Power Plant Problems
I was currently in the Pokemon Center on the phone with Prof. Juniper.
Juniper:"Hey (Y/n)! Haven't heard from you in a while! How are things in Kalos?"
"Pretty chill. Going through the gym challenge here too. And got to meet some new Pokemon."
Juniper:"That's fantastic to hear!"
"I have a favor to ask if that's alright?"
Juniper:"Anything for you!"
"So I have this Lucario I got as a gift and I was wondering if there was a way to deposit it into my PC in Unova."
Juniper:"Yep! Is there any reason why though?"
"I wanted it to meet up with Anubis and have him train him."
Juniper:"Ooh that's interesting. Sure thing! All you need to do is place the Poke Ball in that indentation on the computer and I'll take care of the rest."
I nodded and did as she said as she began typing away at something before the ball began glowing and turned to particles and was whisked away.
"Sweet! It worked!"
"Thanks professor."
Juniper:"You're welcome dear. Enjoy your time back home."
"Thanks, I will."
She smiled and ended the call.
"Alright. What's next?"
I took a look at my team and saw Yamato, Ravel, and Jiraiya all at level 35. Saur was at 34. Yamato had more experience points which surprised me. He was the fourth member of the team and he caught up in no time. I guess him completely stomping Korrina's gym also helped with the jump in levels. Guess they couldn't handle the power of the Yamato. Sakura was level 33 after being another late member. She certainly did some work on some trainers before.
I had 5 members in total. I also had Upchuck but he was mainly used for Strength. I had one slot left for the main Kalos crew. I shrugged before putting Yamato in the PC. He deserved a break after completely carrying me throughout a part of my journey. In fact, pretty much everyone else had taken a backseat ever since he joined the squad. I left the Pokemon Center and went out to the gate that extends to Route 12.
Serena:"(Y/n), wait!"
I turned and saw Serena running towards me. She stopped and outstretched her hand.
Serena:"You can only get past Route 12 by using Surf. So take this."
I received HM03 Surf.
Serena:"Good luck with your next gym badge!"
She smiled and hugged me before running off. I promptly taught Jiraiya the move Surf. I went to Route 12 and was about to step foot on the beach when a Pokemon Breeder stopped me.
Guy:"Now hold on, nephew!"
Guy:"You's in need of a lift to cross them bodies of water? I got you! I have this here Lapras that saved my life way back when! She's a true blessing, but she'd be better off in the hands of a trainer."
"You want me to take care of Lapras?"
"Sure thing sir."
Guy:"Thank you, nephew!"
I received a Lapras and named her Nessie. I sailed across the water and fought a couple of trainers which resulted in Jiraiya truly embracing his ninja way.
I continued along my way and talked with a girl who gave me the TM for Acrobatics then I entered the Seaside Station. It was where I had to go to ride the monorail that lead to Coumarine City. When I entered, I saw Prof. Sycamore talking with Diantha. It was a short talk and the professor gave me HM02 Fly before leaving. There was also a lady there that gave me a Lucky Egg.
Diantha:"(Y/n), you look good. I hope the gym challenge has been treating you well."
"Well..." Should I tell her I completely stomped Korrina with a single Pokemon? "Been fairly simple really."
Diantha:"I expected no less from you. I read about your exploits in Unova. I must say, I'm impressed."
Diantha:"Yes. I'm very impressed~"
She licked her lips and walked past me and ran her fingers along my chin.
Diantha:"Hopefully we can do battle soon. I'll be waiting."
She walked off with a sway in her hips and I just stood there dumbfounded.
* * *
I got off the monorail and walked around the city for a bit before heading south to Route 13. It was all just desert that stretched out. I was about to head back before something jumped out from the ground at me. I was caught off guard and narrowed my eyes then smiled.
"Awww. Look how cute he is!"
The Pokemon that jumped from the ground was the round boy, Gible at level 27.
I sent out Ravel and wore down Gible before catching him.
"Hmm... What to call you? I have another Dragon/Ground type Pokemon. Good ol' Toph. That's it! I'll call you... Gaara!"
I went back and headed straight to the gym where I was stopped by Serena who wanted to challenge me. She wanted me to show her Mega Evolution. Although, whether I used it or not was up to me.
She sent out her Meowstic first and I sent out Ravel. Meowstic got the first move by using Fake Out and made her flinch.
Ravel swiftly darted around Meowstic before pecking her harshly. Meowstic retaliated with Disarming Voice, but the damage was minimal. Ravel attacked once again and finished it off. Absol came out next so I sent out Sakura. Absol was faster and attacked with Bite and landed a critical hit. Sakura then proceeded to get her health back and beat Absol with one Draining Kiss. And Sakura beat Quiladin easily too.
Gaara got to level up and evolved into Gabite.
Serena:"I should've expected as much. You left to Unova and you came back a champion and a hero. And when we left together from Vaniville Town, I thought I'd be able to keep pace with you, but I guess I was wrong."
She shook her head and hugged me suddenly.
Serena:"Don't worry about me. Just do your best in your gym battle. Okay?"
"Heh. Yeah."
