Chapter Three.

Begging note:

Okay i lied, this chapter is grammar corrected, idk why it is.


A Ten Thousand Year Wait-Chapter 3

"Guys! To your lions quickly! Pidge, Keith and I will follow you, and Coran, put up the barrier up and keep Allura safe while we fight" Pidge nods and runs to their lion followed by Keith and Shiro, they get in the pilot seat and fly their lion to the Galra warship carefully.

They latch their lion to the underside of the warship, and break inside silently using their bayard, Shiro and Keith follow them through the hole they made. "Good job Pidge" whispered Shiro as he and Pidge went off to the prisoners to free them, while Keith ran away to avoid Galra soldiers.

Keith looked into his mental link with Red and ran off in search of his lion, he ended up in front of her, she had her barriers up. The sight of her made Keith feel nostalgic, he hadn't been flying her in such a long time after all. He bit his lip and looked behind him, Galra soldiers were running towards him. He turned to red with a determined look in his eyes "Red, please open up!"

The soldiers were shooting at him while red stayed unresponsive, he could feel her hesitation at opening up. He shot one last desperate look to red before hiding behind a control panel, he activated his bayard and ran at the soldiers. He cut down quite a amount of soldiers but they kept coming at him, a never ending stream of robots.

He looked at the control panel he was clinging to, deciding there was only one thing left to do to try and keep red safe from them. No matter how risky it was, it's for red. He reached over to the panel's screen and activated the airlock on the ground, he held onto the panel tighter as he watched the soldiers get dragged in. Holding onto the panel became harder for him as the air began pulling harder, he shot a desperate look at red before he was flung into space.

Red activated when she saw her paladin in danger, she flew towards him and opened her mouth to take him inside to the pilot seat. She greeted her paladin with a purr, she's missed him for such a long time. Zarkon tried to offer her other paladins but she didn't want another paladin besides Keith, she knew he was still alive, and she was right.

Keith led red straight into the battle, he helped Lance take out the ships around them and waited for Shiro and Pidge to report back to them.

Sendak glared at the screen when he saw the red lion flying around in the battle, he turned to his second in command "Who is piloting the red lion?" His second in command answered him easily "According to our information, it's the prince, he survived" Sendak turned to the screen with a glare "So the prince survived the last attack to altea... how bothersome"

At that moment Sendak caught sight of something else on his ship, he turned to his second in command with a smirk "It seems the commander of the army also survived, send soldiers to him and eliminate him. They're with the prisoners cells, they probably want to free them"

Pidge and Shiro were currently taking the prisoners to the escape pods, after the disappointing reveal of Pidge's family not being with the prisoners on this ship. The prisoners called Shiro champion when they got freed, it confused them both. Despite the confusion they led the prisoners to the escape pods safely, or so they thought.

A bunch of soldiers came from the left, Shiro turned to them and glared "Pidge bring the prisoners into the escape pods, stay safe. I'll handle the soldiers" He ran up to them with his bayard, but fell down with a cry when his arm started glowing. His eyes widened, he forgot about his arm, he recovered quickly and used a combo of his arm and bayard to defeat the soldiers.

Meanwhile, Pidge brought the prisoners into the escape pods. The prisoners thanked them profusely and swore to tell everyone about their bravery, they smiled and the prisoners waited so they could later thank Shiro as well. Pidge turned to Shiro and caught the last moments of the fight, their eyes widened when they saw him fight.

When Shiro finished fighting he turned to Pidge and the prisoners, the prisoners thanked Shiro as well and he just smiled at them. "No Problem" The prisoners left in the escape pod afterwards, grateful smiles still existent on their faces."We should report back and head to green shouldn't we?" Shiro nodded at Pidge's question, "We do, great job Pidge" Pidge nodded, happy to have the answer right.

While they were running back to green, they looked out of the window as well. They witnessed a part of the others fighting, Shiro smiled when he saw red flying around in space. Glad to see Keith had gotten his lion back, now he just needed black.

They made it back to green safely, and then flew to the other lions to back them up in the fight. They heard Coran's voice in the comms congratulating them "Great job paladins, you can come back to the castle now" they all turned their lions around and flew them back to the castle. Everyone landed their Lions in front of the door that was hiding the black lion away, all of the lions roared together and the door opened to reveal the black lion.

Shiro smiled and walked up to him "Hey black, glad to have you back" black activated as well and everyone took a step back instinctively, Shiro got into black and led him out of his hiding place. Everyone was in awe of the lion, black was a very impressive lion to see after all.

Shiro smiled at the feeling of being back in black, he turned on his comm. Having a great idea to catch up with Keith, "Hey Keith, want to go on a ride in black?" Keith chuckled before answering "Of course" black opened his mouth and Keith got inside of black, he stood next to Shiro comfortably. Shiro put his hands on the controls and got black to fly out of the castle and into space, the rest watched them leave the castle.

Shiro smiled in delight and they flew around stars and looked at other planets, Keith walked up behind Shiro and wrapped his arms around his neck. They both loved the stars immensely and were happy to be reunited again, Shiro turned his head around to kiss Keith. Keith kissed back and they stayed like that for a while, intertwined with each others thoughts.

Lance smirked a little,"Let's go to the kitchen and leave the love birds on their own" everyone agreed with him, and they went to the kitchen to eat food. When they got to the dinner table they saw that Coran already prepared food while Allura was already seated at the dinner table and smiled at them "Where are Shiro and Keith?"

