Chapter 10

Were here!!!!!! Omg!!! 

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Dedicated to EmaniMarks


"Life is better when we stick together."

Afira's P.O.V

  "Let's get into our pairs, take a look around and after a half an hour we will meet here," Ibrahim established. We all nodded in agreement and went in our pairs.

Hussain and I took a little look around the place, taking pictures with our phones and cameras, even though there wasn't much light here. At first, it was alarming, especially because there were weird voodoo dolls lying around and skeletons screaming in our faces. But after a while, it became entertaining, especially when Hussain lost his shit when he heard a witch's laugh. I crackled and mocked him at every chance I got. Unfortunately, he had his turn of fun when a doll with blood oozing down her face popped out from the curtain and I screamed for my mum as I dropped onto the cold hard ground. Hussain didn't even bother to help me out, but only snorted at my incapability of keeping my balance. To justify my behaviour, I've been scared of dolls ever since I was little. Their lively eyes give me the shivers. 

"This place is amazing," Hussain said in awe.

"Yeah it is. Do you think the story the clown told us was true?" I asked Hussain, in the hope he would say no.

"Of course not. People tell us this rubbish to get us scared, plus it's Halloween." I sighed quietly in relief.

"What? Do you believe him?" Hussain raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not, idiot." I lied.

"Whatever you say."

 Half an hour passed by slowly, Hussain and I went back to the hall where everyone was, and we stood next to our gang. Three people entered: A women and two men. The men were holding knives and the lady was holding a gun. Probably all fake. That's one disadvantage of Halloween, you don't know if people are holding real weapons or fake.

The women started speaking, "Welcome to your death guys. I'm Amy, this is Eddie and that's Joe." Amy has a very strong Southern American accent. Amy was also tall, with short red hair; she looked like she was around her mid-twenties. Eddie was a young muscular guy, very, very tall; looked around his early twenties. Joe was an old skinny man, had a greying beard; was wearing glasses. He looked around his thirties. He reminded me of a manic scientist.

"Let's get straight to the point. We're going to be playing a game. Chase of life." Eddie said, with a devilish smile. Everone listened to carefully, unsure about how to feel or react. "The games name actually gives you a massive clue about what the game is about... You're going to be running... For your lives... From us." Everyone started laughing. Except for me. Why did Eddie look dead serious when he said that?

"You have a minute and a half to hide in a safe place where you will not be found by us. After the time, we will come hunting for you. If we find you... Then..." Amy shot into the air. The gun is real. My mouth was open in shock. I backed away, and I bumped into Hussain. He held onto my shoulders but didn't make any eye contact with me. He didn't look scared. He looked down at me and I must've looked like I was shitting myself because Hussain protectively pulled me behind him. Other times I would be complaining about him acting defensive but not today. I will gladly hide behind him. I peered around the hall and saw people around their teens and early twenties.

Suddenly a boy started laughing, he looked around sixteen, "You actually think you can scare us? You probably put some sound effects in this room to make that gunshot sound. We aren't that stupid, ya know? How do we know that's a real gun?" This boy is smart. How do we know it's a real gun?

Then, Amy started laughing, "This boy wants proof. Do you want to see if it's a real gun? Do you want a demonstration?" The boy nodded.

"How about we do a little demo with you?" Joe asked. Before the boy could answer Amy shot him. All of our eyes were wide as saucers. The gun is real. They're here to kill us. We're going to die. Allah. Oh, my dear Allah. We're going to die. I grabbed onto Hussain's blazer in fear. I could see Aaquil hugging Sana, Zain, Tallaha, Aaliyah and Ibrahim holding hands. I never thought my life would be ending like this. Not in a stupid haunted house, at least. I didn't dare to look at the boy. Not now. Eddie, Joe and Amy started laughing. Not those MUAHAHAHA ones. It was worse. I can feel the sweat drench my skin, the throbbing of my own eyes, the ringing screams vibrating in my ears, and the thumping of my heart against my chest. My fingers are curled into a fist, nails digging into my palm. I can't hear my rapid breathing, but I can feel the oxygen flooding in and out of my lungs. Hesitantly, my eyes look at the dead boy before me, his blood was spreading through the hall as quick as lava. 

Amy looked back at us, acting casually as if nothing had ever happened. "Lastly there's only one way to escape. I don't think any of you will be able to find it. Now start running and hiding. " Amy said with a grin as her eyes shifted towards each and one of us at a time, searching through our souls and giving us a gleeful smile, because she knows she has created fear within us.

"Now run!" Eddie shouted. Everyone started running except the eight of us. Why aren't we running? Hussain, Ibrahim and Aaquil went up to Joe, Eddie and Amy.

"Is this a sick game you're playing with us?" Aaquil asked them in a low voice.

"It's not a sick game. You guys are just running and hiding to save your lives It would be fun if you started running now." Joe answered back.

"Are you surrendering now?" Amy asked pulling her gun towards Aaliyah.

"If you do anything to her... I promise you... I will end your life right here, right now." Ibrahim said in a threatening tone. If we weren't placed in this dirty situation I would've grabbed my popcorn and would've started teasing Aaliyah, but today is one of those days where I'd like to remain silent and just go home. 

"Now start running, you're wasting time." Eddie shouted. Does he like to shout? We all started running together.

"Thank God we're wearing trainers and comfortable clothes. Otherwise I would have been dead already." I said as we ran for our lives.

"I did warn you guys," Hussain said.

"We have to split up, it will be easier for all of us," Hussain claimed. We all stopped in a room with no windows. Has he lost his mind?

"Have you gone insane? Are you kidding me? Haven't you ever watched a horror movie? Whenever you split up shit occurs. So hell no buddy, we are not splitting up." I said folding my arms over my chest.

"Bhai, not today. I am not as strong as you, so please don't make me do this," Zain cried. 

"Fees right. That's a bad idea." Sana refused.

"We can't argue about this now Sanu, it will be easier for us to hide from these psychopaths, but later on we will meet up again, somewhere,"  Aaquil explained, hugging Sana. 

"Fine." Sana said agreeing. Splitting up is a bad idea. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?!

"We'll split up into our pairs. Ok?" Hussain asked all of us and we nodded.

"Let's go Afira." Hussain said dragging me along. We all looked at each other and went with our pairs. 


Is this all a silly joke? Or is it real? Comment your thoughts!

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