(Y/n) Ends Team Flare

I was currently on Route 17 riding on a Mamoswine through some thick snow to reach Anistar City. It was cold and slow, but eventually I reached the gate. I got a Holo Clip from Serena saying she wanted to fight in front of the Anistar gym. I made it through the gate and Sina handed me some Repeat Balls before letting me know someone had information on the legendaries.

I went inside of a house and saw an old man with his granddaughter. He beckoned me over and looked at me.

Old man:"You're Sycamore's assistant correct?"


Old man:"Wonderful. Allow me to share with you what I know."

"Okay. I'm listening."

Old man:"You see, there is a balance to the world. Up and down. Chaos and order. Life and death. One must exist with the other lest the balance of the world be thrown off. Xerneas and Yveltal represent this order."

"Go on."

Old man:"It was around 800 years ago, Yveltal had spread its ominous wings, engulfing parts of Kalos in darkness. At the same time, Xerneas illuminated the lands with its shining horns. Yveltal caused people and Pokemon alike to fall one by one. Xerneas on the other hand, caused them to feel great energy and vitality surge through their bodies."


Old man:"Yveltal let out a piercing cry and took to the sky, vanishing to an unknown location. Stories say that when it nears the end of its thousand-year life span, Yveltal absorbs the life force of the living things around it in order to charge its own energy."

"And Xerneas?"

Old man:"At the same time a vast forest sprang up, with Xerneas at its center. Legend has it that, when it nears the end of its thousand-year life span, Xerneas releases all of its remaining energy, sharing it with all living things nearby."

"No way."

Old man:"Yes. It is indeed fascinating. There's a tad bit more. Back 3,000 years ago, the Kalos region was engulfed in a terrible war. According to the stories, a Pokemon appeared and stole the life force of countless living beings. And there was a Pokemon that came to the rescue of all the wounded Pokemon that had been caught up in the conflict. People believed these two to be Yveltal and Xerneas respectively. Although Xerneas may just have been a wish to brighten a tale of woe. Yveltal could also have represented a metaphor for war and pestilence."

"Yeah. Makes sense. Man, I never knew the world we live in can be so complex."

Old man:"Yep. And it's a good thing our ancestors passed down these tales. And supposedly, after Xerneas released its remaining energy, it transformed into a dried-up tree. It remains in hiding deep within the forest. In the tales, after Yveltal finished storing the energy it had absorbed, it transformed into a kind of cocoon, remaining in hiding deep in the mountains. According to old tales, as I say. Tales and stories."

"Either way, that gives me some insight on these two. Thank you old timer."

He nodded and I shook his hand before leaving to the gym. Serena caught up and we battled as promised. It was an easy fight unfortunately. This time, she added a Vaporeon on her team.

A/n: Whoever makes a reference to the copypasta gets a high five then a Hyper Beam to the face :)

Serena:"My Pokemon are so much stronger now, but you and your Pokemon are still one step ahead of us... Such is the life of a champion I suppose. I'll heal you up before you challenge the gym."

"Thank you Serena."

Serena:"Anything for you."

She smiled and ran off. I walked inside the gym and looked at it confused. There was no doors. Only windows and a fireplace. I walked forward and stepped on the rug in the center of the room and the walls exploded and I marveled at the sight before me.

"Holy shit... This is sick!"

I laughed and began hopping on warp panels trying to reach the leader. It was a long and winding path, but the scenery made it better. Soon, I reached the leader.

Olympia:"A ritual to decide your fate and future. The battle begins! I, Olympia, shall face you!"

Before she threw a ball, she deadass levitated off the ground and used her psychic powers to throw the ball. She's trying to flex on me. She sent out Sigilyph first and I sent out Jiraiya.

"Night Slash!"

He created a blade of darkness and dashed at her Pokemon and sliced it across its one-eyed face. Her next Pokemon was a Slowking.

"Night Slash!"

Jiraiya attacked once again and took it down. Her last Pokemon was a Meowstic.

Olympia:"Fake Out!"

Meowstic went first and made Jiraiya flinch. That was the only bit of damage dealt to him before he struck back.

Olympia:"Create your own path. Let nothing get in your way. Your fate your future. Now, the Psychic Badge. A testament to your skill. Proof of your power."

She gave me the badge and the TM for Calm Mind and teleported me back to the entrance. I left and stepped outside. Serena ran up to me and praised me for taking down the leader quickly. Then we both got a Holo Clip from Lysandre himself.

