Valerie: The Fairy Maiden

I awoke feeling well-rested and stretched out. I let out a loud yawn and scratched my back.

"Better get a move on."

I got up and bought some potions and repels before leaving the Pokemon Center. I walked around the city and bumped into a hex maniac who gave me the Mega Stone for Gengar. Gengarite. I thanked her and kept walking around and found a café. I went in to get some food to wake me up.

I ate good and finally set out for the gym. I walked inside and Clyde stopped me.

Clyde:"Hey champ in the making, thus gym is one giant dollhouse. Each warp panel leads you to a different room. Fairy types resist bug, fighting, and dark type moves. But you can beat them with steel or poison type moves."


I stepped on a warp panel and began battling trainers before I inevitably reached Valerie. She saw me and did a light bow.

Valerie:"Oh, if it isn't a young trainer... So you've flown all the way through my gym, fluttering down to me on a fortunate wind. Then I suppose you have earned yourself the right to a battle, as a reward for your efforts. I am Valerie, who leads this Fairy type gym. I hope your visit will prove entertaining to you."

"Yeah let's hope so."

Valerie:"The elusive Fairy types may appear frail as a breeze and delicate as a bloom, but they are strong."

She started off with a Mawile and I sent out Gaara.

Valerie:"A dragon type to lead off the fight. Interesting."

"Yeah but since dragons can't even touch fairies it'd be dumb to use one. But it's not dumb to use a ground type! Dig!"

Valerie:"Quick! Use Crunch!"

Mawile leaped at Gaara, but he burrowed beneath the ground quickly. He started circling around Mawile with his fin sticking out. He then closed in on her and burst from the ground and sliced her.



He landed on the ground and let out a happy cry.

Valerie:"Well played. Go! Mr. Mime!"

"Get back Gaara. Go! Yamato!"


"Swords Dance!"

Mr. Mime set up a barrier and Yamato spun around.


Mr. Mime waved his hands around and made Yamato crash into a wall, but he shook off the damage like it was nothing.

"Swords Dance!"

Yamato raised his attack by two stages again. Mr. Mime then used Light Screen as Yamato set up one last Swords Dance.

Valerie:"Look at our Pokemon! Putting on a beautiful display."

"Yeah. Yamato you got some moves on you dude."

He let out a happy cry as Valerie smiled softly.


Mr. Mime attacked again for a bit more damage than last time. Yamato hit back with a devastating Iron Head. It was then down for the count.

Valerie:"Go. Sylveon!"

She sent out her last Pokemon and it stared down Yamato.

Valerie:"Dazzling Gleam!"

"Iron Head!"

Sylveon attacked with magical sparkles as Yamato flew through it and bashed himself into Sylveon and knocking it out.

Valerie:"I hope the sun is shining tomorrow... That would be reason enough to smile."

We returned our Pokemon and she looked at me in the eyes.

Valerie:"Yes... That was a fine battle. I shall reward you for this great victory. This is the Fairy Badge. It is yours now."

She gave me that and TM99 Dazzling Gleam. She then tilted her head.

Valerie:"Oh? My, what a curious feeling..."


Valerie:"I don't know. The way you battled interests me. You've done splendidly and in fact, it left me wanting more. You've truly dazzled me. Sorry, I didn't get your name."

"It's (Y/n)."

Valerie:"(Y/n)... A wonderful name for someone as adorable as you. You know, many men have come in here to proclaim their love for me or challenge me to a battle so I can date them. Yet, they're always unsuccessful and leave with a gloomy look on their faces. But you. You came in only for the badge correct?"


Valerie:"You're so simple it's adorable."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Valerie:"Tell me, did you enjoy being in my gym? I would love to have you stay here with me."

"Ah... Actually, I gotta finish my journey then head home."

Valerie:"Aww, that's no fun. Please stay with me."

"How about we have some coffee another time?"

Valerie:"Hm... That will work. Let me see your Holo Caster."

I handed it to her and she messed with it and I managed to get her contact info.

Valerie:"Send me a message whenever you're free."

"Sure thing."

Valerie:"Wait. One more thing before you go."


She walked up and kissed my cheek which caught me by surprise.


Valerie:"That was...nice. I can't wait to do it again."

