Chapter 47

AsalamWalayKum beautiful people! As promised it's now finally here! The last chapter! Yay!!!! -Wipes tears- I can't believe it... October 4th 2015... That was the very first chapter to my book... A True Heart's Desire... But today... It's the last chapter to this book... Of-course the epilogue doesn't count... But the time has come to end this book... So hold your hearts everyone... Or breaths... Which ever... And prepare yourselves for the LAST CHAPTER FOR A TRUE HEART'S DESIRE!!!

This last chapter is dedicated to EVERYONE... I shall write a long speech in my epilogue... ;)


"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." -Victor Hugo

Afira's P.O.V

~7 months later~

   I was in Sana's house, along with Aaliyah, where we were just relaxing. We had found out Sana was having triplets! Yes. Triplets! This took everyone by surprise. Aaquil was very worried about it, he should be, she was having 3 kids at once, and she's 3 days late from her due date. It was very rare that three of the babies survive, or the mother. We could only pray. However, Aaquil couldn't stay home and look after her today, since him, Hussain and Ibrahim had a very important meeting, something that they've been waiting for a very long time. So, it was our responsibility to look after Sana. "Sanu, do you need anything?" Aaliyah asked, bringing a plate full of mangos for Sana.

"Can you just take the babies out? I can't deal with them any longer," she complained.

"Sorry habibti, I wish I could," Aaliyah said apolitically. Sana carried on taking deep breaths, in order to ease the pain.

Suddenly Sana became very fidgety, "Ali... Fee... I... Think... I'm having contractions..." Sana breathed out. I ran to her, I helped her sit comfortably.

"We have to get you comfortable, the contractions have to get stronger, otherwise they'll just send you home..." I told her as calmly as possible.

"I don't think so. I'm having damn 3 kids!" She yelled. Maybe their finally here.

"Ok. Ali, call Aaquil. Now!" I ordered, before Sana kills me. "We've got to get the ambulance."

Aaliyah came sprinting back. "His not picking up." She said, nearly crying.

"Well call your husband!" Sana screamed. Aaliyah nodded and started dialling straight away. I called the ambulance, which said they'd be here in 5 minutes.

   "Ibrahim isn't picking up either!" Aaliyah panicked. I grabbed my phones and called Hussain, while Sana started screaming in pain.

He picked up. "Where the hell do you all place your phones? Do your hands not allow you to pick up your phones? You are given a phone to be able to communicate with people, not to place it in your pockets and take it out a year later!" I shouted on top of my lungs.

"What happened? We're sort of busy, call me in 10 minutes," Hussain said in a rush.

"Shut up! Sana is going in labour," I explained.

"I'll tell Aaquil, have you called the ambulance?"

"Yeah, but they're not here yet, it's been nearly 10 minutes, they said they'd be here in 5 minutes," I said nervously.

"You've got to get her to hospital, I'll tell Aaquil to meet you guys there; Ibrahim and I will handle everything here," I hung up and followed Hussain's instructions.

"Sana we've got to get you to the hospital, because the ambulance is taking their sweet ass time," I stated. She started to pray. I grabbed all the essentials; and with the help of Aaliyah I got Sana into the car, "Ali, keep her calm,"

"Are you stupid? Calm is the last thing I'd be right now. Oh dear Lord, why is this so painful?!" She cried, Aaliyah rubbed her back. 

I drove as hastily, but safely as I could. Within in 10 minutes we reached the hospital. Aaquil was there, so he helped Sana up. Sana was constantly blaming him for her state. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find this situation hilarious. But I didn't dare to say that out loud.

   About 9 hours later Sana gave birth to 2 handsome boys and 1 beautiful girl. MashAllah. Giving birth to triplets is classed as high risk, some may be born premature, or you'd need to have a caesarean. However, Sana did not go through any of this. We were allowed to go into her room, we, as in the whole family gathered to go inside. Sana was lying on the bed, with her sons lying on the bed, while Aaquil held his new born daughter in his arms for the first time. You could see the sparkles in his eyes, I found that absolutely adorable! Sana's Mom walked up to Sana and fed her a date, meanwhile Sameer Bhai came and whispered the Adhan in the babies' ears. Sana's Mom then came and took one of the boys and cradled him. We all waited to bless the new parents and babies, and to hold the new ones in our arms. "Oh look, my baby girl is already looking so peaceful, she looks like she's smiling," Aaquil commented his daughter, then kissed her forehead. "So what are we naming them?" Aaquil asked his wife. Sana shrugged.

"Muskaan." Aaliyah blurted out. Everyone turned to her, "Aaquil said she's so peaceful and looks like as if she's smiling, so name her Muskaan," everyone mumbled in agreement.

"So what about these two?" I pointed out.

"Well for the eldest, I thought we could name him Aaib," Sana's Dad said. Everyone once again agreed to the name that had been suggested.

"And for him, I thought Aaryan," Sana whispered. Everyone had approved with the names. Which was wonderful! Nevertheless, if I had to say, Aaib, the eldest, looks so similar to his Dad, those green eyes and black hair, but Aaryan, he has blue eyes and light brown hair, a mix of Sana and Aaquil, lastly, their angel, Muskaan, went for her Mother's genes, those blue eyes and light brown hair. MashAllah.

"So, you have Aaib, I have Aaryan and Fee will have Muskaan. So let's take our babies and get out," Aaliyah joked.

"Or you guys could just have your own," Sana proposed.

"Yeah, I went through a lot for my kids, meaning I had to hear Sana swearing at me every 2 seconds," Aaquil muttered, I snickered.

"I keep telling Fee, but she doesn't listen to me," Hussain complained quietly.

