Ch.26 Midnight outings
Mikey follows Shinigami and the others through the of darkness of night. Mikey stayed close behind Shinigami.
"Hey Rai are we almost there ?" Mikey asks.
Rai looks at Ariri who makes a fire signal.
"Yeah we're almost there Ariri sees fire so that means there's a foot camp near by" Rai explains.
"Does that really mean foot are near by" Shinigami rolls her eyes.
"(usally it does, The foot has been trying to find us for years)" Toran explains in japanes.
Mikey nods.
Once arriving at the camp, They behind some trees and see a bunch of foot soilders. But something catches Shinigami's eyes, she sees Karai and her always controlling sister, Maya. Shinigami groans. "
Will she ever stop hunting us ?" Shiningami thought helplessly.
She then notices Mikey clinging onto to a tree in fright.
"Mikey you okay ?"Rai asks.
Maddie pats his shell.
"Please tell me,this isn't a stealth mission ?" Mikey whimpers.
Mikey was to afraid of screwing up again. Last time he did a stealth mission he tripped over a trash can and Leo got hurt by Karai all because he wasn't stealthy enough. He was didn't want to screw up but he was to afraid to his new friends the rest of his fear.
Shinigami puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay Mikey" Shinigami whispers, knowing his fear.
"Hey its okay were not gonna do a stealth mission were letting the bad guys see us" Maddie explains.
"We are ?" Mikey asks confused.
Mika smirks. "Yep, ever heard of a sexy distraction because the only thing the bad guys are gonna see is me" Mika said taking off her shirt.
Ariri covers Maddie's eyes while Mikey and Rai covers each other's eyes. Shinigami's face palms. Toran pales as he sees she's wearing the green binki before.
"(Mika no ! That's innaportiant !)" Toran shouts in japanse.
"Your not into this Toran ?" Mika asks sudcutivly as she takes off her pants to revile who binki bottoms.
"(NO !)" Toran shouts in japanse, his hands on his head.
"Can i uncover my eyes" Mikey asks.
"Just keep them covered" Shinigami mutters.
"Operation sexy distraction is a go" Mika said walking towards the camp.
Mikey uncovers Rai's eyes and Rai uncovers his. Airir uncovers Maddie's.
"Okay you ready to steal the foot's food and weapones supplies" Rai asks with grin.
"You guys go head, I'll stay here be look out" Mikey said sheepishly.
"Come on Mikey will do a rob and then will cause of noises" Rai said, trying to encourage him.
"Come on will need you, Mikey" Maddie begs with puppy dog eyes.
Mikey sighs. "Okay I'll help" Mikey said heastintely.
Rai and Maddie smiles happily as Shinigami places a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry I'm gonna be with you" Shinigami smiles.
Mikey nods as sees that Mika has already approached the enemy. He follows the bushi gang near the crates behind the foot clan tents.
Mika had walked up to a bunch of foot soldiers and started to flirt with them, theses foot soliders actcally liked it. Karai and Maya had saw this and gave strange looks.
"Um... who hell is that ?" Maya gruffs, annoyed.
"And where did she come from ?" Karai asks.
"We have idoit foot soilders" Tigerclaw mutters as he laid back on a chair and drinks milk.
"Whoa Maya is great distraction" Maddie said as Ariri opens up a crate.
Inside the crate was food and water that could last them for monthes.
"(We must hurry, load the food and water supplies into your bags)" Toran said as he and Rai open up a crate full of weapones.
Everyone nods as they begin putting the food, water and wepones into bags.
Karai and Maya had enough of this and decied to comfornt Mika.
"Hey who the hell are you !?" Maya snares walking up to Mika.
"Me, I'm just a lady of the night" Mika smirks.
"Your a... no ! your like my age !" Karai shouts.
"I'm just really into guys" Mika said winking a foot soilders.
"Oh i can tell" Karai mutters.
Maya was about to leave the situation alone until she saw something instering on Mika's heel. It was a purple painted tattoo of Bushi gang symbol (it's not a real tattoo its just washable paint) on the back of her heal. An evil smile creeped on Maya's lips.
"So you say your a lady of the night... please tell why does a lady of the night have a Bushi tattoo on thire heel ?" Maya asks with a smirk.
Mika's eyes widen, knowing her cover was blown.
"Would you believe it's a wired brith mark ?" Mika said sheepishly.
"Caught you red haned, Bushi girl" Maya snares as her hands glow dark with magic.
"Oh your a witch, okay I got something for you" Mika said taking out a container of water.
Mika throws the water at Maya, splashing her in the face.
"Ha ! ... Wait why arn't you melting ?" Mika asks, relizing she wasn't melting.
Maya growls, wiping the water off her face, hey hands glow even darker.
"I'm a dark mystic witch water doesn't effect me" Maya snares as she gets ready to attack Mika.
Mikey and the others see this.
"Mika's in trouble" Mikey whispers he sees a rock and picks it up.
He stares in Maya's direction. He was about to throw the rock but stopped him self. If he altered his and friend's presents, then they could get hurt but Mika was in danger. His hands began to shack. He was torn he didn't know what do.
Before he could make a desion, a rock is launched at Maya's check along with a shout.
"Hey bitch stay away from my friend !" Shouts a voice besides him.
Mikey turns to see who it was...
Note- Who do think throw the stone at Maya ? So where leaving on cliff hanger because I'm a little tired and I wanted to give you the next chapter but I hope you guys liked this chaper
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