Everyone sat down at the table before answering Allura "They're flying together in the black lion" Allura nodded and Coran looked giddy when they said that, Pidge looked at Coran in confusion "What's wrong Coran?" He turned to them with starts in his eyes "Flying together is a very romantic thing to do for alteans!, i miss the old days of having a picnic with all of them"

Everyone except for Pidge stares at Coran with wide eyes "They are that close? For a moment i thought it was just an arranged marriage or something" Hunk stated, "That's adorable!". Pidge grinned smugly, already knowing the answer "It was originally a arranged marriage but they fell in love, Shiro told me" Lance looked at Pidge with a grin "Oh really?".

After eating and talking about Shiro and Keith, Lance looked at Coran and asked "Where do Shiro and Keith sleep? They told us that if we need help we could go to them but never said where they sleep etc" Coran smiled at him "I'm glad you asked! Follow me", he led them to Shiro and Keith's room, it was in the same hallway as Coran's room.

"Uhhh Coran, That's just one room?" he smiled at the questioning voices and turned to them "Yes i know, but I'm sure Shiro would like it if you ask him instead. Now off to bed with you guys" Everyone just nodded and went off to their own room after bidding each other goodnight.

Coran stayed on the bridge of the ship looking at the status of the ship, while waiting for Shiro and Keith to come back. When he got information that black was still flying around he smiled to himself and went off to go to his own room, they can talk in the morning.

Shiro landed black on the surface of a unknown but peaceful planet, Keith got them a blanket and they sat down on the ground in front of black and cuddled together on a blanket. "I miss times like this" Keith hummed and let his head rest on Shiro's shoulder "Me too" he tangled their hands together.

They stayed cuddled up like that for a few hours, Shiro's arm lazily stroking Keith's hair while Keith rested against Shiro. A few kisses were exchanged between them until Keith felt red telling him to come back to the castle, " says we need to go back to the castle" Shiro chuckled and stood up. Entering black, and taking place in the pilot seat again.

He flew them back to the castle, they landed in black's hangar. Shiro told Keith to go to red while he got them both some food, Keith nodded and wandered off to go and find red. He found her where he left her in the hall, "Sorry Girl" red purred, apology accepted, and let Keith inside so she could be guided back to her own hangar, which is exactly what Keith did.

Keith ran red back to her hangars, she purred and thanked him for taking her back to her hangar. She let him out and he was greeted with the sight of Shiro holding a plate "Everyone is already asleep, we can eat in our room can't we?" Keith nodded and they went of to their room.

They cuddled together in bed while eating their food, when they were finished with their food they put the plates aside and cuddled together until they fell asleep.

The next morning everyone was woken up by the intercom again, this time it's Keith telling them to wake up. Everyone gathers at breakfast and Lance asks Shiro his question from yesterday "So, do you two sleep together?" Shiro looked at Lance questioningly "Yes we share a room, is there something you need us for?"

Lance shook his head "No, sir. Just wanted to see if what Coran showed was true" Coran hid a proud smile, of course what he said was true. He handed everyone a bowl of space goo and they ate their breakfast, they asked the alteans questions about everything and they answered.

When breakfast was over Shiro went to the training room with the new paladins while Keith, Coran and Allura went to the bridge of the ship. That's where they noticed that there was something or rather someone in front of their door.

The three of them went to check, they got exited the castle and found a small something in the bushes. Allura kneeled down and gently asked the thing to get out of the bushes, when it did get out of the bushes it turned to the alteans and ran to them.

"The lion god is displeased with us! We need your help", before anything could be explained he led the group of three to his village where they met a man they guess is the king. The king turned to them and all three of them kneeled down, trying to explain that the gods weren't angry at them.

It went semi successful for Keith who still ended up having to watch a dance, Allura and Coran joined in watching just like the rest of the arusians. Keith complimented the arusian when they were done with dancing, said arusian ended up hugging him out of gratitude.

The three of them ended up staying in the village forging bonds with the inhabitants of the planet, they assured them that the giant lions they saw were merely trying to protect them. The arusians thankfully believed them, and asked where the rest of the paladins where "They're still training, but I'll take them to visit eventually"

After a while of training Shiro was surprised that Coran, Allura nor Keith showed up to have a look, so he decided to stop training early and have a look to where they were. Shiro walked around the castle and found none of the three anywhere, he went to the bridge of the ship and activated the intercom.

"Can everyone go to the bridge of the ship. Coran, Allura and Keith aren't in the castle." Everyone hurried to the bridge of the ship in panic "What do we do now?" Shiro frowned and turned to the group "We'll search for them as a team, I don't want anyone hurt" they nodded and followed Shiro outside.

They walked around until they saw the village with all three of the people they were searching for, Keith turned to Shiro and walked up to him. When he got close enough he was swept in a hug by Shiro who held him tight, he chuckled and hugged Shiro back.

The others went to look around the village, Coran invited the arusians to have a party with them in the evening, to which the king joyfully agreed. Allura and Pidge sneaked away, when Pidge said that they found a Galra ship in close proximity that likely has information about the Galra.

When they arrived to the ship, Allura kept a look out while Pidge used their holo pad to get information to where their families could be. Before they could finish they were quickly pulled away after Allura spotted something strange in the sky.

The object landed exactly on the ship startling both of them, when it opened up it revealed something neither of them could describe.

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