She let out a cute giggle and it caused me to smile.

"See you around."

Valerie:"Bye my cute little (Y/n)."

I stepped on a warp panel and got teleported to the entrance. I walked out and touched the cheek she kissed.


I looked up and saw Shauna and Trevor running up to me.

Shauna:"Hey (Y/n), we're going to go check out the Poke Ball Factory. It's just up past the city."

Trevor:"We'll see you there."

I nodded and they went on ahead. I healed up Yamato before going after them. When I did, Shauna ran up to the entrance and Trevor went after her. Tierno and Serena showed up just as Shauna and Trevor were running with a Team Flare grunt behind chasing them. Tierno then went to help.

Serena:"(Y/n), we should go check out if anymore members are inside."

"Way ahead of ya."

I walked on ahead and popped my neck.

"What a drag."

I walked inside and a grunt frowned.

Grunt:"Can't that idiot outside handle guard duty?"

She growled and got a Poke Ball ready, then Serena came inside.

Serena:"Are you Flare grunts taking a part time job here to pay for those ugly suits?"

"Oooh! Get her ass Serena! Haha! That's my girl!"

Serena blushed and smiled from ear to ear. The grunt grew red in embarrassment and started to battle Serena.

Serena:"Go on ahead, (Y/n)!"

"Got ya! Leave them to me!"

I started riding the conveyor belt and taking down grunts left and right before I entered a small office upstairs.

?:"Come now. Work for Team Flare! If you'd just help us out, we wouldn't have to carry all these Poke Balls by ourselves."

??:"Or with a contribution of ¥5 million, you could become a member of Team Flare. You'd be an idiot not to join.

"Really? That much for some cheap, ugly ass suits. You'd be a complete idiot to join those fools."

They turned and looked at me.

Man:"Please help me! I'm the president of this company!"

Admin:"I am an admin of Team Flare. You shall soon know your place."

She then sent out a Scraggy. And I reacted appropriately.

Admin:"Ugh! How rude!"

"You guys literally hijacked a Poke Ball Factory but whatever. Gaara, get out here and wreck her shit."

With that said, Gaara popped out from his ball and roared and shook the entire office. He slapped the Scraggy aside and knocked it out. Her Houndoom was next and Garchomp used Dig to avoid the attacks and knock it out.

Admin:"N-no! You didn't have to go all out for a pitiful president like him!"

"Ha! You think that was going all out? I have five other members on the team. Even if you took down Gaara, which I doubt you could do, I've got plenty of backup."

Celosia:"Talk about lame. An admin couldn't even beat some punk. Leave it to us. I am Celosia. One of the scientists for Team Flare."

Bryony:"And I'm Bryony.

Bryony:"A two on one should suffice."

"Makes it fair."

Celosia:"You're pretty cocky for a kid who's about to lose."

"Nah. I'm just stating the facts. Don't be hating."

The door opened and Serena ran inside.

Serena:"Sorry I'm late! I'll back you up (Y/n)."

"Fine. Makes things unfair, but oh well."

I smirked and the battle began. They sent out a Liepard and a Manetric.

A/n: Who else loves the lightning dog? I know I do.

I sent out Gaara again and Serena sent out Meowstic.

"Gaara, Dragon Claw on Liepard."

He nodded and dashed in the blink of an eye as his claw glowed purple and he slashed Liepard and made it crash into a wall.

Celosia:"Ugh! Bite on Garchomp!"

Manetric jumped up and bit Gaara on his right fin. He took little damage and growled. Garchomp then slammed his arm into the ground and Manetric howled out in pain. Meowstic then used Psychic to finish it off.

Admin:"Ugh! We already stolen enough Ultra Balls! Let's get going!"

They ran off and I yawned. We were both gifted with a Master Ball and a Big Nugget. We left and went back to the entrance when the other three showed up.

Shauna:"Hey guys."


Serena:"Sorry everyone, but now is not a good time to check out the factory. Team Flare came in and ruined everything. They stole a bunch of Poke Balls."

Trevor:"That's awful."

"So are the suits they wear."

Tierno:"We best not get involved with them."

"Yeah you guys are right."

Trevor:"We'll see you guys soon."

