Meeting The Professor

After talking with Alexa, (Y/n) was on his way through Route 4. As he fought with the trainers, Alexa and Viola were on the phone with one another.

Alexa:"So what did you think of that (Y/n) boy?"

Viola:"He's fantastic! I was curious about him and looked him up online and found out that he took down Team Plasma."

Alexa:"No way! Oh, I can't wait to interview that little cutie!"

Viola:"I already snapped several good photos of him. Hee hee!"

Your POV

I sneezed unexpectedly as Jiraiya looked at me.


"Thank you. Well, time to get a move on."

He saluted me and I laughed before returning him. I reached the gate on Route 4 and saw two people standing in front of there.

Boy:"Hello there! Have you ever heard of a Pokemon called Flabébé?"

"Yeah I encountered it not too long ago."

Boy:"I see. That's to be expected from one of the professor's handpicked Pokemon trainers!"

Girl:"Flabébé is, now brace yourself, a Fairy type Pokemon!"

"Wait, just Fairy? Not Grass and Fairy?"


"Well that's dumb."

She just giggled.

Sina:"My name's Sina! It's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady! Wouldn't you agree?"

She winked at me and I just chuckled lightly.

"Why would I disagree in the first place?"

She went red and looked away embarrassed.

Dexio:"I'm Dexio. Two years ago, Professor Sycamore entrusted me with a Pokedex. You could call me a Pokemon-voyage veteran."

"You could call me the same thing. I'm Unova's Champion."

Dexio:"Wait, really? Does the professor know?"

"Probably not. It only happened recently. I was given the title literally a week ago."

Dexio:"If you're really the champion then why bother with such a task?"

"Gotta look out for the little guys, you know? Plus, there's nothing better for me to do."

Sina:"Ooh! If you'd like, I'll show you the way to the lab. So, come along now!"

"Sure. Why not?"

Sina:"OK! Let's get this show on the road!"

She grabbed my hand and lead me through the tunnel into the big city, Lumiose City. We went along south boulevard and reached the entrance of the lab.

Sina:"The professor can't wait to meet you! You can find him on the third floor."


She smiled happily as I walked inside and took the elevator to the third floor. I exited the elevator and saw the professor.

Sycamore:"So you're finally here! Fantastic! Come this way, won't you?"

He walked to his desk and I followed closely behind.

Sycamore:"Many thanks for coming all the way from Vaniville Town! Or should I say Unova. I heard from a certain journalist that you became champion in Unova. That's quite the feat."

"Thank you, sir. It was rough. A total uphill battle."

Sycamore:"I can only imagine. At first, I was thinking of choosing only one child from a town when I was deciding who to give a Pokemon to. In Vaniville Town, it was going to be Serena seeing as her parents were trainers back in the day. And then, I learned that you would be coming back for a visit from the Unova region. I was hoping you would have seen some Pokemon there, but it seems I have nothing to worry about!"

Shauna:"Hi, Professor! It's Shauna!"

We turned around to see Shauna and Serena walking in.

Shauna:"Hi (Y/n)!!!"


Serena:"Hello again."


Sycamore:"Fantastic everyone is here!"

"Is that a Smash Bros reference?"



Sycamore:"Now, let's all have a battle (Y/n)! Your opponent shall be me!"

"Oh? You're challenging me? Even though I'm a guy with immense experience under my belt, you still challenge me?"

Sycamore:"You bet!"

"Damnit, you didn't get the reference. Let's just battle."

Sycamore:"Go! Bulbasaur!"

He sent out the cute little cabbage frog and I smiled upon seeing him.

"Alright! Go get 'em, Ravel!"

I sent her out and she cried out.

"Use Peck!"

She flew at Bulbasaur and hit it hard with her beak. She nearly brought it down but it stood strong.


Bulbasaur let out a low growl and Ravel backed off and her attack was lowered.

"Use it again!"

She chirped before finishing off the Bulbasaur. He sent out Squirtle next and I swapped out to Jiraiya.

"Use Quick Attack!"

He rammed into Squirtle who took the brunt of the attack. Squirtle retaliated with Tackle. Jiraiya used Quick Attack two more times as Squirtle landed two Tail Whips. With a third Quick Attack, Squirtle was down.

Sycamore's final Pokemon was the fire lizard, Charmander.

"Alright, let's use your new move! Water Pulse!"


He left an empty space between his palms before creating a ring of water and launching it right at Charmander. The attack was enough to bring it down. The professor just laughed and returned the Pokemon.

Sycamore:"Ha ha! You're too much for me! Truly, you've got the skills of a champ."

I smiled and returned Jiraiya.

Sycamore:"I think I've about figured it out!"

Shauna:"Figured what out?"

