(Y/n) Vs. The Kalos Elite Four

I took one last good look at my team after visiting the move reminder in Dendimille Town and picking up some more TMs.

Jiraiya Lv. 76
Hydro Pump
Night Slash
Water Shuriken

Yamato Lv. 72
Iron Head
Shadow Claw
Sacred Sword
King's Shield

Gaara Lv. 71
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide
Hone Claws

Sakura Lv. 71
Dazzling Gleam
Light Screen
Calm Mind

Ravel Lv. 65
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz

Saur Lv. 65
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Razor Leaf

This was the squad I was pulling up with to kick some ass. I walked in the large doors and rounded the corridor to enter a chamber of sorts. The door behind me closed firmly and I smirked. There was someone in the center of the room and they walked over to me.

Malva:"You're the illustrious (Y/n), are you? Welcome at last to the Pokemon League. I am one of the Elite Four. People know me as the fire type Pokemon user, Malva."

"Nice to meet ya. Don't worry. I'll be out of your hair soon."


"I'll beat all four of you then Diantha herself."

Malva:"How confident you are. Do your best, because if you can't impress us with your real strength, you'll never get to battle her. But it should be a walk in the park for you, right? This "hero" who destroyed the big, bad Team Flare."

"Big? No. Bad? Not in the slightest. Bunch of pushovers. Even Lysandre himself didn't measure up. But enough of that. Time to get to work."

Malva:"See you soon."

She walked off into her room and the door shut behind her. I thought about where to go first and decided to got to the top left. I entered and stood on a platform that lifted me up into a different part of the castle. Two giant statues of Honedge fell and landed several feet away from me and turned. This opened up a path to the Elite Four member in front of me.

Wikstrom:"Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the Elite Four's famed blade of hardened steel, Wikstrom! With my magnificent Pokemon at my side, I will reveal the scope of trainer achievement! Let us both give our word that our contest shall be fair and honorable. Ready? En garde!"

He sent out a Klefki first and I sent out Gaara.

Wikstrom:"Set up Spikes!"

Klefki created sharp stones and threw them around where Gaara stood.


He stomped the ground and shook it harshly as debris erupted and made Klefki faint.


He sent out his second Pokemon and I kept Gaara out.

"Dragon Claw!"

Gaara ran up and sliced Probopass across the face but did little damage.

Wikstrom:"Flash Cannon!"

Its arms levitated and swirled around before firing a silver beam at Gaara. The attacked pushed him back but didn't do much damage either.


He shook the ground once more and Probopass was finished.


He sent out his ace and Gaara got ready to attack.

Wikstrom:"King's Shield!"

Aegislash readied itself for Gaara's Earthquake and protected itself.


Gaara attacked with Earthquake again and this time Aegislash wasn't able to protect itself.

Wikstrom:"Go! Scizor!"

"Gaara! Come back! Go! Ravel!"

We sent out our Pokemon and I smiled.

"Flare Blitz!"

Ravel screeched and flew into the air before spinning rapidly and igniting her body on fire and then crashing into Scizor. It roared in pain and crashed to wall knocked out. Ravel took damage from recoil but ended the match.

Wikstrom:"Glorious! What now? What sweet, glorious pain and joy now rock my mighty heart? My will, which even shakes spears, trembles at so fine a battle as this! I am undone! Good sir, you are indeed our equal, and worthy to enter this lofty hall! Now, to the elevator with you! It burns with a desire to hasten you on your way!"

I nodded and went back to the platform and descended and went back to the hall. I then chose to go to the bottom right. I took the platform to face my next opponent.

?:"... No, I simply can't say. You there! Young man! I have a question I must pose to you. Do you think Pokemon battling can ever be worthy of being called an art?"

"Certainly, my good man."

Siebold:"... Indeed. You see, cooking is the type of art that disappears as soon as it is completed. Pokemon battles are the same. Even memories of sweet victory soon fade after the battle ends. To devote yourself entirely to such a life, made up of fleeting experiences, that is truly artful. That aside, time to face me, Siebold!"

He sent out a Clawitzer first and I sent out Saur.

"Energy Ball!"

Saur created a ball of energy from his bulb and launched it at Clawitzer. This was enough to take it out.


"Saur! Return! Go, Jiraiya!"

