Pleasant Experiences

I took a quick power nap at the Pokemon Center right across the street. I did some stretches and saw Shauna hanging around a purple building straight across from the Pokemon Center. I walked over and she smiled gleefully.

Shauna:"(Y/n)! Check this out! You can make Trainer PR Videos here! It's called the PR Video Studio! Making my own PR Video! It's like a dream come true! They can make a quick video for you, or you can edit your own masterpiece! I'll put my heart into those 10 seconds and put them out there for the world to see!"

I looked at the building and got some flashbacks to the PokeStar Studios in Unova.

She walked in and I continued my stroll down the street. I saw Serena looking around until she saw me. She quickly waved me over and I ran up to her.

Serena:"Could you come inside with me?"


She smiled and walked ahead of me. I walked in right after her and saw Lysandre with Diantha.

Serena:"No way. It's Diantha!"

I gulped and started to sweat after remembering what happened between her and I before I left for Unova. But it wasn't just her, Lysandre was there as well.

Serena:"(Y/n), did you know that Lysandre is the head of Lysandre Labs? They're the ones that created the Holo Caster."

"Neat. And Diantha. One of the famous movie stars in the world. Although, she's clearly never seen any of the films I made back in Unova."

Serena:"You made movies?"

"Yep! I hard carried the film industry."

She just giggled as we overheard their conversation.

Lysandre:"You played a young girl so wonderfully in your debut on the silver screen. Wouldn't you rather remain young and beautiful forever and always play such roles?"

Diantha:"What a strange question... Why would I want to play the some old roles forever? Youth may be beautiful, but it's not all there is to life. Everything changes. I want to live and change like that, too. So I look forward to playing different roles as I get older."

Lysandre:"You were chosen to be a movie star, correct? Isn't it your duty to be ever beautiful? Everything beautiful should stay that way forever. I would end the world in an instant so that beauty never fades."

Now that's a major red flag if I've ever seen one.

Lysandre:"I can't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier."

"Then why don't you start recycling?"

They heard my voice and looked at me.


She was shocked I spoke out of turn towards some major figure.

Lysandre:"Oh. Hello, (Y/n)."

Diantha:"(Y/n)? When did you come back?"

"Just the other night."

Serena:"Wait. You know Diantha?"

"I won a competition and got to spend a whole day with her."

Diantha:"Oh how fun it was."

Serena glared at me and had a dark aura surrounding her.

"Whoa! Easy there! We didn't do anything bad."




Lysandre:"If you'll excuse me."

He walked out the café and I eyed him carefully.

That weirdo better not have some dumb organization under his control. If he does I'm gonna riot.

Diantha:"So how have you been?"

"Good! I beat the Unova League."


"So, how about you and I have a battle?"

Diantha:"Sorry dear. I'd love to, but I'm pressed for time."

"Dang it."

Diantha:"And who is this lovely lady beside you?"

"My friend Serena."

Diantha:"Hello Serena. I really love your hair."

Serena:"Aww. Thank you."

Diantha:"Well, I hope to see you two soon."

"Oh you will. I'm gonna beat all the gyms in no time and challenge your Elite Four."

Diantha:"I'll be waiting~"

She blew me a kiss and walked out.

Serena:"Are you certain you two didn't do anything?"

"Hey! Look this isn't something like this happened."


"I should've phrased that better. Look, someday I'll show you around Unova and meet my friends."


I sighed and walked out the café.

How am I supposed to tell her about all the girls back in Unova?

I walked along the street and entered the tunnel that lead to Route 5. Once I got on the other side, a random Lucario ran up to me. I watched it as it walked around me.


?:"Wait! Lucario!!"

I heard a voice in the distance. I looked past the Lucario and watched a girl on roller skates. She skated over to us and she looked at me apologetically.

?:"Sorry about that! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Your Lucario didn't do anything. It just walked around me for some reason."

?:"Well that's good at least. I was just doing some special training with my Lucario when all of a sudden it dashed off... Hey, Lucario! What's going on with you?"

The Lucario was just staring right at me and I didn't quite understand why.


?:"Did you get drawn in by this boy's aura or something?"

Lucario turned to face the girl and nodded affirmatively.

?:"Huh. Well, it seems Lucario likes you!"

"That's sweet. I have my own Lucario actually."


"Yeah. We traveled all over Unova together. He was there from the beginning and took down opponents to the very end."

?:"That must be why Lucario was drawn to you. Your exposure to an other Lucario might have increased your aura and even made it more fierce if you battled together for a while. Lately it's been acting up. I think it's looking for a capable trainer to battle with it."

"I'm sure you'll find one soon."

Korrina:"Oops, sorry! I was on such a roll, I forgot to even introduce myself! I'm Korrina, the Shalour City Gym Leader."

"Nice to meet ya. I'm (Y/n)."

Korrina smiled and we shook hands.

Korrina:"If you're collecting gym badges, I'm sure we'll be battling sooner or later! I'll be looking forward to it. I hope you know how to roll with the punches!"

She let go of my hand and winked at me before skating away. The Lucario stared at me for a while longer before barking and running after Korrina.

"Well, with that out of the way... Time to do some grinding."

I began leveling up the team. Jiraiya evolved at level 16 and embraced his ninja way.

"Woah! Jiraiya! You look so cool!"


