




It was Saturday now, and the day started with Addie coming into my room and sneaking under the covers. She did this time to time, whether it was from nightmares or the want to sleep with me, I didn't mind. It was just I didn't want her to get used to the idea it's okay to sleep with me every night. 

Considering I'm going away. 

But as of right now, it being my first night back. I allowed it. 

Especially when I woke up to the beaming smile she laid before me, and her blue sparkling eyes shining forth as she giggled. "Grams said we can ride horses today."
"Grams also said you have a project that's due on Monday. Why don't we do that after breakfast?" She nodded, sighing into the lawful pillow before rising up to her knees, then to her feet. Jumping off the bed and waiting for me to get up.

God, I wish I was still that energetic.

Grabbing my robe did I follow her down the stairs and helped her get some cereal and milk, along with the given orange juice to fuel her for the day. While I opted for a fruit yogurt, nothing else seemed appetizing to me at the moment. 

The house seemed far too empty so I looked onto the fridge to see mom's signature note of 'at the army base! Call if you need anything' with the smallest heart drawn on. Guess this is the good time as any to break the news. 

"Addie sweetie?" I spoke, and she looked up from her book to meet my gaze. Taking one more spoon of food before tilting her head. "Mommy might have to—"
"No!" She started, pouting her lips and already beaming her eyes in a glossy manner. I hated so much when she does this. "Honey p—"
"I don't want you to leave again!"
"Mommy got offered a job and I can't say no...Remember what I said yesterday?" She shook her head, so I leaned in to whisper into her ear...

The surprise

I found it last night, a listing for a house in king's county. Perfect area, just need to call to make a tour. "What kind of surprise?"
"Well, maybe if I can get in touch with Merley we can—" Her face lit up immensely in the single mention of his name, so I let her finish eating as I laid out the clothes for us both. 

Sort of excited to see Rhodey and the rest of them, to brush and feed them. Maybe when Addie's a bit older she can learn to run with them, just not today. 

Taking the phone to my ear did I begin to call him, it rang the given two times before a loud hello sparked up. "Well if it ain't sweetheart comin' in for the first time in how long? Somethin' wrong?"
 "No, thought you'd want to see Addie. When's the last time you saw her?"
"Think we needa talk anyhow, how's 'bout an hour. Gotta finish up some stuff." 

It sounded like he was doing something, or just woke up. It was pretty late, to be honest, but being up so late to write some of the final reports and look at listings was something I managed to find extremely rewarding. 

Addie hasn't gone on the bike for a while either, so getting out her little jacket and boots did I ready that as well. Might as well surprise her now. 

Getting dressed did I manage to braid my hair before returning downstairs and laying the clothes on the table while she asked if I could do the same to hers. When she was about a few months old, my mother claimed that there wouldn't be a thing I don't how to do by the time she's a four years. 

Look at me now, braiding and styling my own child.

Off into the hallway bathroom, she went before returning decked out in the outfit my mom flaunted her with. 

The walk down to the stables was one thing, but the million questions about what I did in New Haven and Washington were otherwise difficult to explain. Much less to a six-year-old who's imagination is running wild, far too wild to understand everything. 

So instead did I manage to ready both horses, the checklist fresh in my mind before taking them out into the open of the Atalanta sun. It's still September, the weather should be changing any minute. "Does that mean you're going to miss my baseball games?"
"I'm going to ask Rickey and Lori you can stay with them...How does that sound?"

"Really?" I nodded, and that made her skip along as I gave her the gentle boost up. Making it clear that I didn't want her direct the horse until I too was on, and she followed directions flawlessly.

"Is Shaney still going to come to my games?"
"Of course, come on... Why don't you tell me about this project?" She began to explain to me all the thing she's learning in second grade, her friends, and her teacher. 

Mom told me in full length how she was excelling in every subject, and even now with writing and reading. And I'm honestly relieved in hearing that, I don't doubt Addie's father couldn't read or write at this age, but I wouldn't bet my life on it either.

"Mommy, can you do the thing?" My daughter so faithfully asked, with her following my directions and everything did I see Lucky at the far side of the field. So allowing my hands to leave the leather grip they were in did I let a loud whistle escape, and in the clear blown moment did he sprint down this way. Greeting our rides and staying with us for the given moments before tracking something else in another direction.

She was speaking at the moment, but stopped mid-sentence for the smile on her face began to rise. It took myself a minute to hear what it was, until the gentle wave exchange between them both sounded off.
"If ain't my two favorite girls, howdy there hun." He was already making fun of the little hat she wore, but nicking her head did she jump on off. Handing me the leather grip now, telling them both to meet me at the stable did Merle get the idea.

Of course my daughter loved bikes, she's in the process of learning to ride one at the moment. Just lacking the motor, the training wheel can come off soon. Or that's what Jarod said. 

It was an easy trot considering the two of them were well aware of my easy touch, before long even I too jumped down. And gave Merle the greeting hug before Addie wanted to put them both away. "Careful princess, that might be too heavy for you. Just you wait, when ya a lil older. Maybe then ya can take a stab at it." 

