Home Sweet Home

A/n: The following story is a sequel to a previous story I made called Unova's Underdog. If you haven't read it, then I suggest you do in order to catch up with what has occurred. On with the story!

(Y/n) was seen dusting off his hat before slipping it on his head. Reshiram entered his room and looked at him.

Reshiram:"Are you busy master?"

(Y/n):"Not quite."

Reshiram:"What do you mean?"

(Y/n):"Well, I feel like going back to my home region Kalos for a bit."

Reshiram:"What for?"

(Y/n):"To let my friends and family know that I'm a champion. Plus I still need to challenge the champion there to a battle."

Kyurem entered his room and looked at him.

Kyurem:"Aww. Do you have to go? Can you take us with you?"

(Y/n):"Heh, sorry Kyurem, but I don't think I can."

She pouted softly but smiled happily when he kissed her on the head.

Reshiram:"Either way. We will be waiting here for you. Or if you ever need us be sure to give us a call."

(Y/n):"Of course."

He put on his backpack before walking downstairs. He saw N there eating some of his food. He told her of his plan to go home for about a week before stepping outside.

(Y/n):"Come on out, Patriot!"

Patriot popped out of his ball and screeched. (Y/n) got on his back before he lifted off and flew to Mistralton City. He went inside the cargo service and saw Skyla there. She saw him and smiled before pouncing on him to give him a hug. He hugged back before telling her the plan.

Skyla:"Aww, you're leaving?"

(Y/n):"Only for a week. I'll be back and hang out with you girls some more before I go on vacation to Alola."

Skyla:"Fine. But you better be safe or else I'm going to get upset."

He just laughed before following her into her plane. She started it before taking off the runway.

Later In Kalos

There was a girl who was writing in a journal before sighing and looking up at the night sky. She has long blonde hair that reached down to her back.

?:"Oh (Y/n)... When will you come back to us?"

The girl looked on her desk to see a picture of her, her mother, and a boy with (h/c) hair and a big smile on his face. She smiled and traced her finger along the picture before she heard something outside.

She looked out to see someone had hopped off a large Pokemon. It was too dark to see, but the person stood in front of (Y/n)'s house. She kept staring out of curiosity as the stranger stretched. They walked to the door and fished in their pocket to grab a pair of keys. The flipped through them before inserting one and unlocking the door.

The girl gasped and tears filled her eyes as one person came to mind.

?: (Y/n) came back!

She got in her bed and rolled around happily before falling asleep with a smile on her face.

Your POV

I finished telling my parents of all that happened as my mom was worried over the fact I could've died. My dad was proud because I had finally got a girlfriend. Even though I have multiple, but they don't need to about that...yet.

Mom:"(Y/n), why don't you go say hi to Serena and Shauna. Those girls have been missing you since forever."

"Sure. I don't mind."

I got up and walked outside and I saw Serena and Shauna there waiting for me.


Shauna:"(Y/n)! You're back!"

"Haha yep!"

They were smiling as Serena wiped her eyes.

"Whoa, Serena, you okay?"

Serena:"Y-yes. I'm just happy to have you back."

"Thanks. I'll be here for a week so we can catch up."

Shauna:"Wait, only a week?"

"Yeah. You see, I became champion of the Unova region when I moved out."

Both:"Are you serious?!"

I nodded my head as they looked awestruck.

"But it wasn't easy. Especially with the evil organization trying to fuck everyone over."

Serena:"Wait, you fought an evil organization like that boy from Kanto?"

"Mhm. These guys were called Team Plasma. They tried to freeze the region over, but I stopped them."

Shauna:"That's so cool!"

"I'm glad you think so. So what about you two? What's up?"

Serena:"Well, Prof. Sycamore had asked us and two other people to help him out. He said he wanted a fifth, but couldn't find any good candidates."

Shauna:"(Y/n), you should help him out!"

"What? Why me?"

Shauna:"Well, you're a champion aren't you? Clearly someone with experience in Pokemon would be of great use."

Serena:"And I think we could use the time to catch up while we have an adventure together."

