I See Dead People...
I left the power plant and began heading south back to Lumiose. I walked down some stairs where I saw a giant homeless man standing there.
?:"The Pokemon... The flower Pokemon... The Pokemon that was given eternal life..."
That's all he said before walking away.
"Man it sure would be crazy if I met this guy again in the near future."
I sighed and made it back to Lumiose City where I heard a familiar voice behind me.
I turned and saw Shauna running up to me before embracing me in a tight hug.
Shauna:"I ran after you like crazy when I spotted you up ahead! Know what? I heard the power's back on here in Lumiose City! Some really bad people were stealing electricity from the Kalos Power Plant... and then somebody came and stopped 'em! No one knows who, but they must be awesome! Who do you think it was?"
I just looked at her and flicked her forehead lightly.
Shauna:"Ow! Hey! What was that for?"
"Look at me and ask me again who I think stopped them."
Shauna thought about it and giggled.
Shauna:"It slips my mind that you're a champion. Tee hee! But get this! They're gonna light the tower later tonight! Let's go see it! It's Lumiose City's most famous sight!"
She let go of me and started running ahead.
Shauna:"This way! Straight ahead you'll run smack into Prism Tower! I'll be waiting for you there okay?!"
She giggled and kept running. I laughed to myself before deciding to do some training.
When nighttime rolled around, I caught up with Shauna.
Shauna:"Good timing! They're just about to turn on the lights! Look! It's Clemont! He's Lumiose City's gym leader! He's also good at inventing things, and he makes all kinds of devices! And next to him is his little sister Bonnie. Those two are my friends!"
Bonnie:"Aren't you done yet?"
Clemont:"Not quite... I just have to check on the lighting circuit here."
Bonnie then noticed us.
Bonnie:"Oh, Shauna! And you are?"
"A challenger."
Bonnie:"Oh okay. Sorry, but could you wait a moment? C'mon, Clemont!"
Clemont:"Alright! Everything's ready! The future is now, thanks to science! Prism Tower lighting system... ACTIVATE!"
Shauna gasped audibly as her eyes sparkled when the lights shined during the night sky.
Shauna:"I think you call this feeling being "entranced", right?"
She turned to me and grabbed my hand tightly.
Shauna:"Now, I have another great memory with you, (Y/n)!"
I smiled as she pulled me into a tight embrace.
Bonnie:"Shauna! When you and your boyfriend get done hugging you can challenge the gym!"
She giggled and ran inside as Clemont bowed lightly and walked in.
Shauna blushed and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
Shauna:"Good luck. But I doubt you need it."
"Got that right."
She giggled and let me go. I walked inside of Prism Tower and stepped inside of an elevator. Bonnie was standing on a circular platform and had a microphone in her hand.
Bonnie:"Welcome challenger! This here is the Lumiose City Gym! To reach the top you'll have to take part in this quiz show! Are you ready?"
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get a move on."
Bonnie:"Okay! What is this Pokemon?"
On a flat-screen was a silhouette of a Pikachu.
Bonnie:"Is it, 1: Emolga? 2: Dedenne? Or 3: Pikachu?"
I sighed and went to Emolga. Why? Because I wanted some exp. And some money. That's what I did with the other questions asked. I fought the trainers until I reached the top and healed before the fight.
Clemont tried to introduce himself, but Bonnie interrupted him and stole his thunder. He sent out an Emolga first and I sent out Gaara.
"Hone Claws!"
Gaara eyed the Emolga carefully and sharpened his claws.
Clemont:"Aerial Ace!"
Emolga flew through the air and crashed into Gaara and managed to get a critical hit on its first try.
Clemont:"Use it again!"
"Rock Tomb!"
We had a speed tie and out attacks clashed. Emolga was barely hanging on with its last bit of health left, but had its speed drop.
"Hone Claws!"
Clemont used a Hyper Potion on Emolga just before I called out my attack.
"Now! Rock Tomb!"
Since Gaara was faster now and with his attack boosted, he managed to knock the Emolga out. He sent out a Magneton next.
Gaara burrowed underground as Magneton used Electric Terrain to cover the field with electricity. Gaara burst out the ground and sliced Magneton, but it hung on thanks to its ability and hit back with Mirror Shot that nearly brought down Gaara.
"Dragon Claw!"
Clemont healed again and Gaara landed Dragon Claw for a bit of damage.
Gaara went back underground as Clemont missed his attack then got hit by Dig.
Clemont:"Here we go! My last Pokemon!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you say LAST Pokemon?"
"You're the fifth gym leader and you're still only using three Pokemon?! Oh my Arceus bro..."
He sent out a Heliolisk and I shook my head.
"Gaara, finish this fool."
He nodded at me and got ready to dig again.
Clemont:"Not so fast! Quick Attack!"
Heliolisk dashed quickly and slammed into Gaara who nearly toppled over, but hung on with 2 HP. He growled and dug underground and popped back up and finished it off.
Clemont:"That was a well fought battle."
"Yeah gg or whatever man."
I got my badge and the TM for Thunderbolt and quickly left. I got a Holo Clip from the professor and he told me to go to Lysandre Café. Why not? I got plenty of time to kill. That gym battle did not satisfy me in the slightest.
I got there and saw Sycamore with Lysandre.
Sycamore:"(Y/n)! Over here! I was just having a conversation with Lysandre over Mega Evolution."
Lysandre:"I would like to congratulate you as well. Mega Evolution is something I, too, would like to be able to use."
Sycamore:"Actually, Lysandre himself is of royal ancestry... He is truly a chosen one."
