The Final Trial
I was currently outside in Geosenge Town with Xerneas and Yveltal.
"Okay. So, I didn't get to properly introduce myself earlier because of all the shit that went down. I'm (Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you both."
The two glanced at each other before their bodies started glowing.
"Ah! What's happening?!"
They stopped and in their place stood two women.
Yveltal:"Hello, Master (Y/n)."
Xerneas:"Master! It's a pleasure to be here with you!"
Xerneas walked over and hugged me tightly. She stood at my height and was rubbing her cheek against mine. Yveltal got on the other side of me and put my arm between her breasts.
Yveltal:"Is this a proper way to show affection?"
"Y-yeah..." I forgot legendaries could do that too.
Xerneas:"So, what do you want us to do Master?"
"First off. Don't call me that. Just call me (Y/n)."
Yveltal:"A first name basis already? You move fast."
Xerneas:"Hee hee. He sure does!"
"Oh brother..."
They held me tightly and I just sighed.
I hope Reshiram and Kyurem don't mind.
Yveltal:"What's your next move?"
"I'm going to face the last gym leader, go through Victory Road, and beat the Elite Four! And also tell Diantha off for not doing something for her region."
Xerneas:"You fought valiantly. You and Greninja."
Yveltal:"I agree. You two put up a great fight against me. I've never been so thrilled before!"
She yanked me closer to her which made Xerneas stumble.
Xerneas:"Hey! Don't hog him!"
She yanked me back and Yveltal growled.
Yveltal:"Don't yank him!"
She did just that and I was caught in between a game of tug-of-war with these two.
"Stop. Please. If you keep going then you'll tear off my arms."
They immediately stopped and I let out a sigh of relief.
I turned to look at Yveltal.
"How do I pronounce your name? Anytime anyone says your name, they say it like EE-VAL-TAL."
Yveltal:"It's YA-VUL-TAL!"
She smirked and struck a proud pose.
"That...rolls off the tongue better. Sweet. Thanks Yveltal."
Yveltal:"Now you're getting the picture my dear (Y/n)."
Xerneas:"Hey! Quit taking all his attention."
Yveltal:"Not my fault my name is so cool!"
Xerneas:"He had to ask so you don't go on another tantrum and kill a bunch of my beautiful trees!"
Yveltal:"That was one time!
They growled at each other and I just chuckled awkwardly.
* * *
I was back in Anistar City with Xerneas and Yveltal in the PC. I left and walked around before getting a message from the professor. He wanted to meet me in Couriway Town which was past Route 18. It was a short route, but I chose to explore a place called Terminus Cave. Some places required Rock Smash to get through so I brought Upchuck and began navigating.
There plenty of items for grabs and I found the jackpot. It was a Dusk Stone. I smiled brightly and quickly used it on Yamato. He evolved from a Doublade into an Aegislash.
After that, I picked up some more items and left the cave and reached the next town. I met the professor on a bridge and he sighed heavily.
Sycamore:"I have to apologize to you about Lysandre... I'm very sorry for the trouble he caused..."
"What's done is done. Team Flare never stood a chance."
He smiled softly.
Sycamore:"I'm sincerely grateful for what you did for all of the Pokemon and people of this world. And by stopping Team Flare, you also saved Lysandre. I always knew that he desired a beautiful world... And maybe someday the population of people and Pokemon will actually increase to where resources become very scarce. If someone acts out of greed in such a world, sure some will go without. If all living things keep acting that way, there will be nothing left at all in the end. Why, there won't even be anything left to steal, will there?"
He sighed once more and turned to face me and brushed some hair out of his face.
Sycamore:"But what I really wanted was for him to put his ego aside and lead everything to greater heights. I never had this discussion with him, though. So I'm partially responsible for this. Well, enough of that. (Y/n)! I want you to hit me with your best shot!"
He sent out a Venasaur and I sent out Ravel. One Acrobatics was enough to bring it down. Blastoise was next and I sent out Saur. Two Razor Leaves took it down. Charizard was last and one Hydro Pump was more than enough.
Sycamore:"As expected of you. There is a treasure of mine hidden here. I hope you find it. And I'm off. I want to prepare something for you and the others for stopping Team Flare and saving Kalos!"
I nodded and continued on my path. I got to Route 19 and just followed the path. I got on a bridge when I heard my name being called. I looked over my shoulder and saw Shauna.
Shauna:"(Y/n)! Do you know what's about to happen?"
"Of course I do."
Shauna:"That's right! Time for a Pokemon battle!"
She sent out a Delcatty first and Jiraiya swiftly took it down. Next was a Goodra.
"What is that?!"
Shauna:"This is Goopy! Isn't he cute?"
I just looked away and scratched my head to avoid answering.
"Uh. Gaara. Fight?"
Gaara popped out and stared down his opponent.
Shauna:"From what Trevor told me, Goodra here is a pseudo legendary. That means he's tough!"
"That thing's a pseudo? Wow. Let me fact check this."
I grabbed my Poke Dex and looked up Goodra. Worst mistake of my life.
A Hisuian form? That must be how it looked back in the day and what the hell is that at the bottom?!