She blushed lightly before brushing her hair back.

"Heh, sure. Why the hell not? Besides, I've only seen certain parts of the region so a little journey could help me."

They smiled happily before dragging me off to the next town. Aquacorde Town. Serena and I sat in front of a couple of dudes and Shauna sat on the side of Serena.

Serena:"Guys, this is (Y/n). He and I are childhood friends."

Shauna:"Yeah! And guess what? He's also the champion of Unova!"

?:"Whoa man! Seriously?!"

Serena:"(Y/n), this is Tierno. He's got some serious dance moves, and... This is Trevor. He never misses a single question on his tests, but he's a little shy..."

Tierno:"Alright! Nice to meet ya! You know, it'd feel like we're a closer crew if we call each other by nicknames. Can I call you (F/i)-meister?"

A/n: (F/i) means first initial.

Shauna:"No way! He's a Li'l (F/i), for sure! What do you think, Trevor?"

Trevor:"What?! You want me to nickname someone I just met?! Shauna, you shouldn't put people on the spot like this. Well...how about something low key? Maybe...something like Big (F/i)..."

Serena:"(Y/n), what should we call you?"

"Just call me by my name. No offense but those nicknames just don't work."

Shauna:"Awww. You're no fun."

"I guess not."

We shared a laugh before Tierno grabbed a glass container and pushed a button to reveal three Pokeballs.

Shauna:"(Y/n), why don't you go ahead and choose your partner?"

"You sure?"

Serena:"Of course. It'd be saddening for one of them to be left out."

"If you say so."

I looked at my options. They were all cute in their own right. I thought long and hard and smiled.

"I'll go with you little fella."

I reached out and grabbed the ball containing Froakie.

Shauna:"You should give it a nickname!"

"Yeah. Hmm..."

I thought about it then smiled.

"I'll call him, Jiraiya!"

Shauna:"That's a cute nickname! Okay! My partner is Fennekin! Wow! We go together great! The two of us are just way-ay-ay too cute!"

I just chuckled as Serena got Chespin.

Trevor:"Uh, pardon me, but I have something for you from the professor as well. I have something that will help you understand Pokemon on a much deeper level."

He handed us a Pokedex.

Trevor:"The reason you get one is because the professor wants us to go on a journey with our Pokemon and complete the Pokedex."

Tierno:"With that out of the way, it's time for us to be on our way. Let's go Trevs."

He nodded and they got up and left.

"I guess I should let my family know I'm going too."

I got up and started to leave before Shauna stopped me.

Shauna:"Wait! You're gonna be my opponent in my Pokemon battling debut!"

"Uh, you sure about this?"

Shauna:"Sure am! Champion or not I'll be sure to have fun with you!"

She ended that sentence with a wink which made my go red.

Shauna:"Let's go Li'l Fen!"

She spun around and threw her ball and sent out Fennekin.

I just sighed and sent out Jiraiya.

"Alright, let's see what we're working with here."

I grabbed the Pokedex to look at Froakie's moves. My eyes widened as I saw that he had Bubble already on deck.


Jiraiya opened his mouth and shot a medium sized bubble and it popped on Fennekin.

Shauna:"Use Tail Whip!"

Fennekin wagged her tail and somehow lowered Jiraiya's defense.

"Bubble again!"

He shot another and nearly took it down."


Fennekin shot a small burst of fire that hit Jiraiya in the face. It didn't do much but he got burned.

"End it with another Bubble!"

He did just that and Shauna pouted.

Shauna:"Hey! I wasn't done watching my cute Li'l Fen yet!"

She returned it and I returned Froakie.

Shauna:"You're amazing, (Y/n)! I can see why you're a champion."

"You haven't seen much yet."

She then healed up Froakie and went back home. I sent out Froakie and he looked up at me. I got down on one knee and held out my fist.

"Well, li'l guy, you and I are about to go on a journey of a lifetime. Soon, I'll introduce you to Ronin and the others."

He cried happily and bumped my fist with his own.

Don't turn off the power.

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