Lysandre:"Pokemon trainers. I come to you by the Holo Caster to make an important announcement. Listen well. Team Flare will revive the ultimate weapon, eliminate everyone who isn't in our group, and return the world to a beautiful, natural state. Unproductive fools are consuming our future... If nothing changes, the world will become ugly and conflicts will raze the land from end to end. I repeat. We will use the ultimate weapon and wipe the slate clean. I'm sorry, those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all."

The message then ended.


Serena:"Eliminate everyone not in Team Flare? What is Lysandre thinking? Where is he anyway? Perhaps in that café in Lumiose!"

She ran on ahead as I stared blankly at the floor.

"That... SON OF A BITCH!"

I yelled out in annoyance to the sky.

"Alright! You wanna eliminate anyone not in Team Flare! Then try and eliminate the Unova Champion you bastard!"

I sent out Ravel and flew to Lumiose and barged in Lysandre Café. The grunts tried to stop me, but Gaara slapped them aside and tore apart a shelf that revealed a hidden entrance. I ran in and Lysandre stood there waiting.

Lysandre:"Welxome. This world will eventually reach the point of no return... Saving the lives of all is impossible. Only the chosen ones will obtain a ticket to tomorrow. Do you want a ticket? Or, do you want to stop me? Shoe me in battle."

"Damn right I'll show you!"

He sent out a Mienfoo first and I sent out Jiraiya.

"Get that shit out of here!"

Jiraiya knocked it out with Surf and he sent out Gyarados next. I sent out Saur who took it down. Pyroar was next and it was back to Jiraiya for the knockout. His last Pokemon was a Murkrow that was dealt with by Sakura.

Lysandre:"Excellent! I can feel the fire of your convictions burning deep within your heart!"

He smirked then laughed.

Lysandre:"Wah ha ha! Your convictions, and those of your Pokemon, please me! You are here to stop me. But I ask you to wait. I tried to save the people, and the world, with the profit from this lab. But my efforts had no effect... The world was just too vast...and too full of fools that I couldn't save through my hard work alone... That's why I decided the only way to save the world was to take it all for myself. I don't expect that I will ever make you understand how I think and feel... Try to stop the ultimate weapon if you must, but to do so you will have to explore our lab and have Pokemon battles with all you meet."

He then motioned to an elevator behind him.

Lysandre:"Oh, and as for the elevator key, one or the Team Flare scientists you've met on your journey has it. Saving everything... The world is suffering because of this absurd dream..."

He walked inside the elevator and left.

"You cheap bastard! Oh I'll battle everyone in here alright! You're gonna regret leaving them alone in a room with me."

I growled and grabbed the balls containing Gaara and Jiraiya.

"I said I would riot if that douche turned out to be the leader. And I'm gonna follow up on that promise!"

A/n: Refer to chapter 4 if you forgot.

I tossed them into the air and they popped out.

"Boys, let's throw one hell of a party."

They nodded at me then at each other before Jiraiya ran off in one direction while Gaara went solo.

No One's POV

The three of them began thrashing grunts left and right as Jiraiya used his incredible water power to wash away any foes. Gaara was tearing through the Pokemon like paper as the grunts freaked out over the loose Garchomp in the building.

(Y/n) entered a room and fought Aliana, but she didn't have the key. He kept going and destroying things in his path as did Garchomp before the two regrouped and fought Celosia and Bryony again. In a different room, he found Dexio and Sina who wore their masks.

Sina:"Ah! (Y/n)! Here, take these."

She handed him some revives and then gasped.

Sina:"Err... I mean. I never met you before! I only heard your name by our acquaintance."

Dexio:"Anyway, it seems we're both here to stop Team Flare."

(Y/n):"Sure. Listen. Sina, Dexio, just leave."

Dexio:"Huh? I don't know this Dexio fe-"

(Y/n):"I don't need any help. These guys are weak. Just back off and go do some research. It's for your own good."

He soon found Mable and beat her for the card. Hey quickly went back to the elevator and descended lower into the building. He walked down some stairs and saw Lysandre standing in front of a cell. In it was the homeless man from last time.

?:"Listen, one who will face Lysandre."

He turned and he told a story of a man 3,000 years ago that had a Pokemon he loved very much then the war broke out. His Pokemon died in the war and wanted to bring it back. So he built a machine to give it life. He succeeded, but his rage had not subsided. He was still mad at the world that took his Pokemon away and turned the machine into a weapon.

It shot a large blast into the air that came back down to Kalos and brought an end to the war. The revived Pokemon learned of how it was brought back. It took the lives of many Pokemon just for it to come back and so it left the man.

?:"Get the key back. It should not he used. Everything will vanish again. Do you want unending pain...like I have?"

