Ch. 19 Getting to know you and Suspension
While Shinigami and Kushi where having thire family reunion. Mikey, Raph and Renet where talking to the other members of the Bushi gang.
"So your a ninja that's so cool, hey can you teach me so moves to impressive a hot guy" Mika said winking at Toran.
"Uhhhhhhh" Mikey said.
"Oh lord" Toran mutters in Japanese.
"Mikey don't answer that question" Raph said.
"Sorry about Mika, She's a bit horney" Vexy said.
"A bit she's very horney" Rai snorts.
"She like hits on him like all the time" Maddie chimes in.
"Hey I'm not ashamed of it" Mika grins. Mikey giggles a little bit.
Karasu looks at Raph's let degree burn mark on his leg that was wrapped up in bandages.
"Yikes buddy Rikki's introgration got a little Rough,you almost became a bury turtle" Karasu chuckles, which makes Raph growl.
"Yum, burnt turtle" Tikki said trying to take a bit out of Raph's leg.
"Ahhhhh hey get away !" Raph shrieks.
The other gang members start to chuckle a bit. Vexy pulls Tikki away from Raph.
"Tikki no I will make your favorite meat soup" Vexy said setting her far away from Raph.
"That's one weird chick" Raph mutters.
"No she's not she's just figuring her self out" Mika said.
Toran just face palms while his sister Ariri giggles.
"So what brings you hear with them ?" Rai asks Renet.
"There protecting me from Tatasu and..." Renet began but the others gasps.
Karasu's eyes seemed to widen. Akane balls her fist at the leader of the foot clans name.
"The foots after you say no more girl !" Mika said as she slings her arm around Renet.
"Yeah will protect" Maddie grins.
"Wait you didn't let her finish why is Tatasu after you ?" Vexy asks.
"Yeah I want to know why" Akane snares.
"Easy Akane" Rikki said.
"He's after me, for my family connection to time sypter" Renet explains.
"Wait ! You mean the time sypter the time lady had used to travel thought past, present and furture from the acient Japanese foke tales" Vexy asks.
"Yes !" Renet said.
"It's completely bull, it's nothing but a foke tale that parents tell thire children so they'll fall asleep at night" Karasu snorts.
"It was such smoothing story to hear as a kid, " Tikki sighs.
"It wasn't really Tikki" Karasu mocks.
"Yo knock it off Bradford !" Rai snares.
Mikey's eyes widen as Raph stiffs at that name.
"B-bradford ?!" Mikey manages to get out.
Karasu gives him a look.
"Yeah that's my last name, Kappa" Karasu said.
"Oh I get it they heard of your father Chris Bradford" Maddie pipes in.
Raph felt like he was choking on water. This goth looking kid was Chris Bradford's son !?
"Figures you guys are from new york, and my father is pretty famouse there" Karasu said.
"I'm sorry Chris Bradford is your dad ? but you don't even look like him ?!" Raph exclamies
"Dude I hate to tell you this but..." Mikey begins but gets intrupted by Karasu.
"Is an evil Mutanted ninja wolf ?, Yeah I know he tries to keep in touch when he wants to" Karasu said with a frown.
Mikey's eyes sadden.
"But I fine I never needed him he's made that clear years ago" Karasu mutters.
"I'm sorry" Mikey said.
"It's alright it doesn't bother much as it use too" Karasu mutters.
Rikki turns to Renet.
"Tatasu won't get his hands on you, Will protect you no matter" Rikki vows, much to Akane dismay.
"Oh yeah so that's means we get to you a new outfit, come on girl I know some free clothing" Mika said as she and the others girls lead Renet out of the room.
"Help" Renet mouths.
"You better stay out of my clothes !" Akane snares storming after them.
"I gusse it's just us guys" Rai said. Toran nods his head in agreement happy to be away from Mika.
"I have to go, make sure everything is safe around the cabin" Rikki said heading out.
As Rikki turns he's back to them, Raph could sees hints of a red tattoo peeking from his shirt.
Raph squints his eyes and sees it was shaped like a foot.
Raph narrows his eyes at him, knowing Rikki was hiding something about himself and Raph knew what it might be. He was going to get to the bottom of this.
Rikki exits the room as Termone and Shini enter the room with Kushi much to Mikey and Raph's shock.
"Dude your alive" Mikey cries happily hugging him.
"It's wonderful to see you again Mikey" Kushi smiles hugging his friend back.
Raph smiles before frowning because he couldn't shake off that suspension feeling about Rikki.
Note- Well I guess Karasu is a real descent if Razar. But what is with Rikki could he be a spy ? Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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