Sycamore:"(Y/n)! You are a wonderful trainer indeed! It'd be fantastic if you took another Pokemon with you! Here! Pick one!"

He put the Kanto starters on the desk and I just stared at him shocked.

Sycamore:"Go ahead."

"Thank you so much sir! I know who I want!"

I reached out and grabbed Bulbasaur's Poke Ball.

"I choose you!"

Sycamore:"Excellent! Why not give your new partner a nickname?"

"Sure. Hmm... I'll just call him Saur for short."

Sycamore:"Very well. And since you chose Bulbasaur, I'll give you this Mega Stone."

(Y/n) obtained a Venusaurite!

Sycamore:"Come on you two! Pick your Pokemon."

Shauna:"I don't know which one to pick! It's so difficult!"

Serena:"You'll be together for a long time, so just take your time."

Sycamore:"Well, I've got a feeling everyone else will show up soon."

And just as he said that, Tierno and Trevor showed up.

Sycamore:"So now that we're all here, I'd like to say a few words. Be the best trainer you can be! At the same time, remember to have fun traveling with your Pokemon! Also, I want to ask your help in solving the Kalos region's biggest Pokemon mystery: the secret and potential of Mega Evolution, a new kind of Evolution that occurs in battle!"

A/n: Too bad the potential was only for this generation. Personally not really a fan of Z-Moves or Dynamaxing.

Sycamore:"That's why I gave you that Mega Stone just now. It's an important clue!"

"Thanks Professor."

Trevor:"Mega Evolution? What should we do about the Pokedex?"

Sycamore:"Trevor, my lad, if that's what "best trainer" means to you, then I want you to go out there and complete that Pokedex!"

Shauna:"Mega Evolution sounds really interesting!"

"Hell yeah it does! It would've came in handy back in Unova."

Sycamore:"If you're investigating Mega Evolution, why don't you check out Camphrier Town? That town has a lot of history; you might find a hint there! Now listen. If you visit many different places to complete the Pokedex, you will probably see Pokemon with many ways of living and meet people with many ways of thinking. First, accept the ways of living and thinking that sometimes conflict with your own. And think about what's really important; this will truly broaden your horizons."

Serena:"I feel that different from others makes me feel special. Mastering Mega Evolution will definitely set me apart from other trainers!"

"I'm with you on that one, Serena!"

She smiled happily and everyone else did too. I began to leave and went back down to the first floor. My attention was towards Sina who was talking with a tall ginger haired man with a neat beard

?:"So, I will he able to meet him soon, then."


?:"The children chosen by the professor... I wonder what potential they have."

I don't like the way he said that.

Sina:"And here's one of them now..."

She turned to see me and waved at me. I waved back and walked to them.

Lysandre:"Oh! You received a Pokedex from the professor then... How wonderful! That is a wonderful thing, indeed. Your are one of the chosen ones. I am Lysandre."

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)."

Lysandre:"Well met. I've tried to learn as much about Pokemon as I can help build a brighter future. Professor Sycamore has taught me so much. Say, do you have a Holo Caster on you?"

"Uh, no."

Lysandre:"Did you not receive one from your parents?"

"Nah. I just visited them then instantly left for a journey."

Lysandre:"Well, I have a spare."

He handed me the Holo Caster and I tucked it away.

Lysandre:"Knowledge is power, after all. Put it to good use. Now listen! It is vital that this world become a better place. And the people and Pokemon chosen to make the world better must work tirelessly to achieve this goal. Well, I'll be off. Please give Prof. Sycamore my best."

He turned to face the exit and fixed his tie.

Lysandre:"My is for a more beautiful world!"

He then walked out the lab.

Again, I don't like the way he said that.

Sina:"Still... I wonder what kind of beautiful world Lysandre desires... In this great big Kalos region, there are many different Pokemon. I hope getting a Pokedex gives you a chance to learn about them."

"He might just mean a place without much litter or oil spills. Which I can totally get behind. Gotta save the Squirtles you know?"

She giggled a bit before the others walked out the elevator.

Shauna:"(Y/n), there's a place I want to go check out! So, I'll see you around~"

She skipped out the building and Serena was next.

Serena:"There's something I want to talk to you about. I'll be waiting for you in Café Soleil, (Y/n)!"

Tierno:"Yo, (Y/n)! To get to Camphrier Town, leave the lab, turn left, and go straight. That café Serena was talking about is over that way, too."

"Thanks big man. I'll see you two later."



"I'll see you later, too, Sina."

Sina:"Oh, I sure hope so. Bye~"

I just winked at her before exiting the lab and doing some stretches.

"Man, it was just one speech after another. I'm gonna take a nap first."

Don't turn off the power.

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