Not knowing that he knew his way around horses, did I see this unfold. The jokes and constant teasing between the two of them commenced and before long I realized I've been brushing the same spot on Rhodey for the past few minutes. 

"You busy today?" I asked, and he made a face before shaking his head.
"Got a couple hours, why? Got somethin' planned hun?" I nodded, kneeling down to Addie and telling her to change into her leather jacket. Along with getting me my own, we were going for a ride. 

"Hell, ya do have a plan."
"Part one of the given twelve. You said you weren't staying long in—"
"Yeah, headin' out. Wanna see the land, maybe Texas. Hear there some great—...Come on Blake, ya had to know this day was comin'. Can't be baby sittin' my brother forever." I shrugged.

"I haven't thought about him since...It's been awhile." He shook his head while still continuing to walk along with me, moving his bike forward as we were meeting Addie at the barn to get my own. 

"What 'bout ya? The hell ya got so many parts to the plan?"
"I'm going too...Just for a little bit." I sighed, kicking the dirt as my hands entered my pocket. I knew what he's reaction would be, and I'm puzzled to think how well I know him by now to realize this is a bad fucking idea.

"Why's that hun?"

"Quantico." He stopped midway to return to his position, kicking the bike's stand to look at me fully before whipping his mouth with a hand. I couldn't see his expression, he was covering it until the full blown laughter came about. 

"Well I'll be fuckin' damned, you shittin' me? Blake fuckin' Holden is gonna be an Agent? How long does that take?"
"Training is three months, I'm going to be on call for the rest of the year I guess. I need to work out a plan. She's going to stay with a family friend if I ever get the change to ask them." 
We continued off to walk, and before we could even get to the barn. I could see Addie running this way again, only getting distracted by Lucky running along with her. "And where we headed?"
"King's county. I think I found a house."
"I bet ya gonna plant that good ol' government money right into a nice ass mansion hun. Don't blame ya." 
I shook my head, proud of the land I actually found. And instead of ruining the surprise I rolled my bike out of the barn.

"Nah, but it still needs a Dixon's approval." The rusty chuckle sparked free, especially when Addie came decked out in her little leather jacket and braid still hanging strong. 

Taking the jacket from her do I pull it over my shoulders and hand her her helmet before situating myself back onto my bike. "Ya know what it's near? Bet I can help ya find it."

"The library, it's not downtown but it's close." He nodded, heading out before we were right in pursuit. Her arms stayed glued to my waist as he heads just resting on my back in a general hold. And only at red lights did she give herself the benefit to breath, she loves going on bike rides. And she's relatively calm this time around seeing how Merle's right in front of us. "Mommy, why isn't he wearing a helmet?"
"That's a good question sweetie, why isn't he wearing a helmet?" My teasing commenced as Merle just created an awnser out of thin air. But it did make my daughter giggle with delight.

And that's all that mattered.

I love taking my daughter on these rides, the last time I had gone was before I left for the summer. And even then did we ride for the given few hours to find a small ice cream shop. But this is probably the same reasoning, the guilt is settling in.

For the longest time did we ride side by side, until the windy road permitted us from doing so. And even then, were we close to the destination, so he was trailing a bit behind not wanting to have to turn around. 

So proudly did I put on my blinker to tell him, doubt he could hear me through a helmet and our roaring bikes. So with my bike slowing down and the turn being cut ever so easily, did I quickly move through the now winding road of this secluded house.

It wasn't too far up the driveway, less than the farms. Maybe a good five, six-minute walk if need be. Bt the laughter already sparked even before he managed to turn off his bike.

"Damn, ya got my vote." He yelled, and as I helped Addie off the bike to look before us both. She ripped her helmet off with a smile radiating with her frizzy braid still trying to be maintained. "Mommy...What's this?"

"This is the surprise, this is going to be our house." The sudden drop of her face sounded as she ran up to the front door, wanting to on inside.

"Ya two go on, wanna check 'round out back. The garage too. Can't have ya bike get any less than it deserves." I nodded at his quick instant to check the property. But then I pointed up the garage, and what's upstairs. "It's got a bedroom up there, ever need a place to stay when you're back."
"How come ya so sure ya gonna get this house?"
"It's been on the market for three years, someone would've pounced on it by now." The conversation with Merle was cut short as Addie wanted to continue through, the lady on the phone yesterday claimed that the key code was simply the first numbers of her phone number. 
So with that in mind, did the little black box open, and we were on our way inside the house. 

Already did it feel the vibe of...Home.

The pictures were one thing, but the fact that it already opened up to a very large living room. The stairs already being greeted at the front of the house. The kitchen could use some work, maybe a remodel. But the price is low enough that I can handle this project.

The risen den held a fireplace and long ways before the sliding glass doors presented a nice enclosed porch. And shockingly enough, a bar already. Damn. "Mommy! Can I go upstairs!"

