Seeking Further Evolution
Upon my arrival on Route 10 I decided to see what kind of Pokemon it had. I searched through the grass and found several kinds.
During my seventh wild encounter, I found an Eevee.
I managed to catch it with a Luxury Ball.
"Hm. It's female. What should I call it?"
I thought about what I'd evolve into first to choose a proper nickname for it.
"Eevee can evolve into a Fairy type right? I'll just call you Sakura. That's pink and fairies are pink so makes sense to me haha."
I began playing games with Sakura, feeding her Poke Puffs, and petting her soft fur. Like you would not believe just how soft it was. If Sakura was able to grow comically large then you and so many other people could sleep gently on her fur. Anyway she seemed pretty affectionate after about playing with her for 20 minutes.
A/n: Rough estimate of how long it took for me to get her to 2 hearts in Pokemon-Amie.
Sakura was level 19 when I got her and she had the move Baby-Doll Eyes on her. After doing some training, she evolved right at level 20 and learned the moves Refresh and Draining Kiss. Sakura had evolved into a Sylveon in no time.
"Haha! I did it!"
Sakura looked up at me and cried happily before wrapping her ribbons around my arm and began walking with me. I was confused by this action and checked the PokeDex. It said that it wraps the ribbons around their beloved trainer and walks with them. I just let it happen because it made her happy.
We went back to Route 10 where another Team Flare member was standing there. He was babbling on about revenge, but I was day dreaming and just nodded my head along with him. He tried to battle me but it was an easy curb stomp. He wasn't the only grunt as there were a couple more on the way to the next town. Eventually I got there and saw a grunt walk off.
I chased after him as he ran to a corner of the town but when I got there he was gone. It was a dead end. There was nothing but a large rock formation there. I sighed and walked away to continue my trek to Shalour City. When I reached the edge of town, Korrina showed up again.
Korrina:"I'm not exactly sure, but I think Lucario is saying it wants to battle with you. Would you battle with us? So, I have two Lucario... But do you know which is the one that has taken a shine to you?"
"I guess we'll find out."
She smiled and sent out her first Lucario. I sent out Ravel and our battle began. Ravel spammed Ember and took them both down.
Korrina:"Wh-what?! Not even my ultra-powerful Lucario duo could stand up to you?!"
"Heh, I'm just that good."
Korrina:"OK! Now I get it! I see why Lucario likes you so much! So! Do you remember that I'm the gym leader in Shalour City?"
Korrina:"Good! Once you get past the cave just beyond here, you'll be there, so stop by and say hello! I'll be waiting~"
She winked at me before skating off. I just shrugged and made my way to Route 11. I reached a cave called Reflection Cave and traversed the inside of it to find the exit. I fought the trainers and eventually Saur managed to evolve once again!
I kept going until I finally reached the exit and made it to Shalour City. I healed up before meeting up with Trevor and Tierno. They told me to head to the Tower of Mastery to find the Mega Evolution guru. It was up north and I walked inside the tower. The first thing to catch my eye was a large stone statue of Mega Lucario.
There was a door under the base of the statue and I walked in it. There I found the guru and Korrina. Soon everyone else gathered inside the tower.
Trevor:"It feels like it's been ages since we were all gathered together."
Tierno:"Yeah! I think it's been since we met up on Route 7."
The guru introduced Korrina as his granddaughter to the rest of them. He began explaining Mega Evolution. It's a transformation of Pokemon that were thought to he unable to evolve any further! It's a whole new level of power! But not all Pokemon have a Mega Evolution. The reason it's a transformation rather than an entire evolution is because it ends after a certain amount of time. In other words, it's a temporary evolution.
It requires some special items in order for it to occur. But the most important element is the trust between Pokemon and trainer. To make Mega Evolution work, you need two items: a Mega Stone for the Pokemon and the Mega Ring, which has a mysterious stone set in it, for the trainer.
The guru wanted to entrust us all with these items but only had one left. It was up to us to decide who should have it.
Tierno:"Battling isn't my thing. It'd just be a waste."
Shauna:"I'll pass as well."
Trevor:"I want to complete the PokeDex first. If you try to do too much at once, you won't accomplish anything."
Shauna:"So that leaves (Y/n) and Serena, then."
They all looked at the two of us. Serena took a deep breath and looked at me.
Serena:"(Y/n), I'll just come out and say it. You deserve the Mega Ring. We all know it. You came back from Unova and did so much over there. We'd be idiots to not see your potential to master Mega Evolution."
Serena:"But what kind of trainer would I be if I didn't try and put up a fight!"
"...if that's your wish."
Serena nodded and grabbed a ball from her side.
"Let's battle it out then."
She sent out a Meowstic and I sent out Yamato.
Serena:"Disarming Voice!"
Meowstic let out a voice and the soundwaves hit Yamato but he didn't even react to it.
"Shadow Claw!"
His blade body glowed purple and slashed the Meowstic. It cried out in pain and flew back.
Serena:"No! Psybeam!"
Meowstic was still standing and let out a purple and pink beam of psychic energy. The attack landed and Yamato shrugged it off and ended it with another Shadow Claw.
Serena:"Okay! Go! Absol!"
"Go! Sakura!"
I sent out Sakura who cried out in joy.
Serena:"Quick Attack!"
Absol rushed at her quickly and tackled her. She slid back a bit but shook her body and held a determined look. Suddenly Serena's Absol had hearts for eyes.
