Chapter 44
AsalamWalyKum guys! How are you all? Little- I mean very late on the update, but I can promise you that this chapter is very long! Also, I've added some Hafira scenes, I'm telling yo right now I am horrible about very close (as in when characters get really close and then they get nervous) and very mushy scenes, I get very hyper or get grossed out. Even if the character are close I start getting really close I practically loose it... So... Forgive me if the scene is... Weird?
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you guys must've noticed my new cover, yes, a new character will be entering my story, but, she will have a very short role, or that's what I think. Id you haven't seen the cover it will be attached at the top!
In addition, above... Is a trailer of my book: A True Heart's Desire! Made especially by me! How amazing is that?! Hopefully you'll like it... It took me very long... Months and months... So tell me what you think about it.
Also, I'm still doing my exams, I want to cry so much, it's so stressful! One more exam. Physics. Which I hate. Which is next Wednesday. Great. So please, please, please, pray for me. In this time in my life all your prayers really mean a lot to me, thank you.
Furthermore, I'm going to the forest for my bronze Duke of Edinburgh award... If someone of you do this you'll know what I need to do... I not it's basically me camping in the forest, trying to find a way of the there, making up my route and surviving with my team. If we do anything wrong then we all fail! I'm only taking this challenge because they said it'll look great on my C.V. Oh, what I do for my future. -_-
So, tell me what you think of my new cover, and the story!
Please comment, vote and share! Thank you!!! Love you all!!!
Dedicated to RidaAsif - Thank you for this beautiful cover, InshAllah you'll pass all your exams!
Afira's P.O.V
I put my right foot in first then my left, saying 'Bismillah,' as I entered my new house.
Zara and Ammi took me in and sat me down on the maroon coloured sofa. "Welcome Bhabi," Zara warmly welcomed me, I gave her genuine smile. Everyone talked amongst themselves, we played games and did some rituals, which was fun, but tiring, sitting up straight all the time. Ammi had introduced me to Hussain's cousin, who were two-years younger than me and all of them are sisters: Khushi, her name describes her perfectly, always has a smile on her face, Sanam, a beautiful loving girl and Sapna, the most romantic out of three of them. Immediately we became really good friends.
Zara took my hand, "Bhabi, your henna is so dark, that must mean Bhai will love you a lot," Zara said, amusing others. "Bhai, have you found the letter of your name yet?" Zara asked Hussain, he shook his head.
"Well find it," Ammi ordered, he gently held my hand in front of him and scanned for the 'H'. At the end he had a puzzled look.
"You can't find it?" Khushi asked Hussain.
"No, where is it?" Hussain questioned, instantly Zain high- fived Zara.
"I told you Bhai will never find it," Zain told Zara.
A"Can you show me where it is?" Hussain cut in. Sapna picked up my hand and pointed right in the middle, "Wait. It's right in the middle?" Hussain asked in disbelief, I looked down, holding back my smile.
A few more games were played, with the room echoing with laugher. After, it was mid-night, "It's time to let my daughter sleep," Abbu announced, Zara ran upstairs, followed by Zain, Khushi, Sapna and Sanam. Everyone looked in between each other, but shrugged their bizarre action off. Ammi took me to my room first, while Hussain shadowed on later. Sanam pulled me into the room quickly, placing me onto the bed, fixing my saree. Then, they all locked the door. "What about Hussain?" I asked stupidly.
"Ya Allah! Bhabi already missing Bhai?" Zara gushed. Before I could say anything else to defend myself there was a knock on the door, Zara opened the door wide, Hussain tried to enter the room but Sapna and Sanam blocked his way.
"What do you want?" Hussain probed.
"Money." They all said in unison. Everyone shook their head, but Hussain raised his eyebrows.
"Excuse me?" He said.
"You're excused. If you don't want to meet your wife." Khushi said from the bed.
"How much?" Hussain said in a low voice, glaring at them.
Sapna tapped her chin with her index finger, "Zara di, how about 60 dollars?"
"Ar-e! His meeting my Bhabi, raise it up to 80 dollars each!" Zara yelled.
"What?!" Hussain gasped.
"Why you girls bothering my son?" Ammi pated Hussain's back.
"Well, if you don't want to meet Bhabi then you don't have to pay us, come on Sanam, let's shut the door," Sapna said dramatically, she was about to shut the door when Hussain's foot stopped them.
"Fine. Here's 320 dollars," he grumbled, holding out the money. Sanam snatched the money and began to count the notes, she held the door wide open for her dear brother when Zain threw himself at the door.
"You can't enter!" Zain cried.
"Why?" Hussain narrowed his eyes, giving his brother the deadly glare.
"Where's my 80 dollars?" He howled.
"What? What do you mean? Are you a girl?" Hussain gritted his teeth.
"Ammi! Abbu! Tell Bhai!" Zain bawled. Hussain took out another 80 dollars and placed it Zain's hand, entered the room, while everyone else wished us good night and exited squealing. Hussain locked the door and then walked towards me, scratching the nape of his neck. I felt my heart beat increasing. My palms were sweating. And my stomach was twisting.
"Eh, how's your night?" Hussain asked awkwardly.
"Alright. Your?" I replied quietly.
"Fine..." He sat down on the bed, "um, what do we do?" I shrugged.
"I think I should go and change." I wanted to escape from this situation as soon as I can. I moved to the side of the bed, ready to get off.
"Do you need help?" He blurted out, I sat down, still. "I mean your hair! Should I help you take the pins out?" I shook my head. "You really look beautiful," Hussain said out of the blue. Suddenly, he moved forwards, his hand touching my face. I felt shivers run down my back. I felt alarmed.