Lysandre:"True. I'm a descendant of the king's younger brother. That being said, that story is 3,000 years old, so it might not be entirely reliable."
Sycamore:"By the way, (Y/n)... Do you know where the Holo Caster is made?"
"I'm guessing in Lysandre's lab or something? He told me himself he made them."
Sycamore:"HAHA! That's right! Lysandre is a great man. He supports trainers and Pokemon research with some of the profit from the Holo Caster."
Lysandre:"People can be divided into two groups. Those who give... And those who take... It's just as how the Kalos region's two legendary Pokemon gave life and took life. I want to be the kind of person who gives... But in this world some foolish humans exist who would show their strength by taking what isn't theirs. They're FILTH! Long, long ago, the king of Kalos sought to take everything for his own, and he created a terrible weapon. Then the fire of destruction was unleashed... That is the legend that has been passed down. Kalos is beautiful now! There will be no foolish actions if the number of people and Pokemon do not increase. That being said, the future isn't decided. You can't be sure each day will be like the one before."
He sighed and looked down.
Lysandre:"What the king of Kalos did was reprehensible, but... The ultimate weapon did manage to wash the world clean of that era's filth."
He handed me a King's Rock.
Lysandre:"Here you go. Take that as an apology for my taking up your time."
He then left.
Sycamore:"What a passionate person. He's just like a blazing flame. Perhaps his pride in his lineage is what makes him burn so intensely. That being said what Lysandre says is only one way of looking at things... It's not necessarily the truth. (Y/n)! What's truly important is the time you spend together with others! Treasure these moments spent traveling the Kalos region with your Pokemon!"
I nodded and left and got a message from Trevor to meet up with him at Route 14. I did some sightseeing in the northern boulevard and entered a random building. I took the elevator to the second floor and instantly regretted it.
I stepped out the elevator and no one was in the building. Suddenly, the lights began to flicker. They turned off briefly then back on and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I broke out into a cold sweat and I couldn't move. I could just feel something behind me. Then it drifted out the corner of my eye and I saw girl, floating above the ground, her facial features were hidden by her messy hair and then she spoke.
???:"No, you're not the one..."
I could struggle to breathe as she floated away and I collapsed on my knees. I panted heavily and looked back up to see that she was gone.
"I gotta get out of here."
I quickly ran out the building and flew elsewhere and began to do some training to get my mind off of things. I got Jiraiya to level 51. Sakura and Gaara to level 47. And everyone else to level 46. I then flew back to Lumiose City and went to Route 14.
Serena:"Oh, hi, (Y/n)."
Trevor:"We were just comparing how complete our Pokedexes are. I won, of course!"
"Good on you little buddy."
Trevor:"(Y/n), let's see how many Pokemon we've seen in the mountain areas! Hmm, you've seen 24. I lost."
Serena:"Okay (Y/n)! Get ready! Let's battle!"
She sent out her Meowstic and I sent out Jiraiya.
Jiraiya nodded and ran up to it before slapping it across the face and knocking it out. She sent out her Chesnaught next and I switched to Yamato.
All things considered, it's a pretty neat looking Pokemon. At least, compared to its middle evolution.
Chesnaught ran up and bit down on Yamato and hurt him a bit.
"Aerial Ace."
Yamato glided across the battlefield and cut Chesnaught across the chest and made it faint. Absol came out next and was easily countered with Sakura.
Serena:"I really enjoy battling with you, but I'm getting tired of losing every time..."
Serena sighed and looked down. Shauna then caught up with us.
Shauna:"Hey guys! That was a tough battle."
Serena:"Oh. Hi, Shauna. When did you start watching?"
Shauna:"Near the end. Hey. Where's Tierno?"
Trevor:"He's at the fighting dojo."
Shauna:"Really? The fighting dojo?"
Tierno then came back and Shauna suggested we visit a creepy house on the route. At least, it was rumored to be scary. Honestly, after what I've seen at that house back in Unova and just now in that building, nothing could be scarier.
I battled a few trainers and eventually reached the scary house. The outside was covered in plants and moss. Inside, was dark and dim. A lone man stood there and he began to tell a story.
Man:"It was a dark and stormy night many years ago. Lost I arrived at this house and went inside. The lights would not turn on, so I fearfully looked around the house. Eventually, I made my way into the kitchen. There was no sign of anyone being there... I found the fridge, and when I opened it, a faint light leaked out. I could finally make out my surroundings. And I saw the outline of a man huddling in the corner of the room."
At this point, Tierno was shivering like a Skitty in the rain and he was freaking out over the story.
Man:"I tried to tell him that I was lost and I was hoping he'd let me stay until morning, but when I approached him... The man suddenly screamed, "Stay back!" I apologized and continued to plead my case. "Please, can't you help me?" "I'm not talking to you!" He shouted. I looked at the man in surprise. When I did this, the man asked me... "Can't you see them? Behind you!" "A horde of faceless men!"
He cleared his throat and smiled.
Man:"Since I told you a great story that'll haunt you... Would you be so kind as to tip me? If you don't you might see something really scary."
Shauna:"You're charging us?!"
Man:"Even haunted houses aren't free."
"I'll pass."
Shauna:"Yeah. Let's get out of here."
We all left the man without handing him a single tip. I fought a couple more trainers and Gaara reached level 48 and reached his final evolution.
He roared to the sky and looked at me before leaning into my hand. I smiled and rubbed his head.
"Love you too buddy."
I returned him back to his ball and reached Laverre City. The moon was still in the sky and I sighed.
"It's only my second day back and I'm already close to finishing the gyms. Well, time to call it a night."
I walked inside the Pokemon Center and fell asleep in there.
Don't turn off the power.
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