We sent our next Pokemon and I swiped the air. Jiraiya understood and ran at Starmie and hit it with Night Slash.

Siebold:"Tch! Barbaracle!"

"Saur! Come back out!"

He roared and landed then launched an Energy Ball.

Siebold:"Go! Gyarados!"

Saur attacked with Energy Ball but it didn't do much. Gyarados set up with Dragon Dance. Saur attacked again but with Sludge Bomb and did the same amount of damage as last time. Gyarados set up another Dragon Dance. Siebold used a Full Restore on Gyarados and healed him back to full health.

"Sludge Bomb!"

Saur attacked again and landed a critical hit while also poisoning Gyarados.

"Haha yes!"

Siebold:"Ice Fang!"

Gyarados lunged at Saur with frosty fangs and bit on his bulb. Saur roared in pain but hung on and launched a Sludge Bomb straight at Gyarados' face and finished the fight.

Siebold:"I shall store my memory of you and your Pokemon forever away within my heart. Devote yourself entirely, so even that which will fade and disappear is ingrained forever upon your heart and mind! That is the only fate for any human. It is the duty of both trainers and chefs to find the good in any raw materials they have to work with. There lies the answer to reaching ever higher. Battle the last two of us and find it for yourself."

I left and went to the room straight across. I went up and walked up to my next opponent.

Drasna:"Oh goodness, hello to you! Welcome, welcome, come in. You must be a strong trainer. Yes, quite strong indeed... That's just wonderful news! Facing opponents like you and your team will make my Pokemon grow like weeds! I am Drasna! Best prepare yourself young man!"

She started off with a Dragalge and I sent out Gaara. He knew what to do without me saying it and used Earthquake.

Drasna:"Oh my! What a cute dragon!"

Gaara cried happily and Drasna laughed and sent out Altaria. I returned Gaara and sent out Sakura.

"Dazzling Gleam!"

Sakura attacked with some powerful sparkles and took it down.

Drasna:"A fairy eh? Those are really quite troublesome."

"Heh. Yeah."

Drasna:"Noivern, dear! Go!"

Her next Pokemon came out and Drasna kept smiling.

Drasna:"Air Slash!"

Noivern flapped its wings and sent out a gust of razor sharp wind. It hit Sakura and it was a critical hit and made her flinch.

Drasna:"Air Slash again!"

"Dodge it!"

Sakura shook her head and dodged the attack.


Sakura shot out a blast of the moon's power and made Noivern crash into a wall. Her last Pokemon was a Druddigon that went down to Moonblast as well.

Drasna:"Oh, dear me. That sure was a quick battle... I do hope you'll come back again sometime!"

Drasna let out a happy sigh and kept smiling despite the loss.

Drasna:"Oh, you! You're too much! You and your Pokemon are simply charming! You may run along now dear. You've only need one more to go!"

"Yes ma'am."

Drasna:"Aww you have some manners. How adorable. If only I was young again. Tee hee!"

I just chuckled awkwardly and left.


She waved me off as I descended. There was just Malva left. I entered her room and proceeded to walk straight to her. Malva was sitting in a throne, resting her chin on her fist.

Malva:"Welcome, challenger, to my Blazing Chamber! I am Malva, and I shall be your opponent today."

"Then let's do this."

She started off with Pyroar and I sent out Jiraiya.


Jiraiya nodded and summoned a massive wave of water that crashed into it. Pyroar fainted and next was Talonflame.


Talonflame went down and so did her last two Pokemon.

Malva:"What news... So a new challenger has defeated Malva of the Elite Four! Fantastic. Utterly fantastic. I'll report to all the world or the news of you and your Pokemon dominating the Pokemon League! I AM a Holo Caster star, after all. Heh, I'm such a busy woman... You'll be facing the champion next."

"Yep. Dominated is the right word to use. Can't believe you guys only have four Pokemon and no Mega Evolution."

Malva:"Seems you're dissatisfied."

"Beyond belief."

Malva:"Then hurry and scram."

"I will."

I scoffed and walked out. When I got back to the hall, the large doors opened and bright light flooded in.

"Let's get this over with."

I ran in and rode the platform to the top where Diantha waited.

Diantha:"Welcome at last, (Y/n). As you're already aware, I am the champion, Diantha. And you (Y/n)-"

"I'm the savior of Kalos and Unova! I am the guy that stopped Team Plasma and Team Flare! I am the Unova Champion baby! Haha!"