I hugged back and we stayed like that for a bit longer before I broke the hug and she skipped happily away.
"Alright. Time to kick some ass!"
The gym puzzle required me to climb and swing on some ropes. Great workout really. As I took care of the trainers, Sakura grew to level 37 and learned Moonblast. Jiraiya got to level 38 at the same time. I reached the top and saw the gym leader, Ramos.
A/n: Okay, real quick, this has nothing to do with the story but I wanted to mention it. When I first got into RWBY and authors would describe Ozpin as a guy wearing mostly green, this man always came to mind. Like that's the only similarity they have. Even know I keep thinking of him when I jear or see the name Ozpin.
"Nice place you got, sir."
Ramos:"Thank you laddy. Now get ready teh face me!"
He sent out a Jumpluff first. Ravel took it out and leveled up to level 39 and learned an actual decent fire type move: Flame Charge. He sent out his ace, Gogoat next but it too went down with a single Acrobatics. And his last Pokemon, you should already know by know.
He babbled on about things but I zoned out and only paid attention when he said that I could be able to use Fly outside of battle now. I left the gym and healed up before going back to Route 13. I got a Holo Clip message from Lysandre.
Lysandre:"Professor Sycamore told me you can now wield Mega Evolution. That is truly wonderful. With that power, you can steer your future into a better direction! We can't just cover up the old filth with new filth! I implore you to consider what we need to do to change the world into a new, beautiful world!"
The message then ended.
"Bruh what is this man's deal?"
I shook my head and went inside the gate where Dexio and Sina were waiting. They upgraded my Pokedex to have the mountain areas.
Dexio:"We came here to investigate the power plant. Seems that there's been a mysterious power outage. Anyway, we'll be off!"
Sina:"See you later (Y/n)!"
"See ya."
I walked around the route and skated across a rail to reach an area of the route with heavy winds. It kept me from walking quickly and I saw something shining in the distance. I walked towards it and found a power plant pass by a rock.
?:"Hey! Give that back!"
I looked over and saw a Team Flare grunt.
Grunt:"I need that to get back in the building!"
"Just try and take it!"
We battled but I kicked his ass. Nothing new. Heh. I walked in the power plant and met another grunt. His shit got wrecked too. And there was another grunt just before the entrance to the next room. I sighed and took him down as well.
I entered the next room and fought another grunt. Then five more after him. It was easy but annoying as all hell. I finally reached the center of the building and saw two people there.
?:"I say we have enough energy to power the device, but how about you deal with that pesky trainer, admin?"
Admin:"You got it!"
"Holy crap! It's Pitbull! Can you sing Calle Ocho?"
Admin:"Hey?! Just because I'm bald and wear glasses doesn't mean I'm Pitbull!"
"I'm pretty sure it does."
Admin:"Go! Houndoom!"
"Go! Gaara!"
Admin:"Odor Sleuth!"
Houndoom sniffed the air and knew Gaara's location.
"Hone Claws."
Gaara sharpened his claws and also raised his accuracy.
Admin:"Fire Fang!"
Houndoom ran up and bit Gaara with fire emanating from his teeth. Gaara took the hit and retaliated with a Rock Tomb.
"Finish it off with Slash!"
He dashed across the field and stood up.
"Wait for it."
Gaara flicked his arm to the side and Houndoom fainted.
Admin:"Gah! Scientist, take care of this pesky intruder!"
?:"Ah ha ha! It would be my pleasure! Come on, little trainer! Let's see what you've got!"
"Did you not see what I did to Mr. Worldwide, Mr. 305? Alright. If you want to battle then let's do it!"
Aliana:"Allow me to introduce myself, intruder. My name is Aliana. As you can see, I'm one of Team Flare's scientists. I'm researching a certain something that you wouldn't understand, anyway. Unfortunately for you, I've been charged with the simple task of your elimination."
She sent out a Mightyena and I just deadpanned.
"Sakura, get out here."
Sakura hopped out of her ball and cried happily.
She summoned a fake moon above her before taking in its power and shooting out a powerful orb of magic. This knocked it out in one clean hit.
Aliana:"...huh. You're certainly interesting! I do hope to see you again!"
She and Pitbull left as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.
?:"Oh my!"
"What now?"
I turned and sweat dropped. Standing there was Sina and Dexio but they wore masks and scarves. They looked around the now empty building.
Sina:"You chased off that mysterious bunch before we could even get here?"
Sina:"Well, I guess there's always room for more defenders of Kalos!"
Sina:"Let me heal your Pokemon as thanks!"
She did just that and smiled.
Sina:"You and your Pokemon are the ultimate team! No doubt about it!"
"Heh. If I combined parts of my Unova team with some of the Pokemon I have now, then that'd be the ultimate team."
Dexio:"Ha ha! So confident! I like that. But don't go in over your head. Thanks to you the power is back on in Lumiose City."
Sina:"Anyway, us mysterious trainers must be off now! Until we meet again, you cutie."
She giggled before running off. Dexio nodded at me before following after her.
"Kalos defenders my ass. I'll body all of Team Flare myself. These guys are a bunch of jokes. I miss Team Plasma."
Don't turn off the power.
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