Lysandre:"That is AZ. He has the same name as the king that lived 3,000 years ago. And for some reason, he had the key to the ultimate weapon hung around his neck. It's finally time. Follow me to my chambers."

He walked into the elevator and descended. He looked at AZ who gave me a solemn look. He left and followed after Lysandre. (Y/n) went down a corridor and turned to see Lysandre talking with some weird looking dude.

Lysandre:"I'm counting on you Xerosic."

They turned to face (Y/n).

Lysandre:"One push of a button, and we can activate the ultimate weapon from this room. I believe being a chosen one means you have the potential to change the future! Whether we activate the ultimate weapon or leave it safely underground will rest upon if you actually have this potential or not."

Lysandre walked off and left (Y/n) aline with the weirdo. Gaara made short work of his two Pokemon. Yep. Two. (Y/n) then went and pushed a blue button as the scientist laughed.

Xerosic:"You did it! You stopped it! But I'm still going to activate the weapon! Why waste such a golden opportunity?"

He pushed a button on a remote and the weapon was activated. It was located in the center of Geosenge Town.

A/n: Start at :56

(Y/n) growled and quickly ran our the building and flew to Geosenge Town. When he got there, Team Flare grunts were blocking the exits. He ran to the corner of the town and took down a grunt as he retreated back to a secret base. (Y/n) got close to the door and heard a voice behind him.

Serena:"(Y/n)! I'm coming with you!"


Serena:"When I was in Lysandre's lab, the masked heroes told me what is going on. They also told me what Team Flare plans to do with the ultimate weapon! C'mon! Let's stop Team Flare... No... We have to stop Lysandre himself! The world isn't corrupt enough to give up on yet!"

(Y/n):"No. Stay back."

Serena:"Huh? But I can fight too!"

(Y/n):"Yeah, but these guys are my problem."

Serena:"Please let me fight alongside you!"

(Y/n):"No. Back in Unova. I had a great friend named Hugh. He helped me fight Team Plasma because he was strong."

Serena:"And I'm not?"

Tears threatened to escape her eyes as he sighed.

(Y/n):"You're stronger than the grunts, but that's not saying much. Even Trevor could beat them. The admins and scientists are different. Lysandre as well."

Serena:"What if something happens to you?"

(Y/n):"That's not going to happen. I'm a champion. A champion that actually does things for his region! Diantha! Where are you?!"

Serena:"(Y/n), you shouldn't talk bad about her."

(Y/n):"And why not Serena? The gym challenge here is a joke. Everyone besides the first two gym leaders had used only a team of three Pokemon! And I'm guessing the Elite Four uses four Pokemon only! Diantha uses what? Five? Six? That'd be a miracle if she did!"


(Y/n):"I'll be back. I've gotta make an announcement to the people!"

He brought out his Talonflame and flew to Lumiose City for whatever reason. Serena was left alone with her thoughts.

Serena: (Y/n)... I want to be useful to you. Please, tell me how I can help...

(Y/n) got to Lumiose and began running around and found the PR building. He barged in and looked at everyone.

(Y/n):"I need to make an announcement to everyone in Kalos."

They looked at him skeptically but allowed it. At the same time, Lysandre was staring through a window to look down on a strange cocoon.

Guy:"Alright! The cameras are rolling!"

Just then, everyone's Holo Caster started beeping. They picked it up and looked to see someone new to them. The gym leaders saw this and were surprised by (Y/n) sending out such a broad message.

(Y/n):"Hello. I am (Y/n). I was born and raised in Kalos like many of you. Soon though, I left and went to Unova and I began my Pokemon journey there. While there, I fought a group known as Team Plasma. They advocated for the liberation of Pokemon in the most underhanded way. I then became champion! I fought those losers and now I'm fighting Team Flare. Lysandre threatened to kill everyone not in Team Flare, but that's not going to happen with me here! I stomped their admins and scientists flat! As long as I'm here! There's nothing to worry about. A champion should be there for the people of their region! And that's what I'm doing since no one else is going to! Get ready Lysandre! Your ass is going down!"

Everyone was shocked when the message had ended, but they collectively cheered for (Y/n). His parents were freaking out over this, but were happy their baby boy was fighting for his friends and family.

Korrina:"I... I need to be stronger! I need to do better! For you, (Y/n), and for Kalos!"

Valerie:"My sweet little (Y/n)... You are the hero of the region. I know you shall succeed."

The admins and scientists of Team Flare growled in annoyance and Lysandre simply smirked.

Lysandre:"I'd like to see try. I, too, have the power of Mega Evolution."

Deep in a hidden forest was a strangely shaped tree.

It glowed brilliantly as the Pokemon around it watched in wonder.