Shauna praised Serena and I before leaving.

Serena:"(Y/n). You did incredibly well throughout this ordeal. You took down every grunt and handled the admin and the scientists. But if I keep relying on you like this, going on this journey will lose its meaning..."

"It's okay Serena. Don't worry about Team Flare or anything else. Just focus on yourself. Do things at your own pace."

She nodded and hugged me. I hugged back and we stayed like that briefly before she let me go. I then went to Laverre City and went to Route 15. I battled trainers and reached Dendimille Town where I met up with Sycamore and Dexio.

Sycamore:"Do you remember the Pokemon Lysandre was talking about?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Sycamore:"Well you see, there are TWO legendary Pokemon of Kalos. Yveltal, the one Lysandre mentioned, and Xerneas. According to legends, people were so overwhelmed by their power, that they could only see why letters they resembled. Yveltal resembled the letter Y and Xerneas the letter X. Yveltal absorbs energy and Xerneas gives. Both have a life span of 1,000 years."


Sycamore:"That's not all. When Yveltal reaches the end of its life, it steals all of the spirits around it."

"What about Xerneas?"

Sycamore:"It releases all the remaining energy it has to bless new life into its resting place."

Dexio:"Where do they rest?"

Sycamore:"No one knows. They're resting spots are very secluded. Anyway, we'll be off now. See you later (Y/n)."

"See ya. Now what should I do?"


I turned and saw Trevor running up to me. He was sweating and panting heavily.

"What's good Trevor?"

Trevor:"Was the professor just here?"

"Yeah. He went over that way."

I pointed in the direction he went in and Trevor sighed.

Trevor:"I wanted to show him my Pokedex collection. Either way, I'll be heading to the Frost Cavern in a bit."

"Where's that at?"

Trevor:"Just over that way. You take some stairs that lead to the path."

"Hm. I'll go check it out as well. See you there."

He nodded and I went north to go look for the path. But before I did that, I went to the house near the gate. There, I found the Move Reminder and made Jiraiya remember the move Night Slash. After that, I went up north. I crossed a bridge and saw a guy petting a Mamoswine.

Guy:"Hey, you headed to the cave?"


Guy:"Well something is going on and it's making Mamoswine worried."

"That's odd."


"I'll go check out what's happening."

Guy:"Thank you."


I nodded at the Pokemon and walked on ahead. I entered the cold cavern and shivered.

"Should've brought a jacket."

I began exploring and battling some trainers before reaching another cave. I entered and rolled my eyes. There were two Flare grunts harassing an Abomasnow. Like, I don't think think get it. If he wanted to, Abomasnow could literally freeze theme solid and could hide the bodies in this cave. But that's just my way of thinking.

Trevor caught up and we battled the grunts. There was a scientist with them, so I head to deal with her.

Mable:"Prepare yourself! You are going against me! Mable of Team Flare!"

Do they all wear visors? Is that supposed to be a fashion statement?

Mable:"Hmm you seem strong and overflowing with energy. I think I'll take that!"

She sent out Houndoom and I sent out good ol' Jiraiya. One Surf and it was over.

Mable:"Not just strong... TOO STRONG! Not ordinary indeed..."

I smirked and Jiraiya let out a scoff before going back into his ball.

Mable:"Hmph! I've no patience for losing. Let's get out of here!"

They left and Trevor looked worriedly at me.

Trevor:"Doesn't battling with Team Flare scare you, (Y/n)?"

"Not in the slightest Li'l T. I fought Team Plasma remember and became champion. Trevor, when I faced off against their leader, he actually was going to freeze me solid. With a legendary Pokemon. I was staring death in the face, but was saved by a beautiful girl. I then put a stop in their plans once and for all."


"It's okay to be scared. But it's important to be bold when necessary. And you showing up to help was an example of that. Good on you Trevs."

I gave him a pat on the shoulder and caused him to smile.

Trevor:"You're right (Y/n). Thank you."

"No problem man."

He then ran off and I got ready to leave myself before the Abomasnow cried out. I turned and looked at him.


He tossed something at me and I managed to catch it. It was another Mega Stone.

"Heh. Thanks."

He cried out again and I tipped my hat to him before leaving.

Don't turn off the power.

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