"Just one-second hun!" I said, coming from the den back towards the stairs to follow her up. I knew which room she'd take in the instant, but she pointed out the bathroom and my room as she claimed it to be. 

But the last room I saved for her. "This...Will be your room." I spoke, and although it looked small in comparison, when I closed the door and opened up the small little-converted attic.

She went mad with it, climbing up the little latter to look around it. "When can we live here? A-and what about Carl and scho—"
"You'll go to the same school, and we're closer to Carl and Rickey. Don't you worry."
"And Merle?" She spoke so softly, so I told her to come closer. But she was scared to move, instead I crawled on up towards her, making her smile at my excitement for this. 

"He can come and visit any time he wants, the house needs a little work. But when I come back from work. It'll be all set. Alright?" She nodded, tackling me yet again. Barely being home for the given day and already she's tackled me a dozen times. 
"Blake! Ya still in here!"
"Upstairs!" I yelled, and Addie was quick to run towards him while I struggled to not hit my head on the enclosing walls. "This is going to be my room!" She proclaimed, holding Merle's hand as he was lead on in here. But my laugh at the sheer level of purity that he has for his niece was beyond me.

"Gotta say, when I thought ya said ya found a house. Didn't think this was gonna be it."
"Why? What's—"
"Ain't nothin' wrong, the garage is damn nice. Got deer tracks everywhere. Already got a tire swing...Best let me fix it before ya go on it aight?" He said, now warning Addie on what she shouldn't do. And she nodded before scampering off. 

"How much is this place?"
"two hundred thousand, give or take. Probably can knock it down more...Kitchen needs some work."
"God am I fuckin' proud of ya." I laughed, continuing forward with my arms intertwined with one another around my chest.
"Bet he'd be proud too." Shaking my head as I focused on going down the stairs before looking back up at him, still shaking it. "How'd ya think he responds now if ya told him?"
"It's not just him I'm afraid of, it's her too."
"Why ya gotta be afraid? He's harmless now, growin' softer. Think he's regrettin' more than just what he did to ya...Ever wonder if he knows already?"

"Then screw him twice," I growled, seeing my daughter run through the given rooms.

"Mommy, don't you need an office?" I nodded, but explain to her there's a little room upstairs I can take had her nod. Already planning on what can go where and all that stuff. "Got a hell of an imagination that kid...Why ya buyin' this place anyway?"
"It's getting crowded at the farm. This is just closer to everything."
"Or farther away from Dar—." He nodded when I looked taken back at the name. 

I haven't said it in years, haven't spoken about it at all. Even Mickey has forgotten about his little friend he had for the short while. "Makin' bank with the government job...can't even offer ya a drink or a smoke."
"There's a bar that has your name on it." He groaned into the air as he went to go find it. Laughing up a storm to see Addie already playing on the playlet outside. 

"When ya plannin' on movin' in?"
"When I come back from training." He nodded, taking out the smoke before resting on the porches wooden door.
"Come on Quantico, breakin' my heart over here. Take a rest, ya earned it." Shaking my head at the offer again, did he sigh. Knowing full well no amount of asking would have me budge. 

"Got a bonfire if ya interested...Kiddin' kiddin'. Everyone left 'while ago, don't think Daryl knew everybody be gone after few years." My eyes now looked at him instead of my daughter, had everyone really left? "Shawn left, ya know Rachel left. Same as Karen, hell if we can ever find Trevor or Jake 'gain..." 
He sounded sort of upset, but the name I was looking for never popped up. My grudge against Jules never went away, whenever he name is mentioned I cleanly grit my teeth an wait for the subject to leave my head.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd be hanging around cops either."
"That's cause ya are one. Ya soarin' hun, don't mean to pull ya down. Just how it is." I chuckled, twisting and pulling my dog tags as I watched her leap off the swing. 
Cringing every time she manages to do it, and awaiting the one times she falls flat on her ass.
"Ya still got that ring on ya?" 

"...Yeah..." I mumbled, he never truly agreed with the idea considering he still wishes for me to tell his brother. "What ya even callin' this dead finance of ya's anyhow?" Rolling my eyes did I end up bringing my hands to rub them both. Tired as all hell from the jet lag that slowly brought me through.
"You're the first person to ask for a name, you know that."
"Cause I'm one of the few who knows that truth...Rachel didn't set ya up with a name?" I shook my head, she as too busy looking for different areas the said sim could be working wise. 

Guess we missed a crucial part.

"Toby? Hell ya pull that name out of the air for?"
"I don't fucking know, Christ."
"Ohohoh someones gettin' a little heated, best lock up the house before ya wanna leave. It'll be gettin' dark soon and I think someone got work soon." Letting my eyes squint at his teasing reminder did I call Addie on back.

She looked upset in leaving already, but there was nothing here to validate to stay any longer. So off we went.

Merle said his goodbyes while I went off in the other direction to bring my daughter into town, because I know a little place that serves some very good ice cream.


Date Posted:  05-31-18// Time: 11:57
Word-Count: 3365

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