"Can we not discuss this at home, please?" I murmured, we already had discussed this enough, I don't need more people to scream at my face telling me to have kids. For now, I'd like to work. Also, Hussain and I bought our new home last month. Just for ourselves. Since he thought we needed a bit of 'space.' Did I mention it had 2 bedrooms? One for our future child. I actually think day by day Hussain is going mentally sick. It's sweet he wants kids, but isn't he a little too eager?

"I think we should leave now, visiting hours are over," I notified everyone, they all listened and bided Aaquil, Sana and the babies good- bye.

~1 Year Later~

     The sun peeked from our bed room window, I lifted my head up from the soft pillow; my hair fell down to my back like a waterfall. The sun's vibrant rays sent a glossy, gold sheen around the whole room. Hussain was still snoring. This was the day. I leisurely got out my bed, putting my hair into a messy bun. I put a scarf around me to keep me warm from the Autumn breeze. I then went to front door and found the brown envelope lying on the floor, I quickly picked it up. I teared the envelope and skimmed through the letter. I sighed, I knew this would happen, but like any other woman I wanted to prove my thoughts wrong so I did the test. Nevertheless, my thoughts were right. Even as a decent mid-wife I wanted to be wrong, but I knew I couldn't be. I hid the letter inside my scarf, "Hussain, get up!" I shouted. I could hear him groan, but he got into the shower. I quickly walked to the room, I searched for a place to hide the letter, however, I soon heard Hussain unlocking the bathroom door so I tucked the letter into a random red folder.

Hussain came out wearing a black suit, he came in the direction of me and kissed my cheeks. Leaving a burn. I followed him to the kitchen, he grabbed an apple and his folders, ready to go. "Are you going work today?" He interrogated me,

"I can't, I'm feeling ill," I said.

"Should I stay? You've been quite sick lately," I shook my head then forced out a smile. He embraced me into a hug, "hug me properly, fatty,"

I rolled my eyes, "shut up and leave," he chuckled before he left.

I ran back into the room looking for the folder I placed the letter in, nonetheless, it wasn't there. I felt panic rise inside of me. Or I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. Where could the letter have gone? What if it's in Hussain's folder? Oh God, what if he opens it? I paced around the room, not knowing what to do. Should I call him? No, then he'd be too curious. He does deserve to know. But how do I tell him? The house bell distracted me from my question. I swallowed my saliva and unlocked the door.

Hussain was standing there, "I forgot my keys..." I sighed, happily, but then he carried on taking, "and I found this," he held up the white letter which was in the brown envelope. I bite my lip and scratched the nape of my neck. "Why didn't you tell me that your... Pregnant?" He asked, hurt evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry Hussain. But I didn't know how to... I was scared..." I looked down at the floor, too afraid to meet his gaze.

He tilted my chin, making my eyes meet his. "It's ok, I still love you Princess," I mentally gushed at his words. 

"So only 1 month, eh?" I nodded. "I can't believe I'm going to be a Dad! This is the best thing ever! Thank you so much!" He exploded, I giggled. He crushed me into a hug, trailing with kisses on my neck. "I guess staying you with for 2 years has been worth it," he teased, I laughed. His face then turned serious, "I'm so glad you came into my life, I'm so glad we ended up together, even though we've been through so much." He hissed.

My lips curved upwards, "It was A True Heart's Desire."

- AyshaHun

Hello... I'm back... -Awkwardly stares at everyone-

How did you think of the ending? :/ -Prays-

I'm currently writing the epilogue, trying to make it perfect! I have decided to write it in Hussain's and Afira's P.O.V, so hopefully that'll go well. The great idea was suggested by my beautiful friend sobia08 and amazing nayab26 Thhank you so much guys! On the other hand, it may take me long to write the epilogue, so meanwhile I thought YOU all should come up with some question for any of the characters from my book and I'll do a Q&A page for that in the next chapter, where I'll answer all your answers! How does that sound? Fun? So below is the characters list, so ask your questions near their names:

Hussain Asif- Main male character, Afira's husband

Afira Siddeka Abdullah- Main female character, Hussain's wife

Zain Asif- Hussain's little brother

Usma Asif- Hussain's father

Sureya Begum- Hussain's and Zain's mother, Usma's wife 

Zara Begum- Husaain's and Zain's cousin

Afak Hafeez- Zara's Husband

Hafsa Hafeez- Zara's and Afak's daughter (It'll be quite interesting if someone asks her a question and what her answer will be)

Amir Abduallah- Afira's father

Afsa Begum- Afira's mother, Amir's daughter

Sana Amal Begum- Afira's cousin, Aaquil's wife, Sameer's sister, Nafisa and  Yusuf's daughter

  Aaquil Muhammad Raheem- Sana's husband, Hawa's son

Sameer Saeed- Sana's elder brother, Nafisa and Yusuf's son 

Nafisa Begum- Sana and Sameer's mother, Yusuf's wife

Yusuf Saeed- Sana and Sameer's father, Nafisa's husband

Aaliyah Ahmed- Afira's and Sana's bestfriend, Ibrahim's wife, Tallaha's sister, Nashir's and Adam's daughter

  Ibrahim Anil Abdul- Aaliyah's husband, Esa's son

Tallaha Ahmed- Sana's sisterNashir's and Adam's daughter

Nashir Ahmed- Aaliyah's and Tallaha's mother, Adam's wife 

Adam Ahmed- Aaliyah's and Tallaha's father, Nashir's husband 

Hawa Begum- Aaquil's mother 

Esa Abdul- Ibrahim's father

  Shannaya Begum- Hussain's friend

Raazi- Bad guy

Noor- Raazi's mother

Talim- Raazi's father

Alam- Raazi's friend (Doesn't play a big part, but still)

So, I hope to find lots of questions!!!! Bye!!!!

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