Team What Now?
I awoke with the sun shining brightly through the polished windows, which caused me to recoil and shield my eyes. I blinked a few times before they adjusted to the brightness. I looked down and saw Shauna cuddling up against me with her head resting gently on my chest. She had one arm also slung over my body. I smiled and rubbed her head.
This caused her to stir awake. She looked up at me and smiled.
Shauna:"I'm so glad that it wasn't a dream."
"Same here."
She pecked my lips before getting out the bed. I got out as well and popped my back before getting my shoes on.
"We better head to Route 7."
She nodded and got her shoes on before we walked out together. Our hands were linked together as we walked to Route 7. Once there, I gave the man the Poke Flute. He played the song and caused the Snorlax to wake up.
I sent out Saur and the Snorlax cried out.
"Alright, let's use Leech Seed!"
Saur shot seeds from the bulb on his back and they sprouted around Snorlax and wrapped around his stubby body. After that, it was simply a matter of throwing balls until I succeeded. It took about 6 Great Balls before I eventually caught him.
"Sweet! I got the Snorlax. I'll call you Upchuck."
A/n: If you get the reference you get a cookie.
Shauna cheered for me as the owner of the palace tried patching things up with the other man. Emphasis on tried. With that out the way, I continued my trek. The daycare center was there on Route 7 as was this place called the Battle Chateau. I walked in and Viola was there.
Viola:"Oh, if it isn't (Y/n). What is your title in the nobility?"
"What? I don't know but it'd probably be something cool like lord or king."
She giggled and then looked at me with a smile.
Viola:"That's a surprise. I really thought that you would have a title already. Considering how strong you are. See, your title here at the Battle Chateau shows everyone just how strong you are. Only a handful of trainers can join the ranks of the nobility and earn these titles!"
"Heh, I'm already a champion so some artificial title is of no meaning to me."
Viola:"I guess not."
An old man sized me up and down and granted me the title of baron.
Viola:"Well, increase your rank and maybe we'll battle again!"
She left and I looked around the building and shrugged. I walked around and battled every trainer there with Yamato. It was practically a wash considering they couldn't do much against him. They simply couldn't bear the power of the Yamato. Upon beating every trainer, I was granted the title of viscount.
I left and continued walking along the route where I saw Serena waiting by a set of stairs.
Serena:"Hi (Y/n)!"
She smiled sweetly and I waved at her.
"What's up Serena?"
Serena:"Oh nothing just waiting for you guys."
Serena:"I want to have a battle with everyone."
As she said that, Tierno and Trevor came by.
Serena:"How about we pair up? I will be with (Y/n) and you two can be a team."
She wrapped her arms around mine and pulled me close to her.
Tierno:"How's that fair? He's a champion!"
"I'll make it fair by using only 1 Pokemon."
They thought about it and nodded. The battle began and I used Yamato. The battle wasn't even worth the recap.
Trevor:"Man, he's the real deal."
"See you 'round, folks!"
I passed through a cave and reached Route 8. Sina and Dexio met me there. They were there to update my Pokedex so it could record the coastal part of Kalos. They left after that.
I went past Route 8 and made it to Ambrette Town. Serena caught up with me and hugged me happily.
Serena:"Hi (Y/n)!"
"Hey Serena."
She let go and held a pink tint on her cheeks.
Serena:"We pass through the aquarium to reach Cyllage City, but first we should head to the fossil lab. We might get some insight on what Mega Stones are."
We walked to the lab and talked with a scientist there. He unfortunately had nothing to say about Mega Evolution. I let out an annoyed groan and he tried to console me by saying his assistant should know a thing or two.
I left the lab and went to Route 9. His assistant was in Glittering Cave but to reach there, I had to ride a Ryhorn over sharp rocks. It was sooooo slow. I was trying so hard not to doze off. I eventually reached the entrance and walked in.