Absol howled to the sky and panted as it looked at Sakura.
"Huh. Her ability is Cute Charm and it activated. Draining Kiss!"
Sakura blew a kiss using a ribbon and there was a set of pink lips that landed on Absol's head and drained it of its energy.
Serena:"Use Slash!"
Absol managed to attack and hit Sakura but she took hit and ended it with a Swift.
Serena:"Return. Here we go! Quilladin!"
I guess, by definition, that is a Pokemon. That's all I can say about it. "Draining Kiss!"
Sakura attacked again and took a bit of its health. Quilladin used Bite but it wasn't very effective. Sakura attacked again and nearly took it down.
Serena:"Needle Arm!"
Quilladin grew thorns on its arms and slapped them against Sakura. She cried out in pain but stood strong.
Sakura shot stars out her mouth and they hit Quilladin and knocked him out.
Serena:"So...I lost, then. (Y/n) you're truly something else! You only needed two Pokemon to beat me. I just know you'll be able to Mega Evolve your Pokemon."
Korrina:"(Y/n)! Before you get the Mega Ring, you're going to have challenge my gym!"
"Sounds like a plan."
After a bit more talking, I left the tower and healed up the team before hitting the gym. The inside was a giant skating rink. I fought the trainers to open a path to Korrina. As I beat the last one, Yamato reached level 35 and evolved into Doublade.
Korrina:"Okay (Y/n)! Let's do this! Time to show you how I roll!"
"Bring it."
Korrina sent out a Mienfoo and I sent out Yamato.
Korrina:"Fake Out!"
"Swords Dance!"
Mienfoo tried to attack Yamato but he wasn't hurt in the slightest and raised his attack.
Korrina:"Power-Up Punch!"
Mienfoo's paw glowed bright orange before it threw a punch at Yamato. Her fist phased through his body and Mienfoo started to sweat a bit.
"Swords Dance again."
He set up once again as Korrina scowled. Her next attack was also useless and Yamato had finished setting up.
"Aerial Ace."
Yamato flew at Mienfoo and slashed it and knocked it out.
Korrina:"Return! Go Machoke!"
She sent out her next Pokemon and Yamato acted without me telling him anything and cleanly knocked it out.
She returned Machoke and sent out her last Pokemon.
Korrina:"Come on Hawlucha! Please!"
Hawlucha came out and it looked back at Korrina worriedly.
"Where's your motivation?"
"Why not use that Lucario of yours? Would make for an interesting challenge."
Korrina:"No! I can't just bring in a last minute Pokemon! That goes against the rules!"
"So be it..."
I snapped my fingers and Yamato took out Hawlucha instantly. I returned Yamato to his ball and thanks to the Exp. Share, Ravel evolved as well at level 35 into Talonflame.
Korrina:"Wow... I..."
"Sorry Korrina. We can have a rematch one day. I'll also have Yamato off limits."
Korrina:"No its fine... I just can't believe I was dominated so easily. Thanks for showing me I have a bit more to learn, (Y/n)."
Korrina handed me the badge and TM98 Power-Up Punch.
Korrina:"But come to the top of the Tower of Mastery to earn your Mega Ring. I'll have a special trial for you there."
I nodded and she left ahead of me before I followed shortly after. I went back to the tower and made my way up to the top. I reached a balcony where Korrina stood with her Lucarios.
Korrina:"I really love this place! When I'm here with my Pokemon, looking at the wide-open sky above, all my worries disappear, and I feel like I can do anything! Thanks for coming all the way up here. It was decided that this must be the place where the Mega Ring is handed over. Something about making sure we never forget to set our sights as high as the sky. And here it is, your very own Mega Ring! It's in the shape of a bracelet, so it's super easy to wear!"
She attached a black bracelet on my left wrist and it had a weird stone in it as well. Her Lucario then approached me and looked into my eyes.
Korrina:"It seems like Lucario really wants to battle with you. How about we have a Lucario versus Lucario battle? They already both have Lucarionite in hand!"
"Heh. Sounds like fun. I'm in."
Korrina:"Then let's do this!"
"Lucario! Time to Mega Evolve!"
I tapped the stone and raised the bracelet to the air as the stone glowed. Lucario glowed as well before letting out a burst of energy and transformed.
Korrina did the same thing and the Lucarios stared each other down.
"Power-Up Punch!"
Korrina:"Use the same thing!"
The two of them charged right at each other and punched each other in the face. They were pushed back by the force and stared each other down before Korrina's Lucario fainted. And then the one I used fainted right after.
Korrina:"Heh, looks like you win. The two of them put their entire being into those attacks."
Korrina returned them to their balls and looked at me.
Korrina:"Would you take Lucario with you?"
"I don't know. I already have one and he's incredible even without Mega Evolution."
"Yeah. He and I have been through thick and thin ever since he was a Riolu. I'd take Lucario, but I feel like I'd only be taking him for the Mega Stone."
Korrina looked at me shocked before smiling softly.
Korrina:"You're a kind trainer. Now I see why Lucario chose you. If you want, you may take Lucario with you and have it train under your other Lucario. That way they develop together and become good friends and rivals."
"Heh, not a bad idea. Thanks Korrina."
She handed me Lucario and I smiled before I felt something touch my cheek. I looked and saw Korrina gave it a kiss. She giggled and I blushed lightly.
Korrina:"I look forward to seeing what kind of trainer you'll be."
Don't turn off the power.
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