Serena:"(Y/n)... I'll leave it to you then... But when this is over, I'm telling you exactly how I feel!"

(Y/n) flew back to Geosenge Town and walked into the base. Serena was inside arguing with Lysandre.

Lysandre:"Look who's here! The Unova Champion! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I would've dealt with you sooner!"

(Y/n):"Oh really? Like you could actually do that. I have some powerful allies at my call."

Lysandre:"Let's battle again. I'll show how stronger I've gotten!"

They had a battle but it was a wash once again.

Lysandre:"Hmph! It's too late for you to stop the ultimate weapon! Go down and see for yourself!"

(Y/n) scoffed and began running down the stairs with Serena following closely behind. They encountered an admin and grunt and (Y/n) sent out Jiraiya.

(Y/n):"Let's do this!"

Jiraiya cried out and Hydro Pumped their Pokemon and ran ahead.


They fought another pair and stopped briefly when they heard a voice behind them.

Serena:"Shauna! What are you doing here?!"

Shauna:"I came to help! I can't let my friends do this on their own! And (Y/n), I know I'll only slow you down, but I will stay by your side! Serena and I both will because we love you!"

(Y/n) stared at them dumbfounded as he looked back at Jiraiya who nodded at him. (Y/n) smiled and looked back at the girls.

(Y/n):"I love you too. I'm sorry about being insensitive towards your feelings. I just wanted to put an end to this as quickly as possible. And I didn't want anyone to get hurt."

Serena smiled and kissed (Y/n) on the lips which made Jiraiya nod in approval. Shauna did the same after Serena and they kept running. Jiraiya took down another pair of Team Flare members then they reached a metal door.

Shauna:"Leave this to me!"

She grabbed a device from her bag and put it up to the panel. It unlocked the door. They saw the cocoon on a large podium that extracted energy from it. 6 Team Flare admins all appeared from the shadows and stared down all three of them.

Shauna:"Oh no! I hate being chased!"

She quickly ran out and Serena went after her. Two admins left to chase them.

Admin 1:"Looks like you're all alone boy! We see your message to Kalos. And while admirable, it is all for naught! You will fail in saving Kalos!"

(Y/n):"We'll just see about that! Right, Jiraiya?!"


(Y/n):"Come at me! All of you! Jiraiya and I will stomp you flat!"


Both of them screamed at the top of their lungs and a geyser of water erupted from beneath Greninja. The water spiraled around him which caused the admins to be scared.

Admin 1:"What the hell is that?!"

Admin 2:"I don't know, but I don't like it!"

The water then started to move as Jiraiya relaxed and focused it towards his back and his appearance changed.

(Y/n):"Jiraiya... I don't know what happened, but I'm about it!"

A/n: From what I've seen. People made their own edits where the red was replaced with a different color. The red is supposed to be the hat Ash wears in XY.

Basically like these. So you can do whatever.

(Y/n):"Now! You're finished!"

The admins sent out all their Pokemon at once and Jiraiya created Water Shurikens in his hands and tossed them all at the Pokemon. They were way stronger than before and knocked them out with one hit. The admins gulped in fear and retreated.

Suddenly, the cocoon started shaking violently and glowing.

Yveltal was free and let out a piercing cry. It looked at its surroundings before settling its eyes on (Y/n).

(Y/n):"Alright, Jiraiya! We got a big fight!"

He nodded and looked up at Yveltal. It swooped down and tried to attack him, but Jiraiya dodged and threw a Water Shuriken at it. Yveltal dodged the attack and this cycle continued. Each would try and attack, but they would dodge.

Yveltal flew higher and cried once more before it began charging up a beam attack.

(Y/n):"Jiraiya look out!"

It shot the beam straight down at Jiraiya with no remorse.

Jiraiya narrowly avoided the attack and grabbed the shuriken off his back as Yveltal prepared another beam attack.


The shuriken grew in size as he hurled it straight at Yveltal who let out their beam once again. The attacks clashed as the Water Shuriken kept spinning rapidly.

(Y/n):"Come on! We can do this!"

He spoke too soon as the attacks caused an explosion and they toppled over. Yveltal kept flying and looked at (Y/n). Before it could do anything, the walls shattered and another Pokemon appeared.


(Y/n) managed to stand and held his head. Xerneas walked to them and let out a pulse that healed them both up. It then turned its attention to Yveltal. They both let out a cry and Yveltal looked back at (Y/n). Xerneas stepped in front of (Y/n) and Jiraiya and stomped its hoof. Yveltal screeched as Xerneas swung its horns at it.

