Ch.31 Traitor but for a reason

Note- Warning there is a touchey subject in this chapter about having children by mistake and fathers leaving them. Don't read if this makes you feel uncomfortable.

Ariri, Toran, Shinigami and Raph had tied Karasu to a chair. Karasu struggled and cursed in Japanese. Vexy, Tikki, Mika and Rai gave a very shocked look as Termone stood there calmly as she observed the situation.

"I should of known he was the spy, he is Chris Bradford son, Sorry I doudbted you, Rikki" Raph said looking sorry at Rikki.

"It's okay my friend I had doubts about myself too" Rikki admits.

Akane puts a knife to Karasu's throat. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't gut you like a fish , you traitor !

"Give me a chance to explain myself !" Karasu snares struggling against the ropes.

"There is nothing to explain you traitor !" Akane snares.

"I can't belive your working with the foot, Now I know why I broke up with you, you jerk !" Vexy snares.

Mika gasps. "You two dated ?! Why didn't you tell me ?!" Mika said.

"Mika you where the first one two know, you became the wing girl" Vexy said.

"Oh yeah" Mika said.

"And I was his wing man" Rai said.

"We should come up with a new name for your new form Rai" Mika whispers.

"I still got a soft spot for you Vexy" Karasu said with a flirty grin, looking at her with his dreamy eyes.

Vexy's cheeks blushes a deep red. "I-i ummm...." Vexy stummers.

Rikki walks up to Karasu as he folds his arms.

"The foot... do they know about this place do they know where we are hiding, did you tell them ?" Rikki asks, his tone serise.

"No..." Karasu began before Akane punches him in the face.

Karasu cringes in pain feeling blood trickl from his lower lip. Mikey gasps with a few of the Bushi members. Termone takes out a cloth and pats his bleeding lip. She didn't like seeing her any of her friends hurt, traitor or not.

"You lair ! You told them didn't you !? Didn't you ?!" Akane shouts

"Let me explain !" I have my reasons !" Just let me explain !" Karasu begs.

"Akane I know him, he won't do this with out a reason" Termone said.

"Fine you got two minutes !" Akane snares.

"Tatasu knew that I was Chris Bradford's son, so he had Mark and a with girl name Maya blackmail me into being a spy for them, If i didn't do it they would kill you guys, they said they knew where you were hiding, so I agreed and that was two years ago" Karasu explains.

"Two years you've been keeping this a secret for two years !" Rai shouts.

"Your just as bad as your freak of a father" Raph snares.

Mikey's eyes widen at this as he sees Karasu's face grow with anger.

Karasu felt his blood boil at the mention of his evil father.

"I'm nothing like my father All I am is a mistake to Him !" Karasu shouts tears streaming down his cheeks.

Raph goes silent.

"Before I was born my father was desperate for love, not that he wanted to love someone he just wanted to su..." Karasu paused, closing his eyes painfully.

"He meet a foot kounich by name of Kiki... my mother. My father tricked her into...." Karasu pauses again be continuing, "Then nine months later I came along but my father already left..." Karasu explains sadly.

"He had you by mistake didn't he ?" Shinigami asks sadly.

"Karasu, I didn't know that" Vexy said sadly.

"I'm not the son Chris Bradford... I'm the bastard son of Chris Bradford... the son he didn't want the media or anyone to know about" Karasu snares before glaring up at Raph.

"How dare you say I'm just like my father, I'm nothing like him ! My father wouldn't of risked working for the enemy in order to protect his friends or family he would of been to much of a God Damn coward ! I protected you guys, I did what the foot wanted to protect you guys !" Karasu shouts.

"You betrayed us !" Akane shouts.

"I didn't have a choice ! The real reason the foot didn't attack this place yet is because I did what I was told ! They've would of killed Maddie if I didn't tell them about Renet ! Maddie is still alive because of me ! You all should be greatful for that because if I didn't tell them they would of killed Maddie !" Karasu shouts before breaking down into tears.

Termone puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's going to be alright" Termone whispers. Karasu sobs.

"No its not... I thought they would of let her go tonight but they didn't they said when they get the time key and Renet, then they would let her go" Karasu explains.

"The time key ?!" Mikey, Renet and Shinigami gasps.

Renet had mentioned it earlier.

"The time key is the only way we can acess the time sypter" Renet explains.

Vexy brings out a book and turns to a certain page.

"Acorrding to Japanese folk lord, the time sypter is kept in a glass case and the only thing you need to unlock is the time key" Vexy said as she shows them the page.

"So we need to find the time key ?" Mikey asks.

"Yeah but where do we find it, for all we know the foot must already have it" Raph gruffs.

"There closer then you relizer" Karasu mutters.

Akane looks at him.

"What do you mean ? Did they tell where there looking for the key ?" Akane asks.

Karasu doesn't answer.

"Answer me !!!" Akane shouts about to punch him again but Mika stops her.

"Whoa relaxe, I think your done being bad cop let Rikki take a crack at it" Mika said.

"Fine" Akane mutters.

"Alright Rikki time for good cop" Mika grins.

Rikki kneels down to Karasu.

"You have a chance to redeem yourself, tell me where the foot is looking for the time key" Rikki said.

"I can't, they'll kill Maddie if I do" Karasu said.

"Maddie would want you to do the right thing and the right thing is to tell us where the foot is looking for the time key" Shinigami said.

Karasu takes a deep breath.

"It's near, they're near us, they have been mining for the time key just a mile near this cabin for days now and they are are a lot more closer then you relize" Karasu said narrowing his eyes.

"Wait are you telling me there is a huge foot clan mine near us ?" Raph asks.

"Yes that's what I'm telling you !" Karasu shouts.

"I'll go check it out it's probably not as bad" Mika said as she leaves the cabin.

After about 10 minutes Mika came back, her face paled and shock like she's seen a ghost.

"Yeah it's even worse the whole god Damn Foot clan elite is there and they are near us !" Mika said over dramaticly.

Everyone gasps.

"I told you" Karasu mutters.


Note- This chapter was emotional. We finally know who Karasu mother is. There was a touchey subject in this chapter. Chris Bradford didn't intent to have a kid but after one night with Kiki, Karasu's mother who is Japanese. She got pergant and had Karasu. It sounds like Kiki tried to contact Bradford but he wanted nothing to do with his son. I think Bradford is the type of person to swoon someone into to having a night with him and leave because he's a rotten person even before he became Dog pound and Razar. I'm being discrite about the subject at matter but me and my cousin throught this would be the real reason as to why Chris Bradford would have a son, this also works as character development as well for Karau.

As for Karasu being a traitor we still gave him a good reason why is doing this he wanted to protect his friends, it doesn't change his character completely but we do see him a new perspective. Unlike other characters in other films. Like Hans from Frozen where we see him turn on Anna, even through he was betrayed as a nice guy. Or branch from Trolls, he was willing to give up his whole tribe because he didn't want to be eaten. Theses characters we see in a new light when it's reviled there wolves in sheep's clothing it's unexpected... but the problem is it changes the characters completely. So we throught in Karasu's case would be different, he's kinda of a smart ass and a bit of a jerk to Mikey but still caring and protective of the ones he cares about so he's not evil he thought he was doing the right thing, we don't think it changes his character but it makes others relate a little more.

Also I comfirmed that Karasu and Vexy and broke up this is basically a descendents 2 reference to Uma and Harry hook being a thing. Karasu would be played by Thomas Doretry and Vexy would be played by China Ann Mclain.

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