So scared that I wanted to dig a hole, crawl in it and die. A strand of hair fell upon my eyes, instantly he tucked it behind my ears. He leaned forward, his lips brushed against mine. Not innocently, passionate and demanding. I was shocked by his sudden action, but I couldn't shove him away. I wanted to pull away before I lose myself but I couldn't seem to. "I love you Afira," he told me. I was in shock after hearing those words. I drew myself away from him, needing time to know what I just got myself into. I was about to leave but then he towed me into him, my head hitting his chest with a THUD! "Not a very good way to start the night, or end it. Whichever. Is it?" I didn't answer. "Afira talk. C'mon."
"What?" I spoke out.
"I'm sorry," he said randomly.
"Is there a reason why your sorry?" I snapped.
"For everything. I made you feel unwanted. Like a burden. And it was wrong of me to do that. Honestly, I was only like that because I didn't want you to be someone else's. I wanted you to be mine," he said possessively.
"It's ok. I'm tired. I think we should get some rest, it's been a long day," I changed the topic and got ready to sleep.
"No. Hear me out. Please?" I didn't reply. "I just wanted you." I felt my heart clench hearing his words. "I loved you from the start. Wherever that started. When we first met when we were young. When you first saved me from getting in trouble. When you fell into my arms. When you saved me. You don't fail to make me fall in love with you." He scratched his head, probably from all the cheesiness? "I love you Afira."
"I... I..." I wanted to tell him... I wanted to say 'I love you', but I... I couldn't.
"It's ok." He said, holding back his frown, instead, he smiled. "But before you sleep..." He came closer and placed a kiss on my lips, leaving me in tremor. I sat down and replayed everything that just happened. On the other hand, he went to the bathroom and got changed; tucked himself in bed. "Switch off the lights when your down, please. Good night." Afterwards, he fell fast asleep... That's what I thought.
I went into the bathroom to get changed into my sleeping dress, I got into the bed, Hussain on his side of the bed and me on my side of the bed. Before I laid down I glanced at him, he looked so charming, innocent and... Hot? Out of control Afira. Stop yourself. "I love you," I whispered in his ears. I thought I saw him smile, but it disappeared quickly as quickly as it appeared. I shook it off, turned the lights and went to sleep.
I saw myself lying on top of Hussain, with his hand snaked around my hips, protectively. I screamed and kicked him off. "What the fuck," he cursed under is breath. "What was that for?" He shouted.
"Why was your arm around me?"
"Is it my fault that you came to me during the night and then fell asleep on me?" He smirked, "Or did you come for something else?" slapped his arm.
"Shut up, asshole," just then his's phone rang breaking out our argument. I saw the contact ID: Shanaya. I wondered who this 'Shanaya' was. He rapidly picked up the call. "Hello? Shanaya?"
"Yes, I mean Shanu. I'm good, you tell me, how are you?" I listened to the conversation intensely.
"Me? Enjoying my life with my wife," directing that to me, I smiled hearing him say 'my wife.'
"Yes Shanu, I just got married yesterday."
"You're coming over? When?" There was no excitement in his voice, he departed from the room still on the phone with 'Shanaya.'
A while later, Zara knocked then infiltrated my room. "Bhabi your awake!" She exclaimed, I nodded. "Good, Mom bought you this saree to wear on your first day as the new Asif bahu. It'll look great on you," she told me. The saree laid in front of me, it was a heavy baby blue and watermelon pink colour, with elbow length sleeves. It looked gorgeous! "Quickly get changed, I'll wait for you here." I took everything (clothes, towel and bathroom products) and hopped into the hot shower. The hot water kissed my skin, bringing back all the memories from last night. I felt stupid. What did I get myself into? I couldn't stay here long, thinking about everything, Zara was waiting for me.
I got out of the shower. My saree pinned properly but my hair still wet. "MashAllah," Zara alleged, I let out a giggle. "My brother is one lucky man," I laughed again, "and my husband is another," he added. "Let me do your hair," I sat down and let Zara do my hair. Suddenly, I remembered, maybe Zara will know something 'Shanaya'.
"Um... Zara, I'm not a very nosy person, neither am I very protective over my husband, but who is Shanaya?" Zara stopped combing my hair.
"Sorry? Can you please repeat what you just said?"
"Who is Shanaya?" I repeated once again.
"What?" I was about to repeat again but then she stopped me. "What! You mean Shanu right?" I nodded, "Oh no. No. No. No. Bhabi, you're not joking right?"
"No, I'm not. Why?" I got up from my seat.
"Bhabi, you don't understand. She's not an angel! She's a monster! She's in love with Bhai!" Zara screamed, only leaving me in shock. "I can't believe Shanaya's coming back," Zara muttered.
"What! Shanaya's coming back?!" Zain shrieked from the open door.
Eventually, everything was finished. By that I meant knowing everything about Shanaya, and knowing all her sly tricks. Honestly, I don't know what to say about her, but my fellow sister and brother in-law have taught me how to approach her... I was finally ready and was waiting for Hussain to get out of the wash room, he came out with his hair gelled into place. "Finally." I muttered. He stood in front of me not taking his eyes off me. I fidgeted with my saree, but then the word 'revenge' arose into my head. He stood still as a statue giving me a chance to make my move. "Like it?" I asked, fluttering my eyes. I tip-toed to reach his height and his lips met mine. I had to release rapidly before I felt anymore sparks. I stepped back away leaving him in utter shock, I turned on my heels and practically sprinted to the corridor.
- AyshaHun
So... What do you think about it?
How do you think this Shanaya's gonna be like?
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