Ch.23 A brotherly talk

Raph sighs as he looks at Mikey who was sitting on a rock watching the sun set as Rai, Tikki, Maddison, Vexy and Toran where setting on tree branches watching the sun set as well. Mikey smiles peaceful admiring the beauty in front of him.

He was debting whatever or not he should finally talk to him.

"If you want to talk to Mikey now is your chance" Termone said approaching Raph.

"What if Shinigami intrupts again ?" Raphael asks.

He suddenly hears Shinigami talking and laughing with the other girls, she was distracted. Raph grins.

"Okay I'm gonna talk to him" Raph said.

Termone smiles as she walks away.

Raph takes a deep breath as he approaches Mikey.

"Hey Mikey" Raph said.

Mikey looks up at him and smiles.

"Hey Raphie" Mikey said as he makes some room for Raphael on the rock.

Raph sits next to Mikey.

"This place is so beautiful, we should visit here more often, We could bring Leo, Donnie, Master splinter and Ice cream kitty" Mikey said.

"Yeah this place is pretty nice when you just stop to look at" Raphael said before looking at Mikey. "Listen Mikey, back in new York after everything I said to you, I've never meant it... your not a problem to me or the team your a great guy and I was just angry and that shouldn't be an excuse of how mean I am to you" Raph said honestly.

Mikey looks at him, his face soften.

"I should of consider how you where feeling when I said these things to you or bullied you I thought it would help you to tuffin you up faster but instead it just hurt and I never meant to hut you Mikey.... I- I'm sorry" Raph said as he slings his arm over Mikey's shoulder.

"I've already forgiven you Raph, When I first saw you come for me I knew you actually did care about me" Mikey smiles.

Raph smiles. "I don't want to lose you again" Raph said. "Listen I'll help you protect Renet" Raph said as Mikey's face lights up.

"Really you mean it ?" Mikey smiles.

"I promise" Raph said as tries to spot is Shinigami was gonna appear out of nowhere.

"Thanks Raph" Mikey said as he looks at Shinigami who was talking with the other girls. She looked like she was enjoying herself.

"You like her don't you Mikey ?" Raph asks quitly.

"I do I really do" Mikey said.

"Oh man, I shouldn't have teased Donnie about April because I should of given you the girl talk and which ones not to date" Raph groans.

"But Raph I really like her" Mikey said.

"I know you do, Mikey and I won't stop you even though it kills me, but I'm just worried that she might rope you into more crazy adventures" Raph said still trying to look out for Shini.

"So it's like the same dating situation as Leo and Karai ?" Mikey asks.

"What no this is a little different" Raph said still looking out for Shinigami.

"Are you trying to spot Shinigami ?" Mikey asks.

"How did you know ?" Raph asks suspried.

"You keep looking into her direction" Mikey replies.

"Oh" Raph said.

"Don't worry I don't see her" Tikki said above them.

"Um thank you" Raph said looking up at her.

"No problem I can see my nest from here" Tikki said.

Raph makes a face before looking at Mikey.

"Mikey how much do you like her ?" Raph asks.

"I like her a lot but I don't know how to tell her" Mikey said.

"My advice is to play it cool with her and tell her how you feel" Raph said.

"Raph if I do start to date Shini, do you promise not to fight her and get along" Mikey asks.

Shinigami had been secretly listen to Raph and Mikey's talk to make sure Mikey was okay... but this question suspriesd her.

Mika noticed Shinigami was about to go, so she secretly held a glass of water. Shinigami sighs sensing this.

"Mika, pour that water on me and you won't be alive anymore" Shinigami said not even looking at Mika.

Mika pales putting the water away, stilling having no idea how she knew. Shinigami sighs as she counties to listen in.

"Mikey... I saw her protect you against that jerk, it made me see she's not that bad so for you I'll promise I will get along with her" Raph said.

"Thanks Raph" Mikey grins hugging him.

Raph hugs him back.

Shinigami smiles, be glad she finally Raph talk to Mikey property. Maybe Raph really did have a soft to him after all.


Later Raph walks past a couple of trees to get some piler wood for tonight. As picks up so wood he hears some talking, not loud talking like he's gotten used to from the bushi gang but disquite talking. Raph decides to investigate. Raph rounds the corner of a few trees until he spots Rikki next to a tree. Rikki had his hand on a tree and his back was turned so he didn't see Raph. Raph narrows his eyes to see Rikki talking into a flip phone.

Raph comes closer to make out what he was saying into the Phone.

"Everything is set, she doesn't know it's coming" Raph hears Rikki say into the phone.

Raph growls under his breath. He was right about Rikki, he was the spy for the foot.

Without thinking Raph charges at Rikki and tackles the boy to the ground and begins to punch him rapidly. A mixture of shock and confusion shows on Rikki's face.

"Traitor !" Raph shouts punching Rikki again.

He could hear shout and pleads behind him.

"Stop get off of him !!!!!!" Raph hears.


Note- Two chapters in one day !!!! Anyway Raph and Mikey finally talk and Shinigami let him. But it was so funny what happened between Mika and Shini, I kinda of told TremorDusk about it so I hope she likes it. She made a funny scene that made me laugh. But dam cliff hangers is Rikki really the spy ?

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