The results of images disgusted me so much so that I threw up.
Shauna:"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!"
"No! Gaara! Get that thing out of here!"
He nodded and quickly used Dragon Claw on it.
"Oh Arceus... Why..?"
I wiped my mouth as she sent out her Delphox that was beaten with Dig.
"Fucking furries..."
Shauna:"Yep. I can see why Team Plasma and Flare couldn't beat you."
She smiled sweetly at me and I smiled back. Trevor and Tierno also showed up and challenged me to a battle.
Shauna:"Wow Tierno, I didn't think you'd be battling."
Tierno:"Well, Geosenge made me realize that if (Y/n) wasn't there then I wouldn't be here dancing."
Trevor fought next and smiled even when he lost.
Trevor:"Thank you (Y/n). If it wasn't for you, I don't think I'd have the courage to try and battle you. It's thanks to all of you that I've broken out of my shell."
Shauna:"That's what friends are for!"
Tierno:"Speaking of which, where's Serena?"
Trevor:"She's off training with the Mega Evolution guru."
Shauna:"That sounds neat. Anyway, we'll be going now (Y/n)."
Trevor and Tierno left first and Shauna gave me HM05 Waterfall before leaving as well.
"Alright. One gym left. Time to give that fool a piece of mind."
I passed through the gate and made it to Snowbelle City. I went to the gym, but Wulfric wasn't there. Clyde said he was in the Winding Woods just outside the city. And so, I went there to find him. After a few minutes I did. Wulfric was talking with some abandoned Pokemon and told me to head back to his gym.
I got back and solved the puzzle and beat him easily with Yamato. My next stop was Victory Road. But before that I went to Route 20 and found the TM for Earthquake and went to Couriway Town to find the TM for Rock Slide. I passed through Route 19 and traversed through Victory Road easily. I was nearing the end when Serena stopped me.
Serena:"(Y/n) wait!"
"What's up?"
Serena:"I've been thinking ever since all that trouble in Geosenge. Lysandre chose only Team Flare. You and I chose everyone but Team Flare. But since our positions forced our hands, you can't really say any of us were right. That's why I feel that... If both sides have something to say, maybe it's best to meet halfway... So, I made a decision... From now on, I don't want to battle just to win but to see how you and your Pokemon think and feel! That's the kind of Pokemon battle I'm going to have with you right now!"
She took in a deep breath and smiled then sent out her Meowstic.
"Very well then Serena. Jiraiya!"
He appeared and nodded at me.
Serena:"Fake Out!"
Meowstic made Jiraiya flinch and she pumped her fist.
"Night Slash."
He created a dark blade and dashed at it and sliced Meowstic to make it faint.
Serena:"Go! Altaria!"
She sent out the cute fluffy dragon and I sent out Gaara.
"Dragon Claw!"
He roared and ran to it and sliced Altaria down.
Serena:"Go! Vaporeon!"
"Saur! Your turn! And use Razor Leaf!"
Saur popped out and so did Vaporeon. Saur attacked first and dealt big damage to Vaporeon.
Serena:"Aurora Beam!"
Vaporeon attacked with a beam of rainbow colors and dealt a bit of damage to Saur. Saur attacked once more and finished it off.
Serena:"Chesnaught! Go!"
I sent out Sakura and she cried out happily.
She absorbed the moon's power and shot a large orb of magic and knocked out Chesnaught. Her last Pokemon was Absol and I sent out Jiraiya to finish the job and he did just that.
Serena:"Still can't beat you... (Y/n), I'm really glad you came back to Kalos. I was lonely without you. My heart yearned for your return. And then you came back and it made me so glad! And if you also hadn't come back then I wouldn't be able to be your girlfriend. I love you (Y/n). I want to see you become the Kalos champion!"
She ran up and smashed her lips into mine before pulling away and running away happily. I was stunned then smiled happily.
"That result is inevitable."
I kept going and had to go through one last cave before finally reaching the Pokemon League.
There was a Pokemon Center and I healed up. I then changed up the moves on Gaara.
"Alright. It's go time!"
I was walking and reached the small puddle of water.
?:"You there!"
"What now?"
I turned and saw a strange dude I've never seen before.
?:"You're off to challenge the league aren't you?"
"Yeah. And what of it?"
?:"I'm going to challenge them first and become the champion."
"No way man. I got here first."
?:"Then I'll battle you! Winner challenges the league first."
"Fine by me."
Alain:"I'm Alain! And you, (Y/n), will be defeated!"
"So you know of me then?"
Alain:"Of course. Everyone received your message when you planned to bring down Team Flare all on your own. I must say, I'm impressed but you're still no match for me!"
"We'll just see about that."
Alain:"Go! Unfeazant!"
He sent out the Unova regional bird and I shook my head.
I sent out Gaara and he roared loudly.
"Rock Slide!"
Gaara roared the sky as rocks appeared over Unfeazant and crashed down onto it. It cried in pain and fainted.
Alain:"Lucky shot! This next one will put you in your place! Go! Weavile!"
He sent out his next Pokemon that smirked at Gaara.
Gaara managed to be faster and attacked again and knocked out Weavile.
