigami's mom. But what's shocking is Maya was a good guy when she was younger.

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