Human Interaction
Coen POV
Yawning, I drag myself out of bed and sluggishly get changed. I sit down on my bed and my gaze falls on the house where Slade sleeps. He's been here for a week now, and it has been three days since the massive stunt he pulled. I sigh and rub my eyes. I wonder what it must be like for him, seeing everything from his view...
My thoughts are cut off as Slade's bedroom window creaks open. "What is it," Slade says, half asleep. "With you and sighing really loudly?"
"Purely because it annoys you." I say, batting my eyelids.
"Okaaaay..." Slade says after a pause, he then slowly closes his window and through it I see him back up, and fall back onto the bed. I stand and walk to the house, as I lift up the roof, I peek ing inside. Slade is starfishing on his belly across his bed.
"Slade, get up, breakfast." I hear a mumble which I think is a no as Slade doesn't move. I roll my eyes and pick him up gently by his shirt. Slade quickly struggles to find something to grab onto but the blanket he grabs comes with him. Slade grunts then lies down on my hand using the blanket. "I swear, you are so lazy sometimes."
"No, bed is comfy and nothing can compete!" He yells in defiance and points at me with an outstretched hand, but quickly pulls it back under while muttering something about 'cold'. I stop just before I exit my room and look down at Slade. In one, quick motion, I quickly tug the blanket off him and place it beside his house. "No! Bad Coen! I need the blanket to survive the rest of the day!" Completely ignoring the protests of my smaller brother, older brother, wait...ignoring the protests of my brother, I leave my room, closing the door behind me and carefully walk down the stairs.
I arrive at the base of the stairs and gently slide Slade onto the table, I then take a seat across from my dad as he reads the newspaper. "Good morning boys!" Jade calls from the kitchen as she makes breakfast.
"Morning mum!" I reply.
"Hello!" Sade says, sound the most awake he has all morning.
Slade POV
I munch on some toast covered in the tiniest bit of butter. "Thats hardly anything." Coen muttered at the sight of my breakfast.
"Oh sure, its 'hardly anything' because I'm not on my seconds." I retort before going back to munching. Once I finish, mum clears her throat. A speech is coming, isn't it?
"Now Slade, its been nearly a week so I think we should go out to a shop." Jade says.
"A shop? Wait, as in..." I start.
"Yes, as in the Human/Mini Giant mall." I'm not sure what reaction my family was expecting, but it probably wasn't the 'Whoo hoo!' followed by 'yeah's that I responded with.
"Waif, af in fhe hrop for Frade?" Coen says with his mouth full of his thirds.
"English, please." I tell him. Coen chews, swallows and repeats what he said.
"Wait, as in the shop for Slade?" Jade smiles and nods.
Coen lowers his hand and I hop onto the seat. I walk, slightly wobbley over to my special seat in the middle. I reach it and Coen sits down, throwing me onto my back, 1 human-meter away. "Oops, sorry." He says automatically.
"Bloody kid." I mutter under my breath as I stand up and walk back to my seat. Once I get buckled in, the car pulls out and is off. I call up to my brother, three time before he notices. "Can you lift me up? I can't see out the window!" Coen nods and I go to unbuckle my belt but instead Coen disconnects a small metal rod in the side of my seat and lifts me up, chair and all.
Now that I have the perfect view, I notice that beside the crosswalk, there are human-sized glass walkways that also run beneath the road. There are also stairs for humans and mini giants to walk up at Bus Stops that lead to a 1.5 giant meter hight. "Buses have a small door for humans and mini giants. There are smaller seats in a glass area on the bus as well."
As the car pulls up in front of a shopping mall, Coen clips my seat back in place and I unbuckle myself. Grabbing my suddenly and gently, Coen places me on his palm and exits the car. Directly in front of our car, I notice a red sign with the words 'Humans + C.Giants Only' written in white words. I point to it and Coen answers before I ask. "Its parking bays right outside the mall because mini Giants and Humans living with Giants need to walk a lot no matter how close they are." I nod and immediately notice the glass walkways that start on the curb leading into the mall.
"Do I enter the walkway?" I ask, looking at it.
"No, not yet. There's another entrance for humans and mini Giants inside." Jade answers from up ahead. Good, less walking. I flop back and lie on Coen's palm, getting the nice view of his chin. I sit up once we enter the mall, avoiding the glances and stares from Giants of all ages, I ask,
"Where do I go now?" My voice slightly quivering. Mum, dad, and Coen walk to the wall on the left, more like a cube as it ends before it reaches the far wall. As we near it, I notice how its a complete replica of the giant mall but smaller. Theres also a 'Collecting Area' where Humans and mini Giants are being dropped off and collected. I step off Coen's hand and onto the platform.
"Now Slade, as soon as your done, you are to come back here and wait for us, okay?"
"Okay!" I respond trying to sound happy, but this is the first time that I haven't been with my family throughout my week on Titan. As my family walks off to another shop in the mall, I turn and walk up the steps to my mall. I look around, unsure what to do and where to go first. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see someone standing there, a human!
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