I trained up some more to level 19. I trained up Ravel next and she evolved at 17.


I trained her up a bit more to be level 18. Lastly, was the newest member Saur. He evolved at 16 and became an Ivysaur.

I got him to be level 18 and got done with their training. I kept going past Route 5 where I saw Trevor and Tierno.

Trevor:"My goodness... Pokemon hordes are certainly intense..."

Tierno:"Yeah! They're just like a dance team made up of Pokemon, aren't they?"

Trevor:"Oh, Tierno, do you ever think about anything besides dancing?"

Tierno:"Nope! Even during Pokemon battles, I'm always checkin' out their moves! And then my feet just start moving, too! I can't even help it, y'know? Like with Swords Dance! I love it! I guess that's why I can never win..."

He turned around and noticed me.

Tierno:"Hey (Y/n)! Do your Pokemon know any sweet moves? Show me in a battle!"

"If that's what you want buddy."

He sent out a Corphish and I sent out Saur.

"Vine Whip."

Saur extended his vine and slapped Corphish across the face and knocked it out in one hit.


"Better luck next time pal. Anyway, I'm off."

I walked past them and fought the trainers on the route before reaching Camphrier Town. There was a large castle which caught my interest. I walked in and saw Shauna inside.

Shauna:"Hi, (Y/n)!"

She wrapped her arms around mine and dragged me over. There was an old man standing in front of a display case.

Man:"Ah. This must be your boyfriend. You two look good together."

Shauna blushed and smiled from ear to ear.

Shauna:"Thank you..."

"We're actually just friends."

Man:"This castle, chateau if you will, was a manor house of a noble family. It may be a little run down, but that's because there's history to this place. During that history, the owners of this castle gave away a lot of their stuff to everyone, so that's why it feels so empty. The end."

"That's the history of this place?"

Shauna:"Yeah! Don't you have anything related to Mega Evolution?"

Man:"What in the world are you talking about?"

Suddenly a young man burst into the castle.

Guy:"Sir! It's back again."

Man:"Is it that time of year already? Well, there's nothing I can do about that now... I need to go to Route 7, but please take your time and have a look around."

Shauna:"So... We're just friends?"

She looked at me and I could tell she was hurt.

"Shauna. Things are complicated. And soon, I'd like to break things down with you and Serena."


She looked away and I sighed before leaving for Route 7.

I ran over to Route 7 and saw a Snorlax sleeping on the bridge. The man from the castle said that they needed the Poke Flute in order to wake Snorlax, but it was at Parfum Palace.

Shauna:"We'll go get it. Come on (Y/n)!"

"Alright. Guess we're doing this now."

I ran to Route 6 and passed under a walkway. I went around the corner of the exit and walked into some grass. In there, I met another addition to my team.

"Honedge eh?"

I caught it with a Great Ball and decided on a nickname.

"I'll call you... Yamato."

I smiled and looked at the Poke Ball.

"Together we'll rid the shcum of this world."

I laughed to myself before training him up a bit before heading to the palace. Unfortunately we had to pay 1,000 just to get in. The rich get richer I suppose. We entered and the owner of the palace was freaking out over losing his Furfrou.

Shauna and I went to his backyard to go find it. I found HM01 Cut there for some reason. I kept walking around until we found the Furfrou. It would run away from us so we had to corner it. We eventually cornered it and the owner returned for it. He was so overjoyed he decided to shoot some fireworks in celebration.

I looked up to see the sky had gotten dark.

"Man, I've only been here for a day and still felt like I've been at this for a while."

I shrugged at the thought and went to the palace's balcony where Shauna was.

Shauna:"Um... You know... I've never watched fireworks alone with a boy before."

She blushed and looked off into the distance as I followed her gaze.

Shauna:"We haven't seen them yet, but I know we'll never forget these fireworks! 'Cause I watched them with you, (Y/n)."

She looked at me as the fireworks went off in the distance. Their explosions illuminated the night sky and I could see her features clearly. I knew what she was going at and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Shauna... How long have you had these feelings?"

Shauna:"Ever since we were little. And when you moved away it hurt, but I kept a smile on for my face because I knew we'd see each other once again."

"Shauna, what I wanted to tell you earlier was that I have lovers back in Unova..."

Shauna:"Lovers as in more than one?"

"Yeah. By some weird stroke of fate; I became a man with beautiful girls at my side."

Shauna grabbed my hands and looked up at me as fireworks kept going off.

Shauna:"What's one more?"

She leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips as the last firework went off. I kissed back and she smiled and gripped my hands tightly. We stayed like for a while until we had to break for air.

Shauna:"... Wow... That. Was. AMAZING! I never ever want to forget this, so I'll keep this memory in an album in my heart! I may not have been your first but I'm still happy knowing I can be yours."

"Shauna, you're too pure for this world."

She giggled and the man and his butler approached us where we told him we needed the Poke Flute. He loaned it to us and left.

"It's pretty late."


I looked over and smirked at her.

"I don't think he'll mind if we stay the night at his place. After all, it is a large and lonely palace."

She caught on and giggled before grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. We walked together to a secluded room and laid down together in the queen sized bed.

She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest. In a matter of moments, she fell asleep. Makes sense, I remember all the times I was drowsy after running around Unova. I got used it. I rubbed her head gently before falling asleep shortly after.

Don't turn off the power.

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