Diantha:"It seems wrong of me to say this, but thank you! You saved us all..."

"Damn right I did. Because I don't know where you were!"

Diantha:"(Y/n) I-"

"I don't wanna hear it. Your boy took them down. Solo! All me baby! And I caught Xerneas and Yveltal. It was great! Total had to be there type of moment!"

Diantha remained silent as I laughed and covered my eyes.

"I can't believe I let a guy like Lysandre threaten my region. And your Elite Four. Name makes sense! They all only use four Pokemon!"

Diantha:"(Y/n)... You weren't like this when we spent that whole day together."

"That was before I moved to Unova! Before I learned how to be a trainer that protects everyone! Before I had to save two regions! I thought you were amazing, but you were slacking. I mean, these events could help others grow but I was the one in the crossfire! And I had to deal with all. But it's all over. I'm here for your title."

Diantha:"So be it... Let us begin."

She sent out Hawlucha and I sent out Yamato.


Hawlucha ran up and attacked with its arms in an X formation. The attack hit Yamato for very little damage.

"Shadow Claw!"

Yamato removed the shield from in front of him and swiped his body at Hawlucha. The attack knocked Hawlucha backwards and it toppled over. Diantha frowned and returned it then sent out her next member.


She sent out the furries' goopy girlfriend and I tried to hold back my throw up.

"Yamato! Get back! Go, Gaara!"

I switched out and sent out the big boy.

"Heh, that's not a pseudo. This is a pseudo! Dragon Claw!"

Gaara roared and shook the entire room before dashing right at Goodra and slashing it across the stomach. It cried in pain and was thrown along the ground and fainted.

Diantha:"Goodra, no! Aurorus! Go!"

"Yamato! Back to you!"

I sent him out and smiled.

"Sacred Sword!"

Yamato floated towards her Pokemon and slammed his body hard against it. Aurorus was knocked straight down on its side and didn't get up.


She sent out her next 'Mon and I kept Yamato out.

"Iron Head!"

Yamato bashed Tyrantrum hard in the head with his shield and it was out.


She sent out her spooky pumpkin next.

"King's Shield!"

Yamato got in a defensive stance and Gourgeist used Phantom Force to dissappear. It reappeared and hit Yamato. The attack was super effective but Yamato was too tough.

"Shadow Claw!"

Yamato switched stances and finished it off with one swing.

Diantha:"It comes down to this..."

She sent out her last Pokemon. Gardevoir.

Diantha:"This is it! Gardevoir! Mega Evolve!"

Gardevoir glowed brightly and transformed.

Diantha:"Shadow Ball!"

Gardevoir created an orb of dark purple energy in her hands and launched it at Yamato.

"King's Shield!"

Yamato blocked the attack and went on the defensive.

Diantha:"Shadow Ball!"

Gardevoir launched another one and it did some pretty decent damage.

"Finish this... Iron Head!"

Yamato switched to his blade form and lunged right at Mega Gardevoir and bashed it in the head hard. Gardevoir fell over and reverted back to her normal form.

Diantha:"You've...bested me."

We returned our Pokemon and the room was filled with silence.

Diantha:"(Y/n), you came back and stormed through Kalos in just two and a half days. It takes most trainers years to master the art of battling, but you're a total natural. I'm happy to have fought you. I tried my hardest, but your team was too strong. I can't help but feel helpless. You only needed two in order to beat me."

"Diantha...sorry for lashing out at you. I was just upset with how soft Kalos is. All the gym leaders had under four Pokemon. And your Elite Four didn't even have a Mega Evolution on them. You put more damage than anyone thus far in Kalos."

Diantha:"That makes me happy at least. Come with me, (Y/n)."

I nodded and we stood on the platform together and rode to the top. I saw the machine that recorded the team I fought with. I smiled and placed the balls into the slots and watched as we got inducted into the Hall of Fame.

No One's POV

A few days later, crowds of people were gathered in Lumiose City to celebrate the induction of a brand new champion and the saviors of Kalos. (Y/n) stood on a large stage with his friends that embarked on their first journey as they were all gifted medals.

Everyone was cheering happily as AZ slowly approached them. (Y/n) noticed and walked to AZ.

AZ:"I want to know what a trainer is."