"Come on buddy. I haven't got all day. Oh wait! I do! I've got plenty of time to kill before kicking the league's ass."
Alain:"Shut up! Go! Tyranitar!"
Gaara stomped the ground harshly and it shook as debris exploded and hit Tyranitar. It stumbled before toppling over. He sent out a Metagross next and it too went down to another Earthquake.
"That it? You've used all four of your Pokemon."
Alain:"I still have two more!"
"Oh? That's a surprise."
"Well, every trainer I fought besides Serena carried only four Pokemon or less. In fact, I'm quite happy to see someone with a full team!"
Alain:"Whatever. Bisharp!"
He sent out the sharp soldier and I made Gaara use Earthquake.
Alain:"Sucker Punch!"
Bisharp quickly acted and ran up to Gaara and punched him across the face. It dealt some damage but he shook it off.
"The first bit of damage I got. Congrats!"
Bisharp then went down to Earthquake.
Alain:"Alright! Time to go all out! This is my ace! Charizard!"
He sent out his Charizard which had a collar around it with a stone in the center.
Alain:"Are you familiar with Mega Evolution?!"
"I am."
I lifted my arm and showed him my Mega Ring.
Alain:"Well then, prepare yourself for something marvelous! Something incredibly powerful! Charizard!"
He touched the stone on his own Mega Ring and it glowed as did Charizard's stone.
Alain:"Mega evolve!"
He lifted it up and a bright light swirled around Charizard. It exploded and Charizard had become something new.
Alain:"Meet Mega Charizard X! He has now become a Fire/Dragon type! He shall put an end to your Garchomp!"
"So Charizard needs to attain a higher state of power to go toe to toe with Gaara here? Heh. Now you've caught my interest."
Alain:"I'll wipe that smug look off your face! Dragon Claw!"
He roared loudly before flying straight at Gaara. His claws glowed green and he swiped at Gaara.
"Counter with Dragon Claw!"
Gaara roared and his claws glowed purple and he clashed with Charizard. The two were struggling against each other before both pushed each other away.
"Wow. Your Charizard really is something."
Alain:"Heh. Exactly!"
"Gaara. Return."
I brought Gaara back and smirked.
"Jiraiya. You're up."
I gently tossed Jiraiya's ball and he popped out.
Alain:"Greninja huh? You fool. Charizard will bring him down. His moves won't be super effective after all!"
"But they'll still do damage will they not? Same goes for you. You have no super effective moves I'm guessing."
Alain:"Well no... BUT! Mega Evolution is gonna be enough to bring down you're whole team."
"Is that so?"
Alain:"Yes! I'll bring this whole match around!"
"Very well... Then, I guess I should fight on equal footing with your Mega Evolution!"
Alain:"Dumbass, Greninja doesn't have a Mega Evolution!"
"He doesn't need one. Let's go Jiraiya!"
He nodded and yelled out as a spiral of water erupted and swirled around him.
Alain:"What?! What is this?!"
"I'm not sure myself, but Jiraiya and I have developed a powerful bond over the course of battling. I guess you could say his ability is Battle Bond. But I'll just call it Sage Mode for the sake of his name."
Jiraiya then focused the water to his back and formed the shuriken.
"Either way, it means you stand no chance in beating me. You never did. This just solidifies that fact!"
Alain:"Shut up you cocky bastard! Dragon Claw!"
Charizard flew at Jiraiya who looked back at me and I nodded. Jiraiya flipped over Charizard and grabbed his Water Shuriken. He threw it straight down at Charizard and made him crash to the ground.
He roared in pain as Jiraiya landed back on the ground. Charizard got up and glared at Jiraiya. Jiraiya beckoned him over which infuriated him. Charizard flew straight at Jiraiya again and went for another Dragon Claw. Jiraiya blocked it with his Water Shuriken and held his ground.
Jiraiya pushed him back and flipped away. Charizard huffed angrily and spewed flames into the air.
Alain:"Thunder Punch!"
"Night Slash!"
Charizard's fists sparked with electricity and Jiraiya created a blade of darkness and ran at Charizard. Charizard glided at Jiraiya and started hurling punches at him. Jiraiya blocked the attacks with his blade and managed to get a hit it on his neck. Charizard was launched back and rolled along the ground.
"Let's wrap this up."
Charizard raised his fist and punched ground hard enough to crack it as blue flames erupted and began going everywhere.
"Water Shuriken! Full Power!"
Jiraiya grabbed his shuriken and held it over his head as it expanded greatly in size and he hurled it at Charizard. It spun rapidly and crashed against him as fire erupted beneath Jiraiya. A large explosion momentarily blinded us both as a large cloud of smoke blocked our view after. It then cleared with Jiraiya down on one knee. Charizard on the other hand...
Alain:"No... I lost..."
Charizard reverted back to his normal form and was laying on his back. Alain returned Charizard back to his ball and ran off in a hurry.
A/n: Justice for Ash you son of a bitch.
"You okay bud?"
Jiraiya nodded softly and I returned him as well.
"Heh, that was the best battle I've had so far."
Don't turn off the power.
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