Ch.28 Maddie's been kidnapped !
It was dark, cold, scary and cramped in the dungeon cell underneath the foot dojo. Maddie whimpers under gage as she desperately tugs on her chains around her wrist to get free but it was no use she was trapped and worst of alone. She had to get out of here but the only question was how ?
Maddie scans around and sees a vent in the coroner of her darken cell. She walks over to it and begins to tug on it until it came losse. With a sigh of relife she tugs on her gage until it was around her neck and climbs into the air vent. She was gald that she was small for her age.
WHAT !? Akane screams out rage.
"I told you she would be pissed" Mika mutters to Rai and Mikey.
"So let me get this start you seven snuck out of the cabin to steal from a foot camp, Rai got turned into a muatnat and you let Maddie the youngest out of us, get kidnapped... BY THE GOD DAMN FOOT CLAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Akane practicaly screams.
"In my defenses... It was Ariri's idea to sneek out" Mika said,pointing at Ariri who flips her off.
"Look will find her and get her back, no big deal" Rai said,still weak from the muatgen.
"No big deal ?!" Karasu snares. "No big deal !??!!" The foot could be torturing the poor girl !" Karasu snares in anger as he puts on his treanch coat.
"I'm going out to find her !" Karasu shouts leaving.
"Wait take Tikki with... you" Vexy said but it was to late he was already gone, She looks at Tikki who was still fast asleep.
"I've never seen him this upset" Termone said with concern as she tends to Rai.
"I want all of you to look for Maddie !" Akane before turning her attention to Renet. "As for you ! You, witch girl,Kushi, and the two Kappas are leaving by tommrrow morning !" Akane snares as she turns to Termone. "I told you this was a bad idea" Akane growls at her.
She goes to grab Mikey but Raph stops her.
"Whoa wait a second lady your not kicking my baby brother" Raph said protecting Mikey.
"It's your fault the foot has one of our own and turned one of my friends into a freak" Akane shouts.
"Akane please clam down" Termone begs.
"But they need to stay..." Renet begins but Akane gives her a death glare causing her to shut up.
"Don't you get it blondie ?! Maddie is beging held hostage because we're protecting you ! They want you and keeping you here puts Maddie's, my siblings and everyone I care about here in danger !" Akane shouts.
"You need to calm down, lady" Raph shouts getting into her face.
"Then I'll leave !" Trust me I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me !" Renet shouts.
"No you have to stay Tatasu will and can kill you, we can't risk it" Rikki said as he places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Rikki one of our own has been kidnapped !" Akane snares.
"And will find her and make the foot will pay but our new friends stay" Rikki shouts.
"Please Akane I promise to find her" Mikey begs.
Akane's eyes soften. The way Mikey begged her remined her of a young Maddie. She remeber Karasu, Mika and Ariri going to an abusive orpahnge and kidnap or has they put it save young orphane childern and took them back to cabin so Termone could take care of them. Akane remebers being upset that they had brought theses kids here. It was not like they could take of them all so Termone had it arange to have the orphane childern live with at the witch dojo. But Karasu wanted to keep a certain 8 year old girl with messy brown curls. Akane said No. But later she found the girl crawling through a small space to get a snake. The girl begged Akane to let her join the gang. Feeling symptha for the girl, Akane told Karasu they could keep the girl but it was he's reasoboliite if anything happens ti her, but as time went on, she would feel resoabale if anything happens to her.
"Fine you can stay but if anything horrible happens to Maddie and any more of my family I'm holding you personality responsible" Akane snares before stroming off. Raph could see her whipping some tears away.
"I should talk to her" Raph said.
"Let her be, she needs space" Termone said.
Raph sighs sadly.
Mikey looks at Shinigami who was leaned agaisnt a window, She looked like she was thinking about something.
"You okay ?" Mikey asks.
"I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind" Shinigami said.
"Can I sit next to you ?" Mikey asks.
"Of course" Shinigami smiles as Mikey sits next to her.
Maddie crawled though the vent, not knowing how long she's been in there. Suddenly she hears talking eacho through the vents.
"So we know where Renet is hiding" Maddie hears Maya's voice.
"Yep my inside man told me, The bushi gang is protecting her" Maddie hears a male voice said.
"Thoses wretched street kids" I will make sure Thoses street kids will suffer" Maddie hears Tigerclaw say.
"No we just need to make the turtles suffer" Maddie hears Karai's voice
Maddie comes across a window so she could see the bad guys clearly below her. She sees Maya, Tigerclaw, Karai and Mark.
Maddie quitly gasps at thire conversation, she had to escape and warn her friends.
Behind Maddie a snake's tail quitly wrapped around her legs, until it was too late. She's dragged back through the vent and pulled of it. She finds her self hanging up side down by Iku's tail.
"Trying to escape I see, clever but cleverness can only get you so far" Iku smirks evilly.
"Let me go !" Maddie screams, struggling.
Iku pauses studying how Maddie screams that and the way she struggled. It reminded her how a younger Shinigami would struggled agaisnt her every time Iku bullied her. Sure Maddie is 11 and Shinigami was 4 at the time but for Maddie's age, she looked very small and helpless just like Luna was. Iku smirks evilly with glee, knowing Maddie was going to be her new victume.
"Oh I'm going to have fun with you" Iku laughs as he snakes hands hiss at Maddie.
Maddie whimpers in fright not knowing what Iku had in store for her.
Note- Iku you very sick ! You better not hurt Maddie. But what do you guys think is going to happen to her ? Let me know. But I feel bad for Karasu and Akane they care about Maddie. For those who are wondering we have so many chapters so there's a lot of stuff coming up
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