Ch.16 The Bushi gang

Meanwhile somewhere at a foot base camp,

A couple of foot soldiers, we're laughing and drinking japanse saki while playing cards. A few of them seemed drunk or tipsy. None of them noticed the two figures snecking around.  But one of the foot soilders noticed a girl with pink hair that was in a high pony tail and pale skin. She was no younger than 16 years old. She looked frighted. 

"Please someone help me !" The girl shouts getting thire attention.

"Hold it !" one of the foot soilder snares pointing his sword towards the girl's direction. 

The girl's lip quivered. 

"Don't hurt me,please" The girl begs.

"Hey relaxe it just a girl" another footsoilder said drunkly.

"I was attacked in the forest" The girl said.

"Okay who attacked you ?" a third foot soilder said.

"I'm not too sure, I couldn't see him it was too dark but I think it was male" The girl said.

The foot soilders looked at each other.

"Okay miss will help you" The first foot ninja said.

While the foot soilders where distracted the two figuers loot supplies. The figures where a 15 year girl and a 16 year old boy.  

The girl had dirty blondie hair and light green eyes. She wore red sweat pants with a tide dyed shirt. The boy looked very Gothic.  His hair is black and slicky with dyed bangs. his eyes are brown. He wears a black treanch coat, leather fingerless gloves and black pants. 

The girl frowns. "Why didn't you let me do the sexy disraction or better yet why isn't she doing the sexy distraction ?" The blond hair girl asks.

The boy smirks.

"Simply answaer Mika, she and you are minors it be just won't be right" The boy said with a thick scotish accent.

"Whatever Karasu" Mika mutters.

Karasu smirks again as he takes out his knife and slices open the crate.

"Jackpot" He grins as he looks inside the crate which held all
food and water supplies.

Mika grabs the food and water supplies and puts them into a hand bag.

"This is gonna last us for weeks" Karasu said.

"Never thought I saw this but thank you foot clan" Mika grins.

"Hey !" Shouts a foot soilder who had noticed the duo.

"Um we're just your imganincey" Mika smiles.

"It's members of the Bushi gang" Another shouts.

A foot soilder growls as he attempts to grab the pink hair girl. But as he tries to do so she lassos his hand with rope.

"Your one of them" The foot solider growls.

"Yep" The girl smiles before knocking him out.

Karasu knocks 2 foot soilders.

"Vexy, come on we're  leaving !" Karasu shouts.

"Okay" Vexy said, not noticing the foot soilder about to hit here.

However before the foot soilder could even touch her a masked boy knocks him out with the handle of his tanto blade.

Vexy turns around to masked boy, blushing slightly.

"Thanks, Rikki" Vexy said.

Rikki pulls down his scarf and takes off his food to reval his Asian  features and black hair with red dyed Mixed in. He gives her a nod before turning to Mika and Karasu.

"Were meeting back with the others, something walked into our tarritor" Rikki states seriously.

"Oh come Rikki, he or she was just trying to pass by" Vexy tried to defend.

"Yeah can't we just cut them a break" Mika asks.

"This isn't a human were talking about, It's Yokia, Kappa to be exact" Rikki  said narrowing his eyes.


Mikey, Shini and Renet raced to where they heard Raph screaming. In a distance they see a fire and people talking in Japanese and English. They arrive at a brush and hide behind it.  Mikey looks up to see a group of teenages tying up Raph to a pole and putting him under a soon to be lit fire pit. A blond hair girl comes up to Raph and licks her lip as she pours salt on him.

Raph cures against his rope gage as he struggles to get free.

"Oh no Raph" Mikey whispers.

"That's The Bushi gang" Shinigami whispers.

"Bushi Gang ?" Mikey asks.

"A group of street kids, runnaways, or kids who had been abandoned by their parents in the streets of Japan, Raph stumbled into their turf" Shinigami explains.

The two become silents as A girl talks in Japanes

"Toran ! Rikki ga kite imasu ?" (Toran, is Rikki coimg) The girl with the long jet black hair asks, impaiently. 

Hai watashi wa koko de kare yoba reru shisu wa, Koko ni suru hitsuyo ga arimasu (Yes sis I called him here should be here) The spiky hair boy- Toran said.

The blond hair sprinkles more salt on Raph.

"Can't wait to eat turtles" The blond girl said licking her lips.

Mikey eyes widen at this.

"What in the hell is wrong with this girl" Raph thought.

"You can't be serious  about eating  him are you tikki ?" The curly  hair girl asks.

"Yeah I already regret tying that turtle up, Maddie" the long hair boy mutters.

"Then why did you tie him up, Rai ?" Maddie asks.

"It's what I'm good at" Rai shrugged.

The raven hair girl makes a sighed with her hand as she smirks.

"Ha ha very funny, Ariri" Rai said fake laughing at Ariri.

"Hey Rai can you hand me the sratcha sauce ?" Tikki asks.

"Um sure" Rai said as he hands her a red bottle.

"Mrppphh" Raph whimpers under his gage, feeling the srantcha sauce on his arm.

Mikey winces at his pain as Shinigami puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Are we really going to let Tikki eat the Kappa ?" Maddie asks.

"That depends if this freak tells us why he's on our turf and more importantly who he's working for" A new comer said in a thick scottish accent.

Mikey turns his head to see four new comers, Karasu, Rikki, Vexy and Mika.

Renet gasps regonizing Rikki, the boy who had saved her when Tatsa attacked her and 2 weeks ago.

"Rikki" Renet whisers.

"You know him ?" Mikey asks.

"Yes he saved me from Tatasu 2 weeks ago" Renet explains.

"Karasu !" Maddie cheers as she hugs the older teen. Karasu chuckles sightly patting Maddie on the head.

"Good to see you too kid" Karasu grins.

Mika shoots a flirty grin at Toran.

"Hey Toran, did you miss me ?" Mika asks flirty, striking a poes.

"Why did you bring her back !?" Toran snares in Japanes. 

Airi just smirks at her twin brother. Karasu just smirks at him.

Rikki calmly walks up to Raph and kneels in front of him, his face dead serious. Rikki undoes Raph's gage.

"Anata wa nanimonodesu ka" (What are you ?) Rikki asks his voice void of no emotion.

"I don't understand" Raph breathes out.

"So you speak English, Kappa ?" Rikki asks rasing an eye brow.

Raph nods his head.

"Answer me this who keeps sending you freaks into our turf ?" Rikki asks.

"I don't  know what you talking about  I was just wondering around" Raph said.

"He must be lying, we have been freaks coming around our turf and hurting our men" Rai states frowning.

"I agree, Mika light it up" Rikki commands.

Mika lights up a match and lights up the pit.

"Ahhhhhh !"

"You will tell me who sent you or Tikki is going to eat well tonight" Rikki snares darkly.

Note- Yikes Raph is in big trouble. But what is wrong with Tikki ?

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