Yveltal backed off for a moment and landed on the ground. Xerneas let out a cry and Yveltal did the same. Xerneas walked to Yveltal's side and stood next to it to face (Y/n).

(Y/n):"So... All's well that ends well?"

Xerneas: Catch us, trainer. You are worthy.

(Y/n):"Whoa! I forgot powerful legendaries could do that! Umm, okay. Thought this would be a bit tougher."

(Y/n) threw a Quick Ball at Yveltal and Luxury Ball at Xerneas. They both stayed still and soon a DING was heard meaning he caught them successfully. They soon popped out their balls and went over to (Y/n). Yveltal stood behind him as Xerneas stood next to him.

Shauna and Serena then came back and saw (Y/n) with the two legendaries.

Shauna:"Wow! Xerneas is so majestic up close!"

Serena:"And Yveltal looks so imposing."

Lysandre:"Bravo! I knew you were the chosen one! Honestly, I thought Yveltal would put up more of a fight, but regardless, you caught it. And Xerneas as well. You've succeeded my expectations (Y/n). But to think those two would desire help... NEED help from a human!"

They all turned and saw Lysandre in some strange gear.

Lysandre:"(Y/n)! I challenge you for the rights of the legendaries! With Xerneas, my group shall forever live to be beautiful and with Yveltal we will purge the ugly of this world! I too have a Mega Ring!"

(Y/n):"You don't get it do you? You're not facing some third rate trainer with a fourth rate team, you're facing (Y/n), the Unova Champion!! How many Pokemon do you even have?!"


(Y/n):"It seems a bit unfair of me to have a full team of six. Not to mention these two legendaries are on the sidelines. That technically makes it eight. I'm breaking rules, but I'll do whatever to stop you. You think having the power of Mega Evolution can stop me? I only ever used it once!"


(Y/n):"Back when I first got it, Korrina taught me the basics with her Lucario. That's the only time I ever used Mega Evolution. But go ahead, use it. Be my guest! Greninja here has a new form and it's more than capable of taking on Mega Pokemon!"

Lysandre:"You cocky bastard! You will fall here! And your little girlfriends shall watch!"

He sent out Mienshao and Jiraiya flipped over (Y/n) and stared down his opponent.

(Y/n):"Hydro Pump!"

Jiraiya focused water into his palms before releasing a powerful stream of water at Mienshao. The blast knocked it back into a wall and made it faint.



Once Pyroar came out, Jiraiya already summoned a massive wave of water that crashed into it. Pyroar was down for the count.


He sent out the fedora wearing bird and (Y/n) used Hydro Pump again to take it down.

(Y/n):"Down to your last Pokemon buddy!"

Lysandre was freaking out as he ran his fingers through his hair and threw off his visor.

Lysandre:"Shut up! Quit mocking me! My convictions will let me overcome this trial!"

He sent out Gyarados and Jiraiya stood his ground.

Lysandre:"Mega evolve! Gyarados!"

He held his ring to the air and it shined brightly as Gyarados transformed.

(Y/n):"Jiraiya, let's finish this."

He nodded and charged right at Mega Gyarados.


Gyarados went blind with rage and began thrashing all over the place as Jiraiya dodged his attacks with ease and struck back with Water Shurikens and Night Slash. Gyarados was nearing its limit as Jiraiya created another large Water Shuriken and threw it right at it.

(Y/n):"It's over!"

And over it was. Gyarados fainted and Lysandre had nothing left. Well, one thing. He had a tiny bit of energy left for the weapon. Xerneas threw Shauna and Serena on its back and quickly escaped the building as Yveltal grabbed (Y/n) with its talons and lifted him up. Jiraiya quickly returned to his ball and they exited the building. With what he had left, Lysandre activated the weapon and sealed his fate.

Everyone was gathered out in front of the hole. Dexio, Sina, Trevor, and Tierno looked on as they saw Shauna and Serena riding Xerneas. They laughed happily then freaked when they saw (Y/n) being carried by Yveltal. Everyone was happy that everything was over. Shauna and Serena shared a kiss with (Y/n) before leaving and Sina did the same. Yveltal and Xerneas returned to their balls and were transferred to the PC.

AZ approached (Y/n) and relayed to him the story of the king once again, but near the end he said how long would he have to keep searching for his Pokemon. (Y/n) put two and two together and found out that AZ was the king from way back when.

(Y/n):"Well, I beat the 7th gym leader, fought Team Flare, caught two legendaries, put a stop to Team Flare for good, saw a cool laser get shot to the sky, and met the king of Kalos from 3,000 years ago. What a good way to kill 30 minutes."

Don't turn off the power.

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