AZ battled (Y/n) and smiled after defeat. AZ felt free at last. He was happy at last. As he said those words, his beloved Pokemon finally returned to him.

After 3,000 years the two were finally reunited. Floette was waiting for its trainer to be free of his past before coming back to him.

That Evening

Shauna, Serena, Trevor, Tierno and many of (Y/n)'s friends were in Vaniville Town. (Y/n)'s dad was cooking out and they had a party for him. Things were wrapping up as (Y/n) stared at the sky.

Shauna:"What now?"

(Y/n):"Me? I have a vacation in Alola."


(Y/n):"Yep. Your boy won a raffle. I'm gonna head back to Unova soon and check up on everyone."

Serena:"Are you really leaving us?"

(Y/n):"You're more than welcome to tag along."

Serena:"I want to but... I want to get stronger in case anything comes up and you're not here!"

Shauna:"Me too!"

Korrina:"I'll improve my gym so I don't get shot down by a Honedge again!"

(Y/n) smiled as the gym leaders and Elite Four agreed to learn the ways of Mega Evolution and improve their teams.

(Y/n):"Alright... I'm off."

Everyone looked at (Y/n) as they stood on the street with the moon shining brightly in the clear night sky.

(Y/n):"I still have my Holo Caster so give me a call if anything comes up."

They nodded and began tearing up.

Tierno:"I'm gonna miss you man!"

Trevor:"Tierno! Calm down. He's just going on a much needed vacation."

Wikstrom:"Worry not Sir (Y/n)! Should anything come up, I will answer! It is a knight's duty after all!"

Drasna:"Yes dearie! Leave everything to us!"

Shauna started a line of girls that wanted to kiss (Y/n). It was her, Serena, Korrina, Viola, Alexa, Valerie, Malva, and Diantha.

Malva:"Come back and try and dominate me again~"

Dad:"Woah! Atta boy son!"

Mom:"Better take good care of these gals."

(Y/n) laughed and tossed a ball into the air. Yveltal popped out and stretched her wings.


He hopped on her back and she lifted off the ground.

(Y/n):"I'll be sure to let everyone in Unova to pay you guys a visit for me! Mom, Dad! I have some more girlfriends back in Unova!"


Malva:"Doesn't surprise me. He has that type of charm."


(Y/n):"And if you meet a guy named Hugh, teach him about Mega Evolution! I wanna have a fun rematch with him!"

They nodded as (Y/n) took off into the night sky and flew back to Unova.

Yveltal: So, there are more lovers in Unova?

(Y/n):"Yep. And some legendaries I want you and Xerneas to get along with."

Yveltal: Anything for my master.

He smiled and took off his hat and let the wind blow his hair around.

(Y/n):"You know, if there's anything I learned during all this... It's that the Honedge line is BUSTED! It literally deals with four members of Diantha's team and resists one. Goodra is the only one that can even hurt it decently enough but if you're lucky enough and know the strats, you can literally overcome it. Just have both Swords Dance and King's Shield and you're set!"

Don't turn off the power.


Hey guys, Hambo here to talk real quick. This book is shorter than the Unova one since Kalos doesn't really have much substance. In the Unova story, I also did the postgame which was fun. But Kalos has uhhh...


Oh let's not forget this!

And this one is the most important one! :)

Nah but really, there's really just the legendaries you can catch. Only Mewtwo and Zygarde are worth mentioning though. But ain't no way I can make that into a chapter. Unless you guys want me to.

But anyway, Alola is next. And let me tell you now. That thing is going to be long. I haven't started on it but I just have a feeling it's going to be long. If you don't already know, I play the game as I write. So the team I write in the story is the one I used for my playthrough. And Gen 7 is notorious for its goddamn cutscenes so I'll have to deal with that bullshit plus the slow start.

But I want to get through it for the people! For you guys! I really appreciate the support on my Pokemon stories! And the Rainbow Rocket episode is gonna be hella fun! Just wait!

I should also say this now, after the Alola story I'll be done with the Pokemon story. I really don't feel like doing Galar. I had fun with Shield when I first played it, but I don't really feel like replaying it. And for the Arceus game: still haven't beaten it casually.

But hey, feel free to let me know what you think of my stories and share some great Pokemon stories you've read as well.

Welp! That's all from me folks. Catch y'all on the flip side!

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