Ch. 37 Caught one by one
Rikki glared murderessly at his former master before he pulled down his scarf and removed his hood, showing his face.
"If you want to face me, take off that demon mask" Rikki snares.
"Very well" Tatasu said before removing his silver demon mask to reveal his face.
Vexy looks at Tatasu's eyes, in his eyes where no pupils. She suddenly relized something.
"Oh my god he's blind" Vexy gasps.
Rikki nods. "He's the blind swoardsmen" Rikki said as he takes the scarf around his neck and pulls it up to his eyes, securing it there.
"Let's make this a fair duel" Rikki said pointing his tanto at Tatasu.
"You challenging me to a blind duel, very foolish move boy" Tatasu chuckles.
"Will see" Rikki mutters before he and Vexy charge at him.
Meanwhile with Termone's group,
Iku lunges at Termone who dodges. Ariri jumps up back flips, cutting near her shoulder. Iku let's out another his of pain, glaring murdesly at the three.
"You bitch !" Iku snares.
Ariri responses with an hand gesture.
"Foot get them !" Iku screams as foot soilders charge at them.
"We've pissed her off !" Karasu said.
"Stand your ground !" Termone said as she attacks an incoming foot soilder.
Karasu kicks another foot soilder down before another one comes at him. Each foot ninja they take down more and more keep comimg. After awhile Sweat drips down his face, panting heavily as he punches another foot ninja. Karasu turns to Termone who begins to worn out too.
"They just keep coming, I don't know how long we can keep this up !" Karasu said almost out of breath.
"We have to keep going !" Termone calls back hitting another foot soilder with her bow.
Termone, Ariri and Karasu stood back to back pointing thire weapones at incoming ninjas.
Suddenly a sliver metal ball rolls in front of the three. Termone only looked at for a few seconds before relizing what it was.
"Look out !" Termone shouts, but it was to late before they could move the sliver ball exploded and a large rope net burst out from within, ensanering the three teens in net.
They rolled to the ground, tangled up in a pile of pale limbs. They weapons had fell out of thire hand. Termone struggles to get free but it was useless, the more they struggled the more the net gets tighter.
They where trapped with no way out. Iku laughs evilly.
Meanwhile with Akane's group,
Akane charges at Tigerclaw with full force. They clash blades repidily, Akane slices at Tigerclaw's leg but instead of hurting him, she just pissed him off. He uses his claws to stractch at her adomien. Akane's before hitting Tiger claw in the jaw. Tigerclaw growls as he grabs Akane by the hair before repidaly punching her in the eyes. He then throws her into a tree.
"Akane !" Maddie screams before Tigerclaw grabs her.
"Now where we're we cub ?" Tiger claw smirks as he points a gun at her.
"Get away from her !!!!!" Akane roars charging at Tiger claw once more, landing a blow to his shoulder, that causes him to drop Maddie.
Tiger claw looked up Akane, who looked worse for wear. Her lower lip was busted that was slowly bleeding down her chin. Her eyes had purple bruises around them and through her black leggings you can see her knee cut and bruised.
"You don't know when to give up do you girl ?" Tigerclaw mocks.
"Touch her again and I'll cut off you paw !!!!" Akane snares.
She charges at him, but Tigerclaw pulls out his ice gun and shoots ice out at her leg, glazing her bare foot in ice. Akane lets out a cry of pain before Tigerclaw knocks her down, knocking her out in the process. He smirks trying her half upper body in chains.
Maddie whimpers when he turns to her. He grabs Maddie by her hoodie.
"She can't save you now little one" Tigerclaw laughs dragging them away.
Rikki and Tatasu clash swoards. Vexy tries to kick Tatasu but he senses her and knocks her back. Before she could recover Mark grabs her arms and pins them behind her back. She's about to sing but Mark covers her mouth. She screams through his hands.
Rikki senses Vexy in trouble, he turns his head for a moment big mistake. Tatasu sensed his opponent discrected so he quickly pulls out a small syringe of mutantgen. Relizing his Mistake, Rikki turns back to his oppent but it was to late, Tatasu stabs the srygin of mutagen into his shoulder.
Rikki let's out a cry of pain stumbling away from his opponent, he begins to black out. He stumbles towards an edge of the cliff.
"If that mutagen doesn't kill you the fall will" Tatasu said before Rikki blacks out and falls off the cliff into the water.
Vexy head butts Mark, freeing her self and runs to the clifft and jumps after him.
Tatasu looks at this before walking away, knowing Rikki was dead, However that wasn't the case.
Vexy gasps for air as she brings up Rikki but he wasn't human anymore he was a mutant rabbit.
Mikey and Shinigami ran dodging black beams on the way. They suddenly stop. It was cliff. Shinigami looks down at it, it was that bad off a fall just a little less then a feet. She then hears Maya not too far behind them.
They had to escape no Mikey had to escape, Renet was somewhere out there and she needed to someone to protect her. She thinks back to what Karasu said about protecting the ones she cares about. She had to protect him.
"It's a dead end !" Mikey said.
She looks at Mikey, knowing what she must do.
"Mikey listen to me closely, you need to find Renet while I buy you time" Shinigami said.
"Wait ! what about you ?" Mikey asks desperately.
"The two of us won't be able to escape the foot, that's why you must go and find Renet at her aunt's house" Shinigami said.
"What ?! I can't leave you to the foot" Mikey said tears brimming through his eyes.
Shinigami hugs him tight.
"I'll be fine I promise, just stay strong" Shinigami whispers.
"I can't" Mikey said trying to cry.
Shinigami looks at him before she kiss him.
Mikey let's himself melt into the kiss.
Suddenly She shoves Mikey off the ledge where he falls before landing on soft bush breaking his fall. From blew he had landed he sees Shinigami fighting off Maya and Karai. She attempts to fight them off but suddenly black chains launch at her arms before being dragged off. While her protests are heard.
Mikey's eyes widen. She just scaficed her freedom to protect him.
He was truly alone now.
Note- So this scene was the forest scene from Logan. Oh no Termone, Shinigami, Ariri, Karasu, Akane, Maddie got captured while Mikey, Renet, Rikki, and Vexy manged to avoid capture separately.
So yes Rikki was mutated into Usgai yomigibo. There was a little foreshadowing with Akane where she threatens Tigerclaw. Also thank you guys for 1k reads !
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