The inside was a winding mess. Pokemon attack from the shadows. Speaking of shadows, I found the TM65 Shadow Claw in the cave. I taught it to Yamato. I found an opening and walked through it. I reached a mining area, but someone else was there.
Grunt:"What's this? Well, well. What do we have here? A nosy little trainer has come poking around. Listen up! We're the fashionable team whose very name makes people tremble in fear: Team Flare! Team Flare's goal is to make it so we're the only ones who are happy! We don't care one bit about what happens to other trainers or Pokemon. Get out of here, kid. Don't you know not to play with fire?"
"I think I threw up in my mouth."
"Bro, your suit is loud not fashionable. You got zero drip."
Grunt:"Shut up! Get him, Houndour!"
He sent out a Houndour and I tossed out Jiraiya.
"Water Pulse!"
Jiraiya nodded before shooting a pulse of water straight at Houndour and bringing it down in one hit.
Grunt:"Shit! Zubat!"
He tossed out the purple bat and I sent out Yamato.
Zubat shouted and confused Yamato.
"Shadow Claw!"
Yamato glowed purple and swung itself at Zubat and brought it down.
Grunt:"Shit! You may have beaten me, but I'm not the only member of Team Flare!"
"I really thought you would. No way in hell is someone voluntarily wearing that thing you got on."
He went red and looked away as I walked past him. I fought another grunt and then came across a pair of them.
Grunt 1:"Hey trainer, don't think you can get past us!"
Grunt 2:"You'll be stomped flat!"
"Is that so? Then bring it on!"
I smirked as they sent out a Croagunk and Scraggy. I sent out Ravel and Yamato. Both had access to Flying type moves and knocked them out.
Serena:"(Y/n)! I'm here to... Help?"
She saw the grunts on the floor weeping softly.
"Let's just hurry and find that damned scientist. I got better things to do."
She nodded and we walked further in the cave and found the assistant. He was too absorbed in his work to notice Team Whatever hanging around. He gave Serena and I a fossil. I got the Jaw Fossil and she got the Sail Fossil.
I left the cave and went back to Ambrette Town and walked through the aquarium to reach the other part of Route 8. I made my way and reached Cyllage City. I found a bike shop and answered a question to win a free bike. I started walking up a paved slope where I met the gym leader Grant.
Grant also gave me the HM04 Strength. I climbed up the slope and entered his gym. To reach the top I had to do some rock climbing. I eventually made it and we began our battle.
Grant:"Go! Amaura!"
"Jiraiya! Let's take this guy down!"
We sent out our Pokemon and Jiraiya nodded at me.
"Use Water Pulse!"
He held his palms close together before he released a pulse of water right at Grant's Pokemon. It did major damage but it still didn't faint.
Grant:"Thunder Wave!"
Amaura's fins glowed and released a yellow wave that paralyzed Jiraiya.
Grant:"Aurora Beam!"
Amaura released a beam of rainbow color but it wasn't very effective on Jiraiya.
"Finish it off with another Water Pulse!"
He pushed through the paralysis and finished it off. I returned Jiraiya and brought out Saur. He sent out his last Pokemon.
"Alright, use Leech Seed!"
Saur shot seeds from his bulb that grew and wrapped themselves around Tyrunt's legs.
Grant:"Rock Tomb!"
Tyrunt roared and rocks fell from above and hit Saur. The attack also lowered his speed. The Leech Seed drained his health and healed Saur.
Grant:"Now use Bite!"
It ran up and bit Saur on his bulb which hurt him.
"Poison Powder! Now!"
While Tyrunt still had his jaw around the bulb, Saur shot powder from it and caused it to get poisoned. The Leech Seed and Poison Powder chipped his health away.
Tyrunt stomped on Saur's head but he withstood the attack and retaliated with a Razor Leaf. He landed a critical hit and finished the battle.
I took my badge and TM and left.
"Well, I got two badges and there's some wack ass team here. This is gonna be one hell of a week."
"Thank you psychic trainer on Route 10."
Don't turn off the power.
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